NHL star Evander Kane is calling out “Jane Doe” — claiming the woman accusing him of stiffing her out of $ 3 MILLION for aborting his child must reveal her REAL NAME if she’s gonna proceed with her lawsuit.
TMZ Sports broke the story … the accuser filed ...
Evander Kane To Judge ... Unmask My Abortion Accuser!
Friday, December 14, 2018
Evander Kane To Judge ... Unmask My Abortion Accuser!
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Duggar Family: Response to Arkansas Abortion Law Stuns Fans
Earlier today, the Supreme Court cleared the way for the nation’s most restrictive anti-abortion law to go into effect.
The justices declined to hear an appeal against the Arkansas law, which would severely limit the ability of doctors to provide medication-induced abortions to their patients.
The law has been the subject of intense debate on social media, and many are wondering what the state’s most famous abortion opponents have to say.
But surprisingly, thus far, the Duggars have been silent on the matter.
Yes, despite previously comparing abortion to the Holocaust and spearheading fundraising efforts for anti-choice protesters, not one of the Duggars has commented on today’s developments.
The silence, of course, speaks volumes, and both fans and critics alike are wondering when and how the family will finally make a statement.
The Duggars have a long history of political engagement, and they’ve gone on record as saying they won’t be satisfied until abortion is prohibited on a federal level.
So while they likely don’t view today’s ruling as a total victory, they almost certainly see it as a major step in the right direction.
Most surprising of all is the fact that Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, has not yet spoken out on the matter.
Dillard’s controversial political views have made him a divisive figure in recent months.
In November of 2017, Dillard was fired from the Duggar’s reality show, Counting On, after making statements that many construed as transphobic on Twitter.
Jill quit the show as a gesture of solidarity, and Derick’s views have lurched even more to the far-right in the time since his business relationship with TLC came to an abrupt end.
It was widely expected that Derick would have much to say about today’s events, but thus far, he’s keeping his views to himself.
In the meantime, others are making their voices heard on the matter.
“Arkansas is now shamefully responsible for being the first state to ban medication abortion,” Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement issued this afternoon.
“This dangerous law also immediately ends access to safe, legal abortion at all but one health center in the state. If that’s not an undue burden, what is?” she added.
“This law cannot and must not stand. We will not stop fighting for every person’s right to access safe, legal abortion.”
Laguens points out that if the law is permitted to take effect, two of the three facilities that perform abortions in Arkansas would likely be forced to close.
On the other side of the political spectrum is Family Council Executive Director Jerry Cox, who issued a statement in support of the law:
“This is very good news for people who care about the safety of women in Arkansas,” Cox said adding:
“This is a pro-life victory not only for the women of Arkansas, but for women across the nation. I’m sure other states will be looking at Arkansas and considering following our example.”
Today’s development comes on the heels of attempts by Arkansas lawmakers to institute a ban on abortions after the 12-week mark of a pregnancy.
That effort was blocked by a federal appeals court.
We’ll continue to be on the lookout for the official Duggar response to today’s appeal rejection.
In the meantime, watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Cardi B: Yes, I Considered an Abortion
As previously detailed, Cardi B is pregnant.
And, based on the baby bump the singer displayed while performing this past weekend on Saturday Night Live, she’s pretty far along.
However, in a new interview, the popular artist admits that she at least contemplated never reaching this point in her pregnancy.
That is, she considered an abortion.
Asked on Power 105.1’s “The Breakfast Club” by Charlamagne tha God whether she she ever thought about “not having the baby,” Cardi B did not shy away from the topic.
She conceived this child at the height of her fame and just prior to her album’s release, neither of which made it an ideal time to procreate.
“Kinda, sorta,” the rapper admitted, saying she did at least think about terminating the pregancy.
“I just didn’t want to deal with the whole abortion thing,” she continued. “I’m a grown woman, I’m 25 years old, I’m gonna say this in the most humblest way: I’m a schmillionaire.
“I’m prepared for this.”
Gotta admire the honesty, right?
Cardi B wore a tight white dress on stage this past weekend during her second SNL performance, making it clear that a baby isn’t just in her womb…
… it’s gotta be fairly close to coming out.
In this same sit-down, the singer confessed that the pregnancy was not planned.
But at least she’s committed to fiance Offset, who does have three kids with three other women, but who seems psyched to have another with Cardi.
