Showing posts with label Baier's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baier's. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Amber Portwood: I Am NOT Pregnant With Matt Baier"s Baby!

As you may have heard, Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

Amber is dating Andrew Glennon these days, so naturally, when she announced that she’s expecting, fans concluded that she’s carrying Andrew’s child.

But nothing in Amber’s life has been simple or straightforward up to this point, so why should her second pregnancy be any different?

In recent weeks, a rumor that Amber is pregnant with Matt Baier’s baby has been making its way around social media, and Amber is quite understandably not happy about it.

Baier, of course, is Amber’s trash-person former fiance, whom she dumped just days before beginning her relationship with Glennon.

(Amber and Matt were filming Marriage Boot Camp at the time of their split. Glennon was a producer on the show.)

With Amber getting pregnant so soon after being engaged to Matt, there was bound to be some doubt about the kid’s paternity.

But the situation went further than expected, with tinfoil hat-wearing Teen Mom OG obsessives crafting narratives and timelines that they claim “proves” that Amber is pregnant by Baier.

When Amber revealed her due date as May 13, many insisted that she had basically confirmed she was pregnant by Matt.

Obviously, that’s not the case, but it seems the Twitter loonies aren’t the only ones who are convinced another baby Baier is on the way:

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom OG, Amber’s first baby daddy, Garry Shirley, revealed that he’s considered the possibility that Amber is carrying Matt’s child.

“It had to be within a week of them hanging out,” he said to wife Kristina Anderson while discussing Amber’s pregnancy.

“I think there was a break between Matt and Andrew,” Kristina replied. “I think. I don’t know.”

Naturally, the Twitter conspiracy theorists went nuts and began furiously tweeting at Amber for clarification.

Eventually, she responded thusly:

“Me and Matt broke up in May lol”

Okay, so maybe not the in-depth response fans had hoped for, but clearly Amber is hoping that will be enough to put the matter to rest.

A source who claims to be close to Amber went into greater detail in a recent interview with Radar Online:

“That would be physically impossible,” the insider said when asked if there’s any chance that Amber is pregnant by Matt.

“They broke up and he moved to Las Vegas on July 3. The baby had to be conceived in August. She never came to visit him in August.”

The insider adds:

“It’s definitely not his.”

Is it possible that the source is Amber? 

Sure, but it also seems highly unlikely that she’s carrying Matt’s baby.

The woman has made plenty of horrendous decisions, but she’s not a masochist.

The jury’s still out on this Glennon character, but he’s gotta be better than Matt … right?

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on the tumultuous life and times of Ms. Portwood.


Thursday, February 8, 2018

Amber Portwood"s Baby: Is It REALLY Matt Baier"s?!

If you’re a Teen Mom OG fan, you’ve probably already heard that Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

You’ve also probably heard that Amber is pregnant by her new boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, and that the two of them appear to headed toward marriage.

These days, it seems that Amber is eager to leave her painful past behind her and move on with Glennon into a brighter future.

Unfortunately, her past is well-documented, and some of the people and events she’d like to jettison were featured on very recent episodes of TMOG.

Take Amber’s relationship with Matt Baier, for example.

Amber and Matt broke up over the summer.

These days, Baier is married and Amber is knocked up by someone else.

But none of that changes the fact that they were just engaged a few months ago, and their relationship remains a subject of fascination for many.

And some of those folks believe there’s something Matt and Amber aren’t telling us.

Earlier this week, Glennon took to Instagram to reveal that Amber’s due date is May 13.

“Now everyone can go see what or who Amber was doing on August 20, 2017,” tweeted one fan in response, hinting that Baier and Portwood were still romantically involved at that time.

“She was still sleeping with Matt then and I know this because I was talking to that loser,” one fan commented.

“It seems really close between the time Amber was last with Matt and when she got with Andrew. I think there’s definitely an overlap,” wrote another.

Interestingly, Amber has kept quiet on the matter thus far.

