Showing posts with label Shirley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shirley. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Gary Shirley to Amber Portwood: Sorry for Admitting You"re a Bad Mother!

Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley never really had the greatest relationship, but they do share a daughter, Leah, so they pretty much have to get along with each other for the rest of their lives.

Think about that for a second, being forced to deal with Amber for all the rest of your days …

It"s no wonder Gary snapped, right?

In last night"s episode of Teen Mom OG, he had some pretty harsh things to say about her — harsh, but true.

Amber didn"t take it well, so no surprise there, but what was surprising was that Gary took the time to apologize to her on Twitter for everything he said during the episode.

Because again, what he said was true.

Here, let"s just review everything, and you can see if you think Gary needed to apologize, OK?

1. A Bad Match

Amber portwood and gary shirley in therapy

OK, so Amber and Gary were always terrible together, from the very first moment we ever saw either of them on Amber’s 16 and Pregnant episode. They just don’t get along well. Even in their happiest moments, there was always some issue — remember when he tried to propose and she got mad because he didn’t use the exact words she wanted to hear?

2. SMH

Amber portwood gary shirley shirtless

These two broke up, got back together, got engaged, then broke up again more times than we can even count, and it took Amber going to prison to really end things for good between them.

3. Hey, Kristina!

Kristina anderson and gary shirley

While Amber was incarcerated, Gary met Kristina, who he went on to marry and have another child with. Kristina became the mother figure that little Leah never really had. Everyone loves Kristina.

4. Shame, Shame

Gary shirley of teen mom

Gary did lead Amber on a bit during this time though — he didn’t make it clear to her when he was in prison that their relationship was over, and he strung her along when she got out. But through it all, he was always a good father to Leah, and that’s what we’re talking about here.

5. Choices

Amber portwood with leah

Meanwhile, Amber chose to stay in prison, away from her young daughter, instead of going to rehab, and when she was back home, she chose to get involved with creepy Matt Baier instead of rebuilding her relationship with her kid.

6. Tsk Tsk

Amber portwood black and white selfie

She mentioned trying to get custody of Leah back a few times, but then never really talked about it again. And in the time that she’s been out of prison, she hasn’t seemed to make seeing her at all that much of a priority.

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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Amber Portwood SLAMS Gary Shirley: I Made You Rich, Loser!

If you watched this week’s episode of Teen Mom OG, then you know that Amber Portwood didn’t exactly come off looking great.

But amazingly, her tweets during the show proved even more damaging to her reputation!

The episode sees Amber’s baby daddy, Gary Shirley, and his wife, Kristina, voicing some of the same criticisms that fans have been directing at Amber in recent months.

Like so many of the show’s viewers, Gary and Kristina apparently feel that Amber should’ve spent more time looking into Andrew Glennon’s sketchy past before she started dating him seriously and got pregnant with his baby.

Not only that, they take issue with Amber not seeing her daughter for months and using her depression as a justification–despite the fact that she was apparently mentally healthy enough to begin dating Glennon.

Maybe Amber was depressed, and maybe too much is being made of Glennon’s past, but it’s not hard to see why a father and stepmother might be concerned by the situation.

And Gary voiced those concerns at length in the episode:

“I don’t know what skeletons he has in his closet, but honestly, she should have waited,” he said to Kristina.

“She should have taken more time with Leah and focused on her responsibility as being a mother than jumping into a relationship. Well, she was, like, ‘I was mourning.’ I know that you’re sad after breaking up with someone — I get it.”

“But your daughter can bring you just as much happiness,” Kristina interjected.

Not surprisingly, Gary agreed:

“From day one I’ve been a parent! From day one my issues never came in and stopped me from being a dad, you know?” he continued.

“I don’t have the option to not be a parent, but you can go off and do what you want to do. I mean, that would be f–king awesome! You know? And you’re OK with it because you’re used to it. But you know, there’s one person that’s not OK with it, and that’s Leah.”

From there, Kristina spiked the football by recounting a recent exchange with Leah:

“It’s just like she told me, you know? ‘Matt was in the picture. Mommy broke up with Matt. Mommy don’t come around then because she’s too depressed,"” she recalled.