“The love I’m receiving is overwhelming!” Cardi wrote this week in reply to the responses she’s received since sharing her big news with the world, adding:
“I can’t thank you enough for always finding the time to share your support!!”
Like many other women, meanwhile, it also angers Cardi that people think a woman can’t be a mother AND a professional success.
“It just really bothers me and it disgusts me,” she said in this interview, elaborating as follows:
“Because I see a lot of women online like, ‘Oh, I feel sorry for you, your career is over,’ and it’s like, ‘Why can’t I have both? Why do I have to choose a career or a baby?”
It’s a fair question, right?
Cardi B sounds very intent on balancing her home life and her work life and continuing to make her fans happy.
Just consider her response to how much time she’ll take off and whether she’ll record new music soon.
“I have been working and thinking about album and thinking about what I gotta do next,” she said on Tuesday.
“I gotta take my time to nest and think … I’m hoping to [take] a month, three weeks [off].”
In conclusion?
“I have to prove [to] people that a baby won’t stop me …
“I just wish that I had a little bit more time for me to think for me. I didn’t like that people [were] harassing me,” she said. “I had a whole bunch of friends calling me like, ‘Why did I have to find out [about your pregnancy] on the internet?’ …
“It’s something so precious and private to me, and I didn’t even get to keep that for myself.”
We send Cardi B and Offset our best wishes.
Cardi B Says She Never Seriously Considered Abortion
Cardi B briefly considered getting an abortion, but only “kinda, sorta” … and ultimately decided this was the right time to tackle motherhood, regardless of her exploding rap career. That’s how Cardi broke down what was going through her head…
Cardi B Says She Never Seriously Considered Abortion
Cardi B briefly considered getting an abortion, but only “kinda, sorta” … and ultimately decided this was the right time to tackle motherhood, regardless of her exploding rap career. That’s how Cardi broke down what was going through her head…
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Austin Bomber Mark Conditt Railed on Homosexuality, Abortion
Austin bomber Mark Conditt blogged that homosexuality is not natural and therefore gay marriage should be illegal. It appears Conditt was a student in an online American government class in 2012 at Austin Community College, where he submitted…
Monday, January 15, 2018
Farrah Abraham on Snapchat: BRB, I Have to Go Get an Abortion!
Farrah Abraham has never been one to hold back, but she may have just taken her unfiltered relationship with her fans to a new level.
As you’re probably aware, Farrah doesn’t keep many secrets with regard to her sex life.
We’ve seen Farrah’s sex tape; we’ve read her erotic novels (okay, no we haven’t, but surely someone has), and we’ve looked on in confusion as she hawked plastic molds of her various orifices.
In a way, we suppose it’s a natural career progression.
After all, Farrah became famous as a result of getting pregnant at a young age, so perhaps in her mind, it stands to reason that she should continue to share the details of her sexual activity with the general public.
Sure, the other stars of the Teen Mom franchise don’t seem compelled to masturbate on live streams, but Farrah’s not like the other girls.
In fact, Farrah’s really not like anyone, a fact that she reminded us of again this weekend, when she casually informed fans that her regular schedule of non-stop social media posting would be interrupted so that she could go terminate a pregnancy.
“Oh my gosh! I had a pregnancy scare,” Farrah exclaimed in a cat-filtered Snapchat video.
“Girls watch your expiration date — and that is on your birth control!”
Sound advice.
If the video ended there, it might be the least-WTF thing Farrah has ever posted to social media.
But end there it did not…
“Um, I’m gonna have to tell you a little bit later because I gotta go take care of it,” Farrah concluded.
Yes, as far as we can tell, Farrah took to Snapchat so that she could inform fans of her difficult decision … while sporting a cat nose and ears.
Like we said, the woman has literally never had a thought that she didn’t post online, which we suppose is part of her … well, “charm” is a strong word, but whatever you’d call that unique quality Farrah possesses, it certainly prevents us from looking away.
As for the rumors that Farrah was fired from Teen Mom OG over those racy live streams, well, we think she confirmed on Twitter that she’s not returning to the show, but it’s Ms. Abraham’s unique way with words makes it hard to tell exactly what she’s trying to say.
“Watching @TeenMom @mtv I’m so happy I don’t welcome anymore of @MTV made up shit to help mention the other trash moms feel important lmao good luck @MTV #2018goals #Sorrynotsorry,” Farrah wrote.