However, a source close to the situation has come to her defense, claiming that Matt and Amber broke up several weeks before she became pregnant.

“That would be physically impossible,” the insider tells Radar Online.

“They broke up and he moved to Las Vegas on July 3. The baby had to be conceived in August. She never came to visit him in August.”

The source added:

“It’s definitely not his.”

For the sake of everyone involved, we hope this tipster speaks the truth.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from the tumultuous life of Ms. Portwood.


Friday, December 1, 2017

Jennifer Conlon: Who Is Matt Baier"s Wife?

Earlier this week, Teen Mom: OG fans were stunned by reports that Matt Baier had gotten married

The news was surprising not only because Baier was dating Amber Portwood just a few short months ago, but also because it"s tough to imagine the woman who"d walk blindly into a marriage with the guy, given his appallingly sketchy past. 

So who is Jennifer Conlon?

Well, with the exception of one interview, it seems she"s keeping a mighty low-profile, but here"s what we"ve learned in the days since she exchanged vows with Baier.

1. A (Formerly) Single Mom

Matt baier in a hotel lobby

Like Amber, Jennifer was a single mom when she met Baier. Unlike Amber, she’s not a wealthy TV star.

2. Serving in Sin City

Matt baier on set

Conlon reportedly works as a waitress in Las Vegas, where Matt, who earns much of his living from gambling, spends most of his time.

3. A Private Figure

Matt baier is an odd duck

“She’s not a public figure. So we kept our relationship private,” Baier told the press about his relationship with Conlon.

4. Stepdaughters For Matt

Matt baier is perplexed

Jennifer apparently is the mother of two girls, whose ages are unknown.

5. So What Does Jen Have to Say

Matt baier close up

As we stated earlier, Jen has kept a relatively low profile in the days since news of her marriage went public. But she did give one revealing interview.

6. Matt’s Past

Matt baier and amber portwood throwback

Naturally, Jen was asked about Matt’s long history of shady behavior. Surprisingly, she says she doesn’t care what he did before…

View Slideshow

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Jennifer Conlon: Matt Baier"s Wife Speaks Out!

What would you say if Matt Baier asked you to marry him?

(We’re not responsible for responsible for damage to any laptops or mobile devices you may have just hurled across the room in disgust.)

The number of women who have accepted proposals from Baier is truly staggering, especially when you consider he’s a 47-year-old deadbeat dad who lists his profession as “DJ.”

Of course, it could just be the law of averages, as it appears that Baier gets down on one knee pretty much anytime a member of the opposite sex looks in his direction.

After all, Matt proposed to Amber Portwood after just a few months of dating, and prior to that relationship, he aggressively flirted with several of her co-stars on social media.

If you don’t think Matt would’ve proposed to Farrah Abraham or Jenelle Evans if given the chance, then you don’t know how hard it is to earn a living as a 47-year-old DJ.

The latest to accept Matt’s offer to spend the rest of her life growing increasingly concerned as he obsessively rewatched Teen Mom reruns is a 35-year-old mother of two named Jennifer Conlon.

Baier and Conlon got married earlier this week, and astonishingly, she’s willing to speak publicly about her decision to wed one of the shadiest dudes in reality TV history.

“When you meet somebody and you have a connection, you know it in your heart,” Conlon told Radar online in a candid interview.

“It’s not something you question. It felt right to us. Getting married is something we wanted. We decided it was time, so he asked me to marry him.”

As for the allegations that Baier is a philandering drug addict who’s spent much of his adult life dodging child support payments, Conlon is remarkably unconcerned:

“Matt is a wonderful man,” she told Radar.

“What people think of him and how he’s portrayed, that’s not the man he truly is. He is everything and more. He’s generous and loving,” Conlon added.

“It’s unfortunate that people think differently. Matt is a good man, yet he gets attacked in a way I don’t understand. That’s not the person in front of me. His actions don’t show that.”

Conlon says she doesn’t understand the public’s fixation with Matt’s past.

But in fairness, that could be because she’s not one of the women he owes child support to.

