Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Amber Portwood Defends Matt Baier"s Attack on Kailyn Lowry

Yesterday, a series of tweets in which Matt Baier viciously attacks Kailyn Lowry resurfaced online.

The tweets were originally posted in 2014, back when Matt was just an especially hostile Teen Mom fan, but with their cruel insults about one of Amber’s best friends, it’s not surprising that they’ve set off a minor controversy.

Lowry responded to Baier’s tweets yesterday, first jokingly suggesting that he’s no one to be commenting on other people’s appearances, then revealing that she won’t allow his asinine bullying to stand in the way of her relationship with Portwood.

Today, Amber is responding to the tweets and publicly apologizing to her friend for her fiance’s obnoxious comments. 

“@KailLowry that was before we met you guys and he stopped that ignorance,” Amber tweeted. “We love Kail and she knows it… that’s all that matters.”

Remarkably, Kailyn was open to the apology, responding, “I know that!!! Love you!”

Unfortunately, this is far from the first time that Amber has been forced to publicly defend Baier, as her troubled fiance has a propensity for creating controversy.

The 43-year-old is currently being sued for his alleged failure to provide support for seven children, whom he fathered with five different women.

Amber sure knows how to pick ’em.