Showing posts with label Bringing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bringing. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I"m Coming Back to MTV and I"m Bringing My Kid!

Farrah Abraham has a new venture on the horizon, and we don"t mean playing a police officer in a movie for some reason, or charging fans $ 10 to touch her.

She"s apparently going to be finding love — or the closest thing to it that someone like Farrah can experience — on television. On MTV, of all places.

In the video below, Farrah talks about what the man of her deranged dreams is like … and confirms that Sophia is part of her new projects.

Farrah abraham gives an interview

Speaking with Us Weekly, Farrah Abraham teases her next television project … which may also be her next romantic venture.

"I’m finding love next with MTV," Farrah revealed. "So I hope you guys really love that and enjoy that."

MTV is owned by Viacom — the same company that commited those dastardly hate crimes against Farrah, remember? 

Farrah says that "I can’t" discuss the show in detail. "I’m just very interested, obviously, in finding someone, maybe a male version of me."

"So that’s all I can say for now," Farrah says before she continues talking.

Farrah abraham and sophia at the vmas

In Farrah"s world, every day is Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

"I love taking my daughter with me as much as I can," Farrah says.

As you may recall, Farrah drags 9-year-old Sophia all over the world with her instead of having her in school where she could make friends and develop socially.

"And," Farrah, who is not a parenting expert, adds: "I think it’s really good for her."

"Sophia’s with all my shows that I do," Farrah says. "So we have another one coming up in September and that will be on NBC."

Farrah and sophia in fiji

Farrah did open up a little more about her new quest for love or a love-like emotion.

When asked what sort of man she"s looking for, she says that she"s really thirsting after violent men with brain damage lately.

"I think I would probably prefer a boxer," Farrah says.

Farrah says that a man who punches other men for a living would be ideal "because of where I’m at and their focus and how they’re positive, their mindset."

“So it’s a very beautiful thing," Farrah says of participants in a notoriously violent, dangerous sport that leaves some men dead and leaves the survivors with lifelong injuries.

Farrah abraham kim kardashian photo

Farrah has more qualifications for the man of her dreams than someone who punches for a living.

And we don"t just mean her recurring statements of her desire to bone her own clone.

"I hope to God I find somebody who I can and actually have that meaning of what marriage is," Farrah says. "Rather than just the action."

That was almost cogent.

"One day, hopefully," Farrah says wistfully.

Farrah abraham in underwear for some reason

The truth of the matter is that Farrah probably won"t have too much trouble finding some dude to date for a while.

All in all, Farrah"s the total package: great bikini body, rich, barely coherent grasp of the English language, criminal record, racist rants, megalomania, famously unpleasant.

A lot of those sound like dealbreakers, but remember that some men will do anything — even Farrah — in a bid to become famous.

If Farrah finds a guy who"s really willing to date her for the media attention, she may just find her soul mate. Or at the very least, the guy version of herself she"s been craving.

Farrah abraham im coming back to mtv and im bringing my kid

Friday, August 17, 2018

Kylie Jenner: I"m Bringing Baby Stormi on Travis Scott"s Tour!

Kylie is using her unparalleled social media influence to promote her boyfriend and baby daddy, Travis Scott, using Instagram to promote his album art.

She’s even taking it a step further — by accompanying him on his Astroworld tour.

And Kylie has revealed that someone else will be joining them for the tour: baby Stormi Webster!

How old were you when you attended your first concert?

Well, Stormi only turned 6 months old a couple of weeks ago, but she’s preparing to tour with her mom and dad.

Kylie was promoting Travis’ Astroworld tour on Instagram when she shared the news.

“Me and storm ready for tour,” Kylie wrote.

She followed those words with a circus tent emoji and a black heart emoji.

Travis’ album, Astroworld, came out earlier this month, on August 3.

It was not until Thursday, August 16 that he announced the Astroworld: Wish You Were Here Tour.

A lot of Travis’ fans are excited that they’ll get to see him in concert — his is known for putting on wild, even meme-worthy performances.

But you can bet that some of Kylie’s more diehard fans are going to want to attend for her sake.

If Kylie and Stormi go on tour with Travis, there’s always a chance that one or the other might make a guest appearance … especially if that might drive up ticket sales.

It makes sense that Kylie might be part of the tour, since she comes up in multiple songs, including a reference to her Forbes cover in “Sicko Mode.”

“Passes to my daughter, Imma show her what it took,” Travis raps. “Baby mama cover Forbes got these other b–ches shook.”

Though that one referred to Kylie and Travis, he also sings about his earlier relationship with Kylie in “Skeletons.”