“But then, all of a sudden, she brings over Andrew and she says: ‘Well Kristina, if she was too depressed to see me, she wasn’t too depressed to find a new man?’ And, you know, what do I say to that?”

Gary then recalled a period of time in which Leah was so depressed by her mother’s absence that she did nothing but sleep.

“Let’s adopt Leah,” Kristina proposed.

“I’m with you,” Gary replied.

Not surprisingly, Amber had much to say about the situation on social media:

“Make sure to watch Gary and Kristina tonight talking sh!t about me! It must be hard making money off of me! Being such a bad mom and all. Where would they be?” she tweeted.

“ a 1 bedroom shack in the ghetto of Anderson where he was before I got out and the show came back on!! Ignorant!”

And if you thought she’d stop there, you don’t know Amber:

“[Kristina] broke up her family for money and tv!” Amber tweeted, targeting Gary’s wife.

“Her husband got a restraining order on her cheating @ss with multiple people and then cheated with Gary! What about her daughter? Straight out of Gary’s mouth!!”

“Restraining order to keep my child from filming,” Kristina replied.

“I am an active mother to my children so quit hating. I’ve never stepped on your toes as a mother nor will I ever. I care for Leah when she is in our care. Love don’t hate.”

Then things got even more bizarre when Farrah Abraham’s father, Michael, interjected:

“Kristina stay strong. DO NOT LET ANYONE BULLY you. You’re the real proven mother figure here,” Michael tweeted.

“Gary has always been the rock solid father protecting his children with you in full support and I’m thankful to God for both of you – the world knows the truth and that’s pure FACT.”

We’d say this situation can’t get any weirder, but Michael Abraham just got involved, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom OG online to get caught up on all of this season’s intense drama.


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Amber Portwood SLAMS Gary Shirley and MTV in Epic Rant!

Amber Portwood is going through a lot right now.

A whole, whole lot.

She"s pregnant, and those hormones are never easy on anyone, but on top of that situation, she"s also unable to take her usual medications for her mental illnesses.

Throw in the fact that she"s on a reality show, and also the fact that she was still dealing with her breakup with Matt Baier when she met, began dating, and got impregnated by Andrew Glennon …

It"s a lot, OK?

So it makes sense that all those different emotions would bubble up and explode sometime … and that time was yesterday.

The place of the explosion? Twitter.

The results? Well, you"ll just have to see.

1. Bad Times

Amber portwood in good light

On this season of Teen Mom OG, we’re learning what a toll Amber’s breakup with Matt really took on her. It has not been pretty.

2. Oh, Amber …

Matt baier and amber pic

Amber has said that after the breakup, she fell into a deep depression, and that things were so bad that she was only able to see her daughter, Leah, twice during her entire summer vacation.

3. Um

Andrew glennon selfie

She managed to find plenty of time to get into a relationship with Andrew and to become pregnant, but sure, the depression kept her away from Leah. All right.

4. More Drama

Gary shirley at 2017 vmas

On the most recent episode of the show, Gary Shirley and his wife, Kristina, discussed the situation. It wasn’t a disrespectful conversation — they just talked about Andrew’s sketchy past, and Kristina revealed that they’d told Leah that her mother hadn’t been around because of her depression.

5. Real Talk with Leah

Amber portwood with leah shirley

But at one point in the episode, Leah asked Kristina “If she was too depressed to see me, she wasn’t too depressed to find a new man?” From the mouths of babes, right?

6. Rewind

Amber portwood takes a selfie

OK, so all of that, plus Amber’s pregnancy reveal, happened on the episode. But you know how the cast members get to preview the episodes just before they air? It seems like Amber got to see everything just a few hours before we did — and she was not pleased with what she saw.

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Monday, November 13, 2017

Gary Shirley on Amber Portwood Pregnancy: This is Too Fast!

Gary Shirley does not mince words.

When it comes to the personal life and decisions of Amber Portwood, his former fiancee, Gare-Bear is never going to bite his tongue.

