Showing posts with label Anthony's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anthony's. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Casey Anthony"s Mom Storms Off Set During Interview

Casey Anthony is almost universally reviled. Despite her acquittal, most people continue to believe that she murdered her young daughter, Caylee.

Her parents, George and Cindy, are tired of being viewed only as the parents of a monster. So they sat down for an interview with A&E.

Their discussion unfortunately become heated, and Cindy Anthony ultimately stormed off in anger.

George says that Casey and Caylee were there when he got home from work, but not every night.

“Most times, but a few times she wasn’t.”

He says that there were a few days at a time when his daughter and granddaughter would be missing when he arrived.

“Because that was a night she was supposedly going to spend a night with the nanny or one of her friends”

We all remember Casey’s fictitious nanny — the one named Zanny.

Zanny did not exist.

Cindy had misgivings about doing the interview from the start, and she becomes very obviously defensive a the suggestion that she did not know her granddaughter’s whereabouts.

Cindy speaks up.

“George, as far as Caylee goes, I knew when that child was not here.”

George agrees, but says:

“About six months before we saw a couple different times where she’d be gone for a couple of days.”

Cindy says that it wasn’t often, however.

“Casey and Caylee did not stay out for two or three days, I know that for a fact. Caylee was always here.”

Interviewer Elizabeth Vargas asks: “So Caylee never spent the night somewhere else?”

Cindy admits:

“Maybe one or two times, cause I wouldn’t go to bed unless I knew Caylee was tucked in.”

George tries to assure Cindy, from whom he had been in the process of getting a divorce when the couple learned that Casey was pregnant, that he’s not trying to antagonize her.

“Listen I don’t want to get upset with you, I don’t want to upset anyone anymore but I just now what I witnessed…”

This, however, is when another contentious issue comes up — one thankfully less upsetting than the murder of their granddaughter.

See, once upon a time, money went missing from Cindy’s purse. George was blamed.

George says that Casey is the one who stole the cash, which is something that everyone but Cindy has no problem accepting.

George also confesses that, at one point, Cindy allegedly stole money from Caylee’s savings account.

Cindy says:

“But George, Casey learned by example.”

This is when she storms off of the set. She blames him for Casey’s dishonest behavior.

“There was different things that I got the blame for,” George acknowledges at one point.

Cindy insists, however:

“No, but I’m telling you, you lied to me for several years.”

And she believes that there is a direct, causal link to Casey.

“And that’s where our daughter got it.”

He does not disagree, but Cindy goes on to try to give an unusual characterization of Casey.

“Casey was just a very spirited child. She had a lot of energy, she was just the light of our lives.”

Cindy continues, speaking of Casey’s youth, before she was one of America’s most hated people.

“She made people smile. Casey was very popular. She had tons of friends and lots of little boyfriends.”

We think that what Cindy is doing here is two things.

One, she is still having trouble grappling witht he knowledge that her daughter is a monster.

Two, she seems to be afraid that her granddaughter’s death was somehow her fault and wants to blame it on her husband.

Some people think that monstrous adults were monstrous children, but this is rarely the case.

We wish George and Cindy peace. They lost their granddaughter to an unthinkable act of evil.


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Justin Bieber"s Latin Grammy for "Despacito" Sent to Marc Anthony"s Producer By Mistake

Justin Bieber came up empty-handed after winning a Latin Grammy for “Despacito” … because it was sent to Marc Anthony’s producer by accident. Carlos Escalona Cruz — who worked on Marc’s Grammy-winning children’s album — “Marc Anthony for Babies”…


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Casey Anthony"s Attorney Claims She Blacked Out Caylee"s Death

Tragically, it’s time once again to talk about one of our least favorite people in the world: Casey Anthony.

Not that we like anyone who empathizes with O.J. Simpson, but Casey Anthony … well, she’s almost universally reviled, and for good reason.

And now one of her former attorneys is speaking out with a theory of what happened. We don’t imagine that she’d be happy to hear it, but we also don’t care about her feelings.

Most people don’t so much spin theories about what happened as talk about what they wish had happened at trial.

It’s probably fair to say that most of the American public has a pretty good idea of what 3-year-old Caylee Anthony’s final moments were.

It’s pretty likely that those people have definite opinions about what Casey Anthony’s fate should have been.

But Cheney Mason, who was one of Casey Anthony’s attorney’s during the trial, has his own statements to make.

In fact, Casey Anthony’s former attorney says that she “blacked out” Caylee’s death.

“I believe that Casey’s mind, in some dimension, I guess the common word would say ‘snapped."”

There aren’t parallel universes inside of people’s brains, unless I missed that Psych course, but please, continue.

“She didn’t go sniveling crazy by any means, but blackout — completely a blackout — of what went on and what happened.”

Usually people black out from drinking or extreme sleepiness or from trauma, but the trauma is something being done to them.

Unless experts can find some explanation, it’s hard to see how Casey could have blacked out and committed a murder and then gotten rid of evidence.

“She didn’t know what she was doing or what she was saying.”

This is so complicated, because we get the feeling that he might actually believe this.

And he had even more to add.

Cheney Mason goes on to suggest that he doesn’t believe that Casey Anthony even fully realized that her child was dead until after the trial.

That’s interesting, since Casey was of course analyzed by psychiatrists.

While one noted that she was “surprisingly cheerful.”

Another noted that she seemed “stripped of all emotion.”

But apparently their conclusion was that she had no sign of mental illness.

An inability to grasp that a crime has been committed or to notice other aspects of reality …

(Like that your child is not alive but is in fact dead)

… Usually qualifies as a sign of mental illness.

It’s the sort of thing that usually precludes somebody from even standing trial.

