Showing posts with label Portwood's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portwood's. Show all posts

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Amber Portwood"s Baby: Is It REALLY Matt Baier"s?!

If you’re a Teen Mom OG fan, you’ve probably already heard that Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

You’ve also probably heard that Amber is pregnant by her new boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, and that the two of them appear to headed toward marriage.

These days, it seems that Amber is eager to leave her painful past behind her and move on with Glennon into a brighter future.

Unfortunately, her past is well-documented, and some of the people and events she’d like to jettison were featured on very recent episodes of TMOG.

Take Amber’s relationship with Matt Baier, for example.

Amber and Matt broke up over the summer.

These days, Baier is married and Amber is knocked up by someone else.

But none of that changes the fact that they were just engaged a few months ago, and their relationship remains a subject of fascination for many.

And some of those folks believe there’s something Matt and Amber aren’t telling us.

Earlier this week, Glennon took to Instagram to reveal that Amber’s due date is May 13.

“Now everyone can go see what or who Amber was doing on August 20, 2017,” tweeted one fan in response, hinting that Baier and Portwood were still romantically involved at that time.

“She was still sleeping with Matt then and I know this because I was talking to that loser,” one fan commented.

“It seems really close between the time Amber was last with Matt and when she got with Andrew. I think there’s definitely an overlap,” wrote another.

Interestingly, Amber has kept quiet on the matter thus far.

However, a source close to the situation has come to her defense, claiming that Matt and Amber broke up several weeks before she became pregnant.

“That would be physically impossible,” the insider tells Radar Online.

“They broke up and he moved to Las Vegas on July 3. The baby had to be conceived in August. She never came to visit him in August.”

The source added:

“It’s definitely not his.”

For the sake of everyone involved, we hope this tipster speaks the truth.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more from the tumultuous life of Ms. Portwood.


Monday, November 13, 2017

Andrew Glennon: Amber Portwood"s Baby Daddy Has a Seriously Sketchy Past

As we learned last week, Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

Fortunately, she"s not expecting a child by Matt Baier, the notorious deadbeat whom she very nearly married earlier this year.

Sadly, her new boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, has problems of his own.

And by that we mean the guy is basically a walking red flag.

We"ve told you about Glennon"s sketchy past before, but the situation basically gets uglier with every new revelation.

See what we mean in the gallery below:

1. Reality Producer Turned Reality Star

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

Andrew is a producer on Marriage Boot Camp. He met Amber while she and Matt Baier were appearing on the show to work on their ailing relationship.

2. An Abuser of Power?

Andrew glennon

Portwood and Glennon began their relationship immediately after Baier stormed off the MBC set. The timing has led many to question if Andrew abused his position of power and seduced Amber while she was still with Matt.

3. Matt Baier on Andrew Glennon: He’s Sketchy!

Matt baier reacts

One of the people who doubts Andrew’s sincerity and authenticity is Matt Baier. Obviously, Baier is a bit biased … but he’s also an expert on shady characters.

4. A Famous Family

Andrew glennon photo

Unlike Baier, Glennon is gainfully employed. But he was also born with a consideradle leg up. He’s both the son AND grandson of famed Hollywood cinematographers.

5. In Other Words, He’s Loaded

Andrew glennon pic

Which is probably part of the appeal for Amber. Unfortunately, those who know Andrew best have cautioned that Portwood is getting in way over her head…

6. A History of Crossing the Line

Andrew glennon selfie

Glennon has a history of engaging in threatening behavior with the women in his life. And the police have gotten involved on more than one occasion.

View Slideshow

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Matt Baier: Devastated Over Amber Portwood"s Pregnancy News!

Have you heard the good news? Or the technically good but still very, very concerning news, as it were?

Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child!

After several outlets reported that Amber is expecting a baby with her boyfriend of approximately two seconds, Andrew Glennon, Amber confirmed it herself on Friday.

She shared the news on Instagram, saying “I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together!”

She also did an interview with Us Weekly in which she explained that “When I first found out, I was a little scared,” but “after the initial shock, it was nothing but happy thoughts and just enjoying my time with my boyfriend.”

“I just kind of sat down and thought about it and realized that it was a big step in my life and it was a good thing actually, and I was really happy within 30 minutes.”

