Showing posts with label Rabbit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabbit. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2018

Scott Hutchison Dies; Frightened Rabbit Singer Was 36

Scott Hutchison, the frontman of rock band Frightened Rabbit, was found dead at a marina on the Firth of Forth in Scotland on Friday, two days after he was reported missing.

The singer was 36 years old.

The artist had sent out a cryptic Tweet the night before he went missing this week, telling followers to “hug your loved ones.”

As a result, many are speculating at the moment that Hutchison took his own life, especially because he openly battled with Depression over the years.

But it’s too early to say for certain. No cause of death has been announced or confirmed.

“Be so good to everyone you love. It’s not a given. I’m so annoyed that it’s not,” wrote the musician on Tuesday, adding:

“I didn’t live by that standard and it kills me. Please, hug your loved ones. I’m away now. Thanks.”

scotth tweets

Hutchison was reported missing Wednesday after leaving a hotel in South Queensferry, near Edinburgh.

Authorities then found a body on Thursday night at Port Edgar, confirmed that it was Hutchison a day later.

In a statement released on Friday, the family of Hutchison said that their loved one “wore his heart on his sleeve, and that was evident in the lyrics of his music and the content of many of his social media posts.”

The statement added:

“He was passionate, articulate and charismatic, as well as being one of the funniest and kindest people we knew.

“Friends and family would all agree that he had a brilliant sense of humor and was a great person to be around.”

Describing Hutchison as a “wonderful son, brother, uncle and friend” who always had time for those he cared for,” family members tragically said they “remained positive and hopeful that he would walk back through the door, having taken some time away to compose himself.”

This will not be happening, though, of course.

Frightened Rabbitw as founded by the late singer and his drummer brother, Grant; the group has released several albums.

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon even chimed in upon learning of this passing, Tweeting just a couple hours ago:

“Heartbreaking news. My thoughts are with Scott’s family, friends and fans. A remarkable and much loved talent.”

Other musicians and celebrities have also tribute to Hutchison online.

“So sad to hear about the death of Scott Hutchison,” wrote Will Arnett.

hutch tweets

Roddy Hart, meanwhile, may have expressed the most thoughtful response to Scott’s death, Tweeting:

Make no mistake, we are the lucky ones. Our lives still intact. Our love still to give. Don’t waste a moment.

Thinking of a fallen musical brother, who gave to us in song what he perhaps couldn’t find in life.

With love to Scott Hutchison’s family, in memory of a great man.

May Scott Hutchison rest in peace.


Saturday, June 17, 2017

William Shatner Becomes Bunny Rabbit Handler on "Better Late Than Never"

William Shatner may have explored new worlds where no man has gone before, but now he’s in Sweden … running around with rabbits. The legendary “Star Trek” actor is in Stockholm shooting for his new comedy/reality show “Better Late Than Never” ……


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

United Airlines Catches More Heat After Would-Be World"s Biggest Rabbit Dies on Flight (PHOTO)

United Airlines is catching more flak this week after a rabbit set to become the world’s biggest bunny died on-board one of its flights. The 3-foot bunny named Simon reportedly died Monday night on a United flight from Heathrow to O’Hare — yes,…
