Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Amber Portwood: I Am NOT Pregnant With Matt Baier"s Baby!

As you may have heard, Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

Amber is dating Andrew Glennon these days, so naturally, when she announced that she’s expecting, fans concluded that she’s carrying Andrew’s child.

But nothing in Amber’s life has been simple or straightforward up to this point, so why should her second pregnancy be any different?

In recent weeks, a rumor that Amber is pregnant with Matt Baier’s baby has been making its way around social media, and Amber is quite understandably not happy about it.

Baier, of course, is Amber’s trash-person former fiance, whom she dumped just days before beginning her relationship with Glennon.

(Amber and Matt were filming Marriage Boot Camp at the time of their split. Glennon was a producer on the show.)

With Amber getting pregnant so soon after being engaged to Matt, there was bound to be some doubt about the kid’s paternity.

But the situation went further than expected, with tinfoil hat-wearing Teen Mom OG obsessives crafting narratives and timelines that they claim “proves” that Amber is pregnant by Baier.

When Amber revealed her due date as May 13, many insisted that she had basically confirmed she was pregnant by Matt.

Obviously, that’s not the case, but it seems the Twitter loonies aren’t the only ones who are convinced another baby Baier is on the way:

On last night’s episode of Teen Mom OG, Amber’s first baby daddy, Garry Shirley, revealed that he’s considered the possibility that Amber is carrying Matt’s child.

“It had to be within a week of them hanging out,” he said to wife Kristina Anderson while discussing Amber’s pregnancy.

“I think there was a break between Matt and Andrew,” Kristina replied. “I think. I don’t know.”

Naturally, the Twitter conspiracy theorists went nuts and began furiously tweeting at Amber for clarification.

Eventually, she responded thusly:

“Me and Matt broke up in May lol”

Okay, so maybe not the in-depth response fans had hoped for, but clearly Amber is hoping that will be enough to put the matter to rest.

A source who claims to be close to Amber went into greater detail in a recent interview with Radar Online:

“That would be physically impossible,” the insider said when asked if there’s any chance that Amber is pregnant by Matt.

“They broke up and he moved to Las Vegas on July 3. The baby had to be conceived in August. She never came to visit him in August.”

The insider adds:

“It’s definitely not his.”

Is it possible that the source is Amber? 

Sure, but it also seems highly unlikely that she’s carrying Matt’s baby.

The woman has made plenty of horrendous decisions, but she’s not a masochist.

The jury’s still out on this Glennon character, but he’s gotta be better than Matt … right?

Watch Teen Mom OG online for more on the tumultuous life and times of Ms. Portwood.
