Monday, July 18, 2016

Police Dog Joins Handler for 22 Push-Ups: Find Out Why!

Real Talk time:

The dog in the following video is in better shape than we are.

Moreover, the dog in the following video has a bigger heart than we do.

Stupid/awesome dogs!

Filmed in southwest England, the footage featured a police K-9 and his handler, Steve Hopwood.

Man and canine are exercising side by side, which would be a cool enough thing to depict on its own.

But these two are exercising side by side for a very important reason.

The routine (filmed at Avon and Somerset Constabulary on Sunday) is part of the #22KILL challenge, as participants are asked to 22 push-ups everyday for 22 days and then to post videos of their efforts on social media.

What is the significance of this number and this act?

Launched by the 22KILL movement, the initiative aims to highlight the stunning and depressing statistic that an average of 22 veterans commit suicide in the United States every day.

This particular video has been viewed nearly 1.8 million times on Facebook already and the positive responses have been overwhelming.

To wit:

Pretty awesome, right?

Check out the full push-up video now:

Police dog joins handler for push ups raises awareness for impor