Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Kristen Stewart to Whining Actresses: DO SOMETHING!

In a new interview with Variety, Kristen Stewart was asked about the topic of gender equality in Hollywood, an issue that has gotten more and more attention over the past several weeks.

Back in October, for example, Jennifer Lawrence penned an open letter in which she asked why she makes less money than her male co-stars.

But Stewart says here that she gets it.

Movies with male leads make more money than movies with female leads, so it"s just basic math, basic business.

And the former Twilight Saga star isn"t exactly sympathetic to women who simply whine about this pay gap.

“Instead of sitting around and complaining about that, do something,” she says in the following video. “Go write something, go do something.”

This is "easy to say," Stewart admits, adding:

“Like, f-ck, it’s hard to get movies made. It’s a huge luxury. Who gets to just make movies? But that subject is just so prevalently everywhere right now, and it’s boring.”

An interesting take to be sure.

Do you consider the topic boring? Or is this a real controversy that should continue to be discussed until the salaries of women are on par with the salaries of men?

Watch below and then response to Stewart"s comments:

Kristen stewart to whining actresses do something