Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Teen Mom O.G. Recap: The Big Day is Here!

On Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 5, viewers finally got to see the moment they’ve been waiting for since 16 & Pregnant first premiered:

Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra tying the knot!

Oh, happy day!!!!

Maci Bookout, Amber Portwood and Kailyn Lowry were all in attendance for the ceremony, although Farrah Abraham wasn’t invited due to that whole thing about her being Cate and Ty’s arch enemy.

But she was busy making her mom cry this week anyway.

In what way (this time)?  

The ex-stripper chose not to let Debra babysit Sophia during her extended business trip to Great Britain, explaining her reasoning as follows to her therapist:

“I think some things with how my mom’s bipolar behavior creates Sophia to be more aggressive. … It’s also her snippitiness and her selfishness. Her behavior is driving me crazy. I must have been scarred from my childhood.”

This mother-daughter non-bonding scene ended with Debra screaming about how she lost her job over all of this and Farrah shooting back that she’s “f-cking manipulating the situation.”

Good times.

Also not having good times?

Maci, whose boyfriend Taylor McKinney decided to invest in his own T-shirt line… and leave his lover out of the deal, despite her heavy involvement with the endeavor.

Along with being personally hurt by this maneuver, Maci feared that their paltry bank account would suffer as a result of Taylor’s decision.

Amber, meanwhile, was also in the mood to make a move financially.

She and fiancé Matt Baie bought a dilapidated house for $ 18,000.

They plan to flip it… make a lot of money… and then open a sober living home for recovering addicts.

“This is a big risk,” Amber said at one point. “The money that I’ve made, I wanna be smart with it now. Because back in the day, I completely blew all of my money, and I didn’t even know what I was doing.”

But enough preamble, right? Let’s get to the main event!

Catelynn, looking gorgeous in her wedding dress, made us cry by bonding with Teresa Davis, the adoptive mother of her first daughter, Carly.

She and Tyler even danced with Teresa and Carly during the reception, causing major waterworks for flow forth from Maci, Amber and Kailyn to cry.

“This is the best day ever in my life,” Tyler said.

But that wasn’t all he said.

His wedding vows set the sentimental bar impossibly high for all future grooms, to the point where we feel a need to re-run them here, word for emotional word:

From middle school sweethearts at the tender age of 13, to two teens in a crisis facing the odds together, to becoming parents and building a household together, to playfully goofing around together like children as if no one is watching.

All of these things and many more are the reason I want to make a promise to you.

A promise that, as long as I’m alive, you will never be alone, you will never question if you are beautiful, you will never doubt that you are worthy, and you will never wonder if you are loved.

You are my angel, my soul mate, my best friend. I believe you were brought into this world and destined to be loved by me, cherished by me.

I anxiously await to be able to love you forever as my wife. 

Man. There you have it.

If you watch Teen Mom online, you know that these two have had their ups and downs, but they have been a rock compared to their co-stars.

We wish them a life full of happiness.