Showing posts with label Brothel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brothel. Show all posts

Friday, October 19, 2018

Dennis Hof"s Love Ranch Brothel Shut Down Following His Death

You’re gonna have to go somewhere else to fulfill your wildest fantasies … because we’ve learned Dennis Hof’s famous Nevada whorehouse closed its doors the day he died. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … the Love Ranch was shut down Tuesday…


Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Dennis Hof, Famous Brothel Owner, Dead at 72

Dennis Hof, a world famous brothel owner and reality television personality, was found dead Tuesday at his often-frequented Love Ranch in Nevada.

He was 72 years old.

A Republican candidate for the state Assembly in a southern Nevada district, Hof reportedly died in his sleep just hours after a celebration that featured pornography star Ron Jeremy… former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio … and anti-tax activist Grover Norquist.

This news was confirmed by Hof’s campaign manager, Chuck Muth.

Jeremy, the best known porn star on the planet, actually found Hof’s body early on Tuesday.

Hof formerly anchored the series Cathouse, which aired on HBO and which chronicled life at his sex-laden residence.

However, he recently made national headlines after earning a primary victory over a three-term Republican in a rural district in Southern Nevada.

hof image

The Nye County Sheriff’s office said Tuesday that it was investigating Hof’s death.

“We had a wonderful event last night,” Muth told the Reno Gazette Journal. “He was having the time of his life.”

In the celebrity gossip universe, Hof was perhaps best known for running the brothel at which Lamar Odom suffered a near-fatal overdose in 2015.

Speaking to NPR earlier this year, Hof was unabashed about his work as a legal pimp, along with his political aspirations.

“Dennis Hof is the Trump of Pahrump,” he said, outlining the way people spoke about him in the most populous town in the district and adding of himself:

“He’s rich, he’s famous, he’s got nerves of steel. He likes hot girls.”

muth tweet

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported a few months ago, however, that numerous former prostitutes had accused Hof of sexual assault.

The cases were never prosecuted and, according to USA Today, Hof denied the allegations.

Hof posted bail for Liberace’s former lover, Scott Thorson, in 2013, after Thorson took up residence at the Bunny Ranch.

He also hosted a “Get My Grandpa Laid” contest on the Howard Stern show later that year, often doing these sorts of explicit publicity stunts in order to stay in the news.

As for his unexpected candiacy?

“It’s all because Donald Trump was the Christopher Columbus for me,” Hof said of why he won his primary. “He found the way, and I jumped on it.”

And Hof could actually still win the seat for which he was running.


Ballots for the November 6 election have already been printed.

Outlets say that notices of Hof’s death will be posted at the polls.

If he should win, according to a spokesman for the Nevada secretary of state, the seat would be considered vacant.

Commissioners from the three counties in the district would then appoint another Republican to the position.

“This is not anything that I would have ever guessed would happen,” said Hof’s Democratic opponent, Lesia Romanov.

“My heart goes out to those who care about him. Just a crazy turn of events.”


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Famous Brothel Offers Sex Party to Vegas Golden Knights if They Win Stanley Cup

As if the Vegas Golden Knights needed more motivation to win the Stanley Cup, now a famous Nevada brothel is sweetening the deal … offering a massive sex victory party if they can seal the deal.  A rep for Sheri’s Ranch tells TMZ Sports ……


Friday, July 21, 2017

O.J. Simpson Gets Job Offer From Nevada Brothel, Prostitutes Threaten To Quit

O.J. Simpson officially has his first post-prison job offer … from a Nevada brothel who says they’re willing to let the juice run loose all over their establishment. There’s just one problem … some of the working girls at the place have thrown…


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Bunny Ranch Brothel Destroyed After Semitruck Plows Through Front Door (VIDEO + PHOTO GALLERY)

The famous Bunny Ranch brothel, from HBO’s ‘Cathouse,’ had a brush with death when a guy slammed a semitruck right through the front door … in full view of surveillance cams. The scary incident went down around 4 AM Thursday, and the video shows…


Monday, October 31, 2016

Nevada Brothel To Oakland Raiders -- Move To Vegas ... And Bang For 1/2 Price

We’re sure the NFL will love this … a notorious Nevada brothel is making an indecent proposal to the Oakland Raiders … promising half off all horizontal activities FOREVER … if the team moves to Vegas. The offer comes from Dennis Hof … owner…


Nevada Brothel To Oakland Raiders -- Move To Vegas ... And Bang For 1/2 Price

We’re sure the NFL will love this … a notorious Nevada brothel is making an indecent proposal to the Oakland Raiders … promising half off all horizontal activities FOREVER … if the team moves to Vegas. The offer comes from Dennis Hof … owner…


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Lamar Odom Overdose Brothel Owner: Kardashians HEXED Me!