It seems like a very short amount of time to come to terms with all that, but hey, we know that Amber isn’t really one to take things slow.

After all, she and Andrew began dating in August, barely three months ago, and she just met the guy in June.

It’s also worth mentioning that she met him while filming Marriage Boot Camp, the show she went on to try to save her relationship with Matt Baier.

So there was literally no downtime between Matt and Andrew. And it’s not exactly like Andrew was the knight in shining armor who saved her from ol’ douchey Matt, either.

Two of Andrew’s ex-girlfriends have restraining orders against him, and they’ve accused him of stalking them.

He’s really and truly a creep, and in some ways, he’s even worse than Matt.

And hey, since we keep talking about Matt, how do you think he’s handling all of this?

Hint: not that well.

Radar Online reached out to him to ask him about the pregnancy news, and it sounds like he wasn’t aware of it until they called him — his first response was apparently “You’re kidding.”

When he gathered his thoughts, he said “Amber is a great mother. If this is what she wants then I’m extraordinarily happy for her and I wish them nothing but the best.”

He also said that while he hasn’t talked to her “at all” since their split, he did plan to “text her congratulations.”

As for his own life, he said that he’s “doing great,” and that he’s even got a new significant other himself.

It can’t be easy for him though — with as many kids as he has out there and as much as he loved Amber’s fame and money, you’d have to imagine that he wanted to be the one to impregnate her.

And as one of his friends explains to Hollywood Life, he really is struggling with this development.

It’s because “Matt has a lot of regret about their breakup,” and “he feels like Amber is the one that got away.”

“There’s still a part of him that was hoping they might eventually get back together, so this pregnancy news hit him hard.”

Aww, poor guy!

Except wait, they broke up because he failed a lie detector test, specifically a question about whether or not he made a sexual advance towards another woman.

And also because he stole thousands and thousands of dollars from her, and said horrible, humiliating things about her on national television, and tried to control her whole entire life … the list goes on and on.

So yeah, it’s definitely a good thing Amber got away from him and cut ties in such a permanent way.

Now we just have to hope that Andrew manages to kep his own creeper tendencies at bay, and also that Amber somehow manages to develop some parenting skills in the upcoming months.

Then we’ll be set!


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Andrew Glennon: Amber Portwood"s Boyfriend SLAMS Matt Baier!

If you follow her on social media, then you’re probably aware that Amber Portwood is dating Andrew Glennon.

She frequently gushes about her new dude, and at first, fans seemed genuinely happy for her.

Now, however, there are fears that Amber may be repeating the mistakes of her past.

News of Glennon’s sketchy past, which includes two restraining orders requested by recent ex-girlfriends, has fans worried that Amber has found herself another possessive, controlling, untrustworthy boyfriend.

It’s a list of traits that brings to mind Amber’s ill-fated relationship with Matt Baier.

Understandably, Glennon is less than thrilled to find himself compared to widely-hated deadbeat dad who cheated on Amber and lied about his drug use.

In a recent interview, Glennon opened up about his relationship and feelings on being likened to Amber’s awful ex:

“I am in no way another Matt Baier,” Glennon told Radar Online.

“I don’t want any monetary gain or material possessions that she has. I just want to make her smile and experience things together that we both wanted to experience with our exes but couldn’t.”

Glennon acknowledged that his behavior in past relationships was less than exemplary, but he bristles at the notion that fans have reason to be concerned he’ll mistreat Amber:

“This makes her look like she has terrible taste in men,” he said.

“I am not a flawless man. The past is the past, we learn from it, hold onto the best moments, and burn the rest. Amber has a past I’m still learning about, but it doesn’t phase me.”

He told Radar that Amber is still struggling with the recent revelations about his past, but added that he’s confident their relationship will endure.

“I’m giving her space to process,” he said.

“She’s read the statements made by my exes, but still hasn’t spoken to me about it. No one is perfect, but we can always do better. I am willing to share every experience I’ve had, good and bad, because I am not the only one with a past.”

In the past, Amber has proven to be a very forgiving woman.

(Many would argue she’s much too forgiving.)

But her obsessive fans aren’t as easy to win over, and Andrew is in the doghouse early on.