“His past has nothing to do with the relationship,” she said.

“The life we have now is what we have now,” she added.

“Matt is a wonderful partner, friend and someone who listens. I take a person for who they are today and what they do now.”

Well, um … congrats to Matt and Jen, we guess.

Is it too late to send them a bajillion condoms and a tracking device as a wedding present?

Matt has a tendency to impregnate and dash.


Friday, October 28, 2016

Amber Portwood to Matt Baier"s Son: No Drugs in My House!

Amber Portwood is doing pretty well for herself these days, but the troubled Teen Mom star traveled a long and bumpy road to her current situation.

Amber struggled with addiction and various other personal demons in the years after she first became famous, and these days she’s taking the necessary steps to ensure she doesn’t fall back into her old habits.

For all of the many, many faults to be found in Amber’s fiance, Matt Baier, he does appear to be as serious about his sobriety as Amber is.

On a preview for the upcoming episode of Teen Mom, Amber and Matt address their addiction issues in a conversation with Matt’s son, Chris, who’s preparing to live with the couple.

Portwood and Baier aren’t shy about laying out ground rules for Chris, who’s struggled with substance abuse himself:

“You have to make the decision if you’re staying here: 100 percent, you’re gonna stay sober,” Amber tells him.

“That’s your decision in the end.”

At first it seems that everyone’s on the same page, but when the topic of 12-step programs comes up, it seems Amber and Chris have differing opinions.

Chris says flat-out that he won’t be attending any meetings, despite Amber’s protest.

“I just want to leave it in my past,” Chris says.

“I don’t want to go and talk to people.”

Hmm … sounds like a problem in the making, but then again, that’s true of just about everything involving Matt.

Those who aren’t familiar with his past might be surprised that Matt has an adult son.

It’s important to realize that the man is a baby-making machine.

At one point, it was rumored that Baier has nine kids with six different women.

The jury is still out on that – literally, as he has multiple paternity cases in Massachusetts courts. 

Now that Chris Baier has gotten a girl pregnant, we suppose Amber is soon to be a step-grandmother – at 26.

But hey, at least Matt is finally supporting at least one of his kids.

One could argue that it’s a hell of a lot easier to have your kids stay with you when they’re adults than it is to raise them when they’re kids, but we digress.


Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Gary Shirley: Matt Baier"s Life is Trash!

Oh eff.

In a sneak peak of next week"s part two reunion special of Teen Mom OG, Gary Shirley and and Matt Baier both sat down with Dr. Drew, and it was awkward.

Baier acted like an arrogant prick, while Shirley stuck by his accusations about the Masshole"s litter of children.

Dr. Drew interjected and told Shirley that "Matt says he"s cleaned up this stuff.  You wanna tell him?" Dr. Drew asked Baier.

Sir Douche Bag"s flippant response: "I cleaned up some of this stuff."

The audience laughed a little.  Shirley was not amused.

"This is actually last season stuff that we"re talking about right now," Baier told Dr. Drew, trying to deflect attention from his news-making past (which includes abuse, unpaid child support and a police record).

"And we"re dealing with your whole life of trash, too." Shirley added.

"What?" Dr. Drew asked, sounding a little horrified (come on, Dr. Drew. You read the news).

"Like, your kids that you didn"t tell…that, whatever," Shirley pointed out.

If it"s last season, I mean, we"re talking in the past, we"re going from way back when."

Steam started to rise up from Amber Portwood"s head at that point.

"Interesting, right?" Shirley asked the audience.

"I"ll tell you what"s interesting…" Baier started before Portwood interrupted him to sass out Shirley.

"Hold on, let me just say something real quick," she said.  "Don"t take his [Baier"s] kindness right now as a weakness," she told her own baby daddy.

"Oh no, I would never," Shirley said.

Part 2 of the reunion special airs next Monday at 10pm on MTV.

Gary shirley matt baiers life is trash

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Matt Baier"s Baby Mama: I Have PROOF He Has 8 Kids!

