Showing posts with label Considered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Considered. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

David Rothenberg: "Burn Boy," Considered a Son to Michael Jackson, Dies at 42

Michael Jackson was the closest thing to a father figure that Dave Dave, who was born David Rothenberg, ever had. Dave even spoke at MJ’s funeral.

Dave, who survived a horrific attack decades ago and was an inspiration to others, has passed away.

Once known as “burn boy” for the injuries that covered 90% of his body, Dave was 42 years old.

Dave died of heat exhaustion on the 15th of July,” Dave’s friend Justin revealed on Instagram.

Justin, who goes by Lil’ Eric and has worked with celebrities like Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber, shared this grim news.

“Our friendship started with a hug,” Justin tells RadarOnline. “And that his how he started every friendship.”

“He got that from his father figure, Michael Jackson,” Justin explains.

“Michael taught him to love unconditionally,” Justin says. “And he did.”

Justin took to Instagram to explain how he made this tragic discovery.

“Last night, I called my good friend Dave,” Justin writes. “And his mother picked up the phone and we talked.”

There is no good way to find out that your friend has died.

“It wasn’t what I expected or who I expected,” Justin admits. “But she told me that Dave had passed away on July 15th.”

This is only now going public.

“I am going to be talking to her today,” Justin continued on Instagram. “She was very tired last night.”

“And there will be a funeral/memorial I will be attending sometime in the near future,” Justin wrote at the time.

“I know dave had a lot of people who loved him,” Justin says. “And knows of his story from the early 80s.”

In 1983, David’s father doused him in kerosene and set him on fire. The burns covered 90% of his body.

Michael Jackson was a friend and a father figure to Dave, who changed his name to Dave Dave after surviving the tragic ordeal.

Justin acknowledges that he and Dave were different people.

“The one thing that we had in common was we didn’t have many friends,” Justin says. “People that we could trust and he knew that and felt that about me and I knew that about him.”

“He talked to my mother several times on the phone,” Justin shares. “And was a very close friend of mine.”

This is just heartbreaking.

Justin writes: “He was helping me with promotion with my career and other things as we was preparing for his own music and working together.”

“I am deeply saddened today,” Justin writes. “And my friend will be missed by many I’m sure.”

To compound the tragedy, it’s been noted that Dave’s burn injuries make him extra vulnerable to heat exhaustion.

In other words, one might argue that he died from the injuries he received back in 1983.

“He was loved by many,” Justin writes to his followers before addressing his late friend. “And I thank you for being apart of my life and being my friend Dave !!!!”

“RIP brother,” Justin concludes.

Justin also shared a couple of photos from Dave Dave’s memorial.

“My amazing friend,” Justin writes on Instagram. “It was great getting together to meet everyone today.”

“Your memorial was beautiful,” Justin shares. “Your mother has given me many hugs.”

We are sure that he was a tremendous comfort to her.

“As I got to meet your other friends your ‘energy’ was beautiful,” Justin shares in reference to this image.

“I am posting this with your mother and your uncle and Marna in your mother’s house,” Justin shares.

He tagged the late Michael Jackson in the photo. Dave had spoken at Michael Jackson’s funeral.

“I thank everyone who loved my friend,” Justin writes. “He was amazing and touched so many lives!!!!! Including mine.”

“Thank you,” Justin concludes. “Always in my heart. My brother I love you”


Friday, May 11, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner: I Once Considered Suicide. This is Why.

Caitlyn Jenner has not been in the news very much of late.

But in a new and very revealing interview, the former reality star explains that she once considered never being in the news ever again.

That is, she once considered taking her own life.

Speaking to Channel 4 News this week, the ex-Keeping Up with the Kardashians star opened up like never before about something as personal as it gets.

“One time in my life, I actually thought about it [suicide],” she confessed.

The 68-year-old said she wanted to discuss her struggle in the hopes of raising awareness about the high suicide rates among transgender people.

And then went on to detail exactly when and why this awful thought crossed her mind.

“I’ll never forget it. It was about six months before I came out, and I had a picture.”

A picture? Huh?

The picture was snapped by TMZ and it depicted Jenner walking out of a building in Beverly Hills.

Having just had her tracheal shaved, there was a small bandage on her throat.

Jenner explained how that evening, she received a call from the publication claiming that they had the picture and basically stating/asking:

“So, this is the beginning of transition…?”

Addressing the website’s owner, Harvey Levin, Jenner replied in anger at the time, pleading with the celebrity gossip guru:

“Don’t even talk about this. It’s none of your business and please, when you do stuff like that, it affects people’s lives.”

The photo did end up getting published and going viral.