Shout-out to Farrah for refusing to be limited by society’s notions of how words should work.
And for tagging MTV twice in the same tweet.
Watch Teen Mom OG online for more of the inimitable Ms. Abraham.
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Kylie Jenner: Contemplating Abortion?
Listen, the more time passes between news of Kylie Jenner’s pregnancy and some kind of official announcement or acknowledgement from Kylie or her family, the weirder it gets. And the more people are going to wonder if something’s gone wrong.
In fact, some people are asking if Kylie’s even still pregnant or if she decided to terminate her pregnancy. Including a report from an insider who claims that Kylie’s been struggling with this weighty decision.
And when you look at what we know, you understand why some people are starting to wonder if Kylie couldn’t go through with her pregnancy.
This is a delicate subject, we know, about an intensely personal choice that millions of women across the US face once or more than once during their lives.
So, without being cavalier about this (because we’re not Lena Dunham), let’s go over why people wonder if Kylie got an abortion.
First of all, there are the circumstances. They’re not ideal.
Yes, she has an almost comical amount of money along with a support network — trusted family (who are also rich) who live very, very close by.
Childcare doesn’t get much easier than that.
But Kylie was just 19 when she got pregnant. And she got pregnant with her rebound guy — best estimates suggest that Kylie got pregnant after seeing Travis Scott for, like, a month.
That’s after two years of Tyga’s nonsense.
And, again, she’s barely 20 years old and has never had a real responsibility in her life.
We think that it’s safe to say that this pregnancy was about as unplanned as they get.
Additionally, Kylie’s body image has suffered considerably, and she’s reportedly been plagued by doubts about Travis Scott’s fidelity to her and prospects as a father.
In Touch reports that Kylie has been what their insider describes as “very conflicted” about whether or not she actually wants to be a mother.
“It was a decision that was weighing heavily on her and it wasn’t something that she took lightly.”
It’s not clear if their insider is referring to abortion or adoption, but some fans believe that it could be either.
(Before you Google the various limits on when people can get abortions, remember that those laws work to disenfranchise the poor and particularly people of color, but that wealthy white women have always been able to afford to spend days traveling to wherever they needed for treatment and then to return)
Some would point out that the Kardashians are pretty gung-ho about their Christian faith, but we’d remind them that this is a personal choice for Kylie and that the majority of women who seek abortions in the US are Christians, and that you can’t paint every member of a faith with the same brush.
And it sounds like Kylie’s concerns for herself — her appearance, her body, and perhaps her skills as a prospective mother at the age of 20 — are almost secondary compared to her worries about her baby daddy.
HollywoodLife reports that Kylie Jenner is “nervous about Travis’ commitment as a father.”
Additionally, they say:
“Kylie is getting anxious as her pregnancy is progressing.”
It’s all designing a nursery and picking out names until your body is radically transformed and you realize that it’s all real. Kind of like getting to the top of a roller coaster, we imagine.
“She is quietly fighting off any doubts and concerns and worries about what kind of father Travis is going to be.”
Specifically, it sounds like she’s concerned that he’ll just continue on with his career — as so many baby daddies do — and leave Kylie to raise their child.
“Kylie and Travis have not been spending a lot of time together during her pregnancy, mostly because he has been so busy with work.”
Kylie is reportedly hopeful, which would suggest that she’s sticking with her pregnancy, but this also sounds a bit like magical thinking:
“Kylie’s mind is telling her to prepare for the worst while her heart is telling her that once their gorgeous baby is born, Travis will be more present and be the devoted father she was lucky enough to have as a child.”
A lot of young moms believe that about their baby daddies. To be fair, though, Travis’ currently scheduled concerts sound like they’re tapering off, with only one in 2018. Maybe he’s making time for fatherhood.
So, yes, it’s always within the realm of possibility that Kylie decided to get an abortion. But, though that would totally be her right, we don’t think that she did.
Travis Scott’s been asking Kanye how to deal with Kylie’s pregnancy-induced craziness, so if he were going to just run out of her life, it’d be now.
Even if Travis were to disappear off of the face of the earth, she’d have plenty of support and help raising her baby.
Additionally, the initial news of Kylie’s pregnancy had to have either come from Kris Jenner or with Kris Jenner’s permission. We don’t know if Kylie knows that, but … I’d bet cash money on Kris leaking it (just in time to promote Keeping Up With The Kardashians).
