Showing posts with label Hutchison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hutchison. Show all posts

Friday, May 11, 2018

Scott Hutchison Dies; Frightened Rabbit Singer Was 36

Scott Hutchison, the frontman of rock band Frightened Rabbit, was found dead at a marina on the Firth of Forth in Scotland on Friday, two days after he was reported missing.

The singer was 36 years old.

The artist had sent out a cryptic Tweet the night before he went missing this week, telling followers to “hug your loved ones.”

As a result, many are speculating at the moment that Hutchison took his own life, especially because he openly battled with Depression over the years.

But it’s too early to say for certain. No cause of death has been announced or confirmed.

“Be so good to everyone you love. It’s not a given. I’m so annoyed that it’s not,” wrote the musician on Tuesday, adding:

“I didn’t live by that standard and it kills me. Please, hug your loved ones. I’m away now. Thanks.”

scotth tweets

Hutchison was reported missing Wednesday after leaving a hotel in South Queensferry, near Edinburgh.

Authorities then found a body on Thursday night at Port Edgar, confirmed that it was Hutchison a day later.

In a statement released on Friday, the family of Hutchison said that their loved one “wore his heart on his sleeve, and that was evident in the lyrics of his music and the content of many of his social media posts.”

The statement added:

“He was passionate, articulate and charismatic, as well as being one of the funniest and kindest people we knew.

“Friends and family would all agree that he had a brilliant sense of humor and was a great person to be around.”

Describing Hutchison as a “wonderful son, brother, uncle and friend” who always had time for those he cared for,” family members tragically said they “remained positive and hopeful that he would walk back through the door, having taken some time away to compose himself.”

This will not be happening, though, of course.

Frightened Rabbitw as founded by the late singer and his drummer brother, Grant; the group has released several albums.

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon even chimed in upon learning of this passing, Tweeting just a couple hours ago:

“Heartbreaking news. My thoughts are with Scott’s family, friends and fans. A remarkable and much loved talent.”

Other musicians and celebrities have also tribute to Hutchison online.

“So sad to hear about the death of Scott Hutchison,” wrote Will Arnett.

hutch tweets

Roddy Hart, meanwhile, may have expressed the most thoughtful response to Scott’s death, Tweeting:

Make no mistake, we are the lucky ones. Our lives still intact. Our love still to give. Don’t waste a moment.

Thinking of a fallen musical brother, who gave to us in song what he perhaps couldn’t find in life.

With love to Scott Hutchison’s family, in memory of a great man.

May Scott Hutchison rest in peace.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Courtney Stodden & Doug Hutchison: We"re Both Completely Broke!

Back when Courtney Stodden married Doug Hutchison, it seemed the odd couple was destined for stardom in the age of reality televsion.

After all, for the first few months, the world seemed unable to look away from the washed up actor and his aspiring pop star child bride.

Unfortunately, as Doug and Courtney soon learned the hard way, the fascination of the public doesn’t always equate to big bucks.

To their credit, they did their damnedest to try to cash in with a reality show and other business ventures but nothing seemed to pan out.

These days, Stodden and Hutchison are getting divorced, and the legal proceedings have shed some light on the former couple’s financial situation.

According to domuments obtained by The Blast, Courtney has filed for spousal support, claiming that she earns just $ 2,500 a month.

That’s a problem, as her monthly expenses amout to a whopping $ 4,700 (including $ 1,000/month on clothes).

Courtney says she has just $ 2,700 in the bank at the moment, but claims to be in possession of $ 10,000 worth of furniture and appliances.

Yes, her finances have reached the “I wonder how much the couch would go for on Craiglist” point. 

Courtney tells the court that her situation hasn’t always been this dire.

According to her filing, things “changed drastically” over the last 12 months due to “no major production deals.”

Of course, this begs the question – at what point was Courtney Stodden landing major production deals?

But as sad as Courtney’s situation is, she’s still doing better than Doug.

Yes, it seems those Green Mile residuals have dried up and left the out-of-work thespian in a rather sorry state.

Hutchison filed for bankruptcy last year, likely in anticipation of Courtney’s request for spousal support.

According to documents, his monthly income at the time was $ 2,494 but his expenses came out to $ 5,281.

