Sunday, November 5, 2017

Matt Baier: Devastated Over Amber Portwood"s Pregnancy News!

Have you heard the good news? Or the technically good but still very, very concerning news, as it were?

Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child!

After several outlets reported that Amber is expecting a baby with her boyfriend of approximately two seconds, Andrew Glennon, Amber confirmed it herself on Friday.

She shared the news on Instagram, saying “I’m very excited for my future with Andrew and our little family we are starting together!”

She also did an interview with Us Weekly in which she explained that “When I first found out, I was a little scared,” but “after the initial shock, it was nothing but happy thoughts and just enjoying my time with my boyfriend.”

“I just kind of sat down and thought about it and realized that it was a big step in my life and it was a good thing actually, and I was really happy within 30 minutes.”

It seems like a very short amount of time to come to terms with all that, but hey, we know that Amber isn’t really one to take things slow.

After all, she and Andrew began dating in August, barely three months ago, and she just met the guy in June.

It’s also worth mentioning that she met him while filming Marriage Boot Camp, the show she went on to try to save her relationship with Matt Baier.

So there was literally no downtime between Matt and Andrew. And it’s not exactly like Andrew was the knight in shining armor who saved her from ol’ douchey Matt, either.

Two of Andrew’s ex-girlfriends have restraining orders against him, and they’ve accused him of stalking them.

He’s really and truly a creep, and in some ways, he’s even worse than Matt.

And hey, since we keep talking about Matt, how do you think he’s handling all of this?

Hint: not that well.

Radar Online reached out to him to ask him about the pregnancy news, and it sounds like he wasn’t aware of it until they called him — his first response was apparently “You’re kidding.”

When he gathered his thoughts, he said “Amber is a great mother. If this is what she wants then I’m extraordinarily happy for her and I wish them nothing but the best.”

He also said that while he hasn’t talked to her “at all” since their split, he did plan to “text her congratulations.”

As for his own life, he said that he’s “doing great,” and that he’s even got a new significant other himself.

It can’t be easy for him though — with as many kids as he has out there and as much as he loved Amber’s fame and money, you’d have to imagine that he wanted to be the one to impregnate her.

And as one of his friends explains to Hollywood Life, he really is struggling with this development.

It’s because “Matt has a lot of regret about their breakup,” and “he feels like Amber is the one that got away.”

“There’s still a part of him that was hoping they might eventually get back together, so this pregnancy news hit him hard.”

Aww, poor guy!

Except wait, they broke up because he failed a lie detector test, specifically a question about whether or not he made a sexual advance towards another woman.

And also because he stole thousands and thousands of dollars from her, and said horrible, humiliating things about her on national television, and tried to control her whole entire life … the list goes on and on.

So yeah, it’s definitely a good thing Amber got away from him and cut ties in such a permanent way.

Now we just have to hope that Andrew manages to kep his own creeper tendencies at bay, and also that Amber somehow manages to develop some parenting skills in the upcoming months.

Then we’ll be set!
