Showing posts with label Garbage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garbage. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Dan Rather Says NY Giants Are Garbage, But I Love Eli Manning!

Dan Rather ain’t all that impressed by the Giants’ win Monday night — he thinks they’re still awful … but he’s happy as hell for Eli Manning!! The CBS News legend watched Eli turn back the clock on “MNF” … leading a game-winning TD drive over…


Friday, November 2, 2018

Deion Sanders Says Raiders Are Garbage, "I Can"t Take This No More!"

Deion Sanders is declaring the Oakland Raiders UNWATCHABLE … calling Jon Gruden’s team straight-up GARBAGE after losing to the 49ers. AND HE’S RIGHT — THEY WERE TRASH LAST NIGHT!!! SOMEONE COME GET YA RAIDAS!! The Raiders fell to 1-7 after…


Monday, August 6, 2018

Mickey Rourke Supports NFL Kneelers, Hates "Garbage Can" Trump

Mickey Rourke tells TMZ Sports … Donald Trump is a “garbage can president” — and he’d gladly protest with the NFL kneelers as a way to stick it to our “sh**ty” Commander in Chief.  “The Expendables” star was at Ago on Saturday night when we…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Sean Spicer Heckled During Book Tour in New York, Called "Garbage Person"

Sean Spicer’s new book and subsequent book tour did not go over well in New York this week — at least according to this heckler … who called him “garbage” 3 different ways.  President Trump’s former Press Secretary is making the rounds for…


Sean Spicer Heckled During Book Tour in New York, Called "Garbage Person"

Sean Spicer’s new book and subsequent book tour did not go over well in New York this week — at least according to this heckler … who called him “garbage” 3 different ways.  President Trump’s former Press Secretary is making the rounds for…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Jenelle Evans: MTV Just Treated Me Like Subhuman Garbage and I"m DONE!

Once again, Jenelle Evans is threatening to quit MTV’s Teen Mom 2, claiming producers are causing major damage to her life and marriage.

In response to her portrayal on Monday’s episode, the Carolina Hurricane said she is “not healthy anymore” and put the network on blast.

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you saw an episode last night that focused heavily on marital problems between Jenelle and David Eason.

The 25-year-old did not take kindly to it.

Slamming producers in an Instagram post early Tuesday, she said the way her marriage was portrayed by producers is just “uncalled for.” 

“Yes, me and David have our ups and downs but yesterday’s episode was uncalled for,” she captioned the not-at-all-staged pic above.

“Because David didn’t feel like explaining another argument or drama on camera,” Jenelle said, MTV distorted it terribly. 

“They make it look as if David is hiding some weird ass shit from the public as if he was hurting me in some way?”

Evans continued railing against last night’s Teen Mom 2: “I have decided after this season I’m probably calling it quits for filming this show.”

“I told [my Teen Mom producer] Morgan it’s getting to out of hand and it’s not healthy for us anymore, just harming us mentally.”

“They treat all of us as if we are in a freak show and in cages. WE aren’t human beings to @mtv what-so-ever.”

“The first screenshot of the custody episode someone posted photoshopping a hand mark on my arm.”

“The other screenshots are pictures I’ve taken myself from the same episode… and there aren’t any hand marks.

“Once they treat me with respect I’ll be back, if they don’t I’ll be happy with the life I’ve got. I told them this last night. #MarriedLife #MIA”

Cameras followed the newlyweds last night as they planned a photoshoot for the Save the Date cards for their forthcoming wedding.

At one point, Eason appeared to kick the film crew out of the house, though he acted like everything was fine the next day.

It was not fine, however, as Jenelle saw it.

She continued with a second rant later: 

“MTV has done a great job this time. I watched last nights episode at 2 p.m. yesterday afternoon and have been very upset ever since.”

Though her Instagram is active, she said, “I deactivated my accounts mainly because I don’t want to even begin to read the comments.”

“Here are texts of me explaining that subtitling my son when he has speech therapy isn’t right at all,” she adds, with this screen shot:

“MTV feels the need to keep it in their story and out the subtitle in ‘feed me,"” she laments, noting “I’ve blocked all my producers numbers.”

“I will not stand for the negative shit anymore. I’ll be off social media for a while to be focusing on solely my family. @mtv”

Jenelle’s parting shot to the producers? “You guys are making my marriage look like it’s one big f–king joke so thanks.”

In Evans’ defense, she is not the only member of the cast to complain about editing, which certainly happens on any show.

Producers have a vested interest in a “storyline” fans want to watch, and often times tension beats calm domestic bliss.

On the flip side … come on Jenelle.

To say she’s had a tumultuous life largely of her own making would be an understatement, and her relationship with David is no exception.

Why would we possibly think this tension with David is manufactured, and moreover, why would she care what Teen Mom 2 fans think?

If you’re a fan of Jenelle, you’ve come to accept the bad with the good a long, long time ago, and support her through thick and thin.

Sure, you might hope reports of a fourth pregnancy (above) are false, and question her decisions, but no one hasn’t formed an opinion.