As you may have heard, Amber Portwood’s fiance Matt Baier is turning out to be kind of a sketchy dude.

And by “kind of sketchy,” we mean he Baier might have 8 kids by 6 different women, all of whom he’s failed to support financially. 

At first, it looked like Baier only had 7 kids (note: that’s the only time you’ll see “only” and “7 kids” in the same sentence). 

That was something of a scandalous revelation in its own right, because 1.) Matt’s last name is not Duggar, and 2.) he had led Amber to believe he had five children, and played an active role in all their lives.

It wasn’t until Matt’s alleged sixth baby mama – a Boston native named Kelli Maguire Nunn – came forward demanding child support for her 8-year-old daughter that Amber (and the rest of the world) learned Matt might be the deadbeat dad equivalent of a serial killer.

Baier initially denied fathering a child with Nunn, but now, Radar Online is reporting that Nunn has filed court documents proving that Baier admitted to being the dad in a 2009 deposition.

Nunn is currently suing Baier for nearly $ 11,000 in back child support.

It’s beginning to look like Amber may have chosen the biggest loser boyfriend in Teen Mom, which if you know anything about the show, is no small feat. 

Amber Portwood Defends Matt Baier"s Attack on Kailyn Lowry

Yesterday, a series of tweets in which Matt Baier viciously attacks Kailyn Lowry resurfaced online.

The tweets were originally posted in 2014, back when Matt was just an especially hostile Teen Mom fan, but with their cruel insults about one of Amber’s best friends, it’s not surprising that they’ve set off a minor controversy.

Lowry responded to Baier’s tweets yesterday, first jokingly suggesting that he’s no one to be commenting on other people’s appearances, then revealing that she won’t allow his asinine bullying to stand in the way of her relationship with Portwood.

Today, Amber is responding to the tweets and publicly apologizing to her friend for her fiance’s obnoxious comments. 

“@KailLowry that was before we met you guys and he stopped that ignorance,” Amber tweeted. “We love Kail and she knows it… that’s all that matters.”

Remarkably, Kailyn was open to the apology, responding, “I know that!!! Love you!”

Unfortunately, this is far from the first time that Amber has been forced to publicly defend Baier, as her troubled fiance has a propensity for creating controversy.

The 43-year-old is currently being sued for his alleged failure to provide support for seven children, whom he fathered with five different women.

Amber sure knows how to pick ’em.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Responds to Matt Baier"s NASTY Tweets About Her!

Earlier today, we revealed some of the cruel and insulting tweets Matt Baier unleashed on Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry.

Back in 2014, before Baier became engaged to Kailyn’s friend and Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood, he trolled Kailyn endlesssly with a series of nasty tweets, like this one:

“What was the topic of Kailyn’s book? How to bang ugly dudes, cheat in a shower and have my face always look like I’m allergic to shellfish?”

And this one:

“Kailyn’s face breaks my TV…The worst thing to ever happen to high definition is Kailyn’s face.”

Like he should talk. Just sayin’.

Now, in an interview with The Real Mr. Housewife, Kailyn addresses Baier’s insulting tweets, and her response will surprise you.

“Honestly, it is what it is,” said Kailyn. “Obviously I was skeptical about him at first because of it.”

“But I met him in person and he was very nice to me,” she added. “And let’s face it. I’m sure there are people we do KNOW, consider friends and are acquaintances with that talk crap about us too.”


Normally, we expect a Teen Mom to release their inner Kraken on anyone who speaks an ill word about them (cough, cough, Farrah Abraham), but Kailyn clearly took the high road.

In fact, the 23-year-old’s response is far more mature than the comments previously shared by 44-year-old Baier.

But duh, Baier is a sketch ball.

Before actually finding his meal ticket with Amber, he courted Farrah on Twitter and had an unhealthy obsession with yet another Teen Mom, Jenelle Evans.

He’s also got eight kids with six different baby mamas, owes thousands of dollars in child support and doesn’t pay his rent.