We’re not saying he’s guaranteed to join the lengthy list of horrendous Teen Mom boyfriends, but he’s certainly not off to a great start.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive all of Amber’s terrible life choices.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Andrew Glennon: Amber Portwood"s Boyfriend Addresses Stalking, Harassment Allegations

Earlier this week, we reported that Amber Portwood’s boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, has been accused of stalking and harassing an ex, with the situation eventually becoming so dire that the woman was granted a three-year restraining order.

But it turns out that wasn’t the whole story.

We now know that two of Andrew’s recent exes have requested and been granted legal protection from the reality TV producer.

The second restraining order request was filed in 2015 after a relationship of just three months.

The ex in that case said she feared for her safety and asked that her family be granted protection from Glennon, as well.

“He has threatened me verbally and I believe yesterday he sent an anonymous letter to my boss and coworkers to deliberately trying to smear me,” she wrote in court documents.

“He has contacted my family and my friends in order to try and find out about me. I am scared for my safety and I am scared of him.”

Frightening stuff.

Fans are understandably concerned, as Amber just rid herself of one low-life with a history of troubling legal problems when she dumped Matt Baier back in June.

Now, it seems she’s found herself in another dangerous relationship.

Perhaps in response to the outpouring of concern, Glennon is now addressing the charges against him.

“I have three sisters and would never consider stalking nor harassing any women,” he said in a statement issued to Radar Online.

“In hindsight, I should have contested the first [restraining order filed against me].”

As for the second restraining order, Glennon rather astonishingly admits to sending the anonymous letter, but maintains he did so out of a sense of duty to our nation’s children. No, seriously:

“I felt it necessary, her being a teacher, to let her employers know what type of person they have working for them,” he told Radar.

“She was one of the most poisonous relationships I’ve ever had.”

Despite the “poisonous” nature of the relationship, Glennon says he still speaks to the second ex on a regular basis.

Sounds to us like Amber should run from this guy and never look back.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive Portwood’s long history of awful relationships.


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Andrew Glennon: Who is Amber Portwood"s New Boyfriend?!

Last week, we saw something so wonderful and lovely and uplifting …

We saw Amber Portwood canoodling with a guy who was most definitely not Matt Baier: meaning that there’s a good chance she’s finally done with that creeper.

Of course, Matt is still running his mouth about Amber to anyone who will listen, which isn’t a great sign.

But right now, let’s not dwell on the fact that Matt could slither his way back into her life at any time.

Instead, let’s dwell on the new guy with the cowboy hat who seems to have Amber pretty darn smitten!

So far, all we know about the guy is that his name is Andrew, and he’s 33 years old.

He lives in L.A. and works in television production, and Amber met him when she was out there filming Marriage Boot Camp in June.

We also know that he’s said to be filming for the upcoming season of Teen Mom OG, so that should be interesting.

But thanks to a new report from E! News, we have a bunch of additional information about Andrew — for example, we now know that his full name is Andrew Glennon.

While we knew that he met Amber while she was in L.A. filming Marriage Boot Camp, this new report claims that he was actually working on the show.

A source explains that “It makes sense Amber and Andrew grew close during filming.”

“Her relationship with Matt was in bad shape and when you’re shooting a show like this where there is a lot of heightened emotion, participants bond with the crew.”

But even though they “grew close” while she was filming the show with Matt, “nothing happened” during that time.

The source insists that “she didn’t cheat.”

What happened was, while they were filming, “Andrew noticed Amber before she noticed him,” he waited until filming had ended before he reached out to her.

When he did, “She and Matt were broken up and she invited him to come visit.”

Just a few weeks after that, he did come visit, and “he’s been with her ever since. It’s been a longer stay than either of them expected.”

And see, that part is a little weird, because that’s exactly what Matt did — he came to visit and he never, ever left.

Filming ended at beginning of July, so if he came to visit after that, that means he’s been staying with her for nearly a month.

Like, Amber, girl, it’s OK to take things slow sometimes. It is possible to form a serious relationship without moving your boyfriend in immediately.

He’s able to spend so much time with her because, although he does have a steady career in production, he usually works “gig to gig.”