And Kris would never have allowed it to leak unless she were absolutely certain that Kylie planned to go through with this.
As for why Kylie’s still hiding? Well, we’ve heard a lot about her being insecure about her body. Maybe she’s never dealt with stretch marks or a less-than-flat tummy before and isn’t loving it. Maybe she’s dealing with gestational acne. Who knows?
Maybe, just maybe, Kylie’s enjoying some time out of the eyes of the world for the first time in a literal decade. Can you blame her?
Monday, September 25, 2017
Perez Hilton Tries, Fails to Walk Back Kylie Jenner Abortion Comments
When you"re a celebrity and you screw up in public, a follow-up is a great opportunity to apologize, reassure your fans, and to quiet down your haters.
Or, you know, you can just dig that hole even deeper.
And that, it seems, is what Perez Hilton has chosen to do in the video below.
So, Kylie Jenner is pregnant with Travis Scott"s baby. Because 2017 is nuts anyway, so this might as well happen. Sure.
Reportedly, she"s expecting a baby girl who"s due in February of 2018.
Kylie hasn"t seen fit to confirm the news. No one in the family has, which is … frustrating.
It"s also frustrating news to a lot of fans who hate to see Kylie make what they believe is such a poor choice.
After all, Kylie is only 20, even if, yeah, she has basically unlimited resources and also a large family.
And then there"s the fact that Travis Scott is Kylie"s rebound guy — after she finished dating Tyga for what felt like decades.
Most people limit their comments to "yikes" or "lol" or basically anything other than what Perez Hilton opted to do.
Perez Hilton basically said that Kylie Jenner should get an abortion. Because … ugh. Of course he did.
In fact, let"s not paraphrase — here were his exact words:
"If I were Kris Jenner, I would tell that girl to get an abortion!"
It was part of a lengthy video post (oh gosh, Perez"s videos are so long … like, I talk a lot, but even Perez"s "short" videos are way too long), but that was obviously the standout line.
As you can imagine, he got a huge backlash, and not just from the anti-abortion crowd.
Because literally the whole point of "my body my choice" is that nobody should get told what to do with their own damn uterus.
Anyway, the clapback was well-deserved, and Perez really should have been thinking carefully about his posts.
Like, this was barely a week after he stirred up controversy by inviting followers to body-shame Bella Thorne.
Some might accuse him of having a fondness for cyberbullying celebrities who are too young to drink.
So, Perez decided to "clarify things" in a video below.
He rambles about anti-abortion politicians (who are not relevant to this conversation at all) and talks about fatherhood and being a parent (which is kind of relevant)
But … as you"ll see below, he"s not doing a great job of walking back what he said.
So, before, people interpreted what he"d said as "Kylie Jenner should get an abortion!"
He said that what he actually meant was:
"What I meant to say if I didn"t say it accurately is that, if I were her mother, I would"ve told Kylie Jenner to get an abortion when they found out in July."
That"s not actually better, my guy.
Perez Hilton is missing the point that it"s no more Kris Jenner"s business what Kylie does with her uterus and its alleged contents than it is his.
The stage of the pregnancy and who is trying to tell her what to do with her own body doesn"t matter.
Perez Hilton is welcome to call Kylie"s potential parenting skills into question all that he likes.
(Though, honestly, in addition to a sizable family support network and enough money to buy a small army of nannies, Kylie is really good with dogs and that gives us high hopes for her maternal skills)
You can be 100% pro-choice under all circumstances (I am) and still be disgusted by a man suggesting that anyone, even Kris Jenner, should have tried to convince her child to get an abortion.
That is, to me, every bit as bad as suggesting that someone should talk her out of an abortion.
If Kylie had asked "what should I do," then sure. But you don"t volunteer an opinion about someone else"s uterus. Wait for them to ask.
Perez Hilton saw the backlash but missed the point.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Perez Hilton to Kylie Jenner: Get an Abortion!
The entire celebrity gossip world is still recovering from the bombshell that exploded online late Friday afternoon:
It really is true. Kylie Jenner really is pregnant.
But while most Internet users have responded to this news with shock and even some concern, irritating blogger Perez Hilton has expressed a far more controversial opinion.
“Ring the alarm! Ring the alarm! Oh, my God. I needed to get on here instantly to let you know directly from me that Kylie Jenner is 99 percent pregnant,” Hilton said via YouTube on Friday, adding in his video:
“I say that because TMZ is reporting that Kylie is pregnant and of course, there is the possibility that they are wrong…
“… however, I would say their track record is usually pretty accurate.”