Sorry, did we say sketch ball? What we meant was TOTAL LOSER.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Teen Mom O.G. Recap: Seven Skeletons in Matt Baier"s Closet

Monday night on MTV’s Teen Mom O.G., a whole lot of drama went down with the fab four, but Matt Baier’s past took center stage …

When Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 6 got underway, Gary Shirley decided to do some sleuthing and dropped a BOMB on Amber.

Those who watch Teen Mom online know that Amber Portwood’s fiance is much older and started off as … a fan. It’s a tad unconventional.

Well, there may be more to it than that, too. According to Gary’s detective work, Matt Baier has a lot of kids. We’re talking a lot a lot.

Not two, not three. Amber’s fiance has seven children from five different women, and Shirley is a little uneasy about this fact.

“He moved to Indiana for some girl, but he has seven kids at home that he probably ain’t seeing like he should,” Gary complained.

“And then he wants to come and father my kid? Man, come on.”

Amber’s response: “You should talk to me, or you should talk to him before you do something like this in front of the cameras.”

“Everybody in the world will think something else. Now I’m gonna have to prove, in front of millions of people. This is ridiculous.”

Maybe so about how Gary handled it, but are his facts wrong?

Matt Baier clammed up pretty quickly, then told the MTV staff to “Get the f–k out of my house. Get your s–t, and don’t come back.”

MTV aired audio from inside Amber’s house after the camera crew got the boot, and Portwood definitely didn’t let him off the hook.

“If you have that many kids, then you’re a deadbeat father. I don’t know about half that s–t. I thought I did,” she tore into her fiance.

“F–k with me, and watch what happens to your life.”

The next day, Amber broke down crying to an MTV producer, “I wanna believe the man who I’ve been with,” she explained.

“But if it’s true, then I’m just gonna look like a naive little girl, and it breaks my heart. ‘Cause I don’t love a lot of people, and I love him.”

“But if it is true, I’m gonna feel really stupid.”

“I’m breaking,” she added. “I just want my kid, and I just wanna be happy with her. I don’t even care about anything else.”

To be continued, though it doesn’t look like Amber and Matt have called it quits, and they’re still on track for an October wedding.

No word on how Gary feels about that.

Elsewhere, Tyler Baltierra’s mom began to notice signs that Catelynn Lowell might be suffering from postpartum depression.

Cate denied that she is, saying “That’s just ridiculous, I think. No, I definitely don’t have postpartum. I would know, for sure.”

“I’ve struggled with depression – I know what that feels like. And I’m on antidepressants. Sometimes, I just need a break.”

Tyler ended up agreeing to spend more time with their baby girl Nova, so hopefully Cate will get the breaks she deserves.

Down in Farrah Abraham Land, she decided to let her parents take care of Sophia while she was in England on business.

Sounds nice, yes? Well, naturally, this rapidly devolved into a situation in which Farrah threatened to exile her mom and dad:

“It seems like there’s something plotted against me, so that when I’m gone, people can just do whatever the f–k they want.”

Fortunately, Abraham’s therapist got real:

“I wonder if your life would be a little easier, for all involved, if you didn’t have such high standards. A more realistic set of expectations.

“They are forfeiting jobs and moving across the country to support you,” she told Farrah. “Why can you not focus on that?”

(Because she’s Farrah. Obviously.)

Finally, Ryan Edwards and Maci Bookout got along better than ever at Bentley’s birthday party, and it’s all because … Ryan is single.

“He’s completely different when he has a girlfriend,” Maci said. “We take a family picture of the three of us every year on [Bentley’s] birthday.”

“We don’t have one from last year because Shelby wouldn’t let him, and got mad about it. We just need to find Ryan a girlfriend who’s cool.”

Gotta love Ryan Edwards, though. Why?

He still talks to Shelby, and sort of wants her, but won’t tell Maci about this situation “’cause I think it’ll just cause drama.” 

Instead, he will tell … MTV cameras.