Showing posts with label Telling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Telling. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Farrah Abraham STILL In Jail After Telling Cops to Go F--k Themselves!

Oh, Farrah.

When you got fired from Teen Mom OG for generally being an awful person, we thought your days of entertaining/depressing us with your bonkers bad behavior had come to an end.

In retrospect, we should’ve known a day like today was coming.

In case you missed it, Farrah was arrested on charges of battery and trespassing last night after allegedly assaulting a male staff member at the famed Beverly Hills Hotel.

According to the police report, she was booked at 1:48 AM.

As of right now, she’s still being held on $ 500 bail.

We still don’t know what set Farrah off (although we do know that booze was involved), but TMZ has obtained video of Farrah’s arrest, and as you may have guessed — it ain’t pretty.

At one point, one of the arresting officers begins searching Farrah’s purse, and the former reality star demonstrates that even in her state of inebriation, she’s well aware of the reality of her situation:

“Do you want to do that on camera so that everyone at TMZ can see?” Farrah asks.

Further proving that her diva-like attitude remains intact, Farrah tells one of the officers, “I don’t want to be arrested.”

She then repeats the phrase “I am not going to be provoked to be arrested” several times.

Then things really take a turn for the worse, as Abraham screams, “I am not resisting you!” before breaking down in tears (a classic Farrah tactic) and accusing one of the officers of hurting her.

A spokesperson for Farrah issued a statement today in which she thanked fans for their “concern” and urged them to “remember there are two sides to every story.”

Meanwhile, police have issued their own statement, in which they state the painfully obvious and confirm that Farrah has hammered at the time of her arrest.

“Officers noted that Abraham exhibited signs of intoxication during the investigation,” stated Lieutenant Elisabeth Albanese with the Beverly Hills Police Department this afternoon.

It may be hard to believe, given her many years of batsh-t behavior, but this is only Farrah’s second arrest.

The first took place in 2013, when she was hauled in on DUI charges.

Back then, she pled guilty and was sentenced to six months probation.

This time, Farrah might find herself facing a stiffer penalty.

For one thing, she’s no longer a first offender.

On top of that, there’s a legal precedent in this case, as it was just last year that Farrah’s fellow reality star Kim Richards was arrested for a drunken assault at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

Richards very narrowly avoided jail time, but even if Farrah proves equally lucky, she’s got another problem on her hands:

Sources have indicated that Farrah’s 9-year-old daughter Sophia was with her in the hotel on the night of the incident.

Sophia is currently in the care of a nanny, but Farrah might soon be facing a custody challenge from her mother, Debra Danielsen:

“She needs to be with her family, not about strangers and volatility and her mother being arrested,” Danielsen told Radar when asked about Sophia.

“It’s very disgusting. She needs to go to school… She needs to not be dragged on a party all over the world.”

We’ll have further updates on this developing situation as more information becomes available.


Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Cardi B"s Team Telling People She"s Pregnant!

Cardi B is pregnant … is what members of her team told people during Super Bowl weekend … TMZ has learned.  Cardi performed at several events in Minneapolis, one of which was the Maxim party. At that event there were 2 VIP areas … one at…


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Logan Paul Says on "GMA" It"s Ironic People Are Telling Him to Kill Himself

Logan Paul thinks it’s ironic people are telling him to kill himself … one month after posting horrific footage of a suicide victim. The YouTube star told Michael Strahan on ‘GMA’ that millions of people are telling him to go die in a…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Ciara Responds to Backlash After Telling Women to Get Married!

Even though it hasn’t even been two full years since Ciara and Russell Wilson got married, Ciara apparently feels like she’s in a place to give some very heavy-handed marriage advice.

After Ciara shared some “advice” that didn’t go over very well with fans, she received quite a bit of backlash. Some believed that she was shaming women for not being married.

Now, Ciara is speaking out. But we’re not sure if this is going to smooth out those ruffled feathers.

Ciara seems to be one of those people who thinks that there’s one right way to do things — and it’s whatever way she happens to do them.

And she’s also apparently one of those people who thinks that she can just stand above everyone else and give out advice.

On Instagram, Ciara shared a video of a sermon with the quote:

“Too many women want to be married, but you’re walking in the spirit of ‘girlfriend,"” a quote by the pastor who is speaking in the video, John Gray.