Since Hilton uttered these words, other reputable sources such as Entertainment Tonight People Magazine have also confirmed that Kylie is expecting Travis Scott’s baby.
The child is reportedly due in February.
Hilton then paused… made a prayer sign with his hands… and continued:
“I’ve just got to do a slow clap, a slow clap for Kylie Jenner. She knows how to work it. She is the new Kim Kardashian. I don’t care about any of them other bitches right now, Kylie Jenner has just one-upped everybody.
“In case you haven’t been paying attention, Kylie Jenner has been dating rapper Travis Scott for what, um, 5 months, 6 months? And also, a reminder Kylie Jenner is 19 years old. Um, I love life, I love babies.”
Okay, fine. All fair enough we guess.
(Editor’s Note, though: Kylie is 20. She needs every year she can get at the moment.)
Hilton then crossed a line, many believe, by emphasizing the following in his strange message
If I were Kris Jenner, I would tell that girl to get an abortion!
Whoa there… what now?!?
Talk about sticking your nose way down deep in someone’s business where it does not belong, right?!?
“Let’s be really real here people. Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott are not going to last,” Hilton added.
“They’re not going to end up happily ever after. They’re having a baby and they barely know each other! But you know what? It’s great for business.
“Haha take that Rob Kardashian and Blac Chyna!”
It is true that Kylie is not even old enough to legally purchase alcohol.
And we also have our doubts about her future with Travis Scott.
Moreover, it’s a simple fact to state that Rob, Kourtney, Kim and now Kylie all had (or will have) children out of wedlock.
But who is Perez Hilton to tell a woman what to do with her body, many on the Internet are asking in disgust?!?
“Babies taking care of babies. You know, the Kardashian show is about to end so Kylie just wants to get a role on Teen Mom,” Hilton said, still not finished.
“This is when being pro-choice really comes in handy. I just don’t understand the thinking.
“It’s just sad, because, I don’t want to project too much upon Kylie Jenner, but based on everything I know, I personally don’t think at 19 and given who she is, where she is at in her life, she’s going to be a great mom.”
In conclusion, Hilton writes:
“The human aspect, I think, my heart just goes out to that poor unborn child – but from a business point of view, this is great for business.”
Of course, Jenner was already doing pretty darn well with her actual business. It’s been valued at $ 1 billion.
What do you think of Kylie being pregnant?
And what do you think of Hilton actually calling for an abortion here?!?
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Sanya Richards-Ross Admits Regrets Over 2008 Abortion
Sanya Richards-Ross says she “absolutely” has regrets over her 2008 abortion — which she had right before competing in the Beijing Olympics — explaining, “It breaks my heart to think about it.” We spoke with the U.S. Olympic track star about the…
Sanya Richards-Ross Drops Abortion Bombshell; She Got One WHEN?!?
Nearly a decade after winning a Gold Medal in track and field at the 2008 Olympic Games, Sanya Richards-Ross has confirmed a stunning piece of news:
She got an abortion the day before taking off for Beijing that summer.
Richards-Ross writes in detail about this decision in her new memoir, “Chasing Grace: What The Quarter Mile Has Taught Me About God and Life.”
At the time, Richards-Ross was engaged to New York Giants cornerback Aaron Ross, with two planning to get married in 2010.
However, the pregnancy was unexpected and the timing made it all the more difficult, considering how hard she had trained for the Olympics during the previous several months.
Heck, the previous number of years, really.
“The culmination of a lifetime of work was right before me,” the sprinter writers in the book, adding:
“In that moment, it seemed like no choice at all. The debate of when life begins swirled through my head, and the veil of a child out of wedlock at the prime of my career seemed unbearable.
“What would my sponsors, my family, my church, and my fans think of me?”
Ross was unable to be by his wife’s side during the abortion.
The couple discussed their plans over the phone and didn’t even debate what to do for very long because time was a factor.
“Over the phone, we didn’t go into details,” the world champion writes, remembering her conversation with Ross about having the procedure.
“[It was] as if not saying it would alleviate some of the guilt and the shame.”
So Richards-Ross made the choice, got the abortion and flew to China a day later.
However, she says the choice “broke” her and this is why:
“Abortion would now forever be a part of my life,” she described. “A scarlet letter I never thought I’d wear. I was a champion – and not just an ordinary one, but a world-class, record-breaking champion.
