Showing posts with label Sketchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sketchy. Show all posts

Monday, November 13, 2017

Andrew Glennon: Amber Portwood"s Baby Daddy Has a Seriously Sketchy Past

As we learned last week, Amber Portwood is pregnant with her second child.

Fortunately, she"s not expecting a child by Matt Baier, the notorious deadbeat whom she very nearly married earlier this year.

Sadly, her new boyfriend, Andrew Glennon, has problems of his own.

And by that we mean the guy is basically a walking red flag.

We"ve told you about Glennon"s sketchy past before, but the situation basically gets uglier with every new revelation.

See what we mean in the gallery below:

1. Reality Producer Turned Reality Star

Amber portwood and andrew glennon

Andrew is a producer on Marriage Boot Camp. He met Amber while she and Matt Baier were appearing on the show to work on their ailing relationship.

2. An Abuser of Power?

Andrew glennon

Portwood and Glennon began their relationship immediately after Baier stormed off the MBC set. The timing has led many to question if Andrew abused his position of power and seduced Amber while she was still with Matt.

3. Matt Baier on Andrew Glennon: He’s Sketchy!

Matt baier reacts

One of the people who doubts Andrew’s sincerity and authenticity is Matt Baier. Obviously, Baier is a bit biased … but he’s also an expert on shady characters.

4. A Famous Family

Andrew glennon photo

Unlike Baier, Glennon is gainfully employed. But he was also born with a consideradle leg up. He’s both the son AND grandson of famed Hollywood cinematographers.

5. In Other Words, He’s Loaded

Andrew glennon pic

Which is probably part of the appeal for Amber. Unfortunately, those who know Andrew best have cautioned that Portwood is getting in way over her head…

6. A History of Crossing the Line

Andrew glennon selfie

Glennon has a history of engaging in threatening behavior with the women in his life. And the police have gotten involved on more than one occasion.

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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Amber Portwood: New Boyfriend"s Sketchy Past Revealed?

If you follow her on social media, then by you probably know by now that Amber Portwood has a new boyfriend.

Amber frequently gushes about Andrew Glennon, a Marriage Boot Camp producer, whom she ironically met on set after her previous boyfriend Matt Baier flew the coop.

Of course, Amber was quick to offer the highest praise possible by assuring fans that Andrew is nothing like Matt.

Baier was sketchy, controlling, verbally abusive, possessive, and unstable.

Portwood apparently believes that Glennon is none of those things.

But it’s worth noting that at one point, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, she believed Matt wasn’t like that either.

Fans are hopeful that Amber has learned from her past mistakes and thoroughly vetted Glennon before becoming involved in a relationship with him.

Unfortunately, new evidence points to Glennon being as unstable and controlling as his predecessor.

Radar Online has obtained court documents from an ex of Glennon’s, who filed for a restraining order after their relationship ended.

“I broke up with him and he was very upset,” she wrote. “[He] hid my keys as I had to leave out of fear. The next day he wouldn’t leave [my] apartment until my dad threatened to call the police.”

“In May, he showed up uninvited and after I asked him to leave he secretly let the air out of my tire till it was flat,” she continued.

“On my birthday, [he] showed up at my work under a false name delivering flowers. Security at my work turned him away.”

Believe it or not, it gets worse.

The ex claims Glennon’s harassment continued for weeks, and the situation reached the point where she feared for her safety.

“I suspect he vandalized my neighbors car that was using my parking spot over night,” she said, adding that someone had keyed the words “f-ck you” into the vehicle.

The documents detail one frightening incident that prompted the ex to call the police:

“[Glennon] threw rocks at my window and smiled and laughed when he saw me look,” she said, adding:

“He is extremely tall and large at 6’7″ 315 lbs. His behavior is escalating and I am very scared.”

She also submitted as evidence an “obsessive email” that Glennon had written to her shortly after their breakup.

“You were my first love and my true love, that will always be so,” Glennon wrote.

“After all of the heartache, sadness and never-ending pain, I know. You and I had something special that will never change. Because I love you and loving someone else will always seem strange.”

The unidentified ex was granted a three-year restraining order that expired last year.

Amber has yet to comment on the situation.

Watch Teen Mom: OG online to relive all of Ms. Portwood’s questionable decisions.


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Lark Voorhies Divorces Sketchy Husband Jimmy Green

Back in April, Lark Voorhies married Jimmy Green in a quickie ceremony at a Vegas chapel.

Almost immediately, information about Green began to emerge that left Voorhies friends and family more than a little concerned.

First we learned that Green was wanted by police for a bizarre, violent incident that had taken place several years prior.

Shortly thereafter, Lark’s mother claimed that Green was a homeless gang member who basically got together with Lark so that he’d have a place to stay. 

Now, TMZ is reporting that Lark has finally filed for divorce, but remarkably, it might have been Green’s decision to end the marriage.

Green tells the website that Lark was the one to file because he couldn’t figure out how (?!) so she did it at his request.

He continues to deny that he’s homeless (though he admits to being in a gang) and says the marriage would’ve worked were it not for Lark’s meddling mom.

The important thing is, Lark has removed herself from a volatile and potentially dangerous situation.

As a bonus, it looks as though Green will not be receiving any spousal support. Although sadly, those closest to Lark say her Saved By the Bell money dried up long ago, anyway.