Showing posts with label Toby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toby. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Jessica Willis: My Father Toby Willis Molested Me Since I Was 3 Years Old

In 2016, The Willis Clan star Toby Willis was arrested for child-rape. It was immediately suspected that the deeply religious father of 12 homeschooled children had raped his own child.

Jessica Willis, his oldest child, is speaking out about her father, who is thankfully serving a lengthy sentence in prison for the horrors that he perpetrated upon his family.

Jessica, now 26 and married, is opening up for the first time about her father’s sexual and physical abuse.

In a heartbreaking post to her website, Jessica Willis details her father’s abuse.

“As far back as I can remember, I was sexually abused by my father.”

She’s not exaggerating, either.

“I figure I was around three years old in some of the earliest memories.”


“Initially, I had no way to know that anything was wrong. When I did eventually come to realize the fact, I had no way to accurately express what was happening to me.”

This is not uncommon at all in abuse victims. Many survivors also find it difficult to speak because they instinctively fear retaliation.

“There followed immense shame, distrust and hurt throughout my childhood — even in the happy times. Thus ran the two parallel storylines that became my life.”

Like countless children who endure abuse, she felt that what was happening was wrong, but did not fully question it.

That changed when she was 9 and her mother asked her some questions about how her father acted, to which she responded by nodding her head.

After that, she heard her mother raise her voice to her father for the first time.

“I didn’t understand that my father simply denied any wrongdoing and became more secretive and dangerous from then on.”

Pro-tip: if you suspect that your spouse is molesting or otherwise abusing your child, go to the police, not to your spouse.

Things did not get better for Jessica from that point on.

The Willis Clan - Then

Over time, her father tightened his grip on his growing family.

“Suffice  it to say my father controlled the family in every single area of life.”

Even when they became reality stars, they were no safer than before.

“Underneath the outward foundations of family, religion and homeschooling with an emphasis in the arts, there was a constant current of manipulation, domination, fear, and favor.”

Like countless children who grow up under those circumstances, she could not conceive that her life could be different or better.

“There was very little room inside the bubble of my world to imagine that there was any alternative.”

Like countless abuse survivors, reflecting upon her childhood fills her with disgust.

“Looking back now, it’s almost impossible to face the fact of what my life once used to be.”

When you are living through trauma like this, your mind conjures up coping mechanisms that “help” you to adapt to the unspeakable.

“Many things were normal for me that  should have never been met with anything other than outrage.”

“The abuse  developed and ebbed at various intervals over the years and into puberty.”

Over time, he seemed to lose some interest in sexually abusing her.

“The most graphic sexual abuse faded off for me when I was around seventeen years old but many inappropriate actions and attentions continued.”

She came to the grim realization that she was not his only victim.

“I feel like I truly knew that certain other members of my family were being sexually abused and I felt they knew this about me too. Conversations were had, tears were cried and we questioned how to ‘deal’  with the ‘situation."”

The Willis Clan - Now

She was almost 23 before something happened that caused the coping mechanisms that she had developed begin to break down.

“I came into my hotel room that night to find  my mother and some of my sisters sitting on the bed crying with that look on their face I had seen so many times before.”

Sometimes, it takes one event to shatter the denial.

“The coldest, blackest pit opened up in my stomach because no words needed to be said for me to know something had happened.”

Some survivors are haunted by needless guilt and the feeling that they failed to protect their younger siblings from suffering as they suffered. It is never their fault.

“How was I here again? I could not stay in denial about my past because it obviously wasn’t staying in the past even though at times I had tried so hard to forgive and forget.”

Part of what makes PTSD so difficult is the P — for post. Everything that you’ve been denying just to survive comes back to you. Even if you aren’t yet safe.

“Things were not over. They had never been over. Sexual abuse was still happening.”

Eventually, she wrote 14 pages of details of what her father had done to her. She showed it to her mother, who was outraged.

“I had taken my first step towards speaking out, but I had shared my story with another victim trapped in the same prison as me.”

Sadly, many children who are abused find that the only people who know are also victims.

“My father lashed  out at both of us with whatever threats necessary to maintain his control and began consistently threatening my mom with the lives of the entire family.”

Her father fits the profile of a potential family-annihilator very specifically. When they fear losing control, they can turn turn a house of horrors into a house of hostages.

“My father sought to stamp out my rebellion and became increasingly violent towards me even in front of the family.”

It was this abuse, from assaulting her in front of the family on a tour bus to beating her with a belt, that made her realize that his threats of violence if she tried to leave were no longer effective.

Just before her 24th birthday, she finally made her escape.

“Around  4 months after I left, another friend stepped forward to save the rest  of my family. He reported my father for suspicion of sexual abuse and  the official investigation started. The case was given to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.”

And yes, she helped.

“When they contacted me, I went in and ended up speaking with them the whole rest of that day.”