“From the heights of that reality I fell into a depth of despair.”
Despite having all these thoughts swirling around in her head, Richards-Ross ultimately took home the Gold Medal with her team in the 4 x 400 meters relay.
She also won the bronze in the 300 meter race, the one she had thought she could win outright.
The athlete described herself after placing third as “broken, physically and emotionally.”
Richards-Ross was crowned World Champion in the 400 meters in 2009, although she says it took a long time for her and her now-husband to be on the same page.
There was anger, guilt and resentment on both sides.
But now the sprinter is pregnant… and the couple is in a very good place.
“Many parts of our lives have felt like a fairy tale, but this is our biggest blessing yet,” they told People Magazine, concluding:
“We are so excited to start a family and can’t wait to begin this new adventure!”
We admire Richards-Ross for sharing this story with the public and we wish her the best with her pregnancy.
Sanya Richards-Ross Says She Got Abortion Before Beijing Olympics
U.S. Olympic sprinter Sanya Richards-Ross has revealed she had an abortion the day before flying to Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games. Sanya dropped the bombshell in her new book, ‘Chasing Grace’ — saying she and her husband. Aaron Ross (a…
Friday, March 10, 2017
Claudia Jordan, Keep Abortion Legal for Casey Anthony (VIDEO)
Claudia Jordan wants Planned Parenthood to remain alive and strong, in case Casey Anthony makes good on her veiled wish to have more kids. Claudia was leaving Catch in WeHo Thursday when she reacted quickly to Anthony’s AP cringeworthy…
Friday, February 24, 2017
Kellyanne Conway: Feminists are Man Haters and Abortion Lovers!
Kellyanne Conway is back to doing what Kellyanne Conway does best: letting words fall out of her mouth with little to no thought as to what they actually mean.
It"s starting to feel like home, isn"t it?It"
This time, we"re talking about a little sit-down interview Kellyanne did yesterday morning at CPAC.
An interview in which she discussed her absolute hatred for feminism.
See, Kellyanne refuses to call herself a feminist, and that"s fine, obviously. She can call herself whatever she wants, she can believe whatever she wants — this is America and all that.
But the weird thing about her stance is the way she doesn"t seem to understand anything about feminism.
In the interview, she says that she doesn"t call herself a feminist because feminism as a movement is "very anti-male" and "certainly very pro-abortion."
She also made a confusing statement about how protests like last month"s Women"s March are about women who "just have a problem with women in power."
So according to Kellyane, feminists hate men, love abortions — they aren"t pro-choice, they specifically love abortions — and even though many of them supported Hillary Clinton"s campaign, they take issue with women in power.
Bizarrely enough, she then went on to advise women to demand equal pay in the workplace — but sure, to hell with feminism, right?
Watch Kellyanne"s ridiculous interview below:
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Kailyn Lowry: New Rumors Claim She Secretly Had an Abortion While Married to Javi Marroquin!
Just when you thought you knew all there was to know about Kailyn Lowry, Javi Marroquin, and their super messy divorce …
Don’t be foolish, y’all. We don’t know the half of it.
Between all the things that she’s said and all the things that he’s said, there are approximately a zillion things that went wrong in their marriage.
Maybe he cheated, maybe she cheated, maybe they both cheated.
Maybe she got that plastic surgery and all that silicone went to her head, or maybe they just grew apart.
Or maybe, just maybe, Kailyn’s tragic miscarriage played a large part in the destruction of their relationship.
The miscarriage happened in late 2015, and they’ve both been open and honest about how hard it was on them on Teen Mom 2 and in subsequent interviews and, as always, social media posts.
While Kailyn was very understandably heartbroken about what happened, Javi said that he felt like he “needed someone to blame,” and apparently that person was Kailyn.
“That was part of the reason why me and you were fighting so much right after the miscarriage,” he told her on the show.
“I needed to blame somebody, and I was taking it out on you.”
Then, in an interview back in September, Javi said that “I wasn’t there as a husband, as a father, as someone she could count on to cry on my shoulder.”
“She always says I wasn’t there. I apologize to her all the time. I could see where she was coming from.”
He added that “I’ve never experienced that. I was just super excited for the baby and all that happened so it was rough for me.”
It sounds like such a hard time, right?
But according to a new theory that some monster posed on Twitter, that may not have been exactly how things went down.
