Showing posts with label Ciara. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ciara. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Colin Cowherd Russell Wilson To Replace Eli In NY? ... Ciara Could Force It!!

Breaking News
Russell Wilson could be the guy who replaces Eli Manning as QB of the NY Giants … and it’s all ’cause of Ciara — so says Colin Cowherd.
The FS1 star reported on his show, “The Herd,” that he’s hearing from sources “in the...
Colin Cowherd Russell Wilson To Replace Eli In NY? ... Ciara Could Force It!!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Future Russell Wilson Needs to Man Up ... Ciara Controls Him!!!

Future didn’t need a diss track to unleash his true feelings about Ciara and Russell Wilson — he just came right out and said she’s controlling … and he’s weak.
The rapper was interviewed by his friend Big Bank Black Thursday night for Beats 1 radio and took some...
Future Russell Wilson Needs to Man Up ... Ciara Controls Him!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Bruno Mars Replacing Cardi B with Ciara, Boyz II Men, Ella Mai and Charlie Wilson

Cardi B’s a tough act to follow … according to Bruno Mars, who just announced he’s replacing her spot on his tour with a slew of artists … including Ciara. Bruno played the role of hype man — in a BIG way — when he finally revealed who’s…


Bruno Mars Replacing Cardi B with Ciara, Boyz II Men, Ella Mai and Charlie Wilson

Cardi B’s a tough act to follow … according to Bruno Mars, who just announced he’s replacing her spot on his tour with a slew of artists … including Ciara. Bruno played the role of hype man — in a BIG way — when he finally revealed who’s…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Future Waited to Drop Mixtape Because of Drake, Not Ciara & Russell

The release of Future’s new mixtape isn’t a jab at baby mama Ciara … in fact, it’s a courtesy move to fellow rapper Drake. Future dropped his surprise project, “BEASTMODE2,” Friday, which also happens to be the same day as Ciara and…


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Russell Wilson and Ciara Rock Huge Hats for Royal Ascot

Russell Wilson and Ciara are in the UK for the Royal Ascot horse races … and, man, do they look dishy!! In case you don’t know your onions … Royal Ascot is a historic horse racing event in England that’s been going on since the 1700s … with…


Thursday, April 26, 2018

Ciara Calls Out Future for Skipping Visits with Their Son

Future may not be a deadbeat dad, but he’s a repeated absentee one … at least according to Ciara, who’s trying to drag him into court over it. Ciara blasts her baby daddy in new docs, claiming he’s skipping too many scheduled visits with little…


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Ciara & Russell Wilson Reveal Sienna Princess Pics

Brace yourselves for some SERIOUS cuteness overload. Ciara and Russell Wilson posted these pics Thursday of 9-month-old bundle of joy, Sienna Princess. The pics were taken by the star Seahawks QB (he’s got great hands, you know) and posted…


Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Russell Wilson & Ciara Slayyyyyyy at Tom Ford Show

Clap for a QB with his passing ass … Russell Wilson don’t pop molly, he rocks Tom Ford.  That’s how it went down in New York City last night — where the Seattle Seahawks superstar and his wife Ciara were slaying at the Tom Ford fashion…


Monday, January 22, 2018

Ciara Responds to Backlash After Telling Women to Get Married!

Even though it hasn’t even been two full years since Ciara and Russell Wilson got married, Ciara apparently feels like she’s in a place to give some very heavy-handed marriage advice.

After Ciara shared some “advice” that didn’t go over very well with fans, she received quite a bit of backlash. Some believed that she was shaming women for not being married.

Now, Ciara is speaking out. But we’re not sure if this is going to smooth out those ruffled feathers.

Ciara seems to be one of those people who thinks that there’s one right way to do things — and it’s whatever way she happens to do them.

And she’s also apparently one of those people who thinks that she can just stand above everyone else and give out advice.

On Instagram, Ciara shared a video of a sermon with the quote:

“Too many women want to be married, but you’re walking in the spirit of ‘girlfriend,"” a quote by the pastor who is speaking in the video, John Gray.

Ciara then added to it: “#LevelUp. Don’t settle.”

As you can imagine, this didn’t exactly go over well with a lot of fans. Nobody follows singers to get preached to.

