Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Andrew Glennon: Amber Portwood"s Boyfriend SLAMS Matt Baier!

If you follow her on social media, then you’re probably aware that Amber Portwood is dating Andrew Glennon.

She frequently gushes about her new dude, and at first, fans seemed genuinely happy for her.

Now, however, there are fears that Amber may be repeating the mistakes of her past.

News of Glennon’s sketchy past, which includes two restraining orders requested by recent ex-girlfriends, has fans worried that Amber has found herself another possessive, controlling, untrustworthy boyfriend.

It’s a list of traits that brings to mind Amber’s ill-fated relationship with Matt Baier.

Understandably, Glennon is less than thrilled to find himself compared to widely-hated deadbeat dad who cheated on Amber and lied about his drug use.

In a recent interview, Glennon opened up about his relationship and feelings on being likened to Amber’s awful ex:

“I am in no way another Matt Baier,” Glennon told Radar Online.

“I don’t want any monetary gain or material possessions that she has. I just want to make her smile and experience things together that we both wanted to experience with our exes but couldn’t.”

Glennon acknowledged that his behavior in past relationships was less than exemplary, but he bristles at the notion that fans have reason to be concerned he’ll mistreat Amber:

“This makes her look like she has terrible taste in men,” he said.

“I am not a flawless man. The past is the past, we learn from it, hold onto the best moments, and burn the rest. Amber has a past I’m still learning about, but it doesn’t phase me.”

He told Radar that Amber is still struggling with the recent revelations about his past, but added that he’s confident their relationship will endure.

“I’m giving her space to process,” he said.

“She’s read the statements made by my exes, but still hasn’t spoken to me about it. No one is perfect, but we can always do better. I am willing to share every experience I’ve had, good and bad, because I am not the only one with a past.”

In the past, Amber has proven to be a very forgiving woman.

(Many would argue she’s much too forgiving.)

But her obsessive fans aren’t as easy to win over, and Andrew is in the doghouse early on.

We’re not saying he’s guaranteed to join the lengthy list of horrendous Teen Mom boyfriends, but he’s certainly not off to a great start.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive all of Amber’s terrible life choices.