Apparently, another scenario could have been that Kailyn was cheating on Javi with someone, she got pregnant, panicked, then had an abortion so Javi wouldn’t find out, and she lied and said that the abortion was a miscarriage.
How horrible, right? Not to mention improbable.
It sounds like this random jackass isn’t too clear on how very, very different abortions and miscarriages are.
But hey, if you were thinking about getting outraged on Kailyn’s behalf, don’t worry — she’s got it covered.
“Ok, that’s enough,” she responded. “You’re taking this too far. That’s so hurtful and messed up.”
“That is honestly the worst thing I’ve ever read about myself. So hurtful and untrue…. what a theory.”
When some of her followers asked her why she even bothered to respond to such a reprehensible troll, she answered “Because that’s something so disgusting to say, it’s not like someone said I wore purple instead of pink.”
“And people are believing that.”
“Most of the time I don’t say sh-t,” she added. “But this morning was some serious sh-t that just isn’t ok.”
And she’s right — it isn’t OK, not even a little bit.
It’s fun to speculate about the lives of celebrities, especially dramatic reality stars like the Teen Moms.
But there’s a line. And to say that this girl lied about having a miscarriage to cover up an abortion to terminate a pregnancy that came about because of an affair?
Yeah, that’s too far.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Lena Dunham Apologizes for Putting Abortion on Wish List
The 2016 Lena Dunham apology tour keeps chuggin’ along … this time for wistfully wishing she’d had an abortion. Dunham’s come under heavy fire for a comment she made on her podcast last week … describing the experiences of loved ones…
Lena Dunham Apologizes for "Distasteful" Abortion Joke
Lena Dunham is getting very good at issuing apologies.
In the past, the actress has issued Mea Culpas for cracking wise about her uncle molesting her and also for comments she made about New York Giants wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr.
This time, however, Dunham is here to walk back a remark she made on a recent podcast in which she said she wishes she had had an abortion.
Her major bad, right?
The outspoken liberal star was featured this week on the program Women of the Hour, explaining how she had never undergone through the turmoil of terminating a pregnancy.
When speaking to those who had undergone this procedure, and trying to advocate for their rights, Dunham realized that she could not fully understand what they went through.
This prompted Dunham to tell her audience the following:
“I wish I had an abortion.”
Watch the video below to hear her make this unfortunate remark:
The criticism came fast and furiously against Dunham in light of this outlandish desire.
She was slammed on social media for her comments, with many users branding her “offensive” and accusing her of trivializing the procedure.
It’s understandable why folks would have this reaction.
Here’s a sampling of what they wrote:

And a few more, with the vitriol best summed up by the final Tweet, in our opinion:

On Tuesday, not long after her controversial comments went viral, Dunham posted a lengthy explanation and apology on Instagram.
Here it is, in its entirety:
My latest podcast episode was meant to tell a multifaceted story about reproductive choice in America, to explain the many reasons women do or don’t choose to have children and what bodily autonomy really means. I’m so proud of the medley of voices in the episode.
I truly hope a distasteful joke on my part won’t diminish the amazing work of all the women who participated.
My words were spoken from a sort of “delusional girl” persona I often inhabit, a girl who careens between wisdom and ignorance (that’s what my TV show is too) and it didn’t translate. That’s my fault.
I would never, ever intentionally trivialize the emotional and physical challenges of terminating a pregnancy. My only goal is to increase awareness and decrease stigma. I take reproductive choice in America more seriously than I take literally anything else, and therefore own full responsibility for any words I speak that don’t convey this truth clearly.
I know plenty of people will never like a thing that leaves my lips, mea culpas or no, but this apology is for the women who have placed their trust in me. You mean everything to me.
My life is and always will be devoted to reproductive justice and freedom. You know how in some households you curse and have to put money in a jar? Well in mine, if you mess up your pro-choice messaging you have to give a sizable donation to abortion funds (https://abortionfunds.org/need-abortion) in New York, Texas and Ohio.
I look forward to fighting with you all for the next four years and beyond.
Dunham included a photo of the word “choice” with this apology.

Do you think the apology is sufficient?
Do you understand where Dunham was coming from?
Are you on her side… or were you never on her side?
Dunham is both beloved and hated for so often speaking her mind, but no matter where you stand on the star, we can probably all agree that she ought to sometimes think a little more about her discretion and word choice.