They have a kid together, after all.

As the father of Amber"s daughter Leah, and the one who had primary custody for much of her life, Gary certainly has reason to talk.

After the news that she"s expecting a baby with Andrew Glennon, one could only imagine the thoughts running through Gary"s head.

Well, imagine no longer.

Gary spoke to In Touch about her relationship, as well as her previous romance with Matt Baier, and tried to reserve judgment. Mostly …

1. The Parents-to-Be

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

Portwood’s baby news took a lot of people by surprise, as the two had just started dating. “I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together!” Amber said in announcing her surprise pregnancy this fall.

2. They Sure Are

Were preggers

Amber’s impending child will leave Farrah Abraham as the only one of the four OGs with only the original child from their 16 & Pregnant days … how does Portwood’s ex, and her daughter’s father, feel about it?

3. Thumbs Up From Gary

Gary shirley at 2017 vmas

“I think she is less controlled now,” he told In Touch, comparing her relationship with Andrew Glennon to her previous onewith Matt Baier.

4. Still, Pretty Fast Though

Gary shirley 2016 vmas

“With Matt, I think she needed to take time to heal,” he adds, noting just how strenuous her romance with Baier was, though he is careful to add that “it’s her life, not mine.”

5. Hedging His Praise

Hedging his praise

Gary has no problem with the guy, but … “I don’t know him [well] enough,” Shirley said of Glennon, adding, “I’m not saying she should’ve waited on him. I think she should’ve dated.” But … getting pregnant?

6. The Truth Comes Out

Gary shirley of teen mom

Gary said earlier this year, “I think the last time they talked … I don’t know what they’re doing … but I think he was trying to relocate or something. I think she should’ve stayed single longer.”

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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Steve Harvey"s Sidekick Shirley Strawberry Sued for Being Deadbeat Tenant

Steve Harvey’s right-hand woman on his morning radio show was a months-long freeloader when it came to rent and then bounced when the landlord put his foot down … this according to a new suit. Shirley Strawberry — who appears with Steve on “The…


Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Amber Portwood: Ex Gary Shirley Dishes on Her New Boyfriend!

Amber Portwood sure seems to love shoving her new boyfriend down our throats, huh?

She’s been dating him for right about a month now, and we’re already sick to death of hearing about the guy.

But, to recap, her new beau’s name is Andrew Glennon, and he lives out in L.A., where he’s been working for several years in the television industry.

He had a gig on the most recent season of Marriage Boot Camp, and that’s where Amber met him — she was there trying to repair her ridiculously toxic relationship with Matt Baier.

They didn’t get together then, but a couple of weeks after filming wrapped up, he reached out to her.

After chit-chatting for a minute, he flew out to Indiana to visit her, and it seems like they’ve been attached at the hip ever since.

It’s a little alarming, considering that this is a lot like how her relationship with Matt began.

He approached her, she was receptive, he came to visit and he never, ever left.

But for now, we’ll have to go ahead and give Andrew the benefit of the doubt.

After all, it’s not like he could possibly be worse than Matt. Right?

(Please let that be right.)

Though they haven’t been together very long, Amber is moving pretty fast with this guy.

He’s already met her daughter, Leah, and she brought him out to Sunday night’s MTV Video Music Awards.

And according to Amber’s ex and the father of Leah, Gary Shirley, she may be moving a little too fast.

“I don’t know him enough,” Gary says in a new interview with In Touch.

“I’m not saying she should’ve waited on him. I think she should’ve dated.”

We’re not exactly sure what that part means, but he also reveals that “I think the last time they talked — I don’t know what they’re doing — but I think he was trying to relocate or something.”

Wait, so they’re already talking about him moving out to Indiana?!

Forget the fact that they’ve only been dating for a month — she’s known him for three months, at best.

After everything that happened with Matt, all the stealing and manipulating and possible cheating, she’s really willing to bring a relative stranger across the country and into her home?

And on top of that, what’s wrong with Andrew that he’d be willing to leave his whole career behind to be with Amber?