“Ciara’s playing a dangerous game. You should never, no matter how perfect your relationship/marriage appears to be, sit on a throne and tell people why they’re not romantically successful. You can be the queen of the ball today and have cake in your face tomorrow!”

Others took issue with the pastor’s line, and the distinction that he gives between wives and girlfriends, saying:

“The difference between the two is a ring and a piece of paper…this speech is a hot piece of garbage.”

Others brought up Ciara’s past. People who formerly lived in glass houses still shouldn’t throw rocks.

“Ciara telling women to ‘Level up’ and live ‘like a wife’ so they can b married is astounding to me. Didn’t you need grace, mercy, & compassion when you were being dragged up and down the Internet for the Future situation? How quickly ppl forget when they reach a perch of privilege.”

Some, however, defended Ciara, saying that fans were hypocritical and just rejecting the advice because it wasn’t what they wanted to hear.

“Y’all wanted to know how Ciara snatched a Russell Wilson, and she told y’all but now y’all mad. LMAO.”

Others lashed out at how people had brought up Ciara’s past.

“Ciara’s GROWTH has nothing to do with her denying her past …. Y’all heffas get mad at fellow women for trying to encourage you to do BETTER because you deserve better but you’re also upset when men degrade you. Y’all Just gotta play victim because Hoe is Life.”

We think that the issue is that “girlfriend” isn’t worse than “wife,” it’s just different. A lot of her fans felt like they were being shamed.

Ciara responded with an Instagram post that … well, it’s probably not going to endear her to the people who didn’t like her previous post.

“I was [once] that girl wanting to be loved a certain way bit was making the wrong choices. I found myself at my lowest moment.”

That sounds so sad.

“I was a single mom sitting at home, and then I realized that the perfect love I was looking for was how God loves me, how He wants me to be loved, and who He was calling me to be as a mom and a woman.”

A lot of folks are going to object to her describing single motherhood as her “lowest moment.”

“That’s when I realized married [or] not married… I needed to love myself. #LevelUp”

Self-love is a valuable thing to learn. Not everyone wants to get married now or to get married ever, but everyone wants to love themselves.

It’s not clear whether Ciara believes that Russell Wilson found her alleged godliness so attractive that he wanted to marry her, or if she believes that her current marriage is a divine reward.

Maybe both?

A lot of fans still

Surely, if Ciara doesn’t like being mom-shamed, she shouldn’t … existence-shame women?

But we should acknowledge that this is what worked for Ciara. Clearly, some fans want to know how she found her current happiness, and she’s sharing it.

Just because it clearly wouldn’t work for everyone doesn’t mean that she’s wrong to share the advice, right?


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Ciara and Russell Wilson Chow Down Multiple Times in Bev Hills!!!

Ciara and Russell Wilson spent Friday night eating everything in sight!!! The couple hit up Mr. Chow — for starters — in Bev Hills, then beelined it for Sprinkles Cupcakes which is undeniably delicious. That wasn’t the end of a night filled with…


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Ciara & Janet Jackson Take the Kiddos to Disneyland!!!

Ciara and Janet Jackson barely have kids old enough to enjoy Disneyland … not that anyone needs an excuse to hit up The Happiest Place on Earth. Ciara and her 3-year-old son, Future, teamed up for a super play date with Janet and…


Monday, August 7, 2017

Serena Williams Dolls Up For "50s-Themed Baby Shower with Ciara, La La

Serena Williams dusted off the poodle skirt and saddle shoes to travel back to the Fabulous ’50s for her baby shower over the weekend … but not without the help of her superstar friends!! Williams hosted the throwback-themed event at a 1950’s…


Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Ciara Gets Mom-Shamed: You Risked Your Baby"s LIFE!

Uh-oh, the mommy-shamers are after Ciara now!

Ciara posted a fun video (which we have for you, below) of herself on a ride with her newborn daughter, and both Instagram and Twitter got up-in-arms about her, saying that she"d endangered her baby"s life!

Honestly … this is a tough one.

Ciara with baby sienna princess

Ciara captioned the video, which you can watch below, with an innocuous and celebratory message.

"I wish I could put into words how fun this was! Going down in the toboggan at the #GreatWallOfChina with my family."

That sounds fun … and like a little advertising for this ride.

