Showing posts with label Bunny. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bunny. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Dennis Hof Dead, Owner of Bunny Ranch Where Lamar Odom OD"d

Dennis Hof — the owner of the famous Bunny Ranch where Lamar Odom overdosed — has passed away at the age of 72. Law enforcement sources tell us they got a 911 call from Hof’s Love Ranch in Crystal, Nevada around 11 AM. We’re told the call was for…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Pete Davidson"s Ariana Grande Bunny Mask Tattoo Goes Missing

Pete Davidson appears to have wiped a symbol of his fiancee, Ariana Grande, off his body … and now the question is … why?  The ‘SNL’ star was spotted Sunday in L.A. without Ariana by his side — but, more importantly, WITHOUT his…


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Miley Cyrus Gets Spanked by Easter Bunny, Earns Internet Ire

When people say that “He is Risen” in regard to Easter, they are talking about the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

But when Miley Cyrus implies that something is rising, she’s referring to the penis of her male social media followers in reaction to a series of raunchy images.

So we assume, at least.

We say this because the singer has shared a number of tantalizing pictures in celebration of this holy holiday, using the occasion of Easter to dress in very little clothing and to act all naughty with a certain famous bunny.

Miley didn’t include any captions with any of these seductive pieces of footage…

… but what is there to really say about them?

The snapshots hearken back to Miley’s X-rated, foam-finger waving days of 2013, which is fine and dandy.

Heck, it’s likely even encouraged by many fans out there, many of whom can’t get enough of Cyrus showing a lot of skin.

The thing is, Easter is, like, a really big deal for Christians.

It’s all about Jesus’ rebirth and it means a lot and it may not be exactly proper for Cyrus to recognize it by acting like a Playboy bunny while frolicking with the Easter bunny.

“I hope we get another Bangerz album out of this,” wrote one social media user in response to this pictorial, while another joked:

“And the Easter Bunny is officially ruined for kids who follow her account.”

Others, however, took a bit more offense to Cyrus going all NC-17 on Easter of all days.

“Glad to see what a “supposedly religious” holiday looks like lol, smh I cant,” complained one commenter.

Cyrus, meanwhile, isn’t the only celebrity to come under fire for her Easter message.

Kim Kardashian actually kept her clothes on this past Sunday, but she still earned a great deal of backlash for sharing a photo of a cross with diamonds all around it.

In Kim’s case, critics were aghast that she chose to flaunt her wealth on this holiest of days.

For Cyrus, folks are peeved that she is flaunting a few other things.

And we bet occasional friend Justin Bieber is among those peeved.

“Jesus has changed my life,” Bieber wrote for his Easter message, which was a tad different from that of Miley.

He added this week:

“Easter is not about a bunny, it’s a reminder that my Jesus died on the cross for my sins and then rose from the dead defeating death!”

Or, you know, it’s a reminder that Miley Cyrus has a nice body.

One of those two things.


Monday, April 2, 2018

Justin Bieber Admonishes Fans: Easter is NOT About a Bunny!

Justin Bieber shared a message about his great passion over the weekend — and no, we don’t mean that he was begging Selena to take him back.

He shared a religious message about Easter being a Christian holiday and how people need to look past its secular symbols.

And then followed it up with a curiously contradictory photo-shoot.

This (former?) singer wants to remind his fans and followers that Easter is, first and foremost, about Jesus.

Justin Bieber has always been a Christian, but in recent years, he’s really tied his brand to his religious identity.

Last July, he even canceled his tour because he felt that God wanted him to.

He has become very involved with Hillsong Church, a global megachurch that goes to extra lengths to cater to celebrities.

(Other celebrities involved with Hillsong include Selena Gomez and various Kardashians, including Kourtney and Kendall)

So it’s no surprise that he posted this:

Justin Bieber Easter Message 2018

“Jesus has changed my life,” Bieber writes.

And he wants to make sure that fans understand the true meaning behind this holiday.

“Easter is not about a bunny, it’s a reminder that my Jesus died on the cross for my sins and then rose from the dead defeating death!”

He affirms his belief in this event.

“I believe this happened and it changes everything!”

The belief in Jesus’ resurrection is widely considered to be a core tenet of Christianity.

It’s worth noting that it’s not uncommon for secular or other non-Christian households to celebrate a version of Easter, largely because the holiday is so ubiquitous in the United States.