Hutchison has reportedly fled Hollywood for financial reasons and is currently living in Michigan.

Needless to say, it’s gonna be tough for Courtney to squeeze much blood from that stone.

Maybe instead of trying to get spousal support from one another, these two can just head down to the welfare office together.

Or better yet, maybe they can sell a reality show that focuses on their divorce!

Might as well get something out of this marriage before it’s over, right?


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Courtney Stodden Files For Divorce From Doug Hutchison

Sometimes, the most promising relationships just aren’t built to last.

And sometimes, a child bride marries a washed-up actor, and no one is even mildly surprised when they get divorced a few years later.

We’ll give you two guesses as to which description applies to Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison.

Yes, as you may recall Stodden and Hutchison separated in 2017 after six years of marriage.

The move was expected, but what happened next was not.

Months went by, and neither Doug nor Courtney took the steps necessary to legally end their marriage.

In fact, at least one of them appeared to have second thoughts about ending things, as Stodden begged Hutchison to take her back in a series of heartfelt Instagram posts.

“I need this man back in my life,” she captioned one photo. 

“I need him to come help me. I need him to want our marriage to work. He’s been my only solid rock. Doug, if you read this — this is a public cry for your undying love.”

It now appears that – as Hutchison predicted at the time – Stodden was experiencing an emotional low point, and her vulnerability ultimately proved to be short-lived.

People magazine is reporting today that Stodden filed for divorce from Hutchison this week after more than a year of separation.

There’s no word on what prompted Courtney to finally pull the trigger after all this time, but earlier this week, she hinted that she was moving forward with her divorce in a cryptic Twitter post:

“Moving out of that #Beverlyhills house already. #drama,” Stodden tweeted.

Fans speculated that she was suggesting that she’d moved into a smaller home in preparation for what could be a costly legal battle.

Now it seems those predictions were accurate.

At this time, it’s unclear if either Stodden or Hutchison has requested spousal support.

While Hutchison is 34 years Stodden’s senior, she was the primary breadwinner during their marriage, which could make her financially vulnerable.

Here’s hoping she doesn’t try to relaunch her singing career to help cover expenses.

We’ll have further updates on this situation as more information becomes available.


Courtney Stodden Files for Divorce from Doug Hutchison

Courtney Stodden’s made the move to officially end her marriage with actor Doug Hutchison after more than 6 years together … TMZ has learned. Courtney filed divorce docs Tuesday, but it’s unknown at this time whether she or Doug will ask for…


Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Courtney Stodden: Broke, "Addicted to Fame," Doug Hutchison Claims

Back in May of 2015, Courtney Stodden celebrated her divorce from Doug Hutchison with a lavish party at a Las Vegas strip club.

All these months later, however, the divorce still isn’t finalized, and it seems that Courtney may be having second thoughts.

In a since-deleted Instagram post, Courtney posted a photo of the day that she controversially married Hutchison.

(She was just 16 at the time. He was 51.)

Predictably, the marriage was fraught from the very start, and it quickly deteriorated.

At one point, Courtney’s mother, Krista Keller, attempted to initiate an affair with Hutchison.

He rejected her advances, but the marriage fell apart shortly thereafter.

Now, however, Courtney claims she wants to work things out, but Hutchison has good reason to be skeptical.

Courtney captioned the pic of her wedding day with a lengthy plea for Hutchison to take her back.

“I need this man back in my life,” she wrote. “I need him to come help me.”

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Hutchison reveals that he was baffled by Courtney’s post, and the two of them haven’t communicated in several months.

“I have been left so confused and hurt. I am actually distraught by this,” Doug tells the outlet.

“I cannot understand why Courtney posted that message on social media.”

Doug says that even though he was taken aback by Courtney’s public plea for a reconcilation (the estranged husband and wife hadn’t seen each other since September) he still encouraged Stodden to visit him in Michigan, where he’s been living since the split.

“I still begged her to come to Michigan and work on our marriage, and she wouldn’t. And that spoke volumes to me.

“She is addicted to fame,” he says.

Hutchison said that he suspects their may be an ulterior motive to Courtney’s public plea for a reconciliation:

“Courtney has to be out of her apartment at the end of the month,” he claims.

