Showing posts with label Handler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Handler. Show all posts

Monday, March 12, 2018

Chelsea Handler BASHES Jennifer Aniston: Stop Driving Your Husbands Away!

Not all that long ago Jennifer Aniston and Chelsea Handler were the best of friends.

The relationship was irreparably damaged, however, when Aniston learned that Handler was sharing secrets about her personal life, and the former besties reportedly haven’t spoken since.

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Aniston has separated from Justin Theroux after two and a half years of marriage.

While most of the world is eagerly awaiting the announcement that Jennifer is back together with Brad Pitt, Chelsea is apparently fixated on figuring out just what caused Aniston’s split from Theroux.

Apparently, Handler is of the opinion that Jen and Justin were all wrong for each other from the start.

She’s convinced that her former friend made a damaging decision when she decided to change herself in order to conform to Justin’s vision of the ideal woman.

Now that the marriage has come to an end, Handler is apparently getting her gloat on a big way:

“Chelsea didn’t think much of Justin, but she said from the get-go that Jen would need to readjust her expectations and treatment of him if they were to stand a chance,” a source close to the situation tells Radar Online.

“But Chelsea’s feeling pretty smug and ‘I told you so’ about it now, to the point where she feels she’s owed an apology.”

This is a far cry from Chelsea’s attitude after Jen split with Pitt.

At the time, the sharp-tongued comic repeatedly tore into Angelina Jolie, alleging that she “stole” Pitt away from Aniston.

(That stance doesn’t really jibe with Handler’s feminist persona, but that’s a discussion for another time,)

In the years, since she and Jen’s falling out, Handler has had a change of heart on that issue, declaring that she now believed the dissolution of Jen’s first marriage was also Aniston’s fault.

(Surely Brad is at least partially to blame for ditching his wife, right Chelsea? Sorry, we digress.)

Anyway, it sounds like Chelsea is one of those people who goes full scorched earth when she stops being friends with someone, and she’s taking thorough advantage of Jen’s vulnerable state.

That’s a disturbing mindset in, say, a queen bee-type sorority girl.

It’s downright terrifying in a 43-year-old millionaire.


Monday, July 31, 2017

Tomi Lahren Claims Victory Over Chelsea Handler at Politicon

Tomi Lahren 1, Chelsea Handler 0 — at least that’s how Tomi had her liberal-conservative showdown scored. We got Tomi leaving Politicon in Pasadena, and asked her if the debate — really more of spirited convo — moved her ever so…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Jennifer Garner and Chelsea Handler Have A Girls" Night Out

Jennifer Garner is following Ben Affleck’s lead, parading around town with another woman, although it’s just her longtime pal, Chelsea Handler. The gals did dinner Wednesday night at Giorgio Baldi in Santa Monica … one of Ben’s favorite…


Saturday, June 17, 2017

William Shatner Becomes Bunny Rabbit Handler on "Better Late Than Never"

William Shatner may have explored new worlds where no man has gone before, but now he’s in Sweden … running around with rabbits. The legendary “Star Trek” actor is in Stockholm shooting for his new comedy/reality show “Better Late Than Never” ……


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Chelsea Handler Shames, Bullies Melania Trump Over English

Chelsea Handler insulted Melania Trump … and it’s backfiring. Chelsea says she wouldn’t interview the First Lady because “she can barely speak English.” Handler failed to mention Melania speaks 5 languages … French, Italian, German,…


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Chelsea Handler on Donald Trump as President: Blame the Kardashians!

Donald Trump is not exactly the most popular figure in Hollywood.

But few celebrities have been as openly disdainful and distrusting of the President-Elect as Chelsea Handler.

The comedian cried on air after Trump defeated Hillary Clinton on November 8.

She then seriously considered moving to Spain, prior to staying put and deciding to use her talk show as a platform to talk about politics and the state of this country.

Handler also plans to lead the Women’s March at the Sundance Film Festival on January 21.

Just days away from Trump being inaugurated as President, Handler spoke to Variety from her home in New York City, responding to a question about the real estate mogul’s victory with a surprising answer.

Does she blame a poorly-run Clinton campaign for the stunning Trump win?

Frustrated white workers in states such as Florida and Michigan?

Trump’s message on jobs?

Nope, nope and nope. 

Handler blames Kim Kardashian. And Khloe Kardashian. And Kourtney Kardashian. And probably Kylie Jenner, too.

After blaming the media for treating Trump like an “entertainer” instead of a politician, Handler explained her viewpoint thusly:

“We’ve turned into a reality show. I blame the Kardashians, personally; the beginning of the end was the Kardashians. The way these people have blown up and don’t go away – it’s surreal.”

There’s certainly something to be said for the Kardashians representing a new age of social media and celebrity, one in which one can basically “do” nothing and still be rich and famous.