(Also … everybody likes some kind of candy or another)

It seems that the Biebs had a sudden change of heart, however.

Alongside this goofy photo, he wrote a caption:

“Remember when i said easter isn’t about bunnies … well I lied.”

He is holding a stuffed bunny and is wearing bunny glasses, complete with bunny whiskers below his nose.

It sounds like the less theological side of the Easter spirit caught up with him.

The Easter bunny is not, in fact, a universal symbol of Easter, but it is very popular in the United States, serving as an analogue to Santa Claus.

For example, in Australia — where rabbits are an invasive species that wreaks havoc on their ecosystem — children celebrate with images of the Easter Bilby.

But by adopting this bunny guise, it looks like Justin Bieber is reminding his fans and followers that it is absolutely possible to enjoy the theological aspects of a religious holiday while also, you know, having fun.

One wonders if a family member or perhaps someone from the Hillsong Church advised him to relax a little and enjoy all aspects of the holiday.

For a guy who was just recently reported to be lamenting that he can’t live without Selena Gomez, it looks like Justin’s getting adjusted to his life after going on this break.

And that’s great.

Holidays are for spending time with family and friends.

Easter, if you’re religious, is a time when people go to church. It does, after all, always fall on a Sunday.

Whether you’re a Christian or not, however, you can enjoy delicious Easter candies like Peeps or candy eggs or chocolate.

We hope that the Biebs enjoyed doing both of those things.


Tuesday, March 20, 2018

John Oliver"s Gay Bunny Book Troll of Mike Pence Is Now a Best Seller

John Oliver has mastered the art of trolling, and with the help of a now best-selling gay rabbit … he’s making a laughingstock of Vice President Mike Pence’s children’s book. Oliver’s new children’s book, “A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo,” is…


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

California Wildfires" Burned Bunny Recovering & Will Be Released Into Wild

The burned bunny rescued from one of California’s wildfires — seen in a viral video — is recovering well and could be released back into the wild soon. Take that, 2017 bad news! The female cottontail suffered burns to both her ears and feet and…


Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Playboy Files to Protect Retro Bunny Logo, Even After Hugh Hefner"s Death

Playboy is taking steps to protect its biz regarding its iconic bunny logo — almost a month after their founder Hugh Hefner died. Playboy filed to renew the rights to a retro version of its Playboy bunny mark on a ton of its packaging and…


Playboy Files to Protect Retro Bunny Logo, Even After Hugh Hefner"s Death

Playboy is taking steps to protect its biz regarding its iconic bunny logo — almost a month after their founder Hugh Hefner died. Playboy filed to renew the rights to a retro version of its Playboy bunny mark on a ton of its packaging and…


Saturday, June 17, 2017

William Shatner Becomes Bunny Rabbit Handler on "Better Late Than Never"

William Shatner may have explored new worlds where no man has gone before, but now he’s in Sweden … running around with rabbits. The legendary “Star Trek” actor is in Stockholm shooting for his new comedy/reality show “Better Late Than Never” ……


Thursday, May 25, 2017

Bunny Ranch Brothel Destroyed After Semitruck Plows Through Front Door (VIDEO + PHOTO GALLERY)

The famous Bunny Ranch brothel, from HBO’s ‘Cathouse,’ had a brush with death when a guy slammed a semitruck right through the front door … in full view of surveillance cams. The scary incident went down around 4 AM Thursday, and the video shows…


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Giant Playboy Bunny Found Dead on United Flight

United Airlines is under investigation for the mysterious death of an especially large rabbit.

Yes, you read that sentence correctly.

bunny r

Just a few weeks removed from the enormous public relations disaster of calling on the cops to drag away a customer who refused to leave his seat on an overbooked flight, the company is now under investigation again.

This time, over the passing of an animal named Simon.

Simon was a 10-month-old, three-foot long Continental Giant rabbit who was being transported in the cargo hold of a Boeing 767 while traveling from his breeder’s home in Great Britain to O’Hare International Airport in Chicago.

He was on his way to The Windy City to go to live with a new owner.

However, when a United handler went to fetch Simon upon landing, the animal – whose 4’3″ father actually holds the Guinness World Record for longest rabbit – was unresponsive. 

He was dead.

bigs bunny

It was expected that Simon would outgrow his famous parent and eventually be crowned the new Longest Rabbit on the Planet.

