Showing posts with label OG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OG. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tracy Morgan Gets His "Headsprung" as "Last O.G." Renewed for Season 2

Tracy Morgan sticks to his O.G. status on and off camera, especially when he hears his hit new show just got picked up for a new season … queue LL Cool J slaps. We got Tracy Monday arriving to the ‘Daily Show’ set in NYC, where he was…


Monday, May 22, 2017

Tupac and Biggie"s O.G. Clothing Used for "All Eyez on Me" Scenes (PHOTO GALLERY)

The actors playing Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. in “All Eyez on Me” should look pretty damn authentic ‘cause they’re wearing actual outfits the legendary rappers wore in real life.   Sources close to production tell us…


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Teen Mom O.G. Season Finale Recap: Farrah Abraham FREAKS OUT, Quits the Show (Again)!

Monday, on the season finale of Teen Mom: OG, Farrah Abraham lost her mind and quit the show (again) after fighting with a producer.

The title of Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 9, “Walk Away,” certainly rang true for Farrah, who told MTV producer Larry to do just that.

When the network refused to let her film a rival show, and Larry accused her of breaching her contract, Abraham went off like whoa.

By like whoa, we mean calling Larry a “dumb, twisted motherf–ker,” accusing him of profiting from Sophia’s dad’s death (?) and more.

“I did everything on my end, sweetheart, so you can just take your little ass, and get on a phone call, and do your job. “Up your ass.”

“You know what’s so f–king laughable right now? Larry, I’m laughing. I would love to not laugh in your face … why are you so white trash?”

“Are you around people all the time who are trash, and you need to keep arguing with me?” Farrah added, shoving Larry the producer.

“Sophia’s dad died, and that’s what got your s–t picked up,” she said in tears. “You stupid-ass son of a bitch, get the f–k out of my property.”

Basically, Farrah is SO DONE with the show. We’ve heard that before, of course. One thing she is ready to make a “commitment” to?

Boyfriend Simon Saran, but only after she laid down the law – ring, proposal, marriage, moving in together and then babies, in that order.

Simon responded (somehow), “I agree.” We’ll see if he’s singing that tune after she brushed off that $ 17K ring as too cheap-looking.

While the rest of what you see when you watch Teen Mom online will pale in comparison, there were some other highlights last night.

Amber Portwood and Matt Baier, for their part, confronted addiction issues … but not regarding drugs or having eight kids by six women!

They were worried that her baby daddy Gary Shirley is addicted to food – and miffed that he’s been on their case about their own issues.

“How can somebody who is a shade shy of 600 pounds sit and talk about people who have self-control issues and addiction?” Matt said.

Amber added, “Yeah, but see, people don’t understand that. That that’s an addiction in itself. But hopefully he’s starting to wake up.”

His eyes were wide open … when it came to proposing to his girlfriend! “I knew I wanted to marry Kristina,” he told producers last night.

“And I knew that she wouldn’t say no. She didn’t get no Walmart ring,” Shirley added, with a dig at Matt Baier: “She don’t have secret kids.”

Despite the animosity with Amber, Gary reached a deal with her regarding child support and more even time with her daughter, Leah.

Amber then channeled her inner Farrah by throwing a fit and declaring that she’s f–king done talking to MTV about all these details.

“Don’t f–king try that s–t with me when you know goddamn well what you’re talking about. That’s the s–t I don’t like right there.”

“There’s nothing else to f–king talk about. Don’t try the director ignorant bulls–t with me. You know I’m not f–king stupid.”

That sums it up right there. meanwhile, Caitlyn Lowell finally realized that she may be suffering from postpartum depression.

“It got to the point sometimes where it’s like, I don’t want to wake up tomorrow feeling like this,” she said, while Tyler Baltierra got frustrated.

“I’m like, dude, come on, this is getting ridiculous,” he complained to his mom. “I should feel sympathy, I should feel empathy.”

Ultimately, he’s forever in wife’s corner, something the always-feuding Ryan Edwards and Maci Bookout wouldn’t know anything about.

Still, give them credit. They buried the hatchet for the sake of their son, Bentley, with Edwards agreeing to man up at long, long last.

“I just got tired of having to figure out everything through my mom,” Ryan said when Maci asked what changed for him after so long.

