Showing posts with label Actresses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Actresses. Show all posts

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Golden Globes Actresses No Stranger to Black Dresses

The Golden Globes solidarity movement for Sunday nights show is clearly strong … but judging from last year wearing black to the Globes is also simply a fashion statement embraced by a bunch of stars. Check out the gallery from the 2017 Golden…


Monday, November 6, 2017

Pamela Bach Says David Must Pay Spousal Support Because 55-Year-Old Actresses Can"t Find Work

David Hasselhoff’s ex-wife has clapped back at his claim she needs to get a job … she says it’s tough when you’re a 55-year-old actress. Pamela Bach has just responded to David’s petition to cut her off from spousal support. He’s currently paying…


Saturday, October 14, 2017

Courtney Love Warned Actresses in 2005 to Stay Clear of Harvey Weinstein

More proof of the biggest lie in Hollywood … that no one knew about the shenanigans of Harvey Weinstein.  We found this video — circa 2005 — at red carpet event for the Pamela Anderson Comedy Central Roast.  Courtney is asked if she…


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Seth MacFarlane Joked in 2013 About Harvey Weinstein"s Moves on Actresses

Seth McFarlane cracked a joke during the 2013 Oscars about Harvey Weinstein and his apparent insatiable appetite for actresses … and it seemed audience was in on it. Seth was presenting the nominations for Best Supporting Actress, and suggested…


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

10 Highest-Paid Actresses of 2016: Guess Who Tops the List AGAIN!

Forbes magazine released it"s annual list of the world"s highest-earning actresses today, and the familiar face in the top spot should come as no surprise.

Yes, Jennifer Lawrence may stumble on the red carpet so much that we"re starting to think she"s messing with us, but when it comes to raking in box office bucks, the woman is downright graceful.

But while J-Law"s continued dominance should come as no great shock (She tops the list for the second year in a row.), the rest of the top ten features some unexpected surprises.

For example, we"re guessing you wouldn"t have predicted the new queen of comedy at number two or the Chines actress at number five who"s far from a household name in the States.

Globalization, y"all. Get into it.

Hollywood certainly is, and these ladies are reaping the benefits:

10. Deepika Padukone

Deepika padukone

If you’re reading this in the Western Hemi, there’s a good chance you’re not familiar with Deepika. But she’s one of the biggest stars in India, and she pulled in over $ 10 million in the last 12 months.

9. Mila Kunis

Mila kunis in glamour

Bourbon and Bad Moms paid off for Mila this year. She pulled in $ 11 million, largely due to her endorsement deal with Jim Beam and her role in raunchy comedy.

8. Julia Roberts

Julia roberts at the oscars

America’s Sweetheart is still smiling. The actress raked in $ 12 million in the past year.

7. Amy Adams

Amy adams oscars dress

The critically-beloved actress has switched into blockbuster mode. Batman v Superman scored a huge opening weekend and the trailer for Arrival is already getting huge buzz online. Adams has earned $ 13.5 million since August of 2015.

6. Charlize Theron

Charlize theron photograph

Mad Max: Fury Road, The Huntsman: Winter’s War, Kubo and the Two Strings – it was a big year for big budgets and long titles for Theron, who pulled in $ 16.5 million.

5. Fan Bingbing

Fan bingbing

Not yet a household name in the States, Fan Bingbing is a bonafide megastar in her native China. She also raked in $ 17 million in 2016.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Kristen Stewart to Whining Actresses: DO SOMETHING!

In a new interview with Variety, Kristen Stewart was asked about the topic of gender equality in Hollywood, an issue that has gotten more and more attention over the past several weeks.

Back in October, for example, Jennifer Lawrence penned an open letter in which she asked why she makes less money than her male co-stars.

But Stewart says here that she gets it.

Movies with male leads make more money than movies with female leads, so it"s just basic math, basic business.

And the former Twilight Saga star isn"t exactly sympathetic to women who simply whine about this pay gap.

“Instead of sitting around and complaining about that, do something,” she says in the following video. “Go write something, go do something.”

This is "easy to say," Stewart admits, adding:

“Like, f-ck, it’s hard to get movies made. It’s a huge luxury. Who gets to just make movies? But that subject is just so prevalently everywhere right now, and it’s boring.”

An interesting take to be sure.

Do you consider the topic boring? Or is this a real controversy that should continue to be discussed until the salaries of women are on par with the salaries of men?

Watch below and then response to Stewart"s comments:

Kristen stewart to whining actresses do something