Dennis Hof is absolutely adamant that the Kardashian family hexed him as a result of owning the brothel that nearly killed their bizarrely beloved loser, Lamar Odom.  

Hof reported to TMZ that his house – a 2 million dollar rustic mansion in Reno, Nevada – burned almost entirely to the ground when an out-of-control “controlled burn” went …

Well, obviously way out of control. 

It’s a funny thing, his idea that the Kardashians hexed him, truly. 

But here’s the rub, though – Hof’s house burned to ashes on the one-year anniversary of Lamar Odom’s overdose, leading Hof to believe that the Kardashians cursed him. 

Dennis told TMZ that this time next year, he planned to be on a remote island. 

We don’t know if he’s kidding or not, but after this kind of scare … we can’t say we’d blame him. 

Honestly, would you? 

As of late, the still-alive-for-whatever-reason Lamar isn’t doing so well. 

One of the prostitutes – Monroe by name – formerly employed at Hof’s Bunny Ranch revealed details about Odom’s overdose, and they weren’t pretty. 

In fact, they went far beyond embarrassing and sad.

The sex worker revealed, “No sex occurred while Lamar was at the Love Ranch.” 

“I took the opportunity to strip him naked and gave him a full body massage.” 

“I was determined to have my way with his ample-sized penis,” she continued. 

“But he just couldn’t get it up.”

With all the drugs in his system, that’s hardly surprising. 

The prostitute continued that all he wanted to do was drug and drug and “eat KFC,” and that the only connection they made was an emotional one or … whatever. 

“Lamar and I made a connection because we both were a little lonely due to recent losses in her lives,” she said. 

“I’d lost my boyfriend of eight years to a shooting, and he was distraught over his estranged wife, Khloe Kardashian.” 

Well, girl, you’ll always have KFC. 

As for the Kardashians hexing Hof’s home … we honestly wouldn’t be too surprised. 

We know how the K-Klan loves them some New Orleans, and what better place to learn the fine arts of Voodoo and Hoodoo?  


Friday, October 23, 2015

Khloe Kardashian: Forced to Pay Lamar Odom"s $75,000 Brothel Tab?!

In the ten days since Lamar Odom nearly died from overdosing on a cocktail of hard drugs, Khloe Kardashian has done a lot for her estranged husband. 

Khloe has been by Lamar’s side non-stop, and insiders say she even paid for him to be transported to a Los Angeles hospital so that she would be better able to care for him. 

Clearly, Khloe is devoted to Lamar and willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that he receives the best care possible. But even Khloe might balk at what’s being asked of her now:

Speaking with The Wrap recently, Love Ranch brothel owner Dennis Hof threw together a word salad that seemed to be his way of saying he plans to make Khloe pay Lamar’s hooker tab – just as she’s done for him in the past:

“I got a call from Boulevard Management asking all these questions,” Hof said. “‘What were these charges for?’ and such. So, in my mind, are they trying a way to not pay the bill? If he doesn’t, I’m going after Khloe and her husband.”

Seems like a pretty low-down thing to do to a woman who’s currently attempting to nurse her very sick husband back to health (especially since all the media attention surrounding Lamar has caused the Love Ranch’s business to more than triple), but Hof says it’s no big deal.

In fact, he claims Khloe has written checks to cover Lamar’s previous stays at the Love Ranch. He didn’t elaborate on whether this was before or after their separation.

“They need to do the honorable thing,” Hof said in conclusion. Yeah, it sounds like Dennis Hof knows a lot about honor.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lamar Odom: Brothel Where NBA Star OD"d Experiences Surge in Business

If you needed further proof that’s a pretty effed-world we live in, look no further:

According to TMZ the Love Ranch brothel where Lamar Odom nearly died from an overdose last week is experiencing a major surge in business thanks to all the free press.

The weirdest part? Customers are shelling out big bucks to see the room where Odom was found unconscious and covered in blood.

Guests who already staying and spending money at the Ranch can drop an extra $ 500 for a glance at the VIP suite where Odom nearly lost his life.

Even weirder, many Love Ranch are paying top dollar to sleep in the room and there’s a one-month waiting to list to stay in “the Lamar suite.

Prior to Odom’s near death experience, the Ranch attracted about 20 men today. Owner Dennis Hof says that in the past week that number has more than tripled.

Many have been critical about the way Hof seems to milking the incident for free publicity.

Hof bragged about telling the Kardashians to “go to hell” during an appearance on Nancy Grace’s talk show.

In response, reps for Khloe politely asked Hof to shut the hell up, but it looks like the brothel owner and former star of the HBO reality series Cat House, plans to go right on cashing in on this tragedy.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Lamar Odom Went on Week-Long Bender Before Checking Into Brothel: Report

As you’ve probably heard, Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada on Tuesday night, and the former NBA star is currently comatose.