“She was telling me she was considering moving in with this other man she was seeing, so I just didn’t see how we were ever going to make it work,” Doug adds.

“I said to her, ‘Darling, you are seeing other men, and going on dates, and are looking to move in with someone else. I don’t see how we can do that.’”

Hutchison says he believes Courtney is using her new boyfriend for his cash, and he cautions her current love interest to be wary of her motives.

“The thing is she doesn’t have any money, and he started paying her rent, and she really wants to stay in Hollywood,” he says.

“She has been telling me all along she feels caught in the middle and still loves me, even though we are getting divorced. She says she is not in love with him. I know that he has a great deal of money. I think she may have found her sugar daddy.”

Hutchison adds that he’s deeply concerned for Courtney’s mental health these days, and he fears that she may be headed down a dangerous path.

“I know she struggles with depression and anxiety and it’s heartbreaking to see her upset,” he tells the Mail.

“I don’t want Courtney to go down that road [that her idol Marilyn Monroe did]. I don’t want Courtney to die at 36 and succumb to Hollywood’s dark side.”

The 23-year-old has been open about her struggles with depression, and Doug says that his biggest concern these days is that her financial situation may be preventing her from receiving proper treatment.

Stodden suffered a miscarriage back in 2016, and those who know her best say it sent her on a downward spiral from which she has yet to fully recover.

Here’s hoping Courtney is able to find the help she needs.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Krista Keller: Courtney Stodden"s Marriage To Doug Hutchison Was A Mistake!

Turns out, Krista Keller thinks there’s something not right about her daughter being married to an older man.

As you probably know if you keep up the likes of Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison, their relationship is allegedly over, but neither party has confirmed it. 

Maybe that’s down to the fact the pair are still staying in the same house together. Could it be another publicity stunt? For sure. 

Courtney’s relationship with her mother, Krista, has been in tatters ever since it emerged that she had an “emotional affair” with Doug

Seriously, we’re still trying to process what the heck Krista meant by that after all these months. 

Now, Krista has opened up about her thoughts on Stodden’s relationship with her man and she’s not exactly seeing the brighter side of things. 

No, we’re not talking about that tell-all from her that’s allegedly in the works. Krista turned to Radar to give her two cents. 

“I don’t think it is a very healthy [relationship] . I don’t think it has turned into a healthy one.”

As you probably already know, Krista was initially fine about the relationship and even signed the papers to allow her daughter to marry at 16-years-old. 

We can’t be the only ones wondering what the heck has been going on with Courtney’s crazy outfits and thankfully, her mother feels the same. 

“If you are in a marriage and you feel like you need to go out like that then there is something wrong in the relationship,” she said.

Who would have thought that sound advice would ever come from the likes of Krista Keller?

When quizzed about more thoughts on the relationship, Keller seemed to think the relationship was “unnatural.”

“It was very unnatural for her to be with someone that much older and I think the problems played themselves out.”

The mother and daughter have not spoken since Lifetime’s The Mother Daughter Experiment, Krista putting the blame on Doug. 

“She told me he doesn’t want her to be as close to me until I apologize to him,” Keller said about her son-in-law.

“He doesn’t deserve an apology from me! He was not the guy being honest. I haven’t really regretted being 100 per cent honest. If I would have lied on national television I wouldn’t have been able to look at myself in the mirror.”

When pressed about the potential of repairing her relationship with her daughter, Krista was hopeful. 

“I am trying very hard to heal my relationship with my daughter,” Keller revealed. 

What do you think about all of this?

Sound off below!


Monday, January 9, 2017

Courtney Stodden & Doug Hutchison: It"s Over!

When Courtney Stodden married Doug Hutchison back in 2011, she was 16 years, and he was 50.

Needless to say, a lot of folks believed the relationship wouldn’t last.

Now, it looks as though they’re being proven right, as the couple is reportedly taking a page from Gwyneth Paltrow’s book and ending their marriage very … very … slowly … 

According to Radar Online, Courtney and Doug have called it quits but are still living together for the time being.

Although in their case, the arrangement probably has less to do with highfalutin ideas about “conscious uncoupling” and more to do with the cost of rent in Los Angeles.

The cause of the split is sadly predictable, as insiders say 56-year-old Doug is simply unable to keep up with his young wife’s hard-partying ways.