“We just rocked Coachella, I gave her of half of the check,” Travis raps. “It was good sex, I didn’t mention to the net/Didn’t pass the loud, that was out of respect.”

Kylie also appeared, in person, in his music video for “Stop Trying to Be God.”

It’s great that Kylie is promoting Travis’ album!

But … some wonder if she has an ulterior motive for coming along.

Back in June, there was a report that Kylie had used private detectives to monitor Travis after she became concerned that, being a young celebrity, he might give in to temptation on the road.

So is she tagging along to support her man … or to make sure that he doesn’t do what so many men have done to her sisters by cheating?

Kylie could come along for both reasons, honestly.

But maybe not. Kylie’s been supporting Astroworld enthusiastically since it dropped.

“You didn’t have to go this hard baby,” she wrote when the album was released.

Kylie gushed: “Astroworld just dropped and it’s the craziest ride of my life.”

We’re glad that she is enjoying it. We’re sure that Travis is proud of his work and glad that she is proud of him.

That said … we do have to acknowledge that it’s possible that Kylie and Stormi will not physically be with Travis for every part of his tour. Sometimes, social media posts are not literal.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018

"Double Dare" Reboot Bringing Back Former Host Marc Summers

The new “Double Dare” reboot will feature one very familiar face — the show’s OG host, Marc Summers — but Summers’ new gig has a different job title. Nickelodeon is bringing back the hugely successful game show this summer, and sources close to…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Jenelle Evans: If I Go Down, I"m Bringing the Whole Cast With Me!

Last week, the world learned that Jenelle Evans threatened a man with a gun following a road rage incident that very nearly ended in tragedy.

Not surprisingly, the news resulted in demands that Teen Mom 2 producers fire Jenelle from the show that made her famous.

It’s a move that fans and castmates have been calling for for years.

Jenelle’s instability might make her good for ratings, but her bigotry, affinity for violence, and tendency toward abusive behavior make her an affront to human decency.

Already, Jenelle’s husband, David Eason, has been fired from Teen Mom 2 as a result of a bizarre homophobic tirade he posted on social media.

MTV might claim otherwise, but that decision appears to have been largely the result of pressure from people like Jeremy Calvert, who has not been shy about expressing his belief that Jenelle is bad for the show and bad for the network.

One might think that at this point, Evans would be doing her best to appease her bosses and co-workers.

But that would be the rational person’s course of action, so naturally, Jenelle is doing the exact opposite and antagonizing the very people who have the power to end her career.

Jenelle is taking her latest stand by threatening to boycott filming for the Teen Mom 2 reunion show, which is scheduled to take place in New York City on May 19.

A source tells Radar Online that Jenelle sees refusing to film (a tactic she employs often) as the most effective of way of making her producers and co-stars pay for what she considers insufferable mistreatment:

“She is ready for the confrontations but is really dreading all of them ganging up on her,” says one insider.

“Jenelle wants nothing to do with all of them,” the source continues.

“She is so tired of the girls and their guys and even their parents being mean to her, and she is not afraid to call them all out, but she doesn’t want to go to the reunion alone.”

Yes, it seems Jenelle is refusing to show up to the reunion unless David is allowed to join her.

But considering multiple Moms have stated that that don’t feel comfortable working with David after a bizarre incident in which he drunkenly stabbed some balloons with a knife at a cast party, you can be sure that producers won’t budge on that issue.

“Jenelle loves David. She supports him. She wants him to be at the reunion, but MTV has said absolutely not, no way,” says the source.

“She is trying to do everything she can to change their minds. She’s threatening not to show up, but she has to,” the insider continues.

Yes, it seems Jenelle is under the impression that she’s still in a position to take a stand on such issues.

Her inability to read the writing on the wall is almost impressive.

In the end, you can expect this conflict to play out exactly like every other clash between Jenelle and producers – she’ll stand her ground until she realizes that they’re serious about taking away her sole source of income, and then she’ll fold like a cheap suit.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how many times Jenelle has been down this road.


Monday, March 19, 2018

Jill Duggar: Criticized For Bringing Baby on Dangerous Trip!

If you follow her on social media, then you’re likely aware that Jill Duggar is often criticized for her parenting.

Sometimes the complaints are truly asinine, such as the time fans got up in arms because Jill put a tortilla on her baby’s head.

On many other occasions, however, the gripes were more legitimate, such as the time Jill was accused of endangering her children by allowing them to play near a freeway.