Last we heard, the film industry in Indiana isn’t exactly booming.

There are no words for how ridiculous this is turning out to be — but don’t worry, Gary’s got a few more.

“I think she should’ve stayed single longer and really gotten to know herself and get over someone before getting with someone else because that’s how you do it, man,” he wisely states.

“The correct way.”

He adds that “You don’t need someone to make you feel like you’re living.”

When did Gary Shirley become Teen Mom’s voice of reason?

It’s hard to say — but probably sometime around the time that he dug up the truth about Matt’s many, many children and all the child support he’d been failing to pay.

It feels kind of weird to say this, but Team Gary.

Team Gary all the way.


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Shirley Manson -- Beer-Chucking Fan Learns ... Garbage In, Garbage Out!!! (VIDEO)

Shirley Manson went nuclear on a fan who dared to hurl a beer at her in the middle of a concert. Shirley’s band, Garbage, was performing Friday night at Hollywood Forever in L.A., when the unruly fan tossed the can. The brewsky missed its apparent…


Monday, August 22, 2016

Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley: Can They Make Co-Parenting Work?

Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley may not be back together, but that doesn’t mean they can’t raise their daughter, Leah as a team.

Me and Gary sat on his front porch and talked about everything,” Portwood told People Magazine ahead of Teen Mom OG‘s season premiere tonight.

“[We were] like ‘Okay, what should we do?’ And we made the decision that he would take primary custody, simply because we didn’t want to take her out of her school.

“She’s going to a really great school and she’s in an advanced class and I don’t want to take that away from her.”

Last week, MTV shared a preview of Portwood discussing custody with her friend, Krystal.  

Portwood revealed that the animosity between her and Gary was affecting the 7-year-old, so she decided to put whatever issues she has with her ex aside for the well-being of their daughter.

“What we did was we did joint custody where it’s open communication,” Portwood told People.

“It actually says in the contract that it’s open communication to see BooBoo during the school year.

“I can call everyday and go pick her up from school if I wanted to. I have her on my weekends and during the summer we had her back and forth 50/50. It was great. I would have her for like a week straight and we’re doing really good with this.”

What’s even better is that Portwood and Shirley don’t have to go back to court to discuss custody.  It’s not, however, smooth sailing for this famously volatile duo.

I mean, come on. It’s as smooth as it can be,” Portwood said with a laugh, referring to how she and Shirley communicate.

“Me and Gary don’t exactly have the greatest way of communicating, but we’re doing better. It’s going the way that everybody would think it’s going.”

Portwood gushed about Leah, and what a good big sister she is to Shirley’s daughter Emily with his wife, Kristina Anderson.

“She’s so smart,” Portwood said of Leah.

“I know every mom says that about their kids, but she’s just excelling. She’s so beautiful; I don’t know where she gets it. It’s crazy.

“She’s the greatest big sister to Emily. She loves that little girl. It’s the cutest thing. And Emily kind of looks like her when she was little. She’s the cutest little thing.”

Teen Mom OG returns to MTV tonight at 10 p.m. ET

Monday, May 23, 2016

Gary Shirley Wins Custody Battle With Amber Portwood!

Gary Shirley just won an unexpected legal victory in his ongoing custody battle with Teen Mom star Amber Portwood.

The former couple has been fighting over 7-year-old Leah pretty much since she was born, but for now at least, the girl will be spending most of her time with Gary.

Not only was Shirley awarded primary physical custody of his daughter, the court ordered Amber to make monthly child support payments. 

You may recall that Amber lost custody of Leah back in 2011 when she was involved in a number of ugly legal situations.

It seemed the court had made the right decision when Amber went to prison for drug possession less than a year later.

Last year, she and Gary reportedly agreed to joint legal custody, with primary physical custody going to Shirley.

Amber must have decided that the arrangement wasn’t working for her anymore, because the couple was back in court last week.

While her situation has changed considerably over the past few years, the judge in her case apparently saw no reason to reverse his previous decision.

In fact, he upped Amber’s child support payments to $ 1,200 a month.