“Courtney is simply just over it,” one source tells Radar.

“They are separated, but still living together. It is a horribly awkward existence.”

It seems the couple’s problems began when Stodden suffered a miscarriage back in June.

Friends say Doug was as supportive as could be, but when the aspiring singer began turning to booze to help her cope, Doug was unwilling to follow her down that path.

The situation reportedly came to a head on New Year’s Eve, when Doug bowed out of Courtney’s 48-hour bender.

“Courtney drinks all day and is always ready to party,” the source claimed.

“She is realizing now that she wants to live her life and she feels like a hostage with Doug.”

After their marriage, Doug on Courtney made several attempts at reality TV stardom, but the public (and network execs) seemed largely uninterested in their unorthodox relationship.

Despite developments that made their situation even stranger (such as reports that Courtney’s mom hit on Doug), the fascination with Stodden and Hutchison’s marriage never extended beyond the tabloid pages.

No word yet on if or when the pair will announce their split, but they’ve never been known to protect their privacy, so you bet that an announcement is forthcoming.

Hey, on the bright side, no one really thought they would last this long, so … win?


Monday, July 18, 2016

Courtney Stodden and Doug Hutchison Lose Baby To Miscarriage

Courtney Stodden has suffered a miscarriage.

After a string of publicity stunts to prove that she was pregnant, Stodden’s pregnancy to Doug Hutchison has come to a tragic conclusion. 

“It is with a heavy heart to inform you that last week Courtney Stodden suffered a heartbreaking miscarriage,” Stodden’s manager Gina Rodriguez said in a statement to PEOPLE.

“Courtney and her husband, Doug, are at an emotional loss for words and are using this time to grieve with their close family and friends.”

“Please respect their privacy as the couple try to cope with losing their precious baby and seek the support they both need,” the statement continued.

This has got to be a heartbreaking time for the couple.

Stodden and Hutchison have had a lot of drama in their lives recently. 

Stodden has been at odds with her mother and they tried to sort their differences out on Lifetime’s The Mother/Daughter Experiment, but they didn’t succeed. 

Then there was word that her mother was going to bank off the Stodden gravy train by writing a tell-all book about her life. 

There was even word that her mother was still in love with Hutchison. 

It’s all pretty darn crazy. 

Will Krista actually stop her tirade against her daughter and be a mom in a time of need?

That sure seems like a foregone conclusion at this point. 

If there’s money concerned, there may be a chance. 

We would like to extend our sympathy to Courtney and Doug at this tough time.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Krista Keller: Still In Love With Doug Hutchison?

First of all, I totally forgot that this show was still on the air.

Second of all, come on MOM.

Courtney Stodden and her mother, Krista Keller went on Lifetime"s The Mother/Daughter Experiment for a paycheck to try and work through their issues, which involved Keller falling for Stodden"s husband, Dough Hutchison.

"I"m just hoping we"re not going to be worse off than before we got here," Stodden said on last night"s season finale.

"But I"m just concerned that I"m never going to be able to feel that complete trust with my mother ever again."

Keller, 56, has denied ever falling in love with the actor.  Instead, she claims thy had an emotional affair.

Yeah…that"s still weird.

Back in April, Hutchison appeared on an episode and revealed that Keller did hit on him.

"Krista was relentless about her feelings for me, how when she was lying next door she was thinking about me," Hutchinson said.

"It culminated into an unbelievable confession from Krista saying, "When Courtney leaves here, I will be here for you – because I am in love with you.""

Fast-forward to the finale, and Keller is still denying any wrongdoing.

While Stodden got real with Dr. Magids  (the show"s resident psychologist), Keller whined that she kept "getting beat up over and over and over again" by her daughter.

You shut your dirty mouth, Dr. Magids wanted to say.

Instead, she diplomatically explained to Keller that Stodden"s feelings are valid.

"I think you"re underestimating the betrayal that she feels," the New York-based psychologist said.

"You have to accept that you were a mother who fell in love with her daughter"s husband."

Us Weekly pointed out that that the finale aired at 4 p.m. on July 5th, two months after the last episode, a move no one can figure out.

As the episode wound down, no closure had been found between Keller and Stodden.