He had been sold to Bryan Bergdale, a farmland investment manager, who says he purchased the rabbit for his boss, Steve Bruere, who hoped to show it at the Iowa State Fair.

“We’d built a pen and had toys all ready. It’s sort of a sad deal,” Bergdale told reporters. “We’re still in the mourning process. We’re not quite sure what we’re going to do.”

Bergdale added that he paid $ 530 for the rabbit, along with $ 1,800 in shipping costs.

According to Annette Edwards, a former Playboy model who lives and breeds these large animals in Worcestershire, Simon had been labeled fit to fly, with vets declaring him “in good physical condition” the day his plane took to the air.

“Simon had a vet’s check-up three hours before the flight and was fit as a fiddle,” Edwards told U.K.’s The Sun newspaper yesterday, adding in confusion and anger:

a plane

“Something very strange has happened and I want to know what. I’ve sent rabbits all around the world and nothing like this has happened before.”

Across the globe, airlines require rabbits and most other caged pets to travel in a plane’s cargo holds.

Here, the air pressure and temperature are supposed to be the same as they are in the cabin.

Many companies also demand animals arrive with letters from a vet or certificates assuring they are healthy to travel. It’s unclear at this time whether or not Edwards provided documents of this nature.

As previously cited, this is an especially bad time for United to be at the center of another scandal.

It will likely shell out millions to Dr. David Dao for his horrendous mistreatment on board an oversold flight earlier this month.

United Incident

The passenger, who was sitting in a seat he purchased fairly and legally, was ordered to disembark so that United could fit four employees on board his plane.

When Dao refused, he was physically yanked off board against his will, resulting in a concussion and multiple broken bones.

And now USA Today reports that more than one-third of all 136 animals who died on passenger flights during the last five years passed away on United planes.

What gives?!?

That’s what PETA wants to know.

“This rabbit was failed first by the breeder – who churns out and sells baby bunnies when animal shelters and rescue groups are full of homeless rabbits – and then by United Airlines, which shipped him off in a cargo hold like an old suitcase,” PETA President Ingrid Newkirk said in a statement to E! News.

“This rabbit’s death is not unique – more than 300 animals have died in cargo holds since 2005, and many more have been injured or lost.

“PETA urges United to join JetBlue and Southwest in prohibiting companion animals from being flown as checked baggage in the confusion, noise, extreme temperatures, and improper pressurization of a cargo hold.”

United is yet to commit to a change in its policy.

But a spokesman has issued the following statement in the wake of this tragedy:

“The safety and well-being of all the animals that travel with us is of the utmost importance to United Airlines and our PetSafe team.

“We have been in contact with our customer and have offered assistance. We are reviewing this matter.”

May Simon rest in peace.


The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 7 Episode 21 Recap: Take The Bunny!

Lisa Rinna is done trying to forge a friendship with Kim Richards. 

That much was made abundantly clear on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Season 7 Episode 21, after yet another big bust-up between the pair. 

When the episode got underway, Kim was chasing Rinna after running off the set. 

“Can I talk to you?” Kim asked.

“No!” Rinna barked. “That was the most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me, and I will not accept this. I’m sorry, for you to do that, you are a sick woman.” 

“Do you feel good about getting back at me?” Rinna asked. Kim, however, claimed that she was a superstitious person and felt like the bunny would bring her bad luck. 

“You’re a victim! You’ll always be a victim!” Rinna shouted.

When the ladies returned to the set, Rinna claimed that Kim saw her as her “meal ticket.” 

“Lisa, that’s a really stupid thing to say, and that could not be farther from the truth,” said Kyle Richards, who was not impressed with the way her sister was being attacked.

Kyle also took aim at Rinna for trying to make her take the fall for Kim’s actions.

“Our mother is not here anymore, but that does not make me her mother!” Kyle said.

When all of that was over with, Eden Sassoon continued to try and get herself series regular status by turning on Kyle and Kim. 

Andy said that some people thought she was going after them to create a storyline for herself. 

“That is such bulls–t,” the newest addition to the cast claimed. Andy then asked whether Kyle was an enabler for Kim. 

Footage was then played, showing Kyle saying that Mauricio basically treated Kim like a second wife. Um, okay then. 

When the ladies came to blows over who was lying about what, Dorit went after Rinna. 

