Showing posts with label Everything's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Everything's. Show all posts

Monday, August 13, 2018

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley: We"re Back Together! Everything"s Fine!

Ronnie Ortiz-Magro’s love life is just too much.

Way, way too much.

And if you watched Jersey Shore in its glorious original run, you know that — his relationship with Sammi Giancola was constantly messy and scary and sad.

Just on the show, we saw him cheat on her multiple times, and once he destroyed her entire room after a fight by throwing her belongings around and flipping her bed over.

Of course, Sam wasn’t completely innocent in all the drama.

She always had something against JWoww because of her friendship with Ronnie, and on one particularly bizarre occasion, she asked him if he was friends with her, and when he wouldn’t answer, she punched him in the face.

But that was just one relationship, you know?

Maybe Ronnie and Sam were just particularly terrible for each other, or maybe because they were so young and also on a reality show, things just got super crazy.

Except for the past few months, we’ve been hearing some pretty disturbing stories about Ron and the mother of his child, Jen Harley.

And now we’re pretty sure Ron is just a terrible boyfriend who seeks out terrible girlfriends.

A few months ago, these two wild and crazy kids got into a fight on social media, apparently because Ronnie found some videos of Jen having sex with some other guy on her phone.

He made a post on Instagram about how you “can’t turn a natural born HOE, into a housewife,” and Jen hit back with “can’t turn a coke head into a father.”

After that, he apologized, but then he shared some texts from someone who claimed to have had sex with Jen on a taco float while she ignored Ron’s calls, so it seems like he didn’t mean it.

Let’s see, he threatened physical violence while she was filming an Instagram Live video, then they got into a fight over their dog.

But at the end of June, things got even more serious when they got into another brawl — a really, really nasty one.

Jen was driving them home from a friend’s house, when — surprise! — they got into an argument.

Ronnie claimed that she punched him several times, and when he tried to get out of the car, she hit the gas and dragged him down the road.

His story checks out, because when police responded to the scene, they noted that he had “apparent injuries to his mouth and arms and road rash,” and that there was blood all over the car.

Jen claimed that Ron had hit her, too, and the officer who wrote the police report believed her, but she was considered to be the aggresor, so she’s the one that got arrested.

Their daughter was in the car during all of this, by the way.

They were supposed to be done for good after that, but a little over a week later, they were seen celebrating the Fourth of July together.

And now, believe it or not, they are together again.

For real.

Ronnie and Jen, along with their daughter, are on vacation Puerto Rico right now, and Jen’s been sharing some cute (???) family photos.

And if the fact that they’re on a beautiful vacation together isn’t enough proof that things are all romantic between them again, then know that a source has confirmed to E! News that they are, in fact, on again.

“They’ve been quiet about it but it’s been about a month now,” the insider claimed.

“They want peace and they want things to work out for the baby’s sake.”

Still, the souce added that the next season of Jersey Shore: Famiy Vacation is going to be “crazy.”

And that’s because “There was so much up and down with them, so much drama, and the cameras caught a lot of it.”

Did MTV cameras manage to capture the dead dog fight?

Were there cameras installed on the dashboard of the car to catch Ron being dragged down the road?

If either of those things are true, we can imagine the new season will definitely be crazy, and not necessarily in a good way.

As for this apparent reunion of Ronnie and Jen … ugh.

It’s not like they’re going to magically be able to have any kind of healthy relationship, and it will actually be a miracle if they manage to make it home without one of them getting arrested.

But … have fun? 


Saturday, February 17, 2018

John Wall Says Everything"s Great with Marcin Gortat

John Wall’s not mincing words about his relationship with his Wizards teammate, Marcin Gortat … he straight up tells us everything’s cool! We got the injured NBA star leaving Mastro’s in Bev Hills Friday night — he’s in town for All-Star Weekend…


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Peter Kraus Might Not Be the Bachelor, Because Everything"s Garbage

Did Peter Kraus being a mature person with a grounded, honest idea of what engagements mean kill his chance to be the Bachelor?

Yeah, we know — it’s upsetting to think about.

But, unthinkably, it’s starting to look that way.

From very early on, Peter Kraus was a clear frontrunner on this last season of The Bachelorette.

To the collective horror of most of the Bachelor Nation, Rachel Lindsay chose Bryan Abasolo and left Peter as a weeping mess.

