Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Gary Shirley: Matt Baier"s Life is Trash!

Oh eff.

In a sneak peak of next week"s part two reunion special of Teen Mom OG, Gary Shirley and and Matt Baier both sat down with Dr. Drew, and it was awkward.

Baier acted like an arrogant prick, while Shirley stuck by his accusations about the Masshole"s litter of children.

Dr. Drew interjected and told Shirley that "Matt says he"s cleaned up this stuff.  You wanna tell him?" Dr. Drew asked Baier.

Sir Douche Bag"s flippant response: "I cleaned up some of this stuff."

The audience laughed a little.  Shirley was not amused.

"This is actually last season stuff that we"re talking about right now," Baier told Dr. Drew, trying to deflect attention from his news-making past (which includes abuse, unpaid child support and a police record).

"And we"re dealing with your whole life of trash, too." Shirley added.

"What?" Dr. Drew asked, sounding a little horrified (come on, Dr. Drew. You read the news).

"Like, your kids that you didn"t tell…that, whatever," Shirley pointed out.

If it"s last season, I mean, we"re talking in the past, we"re going from way back when."

Steam started to rise up from Amber Portwood"s head at that point.

"Interesting, right?" Shirley asked the audience.

"I"ll tell you what"s interesting…" Baier started before Portwood interrupted him to sass out Shirley.

"Hold on, let me just say something real quick," she said.  "Don"t take his [Baier"s] kindness right now as a weakness," she told her own baby daddy.

"Oh no, I would never," Shirley said.

Part 2 of the reunion special airs next Monday at 10pm on MTV.

Gary shirley matt baiers life is trash