But Trump did a lot during his campaign for the Presidency.

He didn’t just pose for racy Instagram photos… thank goodness.

“Everyone is for sale. We’re looking at a man that gets mad at Vanity Fair for reviewing his restaurant poorly,” Handler expounded to Vanity Fair, adding:

“By the way, have you ever been to that restaurant? It’s the biggest piece of garbage you’ve ever walked into. That place looks like a Southwest airport lounge. It’s the worst.”

In all seriousness, though, Handler is concerned about the future of our country.

“The idea that so many people were so wrong about the outcome is so screwed up,” Chelsea says.

“The fact that Russia is interfering with our election is beyond repair. How do we ever recover from that? What’s to prevent them from doing it for the rest of our lives?”

Elsewhere in the interview, Handler refers to Trump as a “sociopath,” says Kanye West “needs to get on his meds” and says of her role as a celebrity:

“[It’s] to reach across and figure out the people who are so disenchanted that they voted for him, and try to find some common ground.”

Sounds like a tall order.

And it may say something about the state of… well… everything that we’re partially turning to Chelsea Handler to help fill it.

Keep fighting the good fight, though, Chelsea. We’re on your side.


Friday, December 9, 2016

Oakland Fire -- Chelsea Handler Gives Big for Relief ... Lena Dunham Chips in Too

The Oakland fire relief effort is flush with Hollywood celebs like Chelsea Handler, NFL coaches and tech companies all sending dough. We found out Chelsea donated $ 5,000 Tuesday to an online relief fund. Lena Dunham also pitched in $ 500. Their…


Friday, November 18, 2016

Chelsea Handler -- Shots Fired at Angelina Jolie, Mel Gibson ... Laura Wasser"s All Over You (VIDEOS + PHOTO GALLERY)

Chelsea Handler absolutely burned Angelina Jolie, Mel Gibson and other saps who’ve been on the opposite side of the divorce table from Hollywood’s Disso Queen … all in the name of children and charity. Chelsea intro’d celeb divorce attorney…


Monday, July 18, 2016

Police Dog Joins Handler for 22 Push-Ups: Find Out Why!

Real Talk time:

The dog in the following video is in better shape than we are.

Moreover, the dog in the following video has a bigger heart than we do.

Stupid/awesome dogs!

Filmed in southwest England, the footage featured a police K-9 and his handler, Steve Hopwood.

Man and canine are exercising side by side, which would be a cool enough thing to depict on its own.

But these two are exercising side by side for a very important reason.

The routine (filmed at Avon and Somerset Constabulary on Sunday) is part of the #22KILL challenge, as participants are asked to 22 push-ups everyday for 22 days and then to post videos of their efforts on social media.

What is the significance of this number and this act?

Launched by the 22KILL movement, the initiative aims to highlight the stunning and depressing statistic that an average of 22 veterans commit suicide in the United States every day.

This particular video has been viewed nearly 1.8 million times on Facebook already and the positive responses have been overwhelming.

To wit:

Pretty awesome, right?

Check out the full push-up video now:

Police dog joins handler for push ups raises awareness for impor

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Chelsea Handler Gets SLAMMED for Double Abortion Admission

This, sadly, not just in:

People can be very cruel on the Internet.

Chelsea Handler likely was already aware of this fact, but she has received many painful reminders over the last few days.

Earlier this week, the comedian wrote a personal essay for Playboy in which she made a startling admission:

She had not one, but TWO abortions at the age of 16.

“Getting unintentionally pregnant more than once is irresponsible, but it’s still necessary to make a thoughtful decision,” wrote Handler, praising the Supreme Court’s recent decision to shoot down a Texas law that restricted access to abortions for many women. 

She added: “We all make mistakes all the time. I happened to f-ck up twice at the age of 16.”

In the least likely development on the Web this week, critics have responded to Handler’s confession very harshly.

Many people out there seem to think the talk show host was bragging about those unfortunate incidents when she was a teenager.

In response, Handler has come out with the following Tweet:

“When I agreed to write an article on a woman’s right to choose, I certainly wasn’t bragging. I chose to tell the truth. #shouldbemoreofit.”

ch tweet

Handler clearly wishes she could take back some of the decisions she made at age 16, but that doesn’t mean she regrets the choice she made to terminate her pregnancies.

“I’m 41 now,” she wrote. “I don’t ever look back and think, ‘God, I wish I’d had that baby.’”

Abortion is clearly a sensitive issue and a tough one to discuss in public.

So we understand why this turned into a hot button topic on social media.

But the following Tweets directed at Handler appear to have crossed, like, every line out there:

Chelsea Handler tweets

You are free to feel about Handler’s decisions however you please, of course.

But she didn’t break any laws. She chose what she thought was best for her at the time.