“I’m disappointed that Courtney believes her husband over me, and for her to still feel so negative, it hurts," Keller said.

Stodden was also disappointed that she and her mother had not made amends.

“She’s doing good, but I’m not. … I don’t think she will ever truly grasp the pain she’s caused me.”

Stodden and Hutchison are expecting their first child together.

Krista keller still in love with doug hutchison

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Doug Hutchison: I"m the Only One Banging Courtney Stodden, So I MUST Be the Dad!

As you may have heard, Courtney Stodden is pregnant.

The 21-year-old kinda-reality star/perenially aspiring singer confirmed yesterday that she’s expecting her first child, and many reacted in disbelief.

For one thing, Courtney has shot down countless pregnancy rumors in the past.

Additionally, Courtney’s own mother has publicly doubted that she’s knocked up.

And on top of all of that, the whole world had kinda just assumed that Courtney’s not engaging in a whole lot of sexy-time with Doug Hutchison, the 55-year-old washed-up actor whom she married as a 17-year-old child bride.

The age difference, the tumultuous nature of their relationship, and the fact that Courtney has admitted to sleeping with other guys led many to conclude that there’s a good chance Doug’s not the father.

But don’t expect to see the Hutchisons on Maury anytime soon.

Asked about the possibility that he’ll soon be raising someone else’s child, Doug told TMZ he’s 100% sure that he’s the man responsible for the bun in Courtney’s oven.

In a statement issued to the website today, Doug made the following proclamation:

“Trust me: my spermatoza are the only swimmers surfing up that stream. Aloha!”

Wow. That’s almost too classy.

Doug certainly knows the way to a woman’s heart.

No wonder he was able to seduce his high school-age acting student when he was in his early 50s…

Almost typed that entire sentence without throwing up in our mouths a little.

Maybe next time!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Doug Hutchison CREEPILY Describes Meeting Underage Courtney Stodden: WATCH

If Woody Allen"s relationship with his stepdaughter Soon-Yi Previn is something you"d consider romantic, this video might be right up your alley.

Supercreep Doug Hutchison stopped by the set of The Mother/Daughter Experiment and regaled the cast with the tale of how he fell in love with Courtney Stodden.

At the time, Doug was a little-known, 50-year-old actor and Courtney was a sprightly 16 years old


While stroking a tiny white dog dressed like she"s about to perform a tap dance on Toddlers & Tiaras, Doug begins his story as the mothers and daughters listen intently.

"After I found out about Courtney"s age, I had a really frank talk with Krista (Courtney"s mom)," he purred. 

"I said, listen, I don"t know if you know what"s going on here, but your daughter and I are falling for each other," he continued.

"And Krista said, "You"re a good person and I don"t have any problem with you and Courtney continuing to explore this together."

At this point, the ladies in the room are shooting the most EPIC side-eyes we"ve seen on record.

We"d like to give special props to Natalie Nunn, Heidi Montag, Shar Jackson and Kim Richards for their contributions.

(Side note: when Heidi Montag thinks your life is whack, you know you better check yourself.)

Doug continues his grody narrative, which at this juncture is sounding rather dubious.

“Courtney was being courted by tons of men," he tells the crowd. "Closer to her age, wealthier than me, more famous. From sports figures to politicians to sheiks in the Middle East.”

Natalie Nunn, bless her heart, calls bullsh*t.

"What the f**k, dude," she says in her confessional. "Sheiks?! How are sheiks finding a 16-year-old?"

We tend to agree.

Doug honestly expects us to believe that instead of selecting a younger, hotter, wealthier suitor, Court settled on his raggedy ass?

More likely, the child"s fame-hungry momager Krista Keller saw the D-list actor as her best shot at the limelight and plopped Courtney right into his pinky-ringed hands.

We"re guessing it was some time after that when Krista fell in love with Doug herself.

Yep, the story gets even more disgusting. 

Now if you"ll pardon me, I"m off to find some Coca-Cola syrup.



Doug hutchison creepily describes meeting underage courtney stod

Doug Hutchison CREEPILY Describes Meeting Underage Courtney Stodden: WATCH

If Woody Allen"s relationship with his stepdaughter Soon-Yi Previn is something you"d consider romantic, this video might be right up your alley.