What appears to have been the deciding factor for Rachel, despite Peter Kraus’ countless winning qualities, is that Bryan was willing to say exactly what Rachel wanted to hear.

Rachel wanted her season to end with a proposal.

To Peter, a proposal means a commitment to marry — which is, folks, literally what proposals are — and he would want to continue to get to know Rachel and date her after their season ended.

You don’t know someone until you’ve seen them off-camera.

To Rachel, though, a delay on the proposal meant an interruption of her carefully imagined plans.

It was a dealbreaker.

But many began to hope that Peter would go on to have a career within the Bachelor Nation.

We talked to you about why Peter Kraus would be the perfect Bachelor.

He has a huge fanbase already.

He’s charming, he’s handsome.

And there’s a reason that we spent an entire post talking about Peter Kraus’ abs, folks.


Despite the demands by Bachelor Nation members of sense everywhere, however, it looks like the creator of The Bachelor doesn’t think that Peter is the right fit.

Mike Fleiss is a producer of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. He is also the creator of The Bachelor.

Just a few hours ago, in possibly the most transparent subtweet that we have seen, ever, in our lives, Mike Fleiss said this:

“Do we really want a Bachelor who isn’t ready to settle down with a woman he loves? Hmmm. Not what #thebachelor is all about…”

Dude, that is not subtle at all.

Peter Kraus has said that he’s undecided about being the Bachelor, but his fans are rooting for him.

In the light of Mike Fleiss’ tweet, though, many fans are crushed.

We’d like to point out that it isn’t a “hard no.”

And also that Fleiss didn’t actually mention Peter Kraus by name at all.

(Even though he might as well have just hired a skywriter to spell out Peter’s full name in the heavens)

It’s entirely possible that Fleiss is deliberately teasing the Bachelor Nation, or even floating the idea by appearing to reject it.

As many fans responded, Peter as a suitor and Peter as the leading man are very different things regarding his willingness to commit.

We’ll say this much about the horrible nightmare universe where Peter Kraus isn’t the Bachelor:

At least there’s a chance that it could be Dean Unglert.

If you’ll recall, Dean Unglert is also a favorite to be the Bachelor. Despite his youth.

Unlike with Peter Kraus, even Rachel Lindsay seemed supportive of the idea of Dean taking up the mantle.

Dean is a little young, but he’s 26, so … that shouldn’t be a dealbreaker for anyone.

He’s also basically universally loved (even by Peter — those two struck up a real friendship) and his dazzling blue eyes can steal anyone’s heart.

So, even without Peter, there’s a very real chance that the next season of The Bachelor could be salvaged.

But (as Rachel Lindsay is likely to feel in a few years), we’ll always wonder what might have been.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

VP-Elect Mike Pence -- Selfie with House Republicans ... Everything"s All White (PHOTO)

There’s a blizzard in Congress … courtesy of Veep-elect Mike Pence and his selfie stick. Looks like Pence wanted to top House Speaker Paul Ryan’s now infamous selfie with Capitol Hill interns — ‘cause he snapped this shot with all the sitting…


Friday, October 2, 2015

Jessa Duggar & Ben Seewald Share Marriage Tips: Everything"s More Dramatic at Night!

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald appeared at the Southern Women’s Show in Orlando last week, and the unscripted Q&A session yielded some serious gaffes and surprising revelations.

First we learned that Jessa and Ben responded to claims that they’re broke and effectively unemployed by…encouraging their fans to shop at Ross? We’re hoping that was part of an endorsement deal.

Anyway, Jessa and Ben’s random money-saving tips were quickly overshadowed by the announcement that Jessa’s home birth will be featured on a TLC special about the Seewalds.

That obviously drew an excited response from the crowd, but it seems Jessa and Ben weren’t through offering tips about how to maintain a happy home.

Hey, no one understands marriage better than a couple of newlyweds in their early 20s, right? Take it away, Seewalds:

Yes, Jessa and Ben opened up about what goes on in their bedroom at night – and there was nothing remotely sexy about it.

Apparently, the Seewalds have a rule against arguing “in the evening” because they feel that “everything is more dramatic at night.”

They say they turn to the Bible to help them settle disputes, but frankly, that quote sounds more like tagline from Josh’s Ashley Madison profile!