It is what it is. Why hide behind editing like you’re protecting some pristine, otherwise immaculate reputation MTV is intent on ruining?

Agree? Disagree? Discuss below.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Peter Kraus Might Not Be the Bachelor, Because Everything"s Garbage

Did Peter Kraus being a mature person with a grounded, honest idea of what engagements mean kill his chance to be the Bachelor?

Yeah, we know — it’s upsetting to think about.

But, unthinkably, it’s starting to look that way.

From very early on, Peter Kraus was a clear frontrunner on this last season of The Bachelorette.

To the collective horror of most of the Bachelor Nation, Rachel Lindsay chose Bryan Abasolo and left Peter as a weeping mess.

What appears to have been the deciding factor for Rachel, despite Peter Kraus’ countless winning qualities, is that Bryan was willing to say exactly what Rachel wanted to hear.

Rachel wanted her season to end with a proposal.

To Peter, a proposal means a commitment to marry — which is, folks, literally what proposals are — and he would want to continue to get to know Rachel and date her after their season ended.

You don’t know someone until you’ve seen them off-camera.

To Rachel, though, a delay on the proposal meant an interruption of her carefully imagined plans.

It was a dealbreaker.

But many began to hope that Peter would go on to have a career within the Bachelor Nation.

We talked to you about why Peter Kraus would be the perfect Bachelor.

He has a huge fanbase already.

He’s charming, he’s handsome.

And there’s a reason that we spent an entire post talking about Peter Kraus’ abs, folks.


Despite the demands by Bachelor Nation members of sense everywhere, however, it looks like the creator of The Bachelor doesn’t think that Peter is the right fit.

Mike Fleiss is a producer of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. He is also the creator of The Bachelor.

Just a few hours ago, in possibly the most transparent subtweet that we have seen, ever, in our lives, Mike Fleiss said this:

“Do we really want a Bachelor who isn’t ready to settle down with a woman he loves? Hmmm. Not what #thebachelor is all about…”

Dude, that is not subtle at all.

Peter Kraus has said that he’s undecided about being the Bachelor, but his fans are rooting for him.

In the light of Mike Fleiss’ tweet, though, many fans are crushed.

We’d like to point out that it isn’t a “hard no.”

And also that Fleiss didn’t actually mention Peter Kraus by name at all.

(Even though he might as well have just hired a skywriter to spell out Peter’s full name in the heavens)

It’s entirely possible that Fleiss is deliberately teasing the Bachelor Nation, or even floating the idea by appearing to reject it.

As many fans responded, Peter as a suitor and Peter as the leading man are very different things regarding his willingness to commit.

We’ll say this much about the horrible nightmare universe where Peter Kraus isn’t the Bachelor:

At least there’s a chance that it could be Dean Unglert.

If you’ll recall, Dean Unglert is also a favorite to be the Bachelor. Despite his youth.

Unlike with Peter Kraus, even Rachel Lindsay seemed supportive of the idea of Dean taking up the mantle.

Dean is a little young, but he’s 26, so … that shouldn’t be a dealbreaker for anyone.

He’s also basically universally loved (even by Peter — those two struck up a real friendship) and his dazzling blue eyes can steal anyone’s heart.

So, even without Peter, there’s a very real chance that the next season of The Bachelor could be salvaged.

But (as Rachel Lindsay is likely to feel in a few years), we’ll always wonder what might have been.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Ice Cube to Lakers -- TANKING IS GARBAGE ... Don"t Write Off D"Angelo (Video)

The Lakers are in a tailspin, they’ve lost 7 of their last 8 … and if they’re tanking for a draft pick, Ice Cube says that’s total B.S.  Cube is a big Lake Show fan — so we asked about a possible silver lining to another terrible season ……


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra: Our New House is Garbage!

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltiera haven"t been having too great a time lately.

We"ve seen it in basically every single one of their segments in this season of Teen Mom OG — Catelynn"s depression really just seems to be doing a number on their relationship.

Even after she got back from rehab, she still struggled with things like getting out of bed in the mornings and keeping important appointments.

But even though their marriage seems to be a little iffy at the moment, they"re apparently still trucking on together.

Trucking right on into a new house, that is.

Catelynn and Tyler bought a house last year, but it looks like they want to keep on with their real estate hustle, because in this new sneak peek from next week"s episode of Teen Mom OG, they"re looking at another one.

And this one, poor thing, has a good few issues.

In the clip, you can see them check out the new house and all of its problems — at one point, Tyler even calls the house "garbage."

The house business is some fine drama all by itself, but things get real juicy when Catelynn and Tyler start the arguing.

Like we said, their marriage doesn"t seem to be doing too well.

Check out the dramatic clip below:

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra our new house is garbage

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Shirley Manson -- Beer-Chucking Fan Learns ... Garbage In, Garbage Out!!! (VIDEO)

Shirley Manson went nuclear on a fan who dared to hurl a beer at her in the middle of a concert. Shirley’s band, Garbage, was performing Friday night at Hollywood Forever in L.A., when the unruly fan tossed the can. The brewsky missed its apparent…