Supercreep Doug Hutchison stopped by the set of The Mother/Daughter Experiment and regaled the cast with the tale of how he fell in love with Courtney Stodden.

At the time, Doug was a little-known, 50-year-old actor and Courtney was a sprightly 16 years old


While stroking a tiny white dog dressed like she"s about to perform a tap dance on Toddlers & Tiaras, Doug begins his story as the mothers and daughters listen intently.

"After I found out about Courtney"s age, I had a really frank talk with Krista (Courtney"s mom)," he purred. 

"I said, listen, I don"t know if you know what"s going on here, but your daughter and I are falling for each other," he continued.

"And Krista said, "You"re a good person and I don"t have any problem with you and Courtney continuing to explore this together."

At this point, the ladies in the room are shooting the most EPIC side-eyes we"ve seen on record.

We"d like to give special props to Natalie Nunn, Heidi Montag, Shar Jackson and Kim Richards for their contributions.

(Side note: when Heidi Montag thinks your life is whack, you know you better check yourself.)

Doug continues his grody narrative, which at this juncture is sounding rather dubious.

“Courtney was being courted by tons of men," he tells the crowd. "Closer to her age, wealthier than me, more famous. From sports figures to politicians to sheiks in the Middle East.”

Natalie Nunn, bless her heart, calls bullsh*t.

"What the f**k, dude," she says in her confessional. "Sheiks?! How are sheiks finding a 16-year-old?"

We tend to agree.

Doug honestly expects us to believe that instead of selecting a younger, hotter, wealthier suitor, Court settled on his raggedy ass?

More likely, the child"s fame-hungry momager Krista Keller saw the D-list actor as her best shot at the limelight and plopped Courtney right into his pinky-ringed hands.

We"re guessing it was some time after that when Krista fell in love with Doug herself.

Yep, the story gets even more disgusting. 

Now if you"ll pardon me, I"m off to find some Coca-Cola syrup.



Doug hutchison creepily describes meeting underage courtney stod

Friday, April 8, 2016

Courtney Stodden: My Mom is The Creep, NOT Doug Hutchison

Most people prefer to deal with their personal issues behind closed doors.  Unless you’re a reality star, in which case your livelihood depends on self-exploitation.

Courtney Stodden recently spoke to Huffington Post about why she chose to go on Lifetime’s The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition with her estranged mom, Krista Keller.

“I have [a] very troubling relationship with my mother and I trusted that Dr. Debbie and Lifetime could really be sensitive to my situation and attempt to help us through our issues,” Stodden explained.

“It wasn’t an easy decision, because I deal with a lot of hurt and anger and emotions toward the situation but overall I thought it would be a good decision and journey.”

Stodden accused Keller of falling in love with her husband, actor Doug Hutchison, whom Stodden married in 2011 at the age of 16 (he was 51 at the time).  Keller owned up to it throughout the season, to the horror of other participants, including Heidi Montag’s mom, Darlene and Kim Richards.

“Doug wasn’t the first guy she’s fallen in love with,” Stodden revealed.  “She’s done it with past boyfriends of mine.

“I kind of knew for a while; when I was a really young teenage girl my mom was emotionally attached to a teenager whom I knew. I think from a young age I was aware she never set appropriate boundaries for me and our relationship and, even when I was young, I realized the inappropriateness of our relationship.”

Keller accused Hutchison of “brainwashing her daughter,” which Stodden vehemently denies.

“That’s a really ridiculous statement. I don’t want to say my mom brainwashed me at some point, but once I took the blinders off and saw what kind of parent my mom was becoming, I started to realize what an awful relationship we actually had.”

Stodden and Hutchison will celebrate their upcoming fifth anniversary by renewing their vows. 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Courtney Stodden: I Was "Half a Virgin" When I Married Doug Hutchison!

Clinically-speaking, what constitutes "half a virgin?"

I don"t watch full episodes of Lifetime"s The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition, but I do enjoy the clips.  There"s just enough for me to soak in before I realize I"m watching garbage.

In a sneak peak of March 25th"s episode, Courtney Stodden had a glass of wine – enough to make her black out – and immediately felt right at home with her co-stars.

Stodden teetered into a room with Bad Girls Club"s Natalie Nunn to gossip.