Ciara then added to it: “#LevelUp. Don’t settle.”

As you can imagine, this didn’t exactly go over well with a lot of fans. Nobody follows singers to get preached to.

“Ciara’s playing a dangerous game. You should never, no matter how perfect your relationship/marriage appears to be, sit on a throne and tell people why they’re not romantically successful. You can be the queen of the ball today and have cake in your face tomorrow!”

Others took issue with the pastor’s line, and the distinction that he gives between wives and girlfriends, saying:

“The difference between the two is a ring and a piece of paper…this speech is a hot piece of garbage.”

Others brought up Ciara’s past. People who formerly lived in glass houses still shouldn’t throw rocks.

“Ciara telling women to ‘Level up’ and live ‘like a wife’ so they can b married is astounding to me. Didn’t you need grace, mercy, & compassion when you were being dragged up and down the Internet for the Future situation? How quickly ppl forget when they reach a perch of privilege.”

Some, however, defended Ciara, saying that fans were hypocritical and just rejecting the advice because it wasn’t what they wanted to hear.

“Y’all wanted to know how Ciara snatched a Russell Wilson, and she told y’all but now y’all mad. LMAO.”

Others lashed out at how people had brought up Ciara’s past.

“Ciara’s GROWTH has nothing to do with her denying her past …. Y’all heffas get mad at fellow women for trying to encourage you to do BETTER because you deserve better but you’re also upset when men degrade you. Y’all Just gotta play victim because Hoe is Life.”

We think that the issue is that “girlfriend” isn’t worse than “wife,” it’s just different. A lot of her fans felt like they were being shamed.

Ciara responded with an Instagram post that … well, it’s probably not going to endear her to the people who didn’t like her previous post.

“I was [once] that girl wanting to be loved a certain way bit was making the wrong choices. I found myself at my lowest moment.”

That sounds so sad.

“I was a single mom sitting at home, and then I realized that the perfect love I was looking for was how God loves me, how He wants me to be loved, and who He was calling me to be as a mom and a woman.”

A lot of folks are going to object to her describing single motherhood as her “lowest moment.”

“That’s when I realized married [or] not married… I needed to love myself. #LevelUp”

Self-love is a valuable thing to learn. Not everyone wants to get married now or to get married ever, but everyone wants to love themselves.

It’s not clear whether Ciara believes that Russell Wilson found her alleged godliness so attractive that he wanted to marry her, or if she believes that her current marriage is a divine reward.

Maybe both?

A lot of fans still

Surely, if Ciara doesn’t like being mom-shamed, she shouldn’t … existence-shame women?

But we should acknowledge that this is what worked for Ciara. Clearly, some fans want to know how she found her current happiness, and she’s sharing it.

Just because it clearly wouldn’t work for everyone doesn’t mean that she’s wrong to share the advice, right?


Friday, November 10, 2017

Louis C.K. Confesses, My Accusers Were All Telling the Truth

Louis C.K. has just addressed claims by 5 women that he either asked to expose himself, masturbated in front of them, or did so on the phone. He acknowledges the women were all telling the truth, and goes on to explain his conduct and the…


Louis C.K. Confesses, My Accusers Were All Telling the Truth

Louis C.K. has just addressed claims by 5 women that he either asked to expose himself, masturbated in front of them, or did so on the phone. He acknowledges the women were all telling the truth, and goes on to explain his conduct and the…


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Kailyn Lowry to Jenelle Evans: Thanks For Telling the World I"m Pregnant!

Jenelle Evans isn’t very popular with her Teen Mom 2 castmates these days.

On Tuesday, Jenelle’s feud with Chelsea Houska erupted in epic fashion on Twitter, and it wasn’t even Jenelle’s first beef of the week!

That title belongs to the Jenelle vs. Kailyn Lowry bout that fans witnessed on the Teen Mom 2 after show on Monday night.

As you may have heard, Kailyn is pregnant with her third child these days, and like Jenelle before her, she unsuccessfully tried to keep the news under wraps during the early months of her pregnancy.

For weeks before she broke the news, fans were openly speculating that Kailyn was secretly knocked up.

Kailyn repeatedly denied it, which makes sense, as she hoped to go public with the news on her own terms.