She had an entire lifetime’s worth of unspeakable trauma to share. And that was just about what had happened to her.

“I was able to give them a long and confident testimony which was eventually used to create the arrest warrant.”

Her father was, of course, arrested.

Given the limits of the US legal system, he was sentenced to 40 years, and he will be required to serve all of that time.

Jessica is now married to the man who first helped her to come to terms with what had happened to her.

She ends her post with a message of affirmation and hope.

“If you too are a survivor, you are not alone.”


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Toby Willis: Reality Star Pleads Guilty to Child Rape, Faces 40 Years in Prison

Toby Willis, former star of the TLC series The Willis Family has pled guilty to child rape and is currently facing up to 40 years behind bars, this according to a report published moments ago by TMZ.

Willis was arrested on rape chages in September of 2016 after spending several says on the run from authorities.

In March, Willis was arraigned on charges of child rape, which, according to Tennessee state law, indicates a victim between the ages of 3 and 12.

Today, Willis appeared in a Cheatham County, Tennessee court today, where he pled guilty and was sentenced to two 25-year sentences and two 40-year sentences to run concurrently, meaning he won’t be eleigible for parole until 2057.

It’s unclear why Willis chose not to fight the charges, as it’s unlikely that the 47-year-old will live to see a release date.

Details of Willis’ crimes remain scarce.

Authorities have confirmed that the incident took place 12 years ago, but no information regarding the identity of the victim has been released.

Several sources familiar with the details of the case have anonymously confirmed that the victim was one of Willis’ 12 children.

The Willis family performed as a country music band, reaching the quarter final round of America’s Got Talent in 2014.

Shortly thereafter the family starred in TLC reality series about their homelife and travels.

The show was canceled in September after network execs received word of Willis’ arrest.

For many, the situation calls to mind that of the Duggar family, who also starred in a TLC reality series that was canceled in the midst of a child sex scandal.

The similarities between the two families are numerous, as the Willis family is also a devoutly committed to a controversial fundamentalist sect that encourages its members to raise as many children as possible.

Both families even named all of their children names that begin with the letter “J.”

Of course, in the case of the Duggars, no one served any prison time.

Members of the Willis family have yet to comment on today’s guilty plea.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Friday, July 7, 2017

Toby Keith"s Daughter Says Family Narrowly Survived Crash with Drunk Driver

Toby Keith’s daughter says she and her family barely survived a horrific car crash with a drunk driver. Krystal says it went down on the Fourth of July when she was driving with her husband, Andrew, and daughter, Hensley, to watch fireworks. A photo…


Friday, April 14, 2017

Jamiroquai"s Toby Smith Was Battling Cancer, Bandmates Thought He Was Beating It

Jamiroquai keyboardist Toby Smith kept his bandmates in the dark about his cancer progressing … TMZ has learned. Sources close to the band tell us they were all aware Toby had cancer. He’d been battling it for a few years, but were under the…


Jamiroquai"s Toby Smith Dead

A founding member of the band Jamiroquai has died. Keyboardist Toby Smith recorded the band’s first 5 albums between 1992 and 2002, which contained a number of the group’s hits, including “Virtual Insanity,” “Deeper Underground” and “Space Cowboy.”…


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Toby Willis, Former TLC Star, Arraigned on Child Rape Charges

Toby Willis, the patriarch of a family who formerly starred in its own TLC series, has been arraigned on four counts of child rape on Monday in Tennessee.

According to The Tennessean newspaper, Willis pleaded not guilty to the charges and his trial will begin on July 18.

The ex-reality star was arrested in September after authorities completed their investigation into an alleged sexual encounter he had an underage girl a dozen years ago.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigations confirmed last fall that Willis fled his home in Ashland County to avoid arrest at the time and was eventually apprehended by the police in Greenville, Kentucky.

The victim’s name has not yet been released, but The Daily Beast followed up initial reports by speculating that the individual may have been one of Willis’ own kids.

The website wrote in September that a “child rape” charge only enters into the conversation in Tennessee if the alleged victim is between the ages of 3 and 12.

Moreover, court documents obtained by FOX411 a few months back stated outright that the alleged victim is a female Willis family member.

Toby and his wife are the parents to eight kids, although it remains possible the victim could have been an outside relative, such as a niece.

Elsewhere, Nashville’s Newschannel 5 reported on other lewd details of the alleged incident back when this scandal was making major headlines in September.

“The report stated she was removed by Willis from her bed and raped,” the station claimed, adding:

“The reports added unlawful penetration by Willis took place when the child was older than 3 but younger than 13…

“Authorities confirmed Willis was told he was not allowed to go around his biological children or his wife.”

Toby Willis and his family previously starred on TLC’s The Willis Family, which ran for two seasons, after rising to fame while competing on season 9 of America’s Got Talent.

Willis set to appear in court on May 31 after completing psychological testing requested by his attorney.

