Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro: Urged to Stay the Eff Away from Jen Harley, Fight for Full Custody of Daughter

Congratulations are in order for Jen Harley.

The occasionally violent and sporadic girlfriend of Ronnie Ortiz-Magro has managed to accomplish the near-impossible:

She has turned this Jersey Shore cast member into a sympathetic figure.

For years, Ronnie had been known for his quick temper and his wandering penis, as he shamelessly flirted with women while in serious relationships and admittedly cheated on both Sammi “Sweetheart” Giancola and Harley.

Now, however, most Jersey Shore viewers are on Team Ronnie, following a couple of frightening and over-the-top actions perpetrated by Harley against the reality star.

She and Ronnie started dating last summer and welcomed a daughter named Ariana into the world in early April.

But it was only a few weeks after this blessed event that Ronnie and Jen engaged in a vicious social media fight, lobbing one insult after another at each other, as summarized below.

Pretty crazy, right?

Since then, both sides have sort of apologized and the D-Listers have even tried to make their relationship work.

Only it is clearly doomed.

First, in the second week of June, Harley went off on Ronnie while the MTV personality was filming in Las Vegas, instigating a brawl that had to be broken up by the authorities.

Then, just a few days ago, Harley got arrested for hitting Ronnie in the face while driving and then speeding away while he tried to get out of the car, dragging him across the road in the process.

Pretty nuts, right?

This is her mug shot:

Following this latest incident, Ronnie is apparently receiving lots of advice from those close to him.

TMZ reports that Ortiz-Magro attended a barbecue with Harley prior to her alleged assault of him because he’s afraid she will take little Ariana away from him.

He has been trying to maintain a healthy relationship out of fear of losing his three-month old.

But friends are now pushing Ortiz-Magro to forget this line of thinking and simply rely on the court system — because they are worried Harley may do something even more dangerous than dragging him by a car.

There’s simply no way to reconcile at this point and Ronnie ought to let lawyers hash out a custody arrangement, this friends say.

Along similar lines, Hollywood Life spoke to an insider who says Ronnie is now facing pressure to take Ariana way from Jen.

It’s simply a matter of what is best for the infant.

“Ronnie’s family fears for the baby’s safety after Jen’s recent spat of violence and arrest,” this source explains, adding:

“Ronnie is hearing it from those closest to the situation that Jen is out of control. Ronnie’s family is encouraging him to do the right thing:

“Take care of his new baby and go to court for full custody before something tragic happens to his new baby.”

Whoever would have thought that it would be reasonable to believe Ronnie Ortiz-Magro is the safest parental option for a child?

But that point is difficult to argue after what we’ve heard and read about these past few weeks.

And Ronnie does seem pretty into his kid, referring to her as “My Life” on Instagram while sharing numerous photos of the adorable nugget.

Overall, we can’t say exactly what is best for Ariana.

We just know that her parents need to grow up, keep their distance from each other and work on an amicable relationship of some kind if they want her to grow up in a healthy environment.

And that’s really all that matters, don’t you agree?