“It’s okay if you think it’s not right for women to have abortions – but it’s not your problem, because we decide,” she concluded in Playboy.

“We have 7.3 billion people on this planet. Anybody who carefully decides not to become a parent – let alone a bad parent, which is what I would have become – should be applauded for making a smart and sustainable decision.

“I’d love for somebody to try to tell me what to do with my body. I dare them.”

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Chelsea Handler: I Had Two Abortions at the Age of 16

Chelsea Handler has always been open about her past of unwanted pregnancies.

The comedian has on multiple occasions that she had an abortion at the age of 16.

In a new essay for Playboy, however, Handler comes out and admits that she actually had two abortions at the age of 16.

She then goes into detail about each of the experiences and how they affected her life overall.

As a teenager, Handler explains she got pregnant after having unprotected sex with her boyfriend.

“I just thought, ‘Why not?’ I can have a baby,” Handler wrote in an article titled “Freedom Issue,” adding:

“Maybe I’ll have twins and give them rhyming names. Of course, the idea that I would have a child and raise it by myself at that age, when I couldn’t even find my way home at night, was ridiculous.

“My parents recognized that, so they acted like parents for one of the very first times in my life and took me to Planned Parenthood.”

In a brand new revelation, she also said that she got pregnant once again later that same year; at the time, she was scarcely able to afford another $ 230 for Planned Parenthood’s self-described “safe abortion.”

“Getting unintentionally pregnant more than once is irresponsible, but it’s still necessary to make a thoughtful decision,” wrote Handler.

“We all make mistakes all the time. I happened to f-ck up twice at the age of 16.

“I’m grateful that I came to my senses and was able to get an abortion legally without risking my health or bankrupting myself or my family.”

Handler went on to give thanks for the groundbreaking 1973 Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal across the United States.

Some out there still want to see it overturned, however.

“We have 7.3 billion people on this planet,” Handler writes.

“Anybody who carefully decides not to become a parent – let alone a bad parent, which is what I would have become – should be applauded for making a smart and sustainable decision.

“I’d love for somebody to try to tell me what to do with my body. I dare them.”

The timing of Chelsea’s essay works out well.

It was published on the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision yesterday to strike down a Texas law that it said created an “undue burden” on women’s right to an abortion.

The state had passed legislation that kept abortion legal, but made it VERY difficult for women to actually have one.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Harry Styles & Chelsea Handler: HOOKING UP?!?

We thought we’d heard about the weirdest couple of the week yesterday, when we reported that Snoop Dogg and Brandi Glanville might be a thing.

But then came Harry Styles and Chelsea Handler, who we just learned were seen “lying in bed together” at a house party in Los Angeles last year, according to The Sun

“They seemed to think nothing of the commotion they caused by plonking themselves together side by side in such an intimate setting,” a source told the paper.

“They were on a bed as people rushed around them and they were being pretty flirty.”

By “flirty,” we assume Chelsea flashed her boobs and called him a brat while Harry flipped his hair and blew a bubble.

“Being wild is Chelsea’s natural default behaviour and Harry is a free spirit who doesn’t care how his actions look to others, but it certainly was the talk of the bash,” the source added.

The 22-year old One Direcction singer is known for his affinity for older women. He has been romantically linked to Caroline Flack 36, Kimberly Stewart, 36 and Erin Foster, 33. 

He broke with tradition late last year when he had a fling with Kendall Jenner, but it seemed to fizzle out rather quickly.

On the other hand, Chelsea, 41, doesn’t seem to have a type. She’s dated everyone from 60-year-old NBC exec Ted Harbert to rapper 50 Cent.

Perhaps she felt it was time to dip her toe in the baby pool, and hey, we ain’t mad at her.

This isn’t the first time the two have hung out. Last year, the comic shared a pic of herself with the boy bander as she sported bikini bottoms with his name splayed across the bum.

Guess that’s one way to express affection.

The pair reportedly met through mutual business associates; Chelsea’s manager Irving Azoff is the father of Harry’s manager and friend Jeffrey.

As excited as you may be about this unconventional pairing, a second source close to them both insists they are just friends.

“Harry and Chelsea are friends through Jeff and love to mess around,” the source said. “Any suggestion they have taken things any further than friendship is incorrect.”

Sure, because messing around in bed is totally something “just friends” do. We’ll be keeping a close eye on these two.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Chelsea Handler Shares NUDE SELFIE for Reese Witherspoon"s Birthday!

Clearly, Chelsea Handler and Reese Witherspoon are very special friends.

Reese turned 40 yesterday, and instead of treating her to a boring old mani-pedi or a Red Lobster gift card, Chelsea Handler gave the gift of nudity. 

Lucky for us, Reese was not the only one to benefit from Chelsea’s generosity, because the comic shared the NSFW pic to Instagram for all the world to ogle.

