Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Teen Mom O.G. Recap: Farrah Abraham"s Daughter Wants to Die

On the fourth episode of Teen Mom OG’s new season, Farrah Abraham struggled with taking Sophia to visit her late boyfriend’s family.

Meanwhile, Ryan Edwards was agitated with Maci Bookout being controlling, and Catelynn Lowell stressed about her daughters meeting …

It’s been awhile (we’re talking years) since we last heard from the Farrah-Derek Underwood storyline, a focal point of Monday’s episode.

In that sense, Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 4 was an emotional throwback to the kinder, gentler, pre-Farrah Abraham sex tape era.

As you know if you watch Teen Mom online, Farrah’s boyfriend and baby daddy died in a car accident when they were in high school.

He never met his beautiful daughter, Sophia. Now that the six-year-old is getting older, Farrah shared a poem that Derek once wrote her.

“Farrah you changed my world with the blink of an eye, this is something that I cannot deny,” Derek’s poem to the future MTV star read.

“You put my soul from worst to best, that is why I treasure you, my dearest Farrah. Now my life is a dream come true, it all began [with] you.”

Kind of sums up THG’s relationship with Farrah Abraham too, come to think of it. In any case, Sophia had mixed emotions about this.

“Why did Simon [Saran] not be my daddy? I want a daddy!” she said, adding “I wanna die, I wanna die,” presumably to go see Derek.

“When you say you wanna die to see him, it really makes mommy sad,” Farrah responded, despite the fact that she asked for it.

“Don’t you know that it hurts mommy when you say those things because I care about you, and I love you?” Abraham added.

Sigh. Complicated parental issues are no joke, of course. Just ask Catelynn Lowell, whose birth daughter finally met her new birth daughter.

Cate had a full-on anxiety attack just days before her wedding in large part because Nova and Carly’s first meeting was just too much.

“I just feel like I’m having a heart attack,” she told Tyler Baltierra while crying. “I’m nervous, just like seeing my two kids together.”

“And then only taking one home. Especially to see how much Carly loves her,” Cate said, though she wasn’t sweating the guest list.

“Farrah’s not invited,” Cate said of her co-srtar and rival.

Tyler laughed, “Farrah! Farrah wouldn’t come anyway.”

Oh, and Tyler opened up about a past suicide attempt while chatting with his father, Butch, freaking Cate’s brother Nick the hell out.

Never a solitary dull moment with this couple.

Over in Indiana, Amber Portwood’s fiance Matt Baier may have seven kids, but they’re getting hitched! Save the October 2016 date!

Amber’s mom? Far from thrilled about this event.

“I see the family a lot, but I don’t see my mom,” Amber said. “I don’t think she likes Matt … I don’t know what the f–k she’s holding on to.”

“I love my family, but I love Matt … he is my man.”

Later, when the two hung out, she got in a passive-aggressive dig about Amber’s “first wedding,” which the Teen Mom star recoiled at:

“I’ve been engaged four times before … I’ve called it off. I’ve never been so sure. You know, I wouldn’t go through with it if I wasn’t sure.”

At least she and Gary aren’t at war … for now.

Meanwhile, the ongoing Maci Bookout vs. Ryan Edwards feud returned with a vengeance when Ryan wanted an extra night with Bentley.

Basically, he thinks she doesn’t respect him. (Duh.)

“It just irritates me that she thinks that I can’t do first grade homework or get him to school. She’s an a–hole,” Ryan said of his baby mama.

“I don’t wanna say he can’t spend the night with Billy-Bob or Joe, but if he does that, then I wanna make up the days later in the week.”

Are those hypothetical people he made up?

Anyway, Maci’s point of view is that the adorable youngster “needs to be in a routine when he goes to school,” and Ry needs to chill.

Bookout was having none of her former boyfriend’s drama: “You were being ugly,” she said, storming off. “Go read your text message.”

The more things change …