Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Responds to Matt Baier"s NASTY Tweets About Her!

Earlier today, we revealed some of the cruel and insulting tweets Matt Baier unleashed on Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry.

Back in 2014, before Baier became engaged to Kailyn’s friend and Teen Mom OG star Amber Portwood, he trolled Kailyn endlesssly with a series of nasty tweets, like this one:

“What was the topic of Kailyn’s book? How to bang ugly dudes, cheat in a shower and have my face always look like I’m allergic to shellfish?”

And this one:

“Kailyn’s face breaks my TV…The worst thing to ever happen to high definition is Kailyn’s face.”

Like he should talk. Just sayin’.

Now, in an interview with The Real Mr. Housewife, Kailyn addresses Baier’s insulting tweets, and her response will surprise you.

“Honestly, it is what it is,” said Kailyn. “Obviously I was skeptical about him at first because of it.”

“But I met him in person and he was very nice to me,” she added. “And let’s face it. I’m sure there are people we do KNOW, consider friends and are acquaintances with that talk crap about us too.”


Normally, we expect a Teen Mom to release their inner Kraken on anyone who speaks an ill word about them (cough, cough, Farrah Abraham), but Kailyn clearly took the high road.

In fact, the 23-year-old’s response is far more mature than the comments previously shared by 44-year-old Baier.

But duh, Baier is a sketch ball.

Before actually finding his meal ticket with Amber, he courted Farrah on Twitter and had an unhealthy obsession with yet another Teen Mom, Jenelle Evans.

He’s also got eight kids with six different baby mamas, owes thousands of dollars in child support and doesn’t pay his rent.

Sorry, did we say sketch ball? What we meant was TOTAL LOSER.