(Or it’s supposed to, anyway)

That said, his statement reinforces what she’s said herself.

Remember how Casey Anthony said that she has no clue how Caylee died?

That would work with her former attorney’s “theory.”

But it’s more than a little suspect.

Let’s say that, hypothetically, Casey Anthony blacked out and murdered her daughter.

Horrifying, right?

Well … that wouldn’t explain the searches for “chloroform” and “neck-breaking” on Casey Anthony’s computer.

It especially wouldn’t explain how those searches had been deleted.

Even drunken blackouts don’t usually feature people doing things that they wouldn’t at least potentially done sober.

So we feel like a “blackout” doesn’t really explain away much of anything.

(Except maybe it’s an explanation that he came up with to explain why she came across as so cold and unfeeling)

(Like, maybe he needed an explanation so that he can sleep at night, because he can’t wrap his head around the mind of a monster and needed to explain it away)

In fact, it mostly just stirs up old anger at yet another verdict that horrified the nation.

That resentment doesn’t go away when you remember that Casey Anthony is apparently bored by her freedom.

She’s bored by a life that Caylee will never get to experience.

You know what?

This whole thing reminds us of that terrible Casey Anthony-inspired episode of Law & Order: SVU.

All that we really remember about the episode was that Hilary Duff guest starred and that the twist was that she didn’t do it.


That is, folks, not the way to rip a story from the headlines to make an episode.


Friday, June 9, 2017

Casey Anthony"s Parents About to Lose Family Home in Foreclosure

Casey Anthony is having a good time these days — hanging out in restaurants and bars with friends — but her parents have fallen on hard times, because we’ve learned their home is on the brink of foreclosure. Cynthia and George Anthony own a home…


Casey Anthony"s Parents About to Lose Family Home in Foreclosure

Casey Anthony is having a good time these days — hanging out in restaurants and bars with friends — but her parents have fallen on hard times, because we’ve learned their home is on the brink of foreclosure. Cynthia and George Anthony own a home…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Carmelo and Lala Anthony"s Mother"s Day Dinner Together (VIDEO)

Carmelo and Lala Anthony put their breakup on the back burner to spend a chunk of Mother’s Day together with their son. We got the exes heading into Neta, a sushi joint in the Village, and there’s nothing about the video that screams separated or…


Friday, April 21, 2017

Mia Angel Burks: Carmelo Anthony"s Pregnant Mistress Revealed!

NBA stardom and monogamous relationships are like peanut butter and broken glass.

We really have no idea what possesses people to try and make it work, but they do, and the outcome is pretty much always awful.

The latest relationship to fall victim to a situation where the husband is a young millionaire who spends much of the year traveling to America’s biggest cities is that of Carmelo and La La Anthony.

Carmelo and La La broke up earlier this week, and for obvious reasons, the news didn’t come as a huge shock.

To the surprise of absolutely no one, it turned out that Carmelo got busted cheating.

It wasn’t until Tuesday of this week that this story really took an interesting turn.

And by “interesting,” of course, we mean La La’s divorce lawyers haven’t stopped grinning for 72 hours.

It seems that Carmelo got his mistress pregnant, and found that it’s tough to hide that sort of thing from your wife.

Now, we’re finding out a little bit more about the woman who will soon be bringing a little Melo into the world.

That’s Mia Angel Burks, and she’s a 24-year-old a recent Northwestern grad with a master’s degree in health communication.

It seems that Melo and Mia initially planned to keep the pregnancy a secret, but a friend of hers named Anthony Jacobs went public with news of their relationship in response to false reports that Anthony had gotten a stripper pregnant.

“Mia met Carmelo at Room Seven, a club in Chicago, when he was here for the NBA draft doing press,” Jacobs told a Chicago-based radio show.

“She’s not a stripper … she works in education setting up programs.”

Jacobs says Melo initially treated hooking up with Mia in Chicago as just another hookup on the road – but Burks had something more serious in mind.

“Carmelo wasn’t taking her serious to the point where she started to buy her own plane tickets to go see him,” Jacobs claims.

He maintains, however, that her interest in Anthony wasn’t the result of his fame and fortune, but rather a genuine belief that they’d made a connection:

“She was more giddy about it than anything,” Jacobs says.

“When those type of girls talk to those kind of guys, I don’t think that’s the premise in the back of their head, ‘I’m gonna go destroy this happy home.’”

He adds:

“Mia seems low-key and doesn’t obsess over Carmelo. There are some girls who become obsessed with the players, that’s not the case with [her].”

It’s unclear exactly when Mia got pregnant, but apparently she and Melo had been hooking up for several months at the time.

You know what they say: Nothing ruins a good affair like a pregnancy!

Or maybe they only say that in NBA locker rooms …


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Carmelo and La La Anthony"s Prenup Will Control Divorce

When, not if, Carmelo or La La Anthony pull the divorce trigger, there will be a road map on how they will divide their $ 200 plus million fortune. Sources connected to the couple tell us they signed a prenup before getting…


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Jennifer Lopez and A-Rod Shack Up in Marc Anthony"s Beach Community (PHOTO GALLERY)

Jennifer Lopez and A-Rod didn’t pick just any luxury villa in the Dominican Republic to get cozy — no, they picked one just down the road from Marc Anthony. Ballsy? The couple’s currently staying in an oceanside villa at Casa de Campo — an…


Jennifer Lopez and A-Rod Shack Up in Marc Anthony"s Beach Community (PHOTO GALLERY)

Jennifer Lopez and A-Rod didn’t pick just any luxury villa in the Dominican Republic to get cozy — no, they picked one just down the road from Marc Anthony. Ballsy? The couple’s currently staying in an oceanside villa at Casa de Campo — an…