Sources tell TMZ that Amber and Gary are maintaining an amicable relationship these days, and they intend to continue co-parenting peacefully.

There’s no word on whether or not Amber’s relationship with fiance Matt Baier played a role in the decision, but it couldn’t have helped.

Baier may have nine kids by seven different women, all of whom are now suing him for child support.

His child support cases aren’t settled yet, but we’re guessing his shady past didn’t help Amber’s situation.

Watch Teen Mom online at TV Fanatic to see more questionable decision making from Ms. Portwood.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Gary Shirley: Matt Baier"s Life is Trash!

Oh eff.

In a sneak peak of next week"s part two reunion special of Teen Mom OG, Gary Shirley and and Matt Baier both sat down with Dr. Drew, and it was awkward.

Baier acted like an arrogant prick, while Shirley stuck by his accusations about the Masshole"s litter of children.

Dr. Drew interjected and told Shirley that "Matt says he"s cleaned up this stuff.  You wanna tell him?" Dr. Drew asked Baier.

Sir Douche Bag"s flippant response: "I cleaned up some of this stuff."

The audience laughed a little.  Shirley was not amused.

"This is actually last season stuff that we"re talking about right now," Baier told Dr. Drew, trying to deflect attention from his news-making past (which includes abuse, unpaid child support and a police record).

"And we"re dealing with your whole life of trash, too." Shirley added.

"What?" Dr. Drew asked, sounding a little horrified (come on, Dr. Drew. You read the news).

"Like, your kids that you didn"t tell…that, whatever," Shirley pointed out.

If it"s last season, I mean, we"re talking in the past, we"re going from way back when."

Steam started to rise up from Amber Portwood"s head at that point.

"Interesting, right?" Shirley asked the audience.

"I"ll tell you what"s interesting…" Baier started before Portwood interrupted him to sass out Shirley.

"Hold on, let me just say something real quick," she said.  "Don"t take his [Baier"s] kindness right now as a weakness," she told her own baby daddy.

"Oh no, I would never," Shirley said.

Part 2 of the reunion special airs next Monday at 10pm on MTV.

Gary shirley matt baiers life is trash

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Amber Portwood Opens Up About Custody Battle With Gary Shirley

Earlier this month, we reported that Amber Portwood had won joint custody of daughter Leah after a long and occasionally ugly legal battle with ex Gary Shirley.

Amber had been fighting for a 50-50 custody split ever since she was released from prison in November of 2013, and she finally got her wish after years of drama that often played out in front of Teen Mom cameras.

Now, Amber is speaking out for the first time about her truce with Gary and her joy at having her little one back in her life on a more regular basis.

“I’m very happy that Gary and I are going to share joint custody of Leah,” Amber said in a recent interview with OK! magazine. “This is something I’ve been waiting for. The time is perfect.”

“We talked for 30 minutes and I said, ‘This is not healthy for any of us, this is not healthy for Leah, let’s just be adults and do this.’”

A recent preview for the new season of Teen Mom: OG showed Amber and Gary fighting over Leah in a way that had fans concerned for the young girl’s welfare.

“Things were being said over there,” Portwood later said.

“We have a great relationship, and then all of a sudden she didn’t want to come over. She had never said that before. I said something to Gary, and she hasn’t been that way since. We’re back to normal.”

Hopefully, Amber is aware that a custody deal doesn’t necessarily mean smooth sailing with her ex from here on out.

Watch Teen Mom online to relive the craziest moments in Amber and Gary’s sometimes violently insane relationship.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Amber Portwood Wins Joint Custody of Daughter Leah with Gary Shirley

Amber Portwood has regained joint custody of daughter Leah, her only child with ex-fiance Gary Shirley, according to a new report.

The Teen Mom: OG star, 25, has finally come to an agreement with Shirley in their ongoing custody fight, which has been bitter at times.

If you watch Teen Mom online, you’ve seen this play out on MTV in the past and will see it again on the new season coming in January.

“Amber and Gary finally worked everything out with their lawyers a few weeks ago,” a source close to Shirley, 29, revealed to Radar.