“I guess if I want you to talk to me, I’ve got to interact with you more,” he said, while Maci responded sweetly, “I’m proud of you. I really am.” 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Teen Mom O.G. Recap: Simon vs. Debbo, Gary vs. Matt!

This week on Teen Mom O.G., Simon Sarah came back into Farrah Abraham’s life, making us wonder if they would be together forever.

Yeah, right.

When Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 8 began, Mother of the Year Farrah decided to give her daughter, Sophia, over a thousand dollars.

Sorry, the Tooth Fairy gave Sophia that money. “That’s the most the Tooth Fairy’s ever given you!” Farrah said of the four-figure amount.

Not sure what Sophia’s going to do with $ 1K in British pounds, but her proud mama made sure to pray about it during breakfast, saying:

“Sophia got visited by the awesome Tooth Fairy today! Please watch over Sophia at school! And help us with our big move coming soon!”

“And thank you for forgiving us for our sins!”

You simply cannot make this stuff up, people.

As for Farrah’s aforementioned ex-boyfriend, mom Debra Danielsen had real reservations and asked to speak with Simon Saran privately.

 “You’re almost a mirror image of [Farrah’s dad] Michael,” Debra said, in accusatory fashion. “Almost uncanny, the personality type.”

“So there’s things like passive-aggressive behavior. There’s things like anger that comes from that. That scares me, OK?”

“Because that’s all forms of domestic violence.”

Simon, understandably, seemed shocked that Farrah’s mom was sort of accusing him of domestic violence out of nowhere, and responded:

“I’m not a violent person like how you’re kinda making me out to be right now, which is kinda weird because I’ve never ever done anything like that.”

“I’ve heard stories about you doing certain things.”

So basically, Farrah may or may not be dating an abuser and is definitely the daughter of an emotionally unstable wreck in ehr own right.

Really explains a lot of things, doesn’t it?

Over in Indiana, things were pretty tense between Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley this week, all thanks to (you guessed it) Matt Baier.

After accusing Matt of having seven children (he was wrong … Baier has eight kids), Gary finally opened up to producers about the issue.

“I don’t hate Matt,” Shirley explained to the cameras. “I don’t want Leah to be abandoned. I don’t want Leah to start feeling close to this guy.”

“[He and Amber] get married, and who knows, maybe [she] calls him ‘daddy.’ He’s abandoned his kids … he’s not paying child support.”

“What kind of father is that?”

Amber’s take on it is much more forgiving. “I want us to be in a better place trusting each other,” she told Matt on a casual horse ride.

“I have a lot of trust issues.”

Ya think?

At least they’re attempting to communicate as best they can, unlike Maci Bookout and Ryan Edwards, who still can’t figure that out.

Ryan was super annoyed when his ex didn’t invite him to the hospital for their son’s tonsil surgery, though his parents understood.

“You used to be a butt to her,” his mother said. Meanwhile, Maci is pregnant with her third child (by her fiance Taylor McKinney).

She gave us some insight into their romance when she asked him, “Can I exchange blow jobs for laundry service?” Whatever works.

Finally, Tyler Baltierra’s troubled dad Butch decided to move out of his son’s house after he met a woman, which T was nervous about.

In therapy, Butch revealed that he was abused by his father in graphic detail, which explains a lot, and speaks so well of Tyler and Catelynn.

The fact that they’re so happy and relatively stable after such a troubled upbringing by questionable characters is nothing short of remarkable.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Teen Mom O.G. Recap: I Am Gonna Beat Ryan"s Ass!

Monday night on Teen Mom: OG, Farrah Abraham returned from her “business” trip and shared a life changing decision with her parents.

Meanwhile, Maci Bookout and Ryan Edwards tried to celebrate Halloween as a family, while Catelynn and Tyler embarked on a honeymoon!

We begin with the life and times of Sophia Abraham, 7.

“My baby decided she was gonna wear a little bit of makeup to school one day,” Sophia’s grandma, Debra Danielsen, told Farrah Abraham.

“So then she came home and told me, ‘Grandma, there was a little situation at school on the makeup and people saying some things."”

Naturally, Debbo called the principal to drop some KNOWLEDGE and explain that they are simply “in a different situation in our lives.”

In short, “this is the way we roll.” Can’t make this up.