Aware that would be the case, Caitlyn says she lay in bed and contemplated the worst.

“That night, I knew that that picture was coming out,” she says in this new interview, adding:

“I remember I couldn’t sleep. And I’m walking up and down the halls in my house, all by myself. And I’m thinking to myself, ‘You know what? I’ve got a gun in the other room. I could go in, use it, no more pain, move on.”

How awful.

We simply cannot imagine.

“It seemed like the easy way out,” she says now, upon reflection.

These days, Jenner seemed to be in a great place.

She’s remaining a bit out of the spotlight and may even marry rumored girlfriend Sophia Hutchins.

Has she thought about suicide since this date?


“The next day I get up and I went for a walk and I’m walking through this field all by my little lonesome out in the woods,” she tells Channel 4 about her mindset back then and how it changed.

“And I’m walking through this field and I’m thinking to myself, ‘Wasn’t that like the stupidest thing you could possible do? And that is silence your voice. Why don’t you look at this thing a little bit differently? What don’t you open up your voice? Why don’t you tell your story?

“That was kind of my low-point in life. And from then on, I never thought about it again.”

Speaking to this British outlet, Jenner went on to say that 48 percent of trans people in the United Kingtom have attempted suicide, which is just amazing and depressing to think about.

We admire Jenner for doing whatever she can to be an inspirational voice to those in this situation.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Cardi B: Yes, I Considered an Abortion

As previously detailed, Cardi B is pregnant.

And, based on the baby bump the singer displayed while performing this past weekend on Saturday Night Live, she’s pretty far along.

However, in a new interview, the popular artist admits that she at least contemplated never reaching this point in her pregnancy.

That is, she considered an abortion.

Asked on Power 105.1’s “The Breakfast Club” by Charlamagne tha God whether she she ever thought about “not having the baby,” Cardi B did not shy away from the topic.

She conceived this child at the height of her fame and just prior to her album’s release, neither of which made it an ideal time to procreate.

“Kinda, sorta,” the rapper admitted, saying she did at least think about terminating the pregancy.

“I just didn’t want to deal with the whole abortion thing,” she continued. “I’m a grown woman, I’m 25 years old, I’m gonna say this in the most humblest way: I’m a schmillionaire.

“I’m prepared for this.”

Gotta admire the honesty, right?

Cardi B wore a tight white dress on stage this past weekend during her second SNL performance, making it clear that a baby isn’t just in her womb…

… it’s gotta be fairly close to coming out.

In this same sit-down, the singer confessed that the pregnancy was not planned.

But at least she’s committed to fiance Offset, who does have three kids with three other women, but who seems psyched to have another with Cardi.

“The love I’m receiving is overwhelming!” Cardi wrote this week in reply to the responses she’s received since sharing her big news with the world, adding:

“I can’t thank you enough for always finding the time to share your support!!”

Like many other women, meanwhile, it also angers Cardi that people think a woman can’t be a mother AND a professional success.

“It just really bothers me and it disgusts me,” she said in this interview, elaborating as follows:

“Because I see a lot of women online like, ‘Oh, I feel sorry for you, your career is over,’ and it’s like, ‘Why can’t I have both? Why do I have to choose a career or a baby?”

It’s a fair question, right?

Cardi B sounds very intent on balancing her home life and her work life and continuing to make her fans happy.

Just consider her response to how much time she’ll take off and whether she’ll record new music soon.

“I have been working and thinking about album and thinking about what I gotta do next,” she said on Tuesday.

“I gotta take my time to nest and think … I’m hoping to [take] a month, three weeks [off].”

In conclusion?

“I have to prove [to] people that a baby won’t stop me …

“I just wish that I had a little bit more time for me to think for me. I didn’t like that people [were] harassing me,” she said. “I had a whole bunch of friends calling me like, ‘Why did I have to find out [about your pregnancy] on the internet?’ …

“It’s something so precious and private to me, and I didn’t even get to keep that for myself.”

We send Cardi B and Offset our best wishes.