But brushing off the rumors became considerably more difficult after Jenelle seemed to publicly confirm that Kailyn is pregnant.

Jenelle tweeted her congratulations to Kailyn several days before she shared the news of her pregnancy in a press release, and Lowry said on Monday night that she believes it was a cynical attempt to re-ignite an ongoing feud:

“Jenelle tweeted something that she heard from the crew before I announced it,” Lowry said on after-show.

“I wasn’t planning to announce it that way. I didn’t get to do it the way I wanted.”

Kailyn speculated that Evans congratulated her to be a “smart ass,” adding, “We haven’t always been on good terms.”

After the show, however, in an unexpected turn of events, Kailyn seemed to apologize to Jenelle on social media, telling Radar Online:

“She apologized because it wasn’t me, it was Javi [Marroquin].”

Jenelle claims the reason for Kailyn’s contrition is that she realized the tweet she falsely attributed to Evans was actually posted by Javi Marroquin.

No word on how Kailyn might have confused the father of her second child with her rival co-star who lives in a different state, but hey, if this is the least unbelievable story Jenelle tells this week, we’ll consider ourselves lucky.

Amazingly, an anonymous source tells Radar that Kailyn actually did realize her mistake, and issued an apology to Jenelle simply to clear the air:

“They just haven’t always seen eye to eye at different times throughout the years,” the source said.

“She did feel bad about calling her out. Once Jenelle explained the situation to her privately, she did apologize.”

Yes, someone is apologizing to Jenelle Evans, instead of waiting impatiently for an apology from her.

This year is just full of surprises!

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for a reminder of just how bonkers the Carolina Hurricane really is.


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Toby Keith Telling The Critics To Back Off

Toby Keith doesn’t give a damn what the haters think … he says his Donald Trump Inauguration performance isn’t a personal favor, it’s for the good ole U.S. of A.  Keith has faced a ton of backlash since it was announced Friday he’d be part of…


Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Matt Baier Child Support Cases Dropped! Is Amber Portwood"s Fiance Telling the Truth?!

Earlier today, we reported that Amber Portwood’s fiance, Matt Baier, was called the “ultimate con artist” by his own son.

Needless to say, no one seemed very surprised by the 26-year-old’s assessment of his estranged father.

After all, Baier allegedly has nine kids by seven different baby mamas, most of whom have filed suit against the 45-year-old deadbeat dad over the course of the past year.

Several women have claimed that they were unable to locate Baier in order to demand that he pay for years of back child support.\

Others say he declared financial hardship, and they decided to go after him once he started bringing in those hefty Teen Mom checks.

Whatever the reason that he got away with it so long, it looked like the jig was up for Baier.

But then something completely unexpected happened…

The case started turning in Baier’s favor.

First, Baier avoided a showdown in court by securing a delayed hearing that would allow his lawyers to shore up a better defense.

Apparently the extra time was all they needed, because Radar Online is reporting that two of Baier’s five child support cases have been dropped.

It’s safe to assume non-disclosure agreements were part of the ruling, as none of the parties involved have spoken publicly about the case.

It’s possible that Baier and the unidentified women have settled out of court, or that the claimants are planning to refile in a different court.

Whatever the case, the other women who claim they’ve been stiffed by Baier remain outspoken on the topic of their ex:

“I’m repulsed by him,” said his ex Jeannette Reedy in a recent interview.

That seems to be the consensus, Jeannette.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Lamar Odom ENRAGED at Khloe for Telling Everyone About His Cheating

Earlier this week, Khloe Kardashian gave a tell-all interview with Howard Stern, in which she revealed some VERY personal details about her marriage to Lamar Odom.

Specifically, the Kocktails with Khloe star disclosed how Lamar cheated on her for the majority of their marriage and hid texts to his mistresses on his assistant’s phone.

“It was disgusting,” she said.

Well, Lamar heard the whole thing, and now he’s pissed. ​

Oh, ya think?

“Lamar heard the entire interview Khloe did with Howard and was very unhappy about it,” a source told Radar Online. “Didn’t she just go out on another media tour for her book and take credit for saving Lamar’s life?”

“Lamar called Khloe and asked her to stop talking about him,” the source said. “He is trying to get on with his life and all Khloe wants to do is dredge up the past.”

