Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Gary Shirley to Amber Portwood: Sorry for Admitting You"re a Bad Mother!

Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley never really had the greatest relationship, but they do share a daughter, Leah, so they pretty much have to get along with each other for the rest of their lives.

Think about that for a second, being forced to deal with Amber for all the rest of your days …

It"s no wonder Gary snapped, right?

In last night"s episode of Teen Mom OG, he had some pretty harsh things to say about her — harsh, but true.

Amber didn"t take it well, so no surprise there, but what was surprising was that Gary took the time to apologize to her on Twitter for everything he said during the episode.

Because again, what he said was true.

Here, let"s just review everything, and you can see if you think Gary needed to apologize, OK?

1. A Bad Match

Amber portwood and gary shirley in therapy

OK, so Amber and Gary were always terrible together, from the very first moment we ever saw either of them on Amber’s 16 and Pregnant episode. They just don’t get along well. Even in their happiest moments, there was always some issue — remember when he tried to propose and she got mad because he didn’t use the exact words she wanted to hear?

2. SMH

Amber portwood gary shirley shirtless

These two broke up, got back together, got engaged, then broke up again more times than we can even count, and it took Amber going to prison to really end things for good between them.

3. Hey, Kristina!

Kristina anderson and gary shirley

While Amber was incarcerated, Gary met Kristina, who he went on to marry and have another child with. Kristina became the mother figure that little Leah never really had. Everyone loves Kristina.

4. Shame, Shame

Gary shirley of teen mom

Gary did lead Amber on a bit during this time though — he didn’t make it clear to her when he was in prison that their relationship was over, and he strung her along when she got out. But through it all, he was always a good father to Leah, and that’s what we’re talking about here.

5. Choices

Amber portwood with leah

Meanwhile, Amber chose to stay in prison, away from her young daughter, instead of going to rehab, and when she was back home, she chose to get involved with creepy Matt Baier instead of rebuilding her relationship with her kid.

6. Tsk Tsk

Amber portwood black and white selfie

She mentioned trying to get custody of Leah back a few times, but then never really talked about it again. And in the time that she’s been out of prison, she hasn’t seemed to make seeing her at all that much of a priority.

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