You see her strapped into her ride along with Sienna Princess, her three-month-old baby daughter.

Honestly, we probably wouldn"t advice vacationing with a three-month-old, period.

But that"s another subject and probably overly cautious and, honestly, not what this controversy is about.

It"s the ride, with the potential twists and turns and the possible impact on a developing brain and a not-quite-complete skeletal system (especially that neck and spine), is the source of controversy and outrage.

Ciara and russell wilson shades

Ciara had more than her share of detractors, on both Twitter and Instagram.

Here are just a few examples of the "feedback" that she and her video received:

"Has your attention-seeking narcissism as a couple affected your parenting decisions too? This is ridiculous. She"s 3 months old."

It is 2017 — are we still using narcissistic personality disorder as an insult?

"Isn’t this too dangerous for a newborn? It may be fun but doing this with an infant to your chest is not smart at all."

We"d hope that Ciara would look it up.

Also, she"s 31 — a grown-ass adult.

Sienna isn"t even her first kid.

Some of the criticisms were more nuanced.

"Honestly not trying to shame Ciara, but this was VERY dangerous. What if the thing had malfunctioned? Don"t believe people are trying to say she is a dumb parent, but it was a dumb decision, IMO."

Malfunctions would be dangerous for anyone of any age.

It sounds like that person is opposed to literally all rides.

Cute ciara

Ciara and Russell also had people leap to their defense on Twitter and in Instagram comments.

(This isn"t the first time that Ciara"s fans and haters have clashed on social media)

"I really wish people would think before they speak. Ci and Russ would never put their children in any kind of danger."

That makes sense.

There are a lot of idiot parents in the world, don"t get us wrong.

(Like … a lot)

But, like we said, this isn"t even Ciara"s first baby.

(She shares an adorable two-year-old son with Future)

And, as this defender explains, this isn"t like going on a rollercoaster:

"They are going really slow, they control the speed. And the baby is strapped to her mother, in the carrier… So calm down it"s not that deep."

We love just about any defense that ends with "it"s not that deep."

Ciara and russell wilson on instagram

Still … this does look a bit bumpy for a baby.

Maybe more to the point, if Ciara was keeping it moving slowly to keep baby Sienna safe, wouldn"t that make things less fun for all of the people behind her?

We"re not saying that moms can"t ride rides — they absolutely can.

We"re just saying that there"s a chance that Ciara took an unnecessary risk, here.

(Though not to the degree that the mommy-shamers suggest)

And there"s also a chance that she was being a little selfish when she decided to ride the ride.

Watch the video and decide for yourself if you think that Ciara should have opted out:

Ciara gets mom shamed you risked your babys life

Monday, July 24, 2017

Ciara Toboggans With Her 3-Month-Old Baby

Ciara and Russell Wilson have a little thrill-seeker on their watch … 3-month-old daughter Sienna, who can’t walk yet but is already hauling down a mountainside on an alpine slide. The Wilsons are in China, where they’ve been taking in…


Sunday, May 14, 2017

Russell Wilson & Ciara Shut Down Mother"s Day Haters (VIDEO)

Russell Wilson and Ciara don’t give a crap what the Internet says about their family … baby Future’s gonna hang with his stepdad whether you like it or not. Ciara posted this video Sunday afternoon of Future Jr. getting his Mother’s Day on…


Russell Wilson"s Catches Heat Over Happy Mother"s Day Note to Ciara (PHOTO)

Russell Wilson simply tried to wish his wife, Ciara, a happy Mother’s Day, but some Future fans are giving him flak for seemingly claiming the rapper’s son as his. Russell’s note on social media to Ciara said, “Nothing better than…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Russell Wilson & Ciara: DON"T LOOK AT US (But Really, Look at Us!)

Welcome to the Hollywood game … where stars go out to be seen … and then act like they can’t be bothered.  Today’s episode stars Russell Wilson and Ciara who hit one of the top 3 most paparazzi-packed places in town Wednesday night, Mr…


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ciara and Russell Wilson Hit the Town After Car Crash (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

Ciara showed everyone multiple times Saturday she’s ok after her scary car crash the day before. Ciara and hubby Russell Wilson strolled through WeHo with a tasty treat, then Russell took the wheel in their Rolls, and then they rolled into Catch for…
