Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Courtney Stodden & Doug Hutchison: We"re Both Completely Broke!

Back when Courtney Stodden married Doug Hutchison, it seemed the odd couple was destined for stardom in the age of reality televsion.

After all, for the first few months, the world seemed unable to look away from the washed up actor and his aspiring pop star child bride.

Unfortunately, as Doug and Courtney soon learned the hard way, the fascination of the public doesn’t always equate to big bucks.

To their credit, they did their damnedest to try to cash in with a reality show and other business ventures but nothing seemed to pan out.

These days, Stodden and Hutchison are getting divorced, and the legal proceedings have shed some light on the former couple’s financial situation.

According to domuments obtained by The Blast, Courtney has filed for spousal support, claiming that she earns just $ 2,500 a month.

That’s a problem, as her monthly expenses amout to a whopping $ 4,700 (including $ 1,000/month on clothes).

Courtney says she has just $ 2,700 in the bank at the moment, but claims to be in possession of $ 10,000 worth of furniture and appliances.

Yes, her finances have reached the “I wonder how much the couch would go for on Craiglist” point. 

Courtney tells the court that her situation hasn’t always been this dire.

According to her filing, things “changed drastically” over the last 12 months due to “no major production deals.”

Of course, this begs the question – at what point was Courtney Stodden landing major production deals?

But as sad as Courtney’s situation is, she’s still doing better than Doug.

Yes, it seems those Green Mile residuals have dried up and left the out-of-work thespian in a rather sorry state.

Hutchison filed for bankruptcy last year, likely in anticipation of Courtney’s request for spousal support.

According to documents, his monthly income at the time was $ 2,494 but his expenses came out to $ 5,281.

Hutchison has reportedly fled Hollywood for financial reasons and is currently living in Michigan.

Needless to say, it’s gonna be tough for Courtney to squeeze much blood from that stone.

Maybe instead of trying to get spousal support from one another, these two can just head down to the welfare office together.

Or better yet, maybe they can sell a reality show that focuses on their divorce!

Might as well get something out of this marriage before it’s over, right?
