Monday, July 11, 2016

Kailyn Lowry Rushes Son to Hospital, Shares Frightening Story With Fans

Kailyn Lowry only recently became a single mom again when she separated from husband Javi Marroquin, but it seems she’s already experiencing the challenges of parenting on her own.

According to Radar Online, Kailyn’s son Isaac was rushed to the hospital on Sunday night.

Sources say the 6-year-old began showing troubling symptoms late last night.

Kailyn took him in to get checked out, and the boy is resting comfortably at home.

“He had a really high fever so Kail just wanted to get it checked out rather than wait for the doctor to be open today,” says one insider. 

“He’s home and fine now.”

Kailyn hinted that something was wrong on Twitter last night, but she didn’t go into specifics.

“I hate the doctors office,” she tweeted at one point.

Apparently the visit didn’t take very long, because less than an hour later she had resumed normal Twitter activity.

Which in this case meant joining the rest of us in wondering what the hell the latest gaming trend is all about:

“Wtf is this Pokemon sh-t?” Kailyn tweeted.

Like we said, it sounds like everything is back to normal in the Lowry household.

It also sounds like Kailyn can handle any challenges that single motherhood throws her way.

She has yet to work out a custody arrangement with Marroquin, but it’s looking like she’ll retain primary custody of their son.

Her Instagram bio now reads, “Single mom doing whatever it takes.”

We’d say that just about sums it up.