“You crucify anyone for not remembering anything!” she shouted, but Rinna did not rise to the occasion. 

Eileen Davidson then turned her attention to Kyle, claiming she was the issue and the source of drama. 

“What [Rinna] did was absolutely wrong, messed-up wrong — but the night got weird because of you.” 

“It’s the soap twins!” Kim screeched, to which Eileen added: “Just because you’re the loudest and most obnoxious does not mean you’re right.”

Dorit then implied she was not the one who said that Rinna’s erratic behavior was a cause for concern. Rinna was upset that people were saying she put Xanax in a smoothie. 

We then switched gears to Lisa’s son, Max finding his biological mother. 

“We found her,” the SUR boss began.

“I’m OK with it. I don’t know why I’m so tearful,” she said.

“I think he should, and he said to me the most unbelievable thing. He said, ‘I want to thank her.’ A lot of people would have resentment if they’d been put up for adoption.”

Lisa Vanderpump has got to be one of the most understanding reality TV personalities. 

The episode concluded with Lisa Rinna gifting Andy with the bunny. 

“There’s good energy now,” Eileen said with a grin on her face.

What did you think of the reunion? Will you be sticking around for next season?

Sound off below!


Monday, April 17, 2017

Kim Kardashian Easter Photos: Yup, That"s Kanye as a Bunny!!!!

Fans witnessed two very different sides of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on Sunday.

Those who decided to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online or on their television screens saw Kim receive the phone call that would change her life.

The latest installment of this scripted E! series took viewers back a few months, to the rapper’s mental breakdown and subsequent hospitalization in November.

We saw Kim freak out over the state of her husband and we were left to wonder what the future held for Kanye as an individual and for Kimye as a couple.

However, those who follow Kardashian on Instagram didn’t need to speculate about the state of this relationship.

It appears to be doing just fine, at least if Kim’s latest set of precious family photos are to be believed.

The reality star gave her millions of followers a unique look behind the scenes of her family’s Easter celebration yesterday, posting one adorable image after another of her and/or her husband.

For example: that really is Kanye dressed up like the Easter Bunny above!

And there he is yet again below, interacting with kids in a photo Kim captioned with one simple made-up word:


That’s little North West reaching up to touch her dad’s fake furry head in this very cute picture.

Among the friends and family members who were on hand to help Kim and Kanye enjoy the holiday were Kourtney Kardashian and Chrissy Teigen.

And also a handful of animals:

There was reportedly an Easter Egg hunt for the kids to get into, and John Legend also dressed up like the Easter Bunny.

But that’s to be somewhat expected. We can’t say we’re totally shocked to learn that Legend would go to such an extreme in order to entertain the kids on hand.

West, however? We’ve heard next to nothing from the rapper since his aforementioned hospitalization.

Any time Kanye’s name is uttered these days, it’s typically connected to a celebrity gossip item that asks something along the lines of, When Will Kim Kardashian Divorce Kanye West?

Without uttering the words, Kim basically replied on Sunday in the following manner:

A quarter to NEVER, people!

Just consider the sweet family portrait Kardashian also shared on her social media account:

“Easter 2017,” Kim captioned this photo of herself, her husband and her two kids, North and Saint.

It has been Liked over THREE MILLION times in fewer than 24 hours.

You can scoff at the fairly ridiculous nature of their names all you want, but you can’t exactly argue with how cute they are, can you?

Does this look like a family about to dissolve or a family that looks as stable as ever?

Heck, Kanye is actually smiling! Kind of! Sort of! As broadly as we’ve seen him do in years, at least.

If Kardashian really is planning for life after Kanye, this seems like an unusual way to be going about it.

Do you still believe those Kim and Kanye divorce rumors? Did you ever believe them?

Or do you think this is true love that will stand the test of time, tabloid chatter and everything in between?

Oh, and also: HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Farrah Abraham Brings Your Easter Bunny Porn Fantasies to Life

Farrah Abraham always insists she"s not a porn star.

She"s repeated this more times than we can list here, or link to, as if she can make the statement true if she repeats it enough times.

You know the old saying, though. If it looks, acts, talks and writhes around three-quarters-naked in a XXX bunny suit like a porn star …

Basically. Porn. Easter Bunny style in this case.

Perhaps we shouldn"t be surprised that Farrah lives in a state of delusion when it comes to a career packed with porngraphic pursuits.

