Showing posts with label D'Angelo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label D'Angelo. Show all posts

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Nets" Rondae Hollis-Jefferson: I"ll Miss Brook Lopez, Pumped About D"Angelo Russell

Some real talk from Brooklyn Nets forward Rondae Hollis-Jefferson … who admits he’s pretty bummed out the team traded away his good friend, Brook Lopez.  On the other hand, Rondae says he’s pretty excited for the guys taking his place…


Saturday, March 25, 2017

D’Angelo Russell"s New Lady Friend ... Is Insanely Hot (PHOTO GALLERY)

D’Angelo Russell is the best young player in the NBA … as in playa, playa, play on playa, ‘cause the dude’s got a brand new lady love, and she’s absolutely surface-of-the-sun hot. The Lakers star is dating 25-year-old Janay Bankston,…


Friday, March 17, 2017

Ice Cube to Lakers -- TANKING IS GARBAGE ... Don"t Write Off D"Angelo (Video)

The Lakers are in a tailspin, they’ve lost 7 of their last 8 … and if they’re tanking for a draft pick, Ice Cube says that’s total B.S.  Cube is a big Lake Show fan — so we asked about a possible silver lining to another terrible season ……


Thursday, January 26, 2017

D"Angelo Russell Needs to Grow the Hell Up Already ... Says Byron Scott (AUDIO)

D’Angelo Russell needs to stop acting like a kid and start acting like a MAN if he ever wants to reach his superstar potential … so says his former Lakers coach, Byron Scott.  Scott appeared on “L.A. Today” on AM570 when Fred Roggin…


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Kendall Jenner and D"Angelo Russell: Dating?!

Tonight, Kendall Jenner will no doubt hit the town to celebrate her 20th birthday.

And if the latest rumors about her love life are to be believed, she’ll be joined by the new dude in her life, rookie Los Angeles Lakers guard D’Angelo Russell.

Russell only has a few games under his belt, and they’ve all been losses (He plays for the freakin’ Lakers, after all.), so he should probably be focused on basketball at the moment, but insiders claim he just couldn’t resist the allure of Kendall.

Sources say Kendall has been in attendance, cheering D’Angelo on at both Lakers home games so far, which is probably a nice alternative to the angry leer of Jack Nicholson that greets most rookies when they look into the crowd.

“One person who definitely took notice of the romance rumors is D’Angelo’s teammate Kobe,” a source tells Hollywood Life. “He has been teasing the rookie about it, saying he’s already gone Hollywood.

“Kobe really gives him a hard time saying he better worry more about being a professional basketball player than becoming a reality star. It’s playful hazing, but you know Kobe really wants him focused on the team and not Kendall.”

We don’t think of Kobe as the “playful hazing” type but if that’s what D’Angelo has to tell himself, we say go for it.

Sources say Kobe’s not alone, and other players have warned D’Angelo of the “Kardashian curse” that’s thrown many a male celeb off his game.

We’re sure Russell doesn’t want to do anything to jeopardize his career, but at the same time, he gets to see Kendall Jenner naked, so even if we winds up a sad, bench-warming national punchline, we’re guessing it’ll all be worth it.