Monday, May 23, 2016

Gary Shirley Wins Custody Battle With Amber Portwood!

Gary Shirley just won an unexpected legal victory in his ongoing custody battle with Teen Mom star Amber Portwood.

The former couple has been fighting over 7-year-old Leah pretty much since she was born, but for now at least, the girl will be spending most of her time with Gary.

Not only was Shirley awarded primary physical custody of his daughter, the court ordered Amber to make monthly child support payments. 

You may recall that Amber lost custody of Leah back in 2011 when she was involved in a number of ugly legal situations.

It seemed the court had made the right decision when Amber went to prison for drug possession less than a year later.

Last year, she and Gary reportedly agreed to joint legal custody, with primary physical custody going to Shirley.

Amber must have decided that the arrangement wasn’t working for her anymore, because the couple was back in court last week.

While her situation has changed considerably over the past few years, the judge in her case apparently saw no reason to reverse his previous decision.

In fact, he upped Amber’s child support payments to $ 1,200 a month.

Sources tell TMZ that Amber and Gary are maintaining an amicable relationship these days, and they intend to continue co-parenting peacefully.

There’s no word on whether or not Amber’s relationship with fiance Matt Baier played a role in the decision, but it couldn’t have helped.

Baier may have nine kids by seven different women, all of whom are now suing him for child support.

His child support cases aren’t settled yet, but we’re guessing his shady past didn’t help Amber’s situation.

Watch Teen Mom online at TV Fanatic to see more questionable decision making from Ms. Portwood.