If Abraham lies about being raped, trying to spin a staged, high-production sex tape and associated sex work must be second nature.

In any case, about this girl-on-girl bunny shoot:

Farrah and a fellow model decided to get us in the mood to fornicate like rabbits over Easter weekend by romping around an L.A. penthouse.

Spanking, jiggling, throwing roses … gosh.

Had He not risen from his grave, according to Bibical lore, He whose resurrection we celebrate on Easter would be rolling it it for sure.

Then again, God is Farrah"s manager, so presumably He gave her the green light for this racy photo shoot that we can never unsee.

So wrong. Yet we can"t look away.

Farrah abraham your easter bunny porn fantasy but not a porn sta

Monday, March 21, 2016

Easter Bunny Gets Hopping Mad, Brawls with Mall Patron

Earlier today, we wrote about the Slurpee Doughnut and how this is a clear example of the incoming Apocalypse.

And it still may be.

But it turns out we have an even better example that proves the end of the world may be near:

The Easter Bunny just got into a fight with the father of a one-year old girl!

The incident went down at the Newport Centre mall in Jersey City, New Jersey, on Sunday, March 20.

As you can see below, the brutal brawl took place after this toddler slipped out of the Easter Bunny"s chair during a photo opportunity, according to city spokeswoman Jennifer Morrill, via The Associated Press.

The father of the infant grew agitated and seemingly started shouting at the 22-year-old man dressed as the beloved holiday animal.

Other mall patrons looked on, aghast, as the two men began to throw punches.

A video of the incident shows the mall employee eventually took off his bunny mask and paws and starting hitting the parent in the face.

A few onlookers attempt to intervene, but the on-duty bunny returned for a second round of fisticuffs.

Morrill tells the AP that both men were taken to the hospital for minor injuries.

No charges have been filed and police continue to investigate the situation.

Check out the unexpected, hilarious, disturbing fight right here and now:

Easter bunny gets into fight with mall patron for real

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Joe Alaskey Dies; Voice of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck Was 63

Joe Alaskey, the voice of beloved Looney Tunes characters such as Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck, has died Wednesday in Los Angeles after a lengthy battle with cancer.

He was 63 years old.

Joe Alaskey image

Television writer and friend Mark Evanier confirmed Alaskey’s passing via a blog entry.

After listing all the characters who Alaskey brought to life (including Tweety, Sylvester and Marvin the Martian), Evanier wrote the following of his late acquaintance: 

“The one I liked best was when he sounded like Joe Alaskey. He had a long, long list of voices but that’s the one I will miss the most.”

The voice actor inherited the roles of these iconic Warner Bros. characters from the legendary impressionist Mel Blanc after his passing in 1989.

Along with those in the Warner Bros. family, Alaskey also voiced Grandpa Lou Pickles in Rugrats and Stinkie in the movie Casper.

In a similar capacity, he specialized in voice matches for real-life people, supplying the voice for Richard Nixon in the Academy Award-winning movie Forrest Gump.

In 2004, Alaskey won a Daytime Emmy Award for his work on the cartoon show Duck Dodgers.

We send our condolences to the family members, friends and loved ones of Joe Alaskey.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Bunny Lain: Lamar Odom Prostitute Reported Missing

When Lamar Odom was found unconscious in his VIP suite at the Love Ranch brothel last week, his life may have been saved by some of the women who work at the establishment.

Madison Montag and Ryder Cherry have been identified as two of the prostitutes who helped to revive Odom, but sources say the former NBA star made the acquaintance of many young ladies during his time at Love Ranch, many of whom were profoundly affected by his near-fatal overdose.

TMZ is now reporting that one of those women, a sex worker who goes by the name Bunny Lain, has disappeared from the brothel (where she both lived and worked) and has been reported missing by her friends.

“Bunny was extremely distraught over the unfortunate Lamar experience and could not quit crying for days,” says Love Ranch owner Dennis Hof.

Lain reportedly left the Ranch on Thursday night and has not been seen since.

Her co-workers say they pleaded with her not to leave in such a distraught state, but she reportedly insisted on going to Las Vegas, which is about an hour away from the brothel.

When Lain disappeared, Odom was near death. In the days since, he’s emerged from his coma and started physical therapy.

Lain’s friends are concerned by the fact that despite Odom’s remarkable turnaround, she still hasn’t contacted them.