“They’re both happy” with the 50-50 custody split.

Leah, 6, has lived primarily with her dad during Amber’s struggles with legal and substance abuse problems dating back to 2011.

Since her November 2013 release from prison, Portwood has been trying to regain her daughter’s trust – and legal standing in her life.

“I shouldn’t have to go through a custody battle for my kid!” Portwood sobs in the Teen Mom Season 5 trailer, but she’s had to do so.

It’s paid off, though, thanks to her hard work.

Amazingly, assuming she’s telling the truth about being three years sober, she’s become one of the more stable moms in the MTV roster.

She’s engaged to Matt Baier, although that romance has come with its own share of controversy lately, and not just because he’s 44.

Rumors that Baier has seven kids from previous relationships surfaced after Gary himself made the claim in a Teen Mom sneak peek.

Amber defended Matt after haters came at her on Twitter following the release of that clip … but didn’t deny the quote from Gary, either.

“For anyone talking crap about this whole situation with Matt … this shit isn’t funny,” Amber wrote. “This is real life I have to deal with.”

“I’m not dealing with this negative immature bullshit. I have enough to worry about. I’ll block and be done with it. Love not hate.  Learn it!”

“I don’t care if I found out he had 10 kids. He has to deal with that and his past and I’ll stand by him. I’m a woman and I hold my own.”

Mic drop.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Gary Shirley to Amber Portwood: Your Fiance Has SEVEN KIDS!

“Her fiancé has seven kids and she don’t even know about this,” Gary Shirley, Amber Portwood"s ex, boldly yet casually declares on Teen Mom: OG.


In the first Teen Mom Season 5 trailer, there was no doubt about the fact that the OGs are all facing their share of adversity this coming season.

(Okay, maybe not Tyler Baltierra and Catelynn Lowell, who remain the most perfect couple EVER, but that"s a tangent for another time.)

But look, it"s always a rough road for Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley, and this snippet from the new season, kicking off January 4, shows it.

Gare-Bear is seen telling his attorney the alleged fact above about Baier, Amber"s fiance, just before the camera cuts to her yelling at Shirley.

“I’ve been with this man over a year, I think I know him,” Portwood says, defending her man whose romance with her has been suspect at best.

Still, “we are very happy,” she told MTV News of her partner.

“I’ve never felt this way about somebody else in my life.”

Matt Baier popped the question last November, as fans who watch Teen Mom online likely remember. A year later, they are going strong.

The single mom shares daughter Leah, 6, with Shirley, but requests legal joint custody of their little girl – a big step up – this season.

“I’ve been out for three years and I’m sober,” she says.

“I want joint custody of my daughter.”

Given that she"s been in prison, while Gary Shirley and Kristina Anderson got married and are chilling at home making babies of their own?

That could be a tall order for Ambs.

Gary shirley to amber portwood your fiance has seven kids

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Gary Shirley: Officially Off The Market!

The good ones are always taken, amiright?

Sad sack Teen Mom OG star Gary Shirley is officially off the market, reality site confirms.  Shirley, dad to 6-year-old Leah with ex, Amber Portwood, married girlfriend Kristina Anderson on September 28th after filing for a marriage license.

Shirley and Anderson, who welcomed daughter, Emilee in May, have made no public mention of their news.  

This is Shirley’s first marriage; Anderson began dating Shirley while still legally bound to her first husband, Greg (whom she divorced in April 2014).  

Dr. Drew Pinksy grilled Shirley about the affair during the Teen Mom OG reunion, but Shirley insisted he thought Anderson was separated at the time.

“Married and separated [is] what I thought, but [she] was not,” Shirley said. 

“So, she was cheating on her husband?” Dr. Drew asked.

“Yes, with me. But I wasn’t aware of the situation,” Shirley Admitted

Anderson has a daughter, Karley, from her first marriage.

Teen Mom OG, which was originally supposed to be a special focusing on where the cast members are now, has been renewed for a sixth season.  

Season five is currently in production. We’ll never not have these people in our lives, that much is sadly clear at this point.