Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Jimmy Fallon: Headed to Rehab?

On Saturday night, Jimmy Fallon fell and injured his hand at a party at which he was being honored by the editors of the Harvard Lampoon.

On its own, the incident wouldn’t have gained much notice, but coming as it did on the heels of several other bizarre mishaps for the late night host, this latest episode has sparked rumors that Fallon may have a drinking problem. A dubious version of events he offered on his show last night did little to alleviate concerns:

We’re not saying that Fallon wasn’t really carrying the bottle of Jagermeister in order to present it as a gift to the Harvard marching band, but the manner in which the host carefully avoided answering the question of whether or not he was intoxicated has aroused suspicions amongst some viewers.

In any event, it’s not only fans who are concerned that Fallon might be partying too hard.

Radar Online is reporting that Tonight Show producers and NBC execs are planning an intervention for Fallon in hopes of convincing him to enter rehab before he does any further damage to his body or reputation.

NBC Entertainment chairman Bob Greenblatt “is monitoring the situation closely,” one insider tells Radar.  “If he needs to intervene, it will be done,” the source adds.

One drunken tumble would be unlikely to generate discussion amongst top network brass, but in Fallon’s case, this latest injury is part of a disturbing trend.

Back in June, Fallon was hospitalized for an injury to his other hand following a freak accident in which the comic fell and caught his wedding ring on the corner of a table, nearly severing the finger.

Shortly thereafter, Fallon posted a photo of himself getting a chipped tooth fixed and later claimed that he broke it while attempting to open a tube of scar tissue gel.

Back in 2013, Fallon wore bandages on his hand for several weeks after badly cutting himself at home. He told his audience that the accident happened while he was making salsa.

As for this latest incident, those who were in attendance at the party say there’s no doubt that Fallon was extremely intoxicated at the time of his fall.

“He was definitely drunk,” says one witness. “At first people thought it was a joke when he fell since he had hurt himself before.”

“After he fell, the police helped him up. He immediately started yelling, ‘More Jager! More Jager!’ Eventually someone brought him more Jager.”

Regardless of whether or not he winds up seeking help, we’re thinking less Jager is in order for Jimmy going forward.