Lovebirds Catelynn and Tyler Baltierra meanwhile, went on their honeymoon in Hawaii, where you would think anxiety would be a non-factor.

Not for Cate. She is battling this harder than ever.

“I was the happiest child, kid, teenager for years. And out of nowhere, it just like smacked me in my face,” Lowell confessed to the cameras.

“It’s like, why on earth do I have to get this? It’s annoying.”

Fortunately, Cate was able to have a good time in Hawaii, while back in Indiana, there was plenty of anxiety of a different sort to cope with.

“It’s been horrible,” Amber told producers of reports that Matt Baier has seven kids, as revealed by Gary Shirley on last week’s episode.

“All seven of the kids aren’t his,” Amber says of that rumor, “but I think a couple might be because of the way that he was in his past.”

So instead of seven … two? Four? Five? Who’s to say!

Amber said that everyone makes mistakes and she’s ready to forgive her man, though she does worry about some of the fallout here:

“[We’ll] figure it out, but I don’t want him to look crazy on TV.”

Pretty sure we are long, long past that point Ambs.

Matt’s take on this, in his own words? That was then, this is now, and Gary sucks: “The difference between me and Gary is very simple.”

“Things that happened in my life happened 25 years ago, and they were all drug-induced,” he said. “He’s just a bad person, currently.”

Ouch. To everyone’s credit, they got along fine at Leah’s birthday party, with Matt openly praising Gary … or at least his kitchen renovation.

Modern families and co-parenting were also the theme down in Tennessee, where Ryan Edwards once again came up short. Woefully.

“I’m gonna beat Ryan’s ass,” Maci Bookout said after he bailed on trick or treating at the start of Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 7.

“Can I say that on TV? Where in the hell is he?”

Maci ended up complaining more to boyfriend Taylor McKinney, but Ryan (obviously) didn’t seem to think he’d done anything wrong.

“I had to get ready,” he said, clearly pleased with his full skeleton costume. “I got shafted again. Was Maci and them in a hurry to leave?”

“Do you like my costume? Anybody? Why didn’t you wait on me, Bentley? You didn’t wanna wait on me to go trick or treatin’?”

Words fail us here, as they often do with Edwards.

We’re guessing Maci had plenty more off camera.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Teen Mom O.G. Recap: Seven Skeletons in Matt Baier"s Closet

Monday night on MTV’s Teen Mom O.G., a whole lot of drama went down with the fab four, but Matt Baier’s past took center stage …

When Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 6 got underway, Gary Shirley decided to do some sleuthing and dropped a BOMB on Amber.

Those who watch Teen Mom online know that Amber Portwood’s fiance is much older and started off as … a fan. It’s a tad unconventional.

Well, there may be more to it than that, too. According to Gary’s detective work, Matt Baier has a lot of kids. We’re talking a lot a lot.

Not two, not three. Amber’s fiance has seven children from five different women, and Shirley is a little uneasy about this fact.

“He moved to Indiana for some girl, but he has seven kids at home that he probably ain’t seeing like he should,” Gary complained.

“And then he wants to come and father my kid? Man, come on.”

Amber’s response: “You should talk to me, or you should talk to him before you do something like this in front of the cameras.”

“Everybody in the world will think something else. Now I’m gonna have to prove, in front of millions of people. This is ridiculous.”

Maybe so about how Gary handled it, but are his facts wrong?

Matt Baier clammed up pretty quickly, then told the MTV staff to “Get the f–k out of my house. Get your s–t, and don’t come back.”

MTV aired audio from inside Amber’s house after the camera crew got the boot, and Portwood definitely didn’t let him off the hook.

“If you have that many kids, then you’re a deadbeat father. I don’t know about half that s–t. I thought I did,” she tore into her fiance.

“F–k with me, and watch what happens to your life.”

The next day, Amber broke down crying to an MTV producer, “I wanna believe the man who I’ve been with,” she explained.

“But if it’s true, then I’m just gonna look like a naive little girl, and it breaks my heart. ‘Cause I don’t love a lot of people, and I love him.”

“But if it is true, I’m gonna feel really stupid.”

“I’m breaking,” she added. “I just want my kid, and I just wanna be happy with her. I don’t even care about anything else.”

To be continued, though it doesn’t look like Amber and Matt have called it quits, and they’re still on track for an October wedding.