He’s also “a little bit nerdy,” but Amber “likes that about him. She sounds very happy.”

She also “loves” that he’s “really tall, well over 6 feet.”

Well, if he’s really tall, why wouldn’t she move him in after the first date, right?

We’re happy for you, Amber, but just take it easy. That’s all.


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Matt Baier Child Support Cases Dropped! Is Amber Portwood"s Fiance Telling the Truth?!

Earlier today, we reported that Amber Portwood’s fiance, Matt Baier, was called the “ultimate con artist” by his own son.

Needless to say, no one seemed very surprised by the 26-year-old’s assessment of his estranged father.

After all, Baier allegedly has nine kids by seven different baby mamas, most of whom have filed suit against the 45-year-old deadbeat dad over the course of the past year.

Several women have claimed that they were unable to locate Baier in order to demand that he pay for years of back child support.\

Others say he declared financial hardship, and they decided to go after him once he started bringing in those hefty Teen Mom checks.

Whatever the reason that he got away with it so long, it looked like the jig was up for Baier.

But then something completely unexpected happened…

The case started turning in Baier’s favor.

First, Baier avoided a showdown in court by securing a delayed hearing that would allow his lawyers to shore up a better defense.

Apparently the extra time was all they needed, because Radar Online is reporting that two of Baier’s five child support cases have been dropped.

It’s safe to assume non-disclosure agreements were part of the ruling, as none of the parties involved have spoken publicly about the case.

It’s possible that Baier and the unidentified women have settled out of court, or that the claimants are planning to refile in a different court.

Whatever the case, the other women who claim they’ve been stiffed by Baier remain outspoken on the topic of their ex:

“I’m repulsed by him,” said his ex Jeannette Reedy in a recent interview.

That seems to be the consensus, Jeannette.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Matt Baier: Amber Portwood"s Fiance Has EIGHT Kids?!

Last week, it was widely reported that Amber Portwood’s fiance Matt Baier has seven kids by as many as five different women.

Portwood defended Baier and issued a statement denying that the dude has as many kids as Snow White had dwarves. Turns out she was right. Radar Online is not reporting that Baier has eight kids!

Yes, the site claims to have located a sixth baby mama who says she has an 8-year-old daughter with Baier.

Kelly Maguire Nunn is a 36-year-old Boston native who says that Baier proposed to her and got her pregnant during their brief relationship – and then abandoned her.

While she is not one of the five women taking Baier to court for back child support, Nunn claims the 44-year-old deadbeat dad owes her more than $ 10,000.

According to Nunn, she and Baier met and started dating in 2007 while they were both employees at a Frito-Lay warehouse in Massachusetts.

She says he popped the question using almost the exact same speech he used when he proposed to Portwood.

“He asked me to meet him at work, and he gave a very similar speech,” she tells Radar.

“He said, ‘This is where we met and bonded, we’re two peas in a pod.’ It was almost verbatim what he said to Amber.”

Nunn claims Baier insisted that they start a family immediately, but left without a trace when she was just one month pregnant.

He reportedly met their daughter only once, at which time he dragged Nunn and the young girl to a casino where he dropped a bombshell on his former fiancee:

“He said, ‘I’ve been spending a lot of time with her. I know she’s mine and I should feel a bond, but I don’t feel anything,’” Nun  says.

“He’s a pathological liar, a con man. I bet he thinks he found the jackpot with Amber.”

Sadly, Amber seems to be completely deaf to that sort of warning.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Amber Portwood"s Fiance is a "Good Conman," Says His Ex

Gary Shirley was right to be suspicious of Amber Portwood’s fiance, Matt Baier, because the dude is sketchy.

Baier, 44, has actually fathered at least eight children, and is being taken to court on March 22nd by each and every mom for unpaid child support.

One of the mothers is Baier’s ex-fiance, Kelly, who recently revealed all sorts of details about their relationship to The Ashley.

“He gets into your head, he’s a good conman,” Kelly said.

“I thought he was the one for me, that we belonged together. He has this way of making you think that everyone else is crazy. [And] He loves you like no one else.”

Kelly and Matt met at work in 2007, started dating, and then,”within a month he had moved in,” she recalled.