Sources at the brothel say Odom was on a bender in the days leading up to his death, indulging in cocaine, opiates, alcohol and drug-fuelled sex with prostitutes.

Now, Radar Online is reporting that Love Ranch employees only saw the tail end of a sex and drugs binge that may have been going on for quite some time. 

Workers at various hot spots in the Vegas area tell Radar that Lamar had been partying non-stop for weeks before he collapsed. 

“He was spending money like crazy and partying here in our VIP room for a week straight,” says an employee at the Spearmint Rhino strip club. “I heard he was blowing through money like crazy…He was making all the girls drink and party with him.”

Other insiders say at the club say Lamar was blowing through upwards of $ 5,000 a say on liquor and lap dances. They add that he also developed a reputation as a difficult customer:

“My boss asked me to entertain him, but I refused cause I heard he was difficult and demanding,” says one dancer. “A lot of girls refused to work for him.”

Sadly, in the two days since he was hospitalized, Lamar’s condition has only deteriorated, and doctors now say he has about a 50/50 chance of survival.

We’ll keep you updated on Lamar’s condition as more information becomes available.

Dennis Hof: Owner of Brothel Where Lamar Odom OD"ed Tells Kardashians to "Go to Hell"

It’s been almost 48 hours since Lamar Odom was found unconscious in Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch brothel in Pahrump, Nevada, and last night, Hof spoke out for the first time about the NBA star’s disastrous stay at his establishment.

Unfortunately, he decided to open up to the human nails-on-a-chalkboard sound known as Nancy Grace:

In the clip above, Grace stops incessantly barking “Hof!” just long enough for the man to actually speak, and his take on the situation is interesting, if almost completely fabricated.

First, he claims that he “doesn’t believe” drugs were involved, despite claims from hospital sources that Odom had cocaine and opiates in his system at the time that he collapsed. 

Hof goes on to confirm that Ryder Cherry and Madison Montag (though he butchered their names) – the women who found Odom unconscious and attempted to revive him – had been paid to attend to him throughout his stay.

Naturally, the topic of Odom’s relationship to the Kardashian family comes up, and Hof proves that he’s a beacon of compassion in an unkind world. Just kidding, he said this:

“Speaking of the Kardashians, I got a call from their publicist today saying, ‘Are you going to do any media?’ and I said yes I’m going to go on [Nancy Grace].

“And she said, ‘Please don’t do that, we’d rather have Khloe say what needs to be said.’ I told her to go to hell.” 

Jeez, Hof. We’re not one to side with the Kardashian PR machine, but the family may be to lose a loved one, so it might be cool of you to let them handle the way the situation is covered in the media as much as possible.

Way to make Nancy Grace look like a tolerable human being, bruh.

Lamar Odom: Details of Brothel Bender Revealed

In the two days since Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at the Love Ranch brothel in Nevada, several details have emerged that help to shed light on exactly how the former NBA star wound up comatose in a Las Vegas hospital.

It seems that in addition to abusing an herbal “Viagra substitute” (which he bought on premises), Odom was using cocaine and opiates, and putting additional strain on his body by engaging in frequent drug-fuelled sex with multiple prostitutes.

According to TMZ, Odom spent over $ 75,000 at the brothel in just over three days.

Upon arriving, all the women employed by Love Ranch (prostitution is legal in Lyon County, NV, where the ranch is located) lined up, and Lamar selected two who would be at his beck and call for the entirety of his stay.

It’s not known if the women he chose were Madison Montag and Ryder Cherry, who later found him passed out in his room and attempted to revive him.

Sources say it appears that Lamar was a regular at Love Ranch, as workers picked him up at his home in Vegas home and chauffeured him to the brothel.

Love Ranch ownership and employees have mostly kept quiet about Odom’s stay, likely for fear of being legally implicated in his overdose.

Reload – the herbal erectile dysfunction capsule that Odom purchased from the brothel – was recently banned by the FDA. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Lamar Odom Found Unconscious at Nevada Brothel, Airlifted to Hospital

Lamar Odom is fighting for his life.

Sources have confirmed to TMZ that the ex-husband of Khloe Kardashian was found unconscious at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch South in Pahrump, Nevada.

According to insiders at the brothel, the former NBA star had been partying for days with women at the Ranch, taking an herbal substitute for Viagra on at least one occasion.

On Tuesday afternoon, an employee found Odom unconscious and unresponsive inside his VIP suite. She started to scream and a manager then called 911.

TMZ writes that the manager rolled Lamar over on his side and saw “mucus-type liquid coming out of his nose ad mouth.”

“It’s not good,” a source tells the site, adding that Odom was airlifted from a local hospital (where he was intubated) to a larger Las Vegas hospital.

Odom, sadly, has a history of hard drug use.

He has checked into rehab on multiple occasions and his falling off the wagon played a significant role in his split from Khloe Kardashian.

Story developing…