No word on how Gary feels about that.

Elsewhere, Tyler Baltierra’s mom began to notice signs that Catelynn Lowell might be suffering from postpartum depression.

Cate denied that she is, saying “That’s just ridiculous, I think. No, I definitely don’t have postpartum. I would know, for sure.”

“I’ve struggled with depression – I know what that feels like. And I’m on antidepressants. Sometimes, I just need a break.”

Tyler ended up agreeing to spend more time with their baby girl Nova, so hopefully Cate will get the breaks she deserves.

Down in Farrah Abraham Land, she decided to let her parents take care of Sophia while she was in England on business.

Sounds nice, yes? Well, naturally, this rapidly devolved into a situation in which Farrah threatened to exile her mom and dad:

“It seems like there’s something plotted against me, so that when I’m gone, people can just do whatever the f–k they want.”

Fortunately, Abraham’s therapist got real:

“I wonder if your life would be a little easier, for all involved, if you didn’t have such high standards. A more realistic set of expectations.

“They are forfeiting jobs and moving across the country to support you,” she told Farrah. “Why can you not focus on that?”

(Because she’s Farrah. Obviously.)

Finally, Ryan Edwards and Maci Bookout got along better than ever at Bentley’s birthday party, and it’s all because … Ryan is single.

“He’s completely different when he has a girlfriend,” Maci said. “We take a family picture of the three of us every year on [Bentley’s] birthday.”

“We don’t have one from last year because Shelby wouldn’t let him, and got mad about it. We just need to find Ryan a girlfriend who’s cool.”

Gotta love Ryan Edwards, though. Why?

He still talks to Shelby, and sort of wants her, but won’t tell Maci about this situation “’cause I think it’ll just cause drama.” 

Instead, he will tell … MTV cameras.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Teen Mom O.G. Recap: The Big Day is Here!

On Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 5, viewers finally got to see the moment they’ve been waiting for since 16 & Pregnant first premiered:

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra tying the knot!

Oh, happy day!!!!

Maci Bookout, Amber Portwood and Kailyn Lowry were all in attendance for the ceremony, although Farrah Abraham wasn’t invited due to that whole thing about her being Cate and Ty’s arch enemy.

But she was busy making her mom cry this week anyway.

In what way (this time)?  

The ex-stripper chose not to let Debra babysit Sophia during her extended business trip to Great Britain, explaining her reasoning as follows to her therapist:

“I think some things with how my mom’s bipolar behavior creates Sophia to be more aggressive. … It’s also her snippitiness and her selfishness. Her behavior is driving me crazy. I must have been scarred from my childhood.”

This mother-daughter non-bonding scene ended with Debra screaming about how she lost her job over all of this and Farrah shooting back that she’s “f-cking manipulating the situation.”

Good times.

Also not having good times?

Maci, whose boyfriend Taylor McKinney decided to invest in his own T-shirt line… and leave his lover out of the deal, despite her heavy involvement with the endeavor.

Along with being personally hurt by this maneuver, Maci feared that their paltry bank account would suffer as a result of Taylor’s decision.

Amber, meanwhile, was also in the mood to make a move financially.

She and fiancé Matt Baie bought a dilapidated house for $ 18,000.

They plan to flip it… make a lot of money… and then open a sober living home for recovering addicts.

“This is a big risk,” Amber said at one point. “The money that I’ve made, I wanna be smart with it now. Because back in the day, I completely blew all of my money, and I didn’t even know what I was doing.”

But enough preamble, right? Let’s get to the main event!

Catelynn, looking gorgeous in her wedding dress, made us cry by bonding with Teresa Davis, the adoptive mother of her first daughter, Carly.

She and Tyler even danced with Teresa and Carly during the reception, causing major waterworks for flow forth from Maci, Amber and Kailyn to cry.

“This is the best day ever in my life,” Tyler said.

But that wasn’t all he said.

His wedding vows set the sentimental bar impossibly high for all future grooms, to the point where we feel a need to re-run them here, word for emotional word:

From middle school sweethearts at the tender age of 13, to two teens in a crisis facing the odds together, to becoming parents and building a household together, to playfully goofing around together like children as if no one is watching.

All of these things and many more are the reason I want to make a promise to you.

