Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Teen Mom O.G. Season Finale Recap: Farrah Abraham FREAKS OUT, Quits the Show (Again)!

Monday, on the season finale of Teen Mom: OG, Farrah Abraham lost her mind and quit the show (again) after fighting with a producer.

The title of Teen Mom Season 12 Episode 9, “Walk Away,” certainly rang true for Farrah, who told MTV producer Larry to do just that.

When the network refused to let her film a rival show, and Larry accused her of breaching her contract, Abraham went off like whoa.

By like whoa, we mean calling Larry a “dumb, twisted motherf–ker,” accusing him of profiting from Sophia’s dad’s death (?) and more.

“I did everything on my end, sweetheart, so you can just take your little ass, and get on a phone call, and do your job. “Up your ass.”

“You know what’s so f–king laughable right now? Larry, I’m laughing. I would love to not laugh in your face … why are you so white trash?”

“Are you around people all the time who are trash, and you need to keep arguing with me?” Farrah added, shoving Larry the producer.

“Sophia’s dad died, and that’s what got your s–t picked up,” she said in tears. “You stupid-ass son of a bitch, get the f–k out of my property.”

Basically, Farrah is SO DONE with the show. We’ve heard that before, of course. One thing she is ready to make a “commitment” to?

Boyfriend Simon Saran, but only after she laid down the law – ring, proposal, marriage, moving in together and then babies, in that order.

Simon responded (somehow), “I agree.” We’ll see if he’s singing that tune after she brushed off that $ 17K ring as too cheap-looking.

While the rest of what you see when you watch Teen Mom online will pale in comparison, there were some other highlights last night.

Amber Portwood and Matt Baier, for their part, confronted addiction issues … but not regarding drugs or having eight kids by six women!

They were worried that her baby daddy Gary Shirley is addicted to food – and miffed that he’s been on their case about their own issues.

“How can somebody who is a shade shy of 600 pounds sit and talk about people who have self-control issues and addiction?” Matt said.

Amber added, “Yeah, but see, people don’t understand that. That that’s an addiction in itself. But hopefully he’s starting to wake up.”

His eyes were wide open … when it came to proposing to his girlfriend! “I knew I wanted to marry Kristina,” he told producers last night.

“And I knew that she wouldn’t say no. She didn’t get no Walmart ring,” Shirley added, with a dig at Matt Baier: “She don’t have secret kids.”

Despite the animosity with Amber, Gary reached a deal with her regarding child support and more even time with her daughter, Leah.

Amber then channeled her inner Farrah by throwing a fit and declaring that she’s f–king done talking to MTV about all these details.

“Don’t f–king try that s–t with me when you know goddamn well what you’re talking about. That’s the s–t I don’t like right there.”

“There’s nothing else to f–king talk about. Don’t try the director ignorant bulls–t with me. You know I’m not f–king stupid.”

That sums it up right there. meanwhile, Caitlyn Lowell finally realized that she may be suffering from postpartum depression.

“It got to the point sometimes where it’s like, I don’t want to wake up tomorrow feeling like this,” she said, while Tyler Baltierra got frustrated.

“I’m like, dude, come on, this is getting ridiculous,” he complained to his mom. “I should feel sympathy, I should feel empathy.”

Ultimately, he’s forever in wife’s corner, something the always-feuding Ryan Edwards and Maci Bookout wouldn’t know anything about.

Still, give them credit. They buried the hatchet for the sake of their son, Bentley, with Edwards agreeing to man up at long, long last.

“I just got tired of having to figure out everything through my mom,” Ryan said when Maci asked what changed for him after so long.

“I guess if I want you to talk to me, I’ve got to interact with you more,” he said, while Maci responded sweetly, “I’m proud of you. I really am.”