"I really don"t know the story about Courtney," Nunn said in her one-on-one. "During cocktail hour, she seems like a lost child with two big balloons leading her."

Nunn asked Stodden, 21, if her sex life with husband Doug Hutchison was going well.

"It"s really good," Stodden said.

Talk naturally went to her virginity prior to tying the knot with Hutchison in 2011. 

"I was half a virgin," a tipsy Stodden joked.

Heidi Montag jumped in and joked to Nunn, "I say, "Did someone half stick it in?""

What a lark!

Stodden and her mother, Krista Keller have gotten a lot of airtime on the series; Keller revealed that she developed feelings for Hutchison.

"I admitted that I told your husband that I loved him," Keller told her daughter.

"She fell in love with my husband," Courtney told cameras during their interview. "A mom isn"t supposed to do that."

Courtney stodden i half a virgin when i married doug hutchison

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Doug Hutchison Wanted THREESOME With Wife Courtney Stodden & Her Mom!

This effing FAMILY!

Earlier this week, Courtney Stodden accused her mom Krista Keller of trying to steal her husband Doug Hutchison.

Keller has denied the accusation and now claims that the 55-year-old actor is the one who came on to her, and even said he dreamed of a good old fashioned mother-daughter three-way.

“He was asking me to stay there with him and saying that he’s had fantasies of having both Courtney and me,” Keller told Us Weekly.

Sorry, we should’ve warned you to have a barf bag at the ready.

As we know, Stodden married Hutchison, who is 34 years her senior, at the tender age of 16 – and Keller approved.

Many have pegged Keller as a fame-hungry stage mom who encouraged the union in order to secure a place in the spotlight.

Keller reveals that three months after the wedding, Stodden wanted out of the marriage.

“She goes, ‘He’s mean, he’s crabby, he’s old, he’s disgusting,” Keller said of Stodden. “‘And I want to be with people my own age."”

“And this was a hard time for Doug, so Doug was reaching out to me because I was right next door, and I was there for him emotionally,” she continued.

“You know, it looked like every time [there were issues with Courtney], Doug wanted to talk with me — I don’t know if Courtney much liked it, but I was there for him when she wasn’t.”

Keller admits that while she and the former Lost actor “bonded emotionally,” she decided to take a step back when he brought up the threesome.

“I thought, ‘Oh, my God — this is headed in not a good direction,"” she said. “So I’m the one that actually decided to step away and encourage Doug to find help somewhere else.”

Incredibly, Stodden recently said that her marriage was going strong, but we wonder if she’ll change her mind after hearing her mom’s new accusations.

You can watch Stodden and Keller hash out all their dysfunction on The Mother/Daughter Experiment: Celebrity Edition, airing Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST on Lifetime.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Courtney Stodden & Doug Hutchison to Renew Vows (Now That She"s an Adult)

In a recent interview, Courtney Stodden’s mother said that she regrets allowing her 16-year-old daughter to marry Doug Hutchison.

But despite some bumps in the road (including a period of separation, during which Courtney slept with other men), the 55-year-old actor and 21-year-old “solo sex tape” star are still going strong.

In fact, Courtney recently confirmed to Us Weekly that she and Doug are planning to renew their vows in a “glamorous” second wedding ceremony.

“We’re still in planning mode,” said Stodden at a recent PETA fundraiser.

“I can finally [plan] it myself, you know, because I was 16 and I had to have it signed [by my parents], so I think finally not having any parents involved and just doing it myself is going to be great.”

“I want to do a big thing, because, you know, our first time around we married in Las Vegas next to a Chevron — it was not that glamorous! So I really want to play it up. I want to do the whole Cinderella thing.”

Courtney added that she plans to wear a mermaid dress and that the ceremony will have “kind of an old Hollywood look.”

Yeesh, another Cinderella/mermaid/old Hollywood wedding? We kid.

C’mon Courtney – part of being an adult is picking one theme and sticking with it.

We know you weren’t on the prom planning committee because you were busy being married to your middle-aged acting coach, but you can’t make up for it now with some nutso Disney-under-the-sea-Bogey-and-Bacall custerf-ck!

Sorry. We’re sure it’ll be lovely. Enjoy.