A promise that, as long as I’m alive, you will never be alone, you will never question if you are beautiful, you will never doubt that you are worthy, and you will never wonder if you are loved.

You are my angel, my soul mate, my best friend. I believe you were brought into this world and destined to be loved by me, cherished by me.

I anxiously await to be able to love you forever as my wife. 

Man. There you have it.

If you watch Teen Mom online, you know that these two have had their ups and downs, but they have been a rock compared to their co-stars.

We wish them a life full of happiness.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Teen Mom O.G. Recap: Farrah Abraham"s Daughter Wants to Die

On the fourth episode of Teen Mom OG’s new season, Farrah Abraham struggled with taking Sophia to visit her late boyfriend’s family.

Meanwhile, Ryan Edwards was agitated with Maci Bookout being controlling, and Catelynn Lowell stressed about her daughters meeting …

It’s been awhile (we’re talking years) since we last heard from the Farrah-Derek Underwood storyline, a focal point of Monday’s episode.

In that sense, Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 4 was an emotional throwback to the kinder, gentler, pre-Farrah Abraham sex tape era.

As you know if you watch Teen Mom online, Farrah’s boyfriend and baby daddy died in a car accident when they were in high school.

He never met his beautiful daughter, Sophia. Now that the six-year-old is getting older, Farrah shared a poem that Derek once wrote her.

“Farrah you changed my world with the blink of an eye, this is something that I cannot deny,” Derek’s poem to the future MTV star read.

“You put my soul from worst to best, that is why I treasure you, my dearest Farrah. Now my life is a dream come true, it all began [with] you.”

Kind of sums up THG’s relationship with Farrah Abraham too, come to think of it. In any case, Sophia had mixed emotions about this.

“Why did Simon [Saran] not be my daddy? I want a daddy!” she said, adding “I wanna die, I wanna die,” presumably to go see Derek.

“When you say you wanna die to see him, it really makes mommy sad,” Farrah responded, despite the fact that she asked for it.

“Don’t you know that it hurts mommy when you say those things because I care about you, and I love you?” Abraham added.

Sigh. Complicated parental issues are no joke, of course. Just ask Catelynn Lowell, whose birth daughter finally met her new birth daughter.

Cate had a full-on anxiety attack just days before her wedding in large part because Nova and Carly’s first meeting was just too much.

“I just feel like I’m having a heart attack,” she told Tyler Baltierra while crying. “I’m nervous, just like seeing my two kids together.”

“And then only taking one home. Especially to see how much Carly loves her,” Cate said, though she wasn’t sweating the guest list.

“Farrah’s not invited,” Cate said of her co-srtar and rival.

Tyler laughed, “Farrah! Farrah wouldn’t come anyway.”

Oh, and Tyler opened up about a past suicide attempt while chatting with his father, Butch, freaking Cate’s brother Nick the hell out.

Never a solitary dull moment with this couple.

Over in Indiana, Amber Portwood’s fiance Matt Baier may have seven kids, but they’re getting hitched! Save the October 2016 date!

Amber’s mom? Far from thrilled about this event.

“I see the family a lot, but I don’t see my mom,” Amber said. “I don’t think she likes Matt … I don’t know what the f–k she’s holding on to.”

“I love my family, but I love Matt … he is my man.”

Later, when the two hung out, she got in a passive-aggressive dig about Amber’s “first wedding,” which the Teen Mom star recoiled at:

“I’ve been engaged four times before … I’ve called it off. I’ve never been so sure. You know, I wouldn’t go through with it if I wasn’t sure.”

At least she and Gary aren’t at war … for now.

Meanwhile, the ongoing Maci Bookout vs. Ryan Edwards feud returned with a vengeance when Ryan wanted an extra night with Bentley.

Basically, he thinks she doesn’t respect him. (Duh.)

“It just irritates me that she thinks that I can’t do first grade homework or get him to school. She’s an a–hole,” Ryan said of his baby mama.

“I don’t wanna say he can’t spend the night with Billy-Bob or Joe, but if he does that, then I wanna make up the days later in the week.”

Are those hypothetical people he made up?

Anyway, Maci’s point of view is that the adorable youngster “needs to be in a routine when he goes to school,” and Ry needs to chill.

Bookout was having none of her former boyfriend’s drama: “You were being ugly,” she said, storming off. “Go read your text message.”

The more things change …