Cardi B Says She Never Seriously Considered Abortion

Cardi B briefly considered getting an abortion, but only “kinda, sorta” … and ultimately decided this was the right time to tackle motherhood, regardless of her exploding rap career. That’s how Cardi broke down what was going through her head…


Cardi B Says She Never Seriously Considered Abortion

Cardi B briefly considered getting an abortion, but only “kinda, sorta” … and ultimately decided this was the right time to tackle motherhood, regardless of her exploding rap career. That’s how Cardi broke down what was going through her head…


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jack Osbourne Says Family Considered Bringing Back TV Show Before Podcast

Before the Kardashians, the Osbournes were the first family of reality TV but you won’t be seeing them on the tube again any time soon, according to Jack Osbourne. We had Jack on “TMZ Live” Monday and he told us the family mulled over the idea of…


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Caron Butler: Dwyane Wade Considered OKC, Lakers Before Signing with Cavs

Dwyane Wade was REALLY close to heading west instead of reuniting with his bestie LeBron James this off-season … so says ex-NBA star Caron Butler. TMZ Sports spoke with Tuff Juice about his convo with Wade before he made his decision to join the…


Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Craig Carton Allegedly Considered Fleeing to Costa Rica, Changing Name

Craig Carton’s partner in an alleged ticket fraud scheme was so concerned about the million in debt they allegedly owed … he considered fleeing the country and assuming a new identity.  At least, that’s what investigators say they learned…


Monday, May 15, 2017

Christopher "Big Black" Boykin"s "BB" Brand Considered Relaunch Before Death

Chris ‘Big Black’ Boykin’s clothing line was in the midst of a comeback … but his untimely death brought those plans to a screeching halt. Chris’ personal manager, Mark Shin, tells TMZ … Big Black clothing was strongly considering a relaunch…


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Clay Adler: Mourned by Jennifer Lawrence, Considered a Hero in Death

Clay Adler is no longer with us.

But more than just his spirit will live on.

As tragically reported on Tuesday, Adler committed suicide late last month when he shot himself in the head during an afternoon out in the desert with friends.

A star on MTV reality series Newport Harbor for its two-season run, Adler had landed a couple small roles in a couple small movies back in 2009, actually befriending Jennifer Lawrence in the process.

The two hit Hollywood right about the same time.

“Clay brings Jennifer back to her humble beginnings and hearing that he took his own life really has made Jennifer feel heartbroken,” a source told Hollywood Life of the Oscar winner’s reaction to this news.

The insider concluded:

“It is really sad because she remembers him fondly and never wants to hear anything like this happen to anyone… she is really bummed out over it.”

Adler’s father, meanwhile, has spoken directly to People Magazine.

He has confirmed that his son died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, but also that “out of every bad thing,” can come a “good thing.”

Meaning what, exactly?

“Clay had requested that his organs – and he did this years ago when he applied for a driver’s license – that his organs be donated to people,” says Frank Adler, telling the publication that Clay has already “saved about for or five lives.”

There were no drugs and no alcohol found in the 27-year old’s system at the time of his suicide.

But Adler had reportedly suffered for years from mental illness.

Still, Frank says, he was unaware that his child was struggling with anything specific in his personal life.

“There were no signs. No real signs,” he tells People, emphasizing that Clay “had been clean for several years.”

A funeral was held last month for Adler.

He shot himself on March 25, but doctors were able to keep him alive an extra day so that family members could say goodbye and so that his organs could be properly harvested.

“They kept him alive a little bit longer so that he could do the donations we’re talking about,” says Frank.

“The hospital did say that he’s donated more than they’ve ever seen because his internals were in phenomenal shape.”

Frank says that several people have come forward to express their gratitude for Clay’s organ donations, meaning his son at least leaves behind a special legacy.

“That’s a good thing that came out of it,” Frank concludes. “Clay would be thrilled that these people are now living because of him.”


If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, please call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. It is open 24 hours a day.


Friday, June 10, 2016

Jared Fogle: Shot Down in Court, Still Considered a Giant Pervert

Jared Fogle is going to have to keep paying inmates to protect him in prison.

Because the former Subway spokesperson isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

Fogle had filed documents with the U.S. Court of Appeals to shorten his prison stay, having been sentenced last November to 15 months behind bars.

His argument?

That the punishment was too harsh because he isn’t that into child pornography.

It wasn’t as though he was going around distributing dirty photos and videos of young kids or anything.

Instead, Fogle argues, he merely showed one child porn video to one person he was dating, and he did so while they were in a hotel room.

(We’re not going to bother speculating what kind of relationship this was because… EWWWW.)

However, the U.S. Court of Appeals is not run by Judge Aaron Persky.

It has determined that one act of child pornography is enough to warrant Fogle’s original sentence, denying his attempt to lighten his punishment.

They also shot down his claim that he merely fantasized and thought about kids in sexual situation (again: EWWWWW) and that one should not be sent to jail for what is going on in one’s mind.

But the judges disagreed again with this notion.

They stated the court was correct at the trial when it considered his “obsession with child pornography and having sex with minors.”

It’s actually a somewhat interesting topic to debate, whether someone ought to be legally punished without having taken too many illegal actions.

But does anyone really want to defend an individual who fantasizes about child pornography and has evidence of it on his computer?

Neither do we.