Shortly after, Baier proposed to Kelly pretty much the same way he did with Amber.

“The speech he gave before proposing to Amber was almost verbatim to what he told me when he asked me to marry him,” Kelly explained, adding that he wanted to knock her up right away.

Kelly was hesitant, and wanted to wait until after the wedding to try and have kids, but Baier “was really pressing to have a baby.” 

Sooner after, Kelly was pregnant.  And Baier went bye bye.

“I found out I was pregnant in September and by October, Matt was GONE!”

Kelly, who had no idea Baier fathered so many other children, kept in touch, just assuming he was freaked out that everything was moving so fast (even though it was all at his insistence).

Kelly gave birth to a daughter, but Matt didn’t meet her until she was a month old.  He even had the balls to introduce himself as “her sperm donor,” Kelly said.

Matt disappeared again until their daughter was two, at which time he came crawling back, “begging for forgiveness.” 

The threesome took a trip, which Kelly hoped would connect Matt with his daughter, but he admitted he “didn’t feel anything” for the child.  

So, the two never spoke again, and Kelly moved on with her life, while Matt met another woman and fathered yet another kid.

Now married, Kelly told the site she was watching Teen Mom OG, her “guilty pleasure,” when she saw Baier on the show.

“It was surreal,” she said. “When I saw him on there I almost died.” 

Kelly watched his relationship with Amber unfold, noticing a lot of similarities.

“He didn’t do the shady stuff all at once, this is trickling in for her,” Kelly explained.

“When you’re with him, you don’t see the red flags. It wasn’t until afterward that I saw everything and I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t seen it before.” 

“My advice to Amber would be to RUN! Don’t get pregnant, that’s the big thing,” Kelly warned.

On a January 18th after-show, Portwood admitted to getting cold feet before her October nuptials to Baier.  

“It wasn’t cold feet about the wedding,” Baier told OK! after.

“It wasn’t about not wanting to get married … it was that it’s now coming up so soon and that she just got very, ‘OMG, I can’t believe I’m actually getting married because I never thought I would.’”

“Everything is great!” he added.

My God, Amber Portwood. RUN.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Matt Baier: Amber Portwood"s Fiance is a Lying Thief, Former Friend Claims

It takes a lot for Amber Portwood to realize she’s made a bad decision, but we’re guessing even she’s starting to realize that getting engaged to Matt Baier was a big mistake.

Amber was warned against getting involved with Matt from the start, but – as is her tendency – she ignored the sound advice of her family, friends, and fans and rushed headlong into an awful situation.

As we learned on this week’s episode of Teen Mom: O.G. Matt appears to have seven kids from multiple different women, some of whom he may not have seen in years.

Now, it seems Baier is being sued by five baby mamas for back child support.

Needless to say, Baier is looking pretty shady these days, and the latest from report from Radar Online featuring a troubling story from a former friend certainly isn’t helping.

Judy Cornett is a well-known child safety activist who’s been a guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show and written countless articles advocating for at-risk youth.

She met Baier in 2008, and – thinking that he was similarly passionate about the issue – invited him to stay at her home so that they could attend a protest together.

She began to regret the mistake when Baier wouldn’t stop coming on to her.

“He was very flirtatious, but I wasn’t receptive to it,” Cornett claims. 

Baier lingered in Cornett’s home in Tampa for a full two weeks, during which time Cornett made an appearance on a local television show, for which she was paid $ 1,500 in cash.

After leaving Baier alone in the house to run errands, Cornett returned home to find that the money was gone.

Cornett says Baier denied stealing the cash and broke down in tears. Shortly thereafter, he claimed he had a friend wire him the money and gave her the entire missing sum.

I made him get in a cab and leave,” Cornett says. “I never saw him again.”

She concludes her interview with Radar with a personal message for Amber:

“Please understand that this is not a personal vendetta against Matt and I am not trying to create any problems for your TV show. I’m a mother and I also care for you and your sobriety,” Cornett says.

“I am fearful that Matt has not changed. I personally feel that he is still continuing his behavior of conning, manipulating and lying his way through life. He has been searching for that pot of gold and I believe he probably thinks he has found it with you.”

Amber, you may want to listen. It could save you a lot of trouble.