Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Lamar Odom: Suffering Frightening Complications, Source Says

It’s been two weeks since Lamar Odom was hospitalized after nearly dying from an overdose at a Nevada brothel.

During that time, the former NBA star has made remarkable progress in his recovery, with hospital sources saying Odom is out of his coma and able to engage in simple conversations.

Unfortunately, Lamar still has a long road ahead of him, and there are sure to be bumps along the way.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that after several days of good news, Odom suffered a major setback earlier this week.

“Lamar is suffering from complications because of the kidney failure,” says one insider.

“The dialysis is messing up Lamar’s ability to think and speak clearly, which is one of the reasons his doctors are unsure about the extent of any permanent brain damage.

“Lamar has also had some heart problems as his blood pressure has gotten low during the dialysis.”

The news has reportedly come as a blow to Odom’s family and friends, who has been by Odom’s bedside throughout his recovery. 

On the plus side, it’s easier to treat kidney damage than brain damage, so if Odom’s difficulties with speech and motor skills are the result of the dialysis process, his latest diagnosis may actually turn out be good news.