However, the state chose to present its cause to the March grand jury, Circuit Court Clerk Julie Hibbs told the newspaper.

Shortly after Toby’s arrest, wife Brenda issued the following statement:

I was shocked and devastated by the revelation of events leading to Toby Willis’ arrest.

As these are very trying times for the Willis family, I kindly ask all to respect our family’s privacy. As a mother of twelve, my first priority remains with my children and helping them through this traumatic event.

We are cancelling all appearances for the foreseeable future to focus on the children and their well-being. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

We have, and will continue, to fully cooperate with law enforcement officials and ask that you direct all inquires regarding Toby Willis’ case to the District Attorney’s office who have our complete support.


Monday, January 16, 2017

Toby Keith: Darn Right I"m Performing at Donald Trump"s Inauguration!

For fairly obvious reasons, Toby Keith is rarely compared to Nirvana.

But there’s finally a reason to write about the country music artist and the iconic rock band in the same sentence.

And that’s because Keith has a simple response to anyone giving him grief for performing this weekend at Donald Trump’s Presidential Inauguration:


The country music star is maybe the biggest name to have signed on for this controversial event, which will take place on January 20 in Washington, D.C.

Very few major acts want to be associated with the 45th President of the United States, with Keith having received a great deal of flak for agreeing to take the stage.

Not that he seems bothered by the criticism.

“I don’t apologize for performing for our country or military,” the artist told Entertainment Weekly late last week, explaining further:

“I performed at events for previous presidents [George W.] Bush and [Barack] Obama and over 200 shows in Iraq and Afghanistan for the USO.”

That is certainly one point of view.

We can see how some singers out there view performing at the inauguration as a patriotic act that represents the country and the democracy more than one single man.

But we can also see how many stars simply see this as an exception.

We can understand their hesitance to support Donald Trump in any way, shape or form.

Keith will be joined at the celebratory concert by 3 Doors Down, Lee Greenwood, Jackie Evancho, The Piano Guys and the Frontmen of Country, according to an announcement posted on the Presidential Inaugural Committee site.

Broadway actress Jennifer Holliday was also scheduled to perform, but published a letter on Saturday that said she felt a need to pull put.

In her statement, Holliday apologized to the LGBTQ community for agreeing to perform in the first place, calling the initial decision a “lapse of judgement.”

Trump, meanwhile, is well aware that artists are refusing to take his stage.

But he’s claimed on Twitter that not only isn’t he bothered by their absence… he doesn’t want them anywhere near him anyway!

“The so-called ‘A’ list celebrities are all wanting tickets to the inauguration, but look what they did for Hillary — NOTHING,” Trump tweeted in December, adding:

“I want the PEOPLE!”

We guess Toby Keith isn’t a person, based on this line of reasoning?

Trump, of course, has other things to worry about these days than who will or will not perform in D.C. later this week.

Such as accusations that he really is a puppet for Russia and/or talk that he will violate the Constitution on his first day in office due to his many business conflicts.

But, like Keith, Trump doesn’t seem too upset by the insults and threats being hurled his way.

Nor by the lack of well-known stars who went to perform on his behalf.

“Inauguration Day is turning out to be even bigger than expected. January 20th, Washington D.C. Have fun!” he recently Tweeted.

Will you be attending the event?

Will you be watching it on TV?

Will you be boycotting Keith and/or anyone who performs at it?

Or will you be lining up to purchase their records in a show of support?


Saturday, January 14, 2017

Toby Keith Telling The Critics To Back Off

Toby Keith doesn’t give a damn what the haters think … he says his Donald Trump Inauguration performance isn’t a personal favor, it’s for the good ole U.S. of A.  Keith has faced a ton of backlash since it was announced Friday he’d be part of…


Monday, February 15, 2016

Joey Floyd Dies; Toby Keith Band Member Was 54

Joey Floyd – an actor turned musician who played multiple instruments in Toby Keith’s Easy Money Band – has passed away at the age of 54.

Joey Floyd

Floyd had reportedly been battling cancer, according to media reports.

After getting his start in the entertainment industry playing Willie Nelson’s son in the 1980 film Honeysuckle Rose, Floyd turned his attention to music.

He became a skilled banjo and fiddle player, and made a career out of it.

In addition to his time in Keith’s band, Floyd toured and recorded with several top artists, including his mentor, Nelson.

Nelson was the one who introduced Floyd to Keith in the early ’90s, and the two are said to have hit it off creatively and personally from the start.

After losing most of his possessions in the Nashville floods of 2010, Floyd devoted much of his time to helping others whose lives had been devastated by natural disasters.

Keith posted the following statement to his official Facebook page moments ago:

“Our dear friend and band member Joey Floyd passed away this morning after a long battle with cancer.”

“There will be a hole on stage and a hole in the hearts of all that loved him. Rest in peace ol’ friend.”

Floyd is survived by his wife, Laurin Floyd.