But Lamarrr, don’t you know Khloe needs to get publicity for her new talk show, which apparently nobody cares about?

According to the source, Khloe told Lamar that she couldn’t help it because people keep asking her about him.

And have you EVER heard a Kardashian woman reply with a simple “no comment”? 

“Lamar is ready to get out of Los Angeles and go back to Las Vegas, away from Khloe,” the source added. 

“Khloe just wants to look like a saint to the rest of the world, but behind close doors she has given Lamar hell, and he’s not going to let her use him for PR any more.”

Oh geez, Lamar. Back to Vegas?

To be sure, Los Angeles isn’t the holy land but if you’re really trying to get clean from the booze, drugs and hookers, do you think Vegas is really a smart choice?

We feel you, though. Your ex airing your dirty laundry to anyone who’ll listen is kind of a low blow.

On the other hand, in the words of Adele – another lady who reveals the ugly side of her relationships – “Yeah, but my motto is, then you shouldn’t fuck me over.”

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Charlie Sheen STILL Not Telling Sex Partners He"s HIV Positive?!

Earlier today, Charlie Sheen revealed his HIV diagnosis to the world in an interview with Matt Lauer.

Needless to say, the announcement came as quite a shock to many, including Charlie’s kids, and some of his former sex partners, who say they entered into relations with the actor without being informed of his condition.

Sheen says part of the reason he went public with his diagnosis is that he was fed up with being forced to shell out hush money to exes who threatened to tell the media.

However, it now seems that at least some of Charlie’s former flames were right to be angry, as he reportedly endangered their health by not telling them that he was HIV positive prior to engaging in sexual relations.

First, ex-girlfriend Bree Olson revealed that Sheen never told her about his illness. 

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Sheen had sex with two women in the past month without informing of them of the potential risk involved.

“One person claims that Charlie had sex with them just last week,” says a source who reportedly works for an LA attorney who’s soon to file suit against Sheen. “He didn’t tell them he was HIV positive.”

“And a second individual claims they had sex with Charlie three weeks ago. All of these people say they were not notified by Charlie about his HIV status and now they want settlements.”

The 50-year-old’s problems may soon go beyond the many civil cases that have been filed, as Sheen could face criminal charges for failing to disclose his diagnosis to various sex partners. 

“If an alleged victim comes forward claiming Charlie Sheen had unprotected sex with them, without notifying that person about his HIV status, it will be completely and fully investigated,” says the source.

“The victim doesn’t need to contract HIV for prosecution to take place. These cases are taken very, very seriously and any alleged victim’s identity will be protected.”

Sounds like there could be some tough times ahead for the Sheenius.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Has Gotham Star Morena Baccarin"s Baby Bump ALREADY Popped?! See The Telling Snap HERE!

Well that popped fast!

ICYMI: On Thursday, we reported that Morena Baccarin was pregnant with her Gotham co-star Ben McKenzie‘s baby!

In fact, even though the world just caught on to Borena (got to come up with a better couple name!) the brunette beauty was snapped while filming the hit FOX TV show in NYC with a relatively pronounced baby bump last week!

Related: Leighton Meester & Adam Brody Had Their Baby Earlier Than We Thought

Though we have a feeling the starlet’s character on the show may be the one expecting since she was recently photographed at the 2015 Emmy Awards where she displayed a far less prominent belly. Hmm, very inneresting!

Things are a little tricky right now for the expectant parents, as Miz Baccarin is currently wrapped up in the middle of some divorce drama with her estranged husband Austin Chick.

“Men” (nope, going with Borena) didn’t even confirm their relationship until they debuted as a couple at the Emmys’ red carpet!

Currently, Morena is trying to get custody of her 23-month-old son Julius as she lives in the Big Apple and her ex is in El Lay — and obviously the bun in her oven will eventually prevent her from flying.

Related: Ivanka Trump Announces She’s Pregnant With Baby #3!

Still, the 36-year-old can’t be further along than her first trimester — so we have a feeling the Baccarin/McKenzie baby was conceived not long after the Homeland performer’s divorce paperwork was filed. Well, well!

Nonetheless, we wish only the best for Morena, Ben, and their unborn, inevitably gorgeous baby.

What do U think?! Is that Morena’s REAL belly snapped (above)??

SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!

[Image via Splash News/WENN.]