“Happy birthday @reesewitherspoon,” she wrote in the caption.

As we can see, she looks a tad awkward contorting her body to conceal all the scandalous bits and pieces while trying to hold the phone steady, but clearly she opted against using black censor bars a la Kim Kardashian.

Nude selfies are all the rage these days after Kim’s nelfie went viral earlier this month and inspired a barrage of imitators.

However, this is far from the first time Chelsea has exposed herself on Instagram.

Back in 2014, she made headlines by having her photo banned from the site after sharing a pic of herself topless on horseback to mock a similar photo of Russian president Vladimir Putin. 

Since then, we’ve seen a whole lotta Chelsea’s boobs, butt and even the surrounding areas of her lady garden, but this is the first time she’s gone topless and bottomless simultaneously.

To be fair, she’s not entirely nude. The black knee-high socks prove that she does maintain a hair of modesty.

So far, Reese hasn’t responded to her friend’s birthday wishes – although she did thank many other famous pals who sent birthday love, including Sofia Vergara, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Julianne Moore.

We’re hoping she’s just gearing up and planning a whopper of a reply. One does not simply send a run-of-the-mill thank you card in exchange for a naked birthday selfie.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Chelsea Handler SLAMS Mariah Carey: How Is SHE Engaged?!

Earlier today, we reported that Mariah Carey is engaged to James Packer after only eight months of dating the Aussie billionaire.

The response on social media was overwhelmingly, as Mariah has millions of cultishly devoted fans, most of whom are aware of the difficult time the iconic singer endured following her divorce from Nick Cannon.

Of course, despite the level of obsession she inspires in her fans, Mariah remains somewhat of a divisive figure.

Her drama-filled personal life, well-known history of diva demands, and cartoonishly lavish tastes have made her an easy target for mockery over the years.

Since Chelsea Handler never passes up an opportunity to take a swing at some low-hanging fruit, she immediately stepped up to the plate with what passes for a joke in her world.

“How can people keep proposing to Mariah Carey?” Handler tweeted soon after Carey made her announcement.

Most of the responses involved some combination of T&A and money, but some Mariah diehards (or “Mari-hards,” as we like to call them), came to their queen’s defense:

“Because she’s Mariah f–king Carey,” tweeted one fan. “A living legend that’s down to earth and beautiful.”

“Down-to-earth” isn’t the first description that comes to mind when we think of Mariah, but we’re guessing Chelsea’s Twitter page will be flooded with pro-Mariah tweets in the coming days.

And that’s probably just what the attention-starved comic wanted.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Chelsea Handler Slams Ex-Employee Heather McDonald: What a Loser!

Usually, when we report on Chelsea Handler it means she posted yet another nude photo online.

But this week, Chelsea has managed to make tabloid headlines with her clothes on, thanks to some surprising comments by one of her former Chelsea Lately writers, Heather McDonald.

In addition to writing for the show, McDonald made frequent appearances during the roundtable discussion segment, and she and Handler developed a friendship.

A friendship that is definitely over, following McDonald"s recent comments during a recent podcast interview.

"I lived in fear, 100 percent lived in fear,” McDonald said. 

"She laughs at you. And that’s what’s sad. She makes you feel so special until you’re not.”

Today, Handler fired back during an interview for Jenny McCarthy"s, and it was not pretty:

"She exchanged stories with Us Weekly in exchange for them running her photo while she was working for my show.

"I could"ve fired her, but instead, I just stopped spending any personal time with her. Everyone was telling me to fire her, and she"s complaining that I stopped hanging out with her?

"She would never say anything that like that to my face. She would only say that on the radio. Because she"s f–king scared, and she should be. What a loser."

Damn. Chelsea might be more vicious in a feud than ex-boyfriend 50 Cent.

Remember when 50 Cent and Cheldea Handler were banging? Yeah, that was a weird thing that happened.

Chelsea handler slams ex employee heather mcdonald what a loser

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Skunk Handler Pulls Epic Morning TV Prank

On the scale of mean pranks, it may not get any worse than pretending to blow up your three-year old son.

Heck, not even any of these over-the-top pranks can compete with that dastardly maneuver.

But Kip Smith, an animal handler who works for a company called Wildlife Encounters, still deserves some recognition.

Smith recently appeared on The Morning Blend, a talk show that airs in Omaha, Nebraska, and he brought a friend with him. If anyone can really be "friends" with a skunk, that is.

About three minutes into the clip featured here, Smith used a hidden water bottle to trick hosts Mike DiGiacomo and Mary Nelson into thinking they were sprayed by the animal.

Which would be just about the grossest thing that could ever happy to anyone.

Check out the funny sneak peek now and take special note of DiGiacomo"s reaction. It"s safe to say he wasn"t amused.

Skunk handler pulls epic morning tv prank