We guess the latest complaint falls somewhere in the middle – a bit more serious than “Mexican food as fashion accessory” but not quite as severe as “human Frogger.”

As you may recall, Jill and her husband Derick Dillard perform missionary work from time to time.

Or at least they did, until the allure of reality TV stardom lured them back home to Arkansas.

Now that Derick has been fired from Counting On and Jill has quit the show as a misguided gesture of solidarity, the Dillards have a lot more time on their hands.

Jill and Derick haven’t formally announced that they’re once again traveling abroad in hopes of winning converts, but fans noticed the couple appears in a recent photo posted by their church, which seems to suggest the Dillards are once again headed south of the border.

“Pray with us for our group heading to Guadalajara today,” reads the caption on the photo above.

The trip won’t be as long as Jill and Derick’s previous excursion, which lasted the better part of a year.

It was advertised on the Cross Church’s website as a weeklong trip, but there it seems some members of the congregation are planning to stay a bit longer.

“The week will be filled with street evangelism and building relationships to share the gospel as we help Vida Church continue reaching Guadalajara,” reads the ad.

Jill and Derick have been widely praised for their philanthropic efforts, but they’ve taken their fair share of criticism for their latest trip, as well.

For one thing, the Dillards are not licensed missionaries, a fact they received some harsh criticism for during their previous two travels.

Despite having plenty of time to do so, it does not seem that either Jill or Derick enrolled in a licensing course in the year since they returned to the States.

But the harshest complaints from fans had to do with Jill and Derick’s decision to bring their 8-month-old son Samuel on the trip.

(It does not appear that 2-year-old Samuel traveled with his parents.)

Guadalajara is commonly regarded as one of the most dangerous destinations in Mexico.

Just last month, the city was the scene of 23 murders over the course of 48 hours.

For obvious reasons, many are questioning the wisdom of the Dillards bringing their youngest son along, and some are likening it to Jill putting her son at risk for the Zika virus by remaining in afflicted areas while pregnant.

We guess the problem with criticizing the couple for every piece of ethnic cuisine they place on their son’s head is that they’re that much more likely to shrug it off when the world expresses a legitimate concern.

Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV’s most controversial family.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Jack Osbourne Says Family Considered Bringing Back TV Show Before Podcast

Before the Kardashians, the Osbournes were the first family of reality TV but you won’t be seeing them on the tube again any time soon, according to Jack Osbourne. We had Jack on “TMZ Live” Monday and he told us the family mulled over the idea of…


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Prodigy"s Funeral Bringing Out Legends of East Coast Hip-Hop

Prodigy’s funeral should bring together some huge names — his fellow legends of hip-hop … especially from the East Coast scene.  Sources connected to the service tell us Prodigy’s family has invited an A-list of rappers who worked with Mobb…


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Rapper G-Eazy Says He"s Bringing a Broom To Game 4 of the NBA Finals (VIDEO)

Warriors super fan G-Eazy says he’s heading to The Land for Game 4 of the NBA Finals … and he’s bringing a broom to help the Warriors finish their sweep on the Cavs!! The Bay Area rapper talked to us about GSW’s insane 11 point 4th quarter…


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Prince Harry: Screw You, Pippa! I"m Bringing Meghan Markle to Your Wedding!

We may be on the verge of that rarest kind of celebrity beef – the royal feud.

For all the drama that plays out behind the walls of Buckingham Palace, the Royals’ upper lips are so preternaturally stiff that we rarely get to see any sort of discord boil over into the public realm.

Of course, we guess in this case it’s just a semi-royal feud, as one of the main combatants will never actually hold a title:

In just a few short weeks, Pippa Middleton will marry James Matthews in what’s sure to be an ultra-lavish affair attended by her famous sister and a number of other publicity magnets.

Unfortunately for Pippa, the bulk of the media scrutiny surrounding her wedding has had more to do with who won’t be attending.

Insiders claim that Pippa has instituted a strict “no ring, no bring” policy, meaning that guests who aren’t married or engaged will not be granted a “plus one.”

Sources say the main goal was to ban Meghan Markle from the festivities for fear that Prince Harry’s gorgeous girlfriend would steal the spotlight.

As a bonus, the policy also bars James’ brother, Spencer Matthews, and his girlfriend, the hilariously-named Vogue Williams, both of whom starred on a trashy UK reality show called Made In Chelsea.

But Spencer and Vogue (ed note: LOL) don’t have much say in the matter, whereas Harry is not one to take things lying down.

Tipsters close to the wedding process say the Ginger Prince has instituted a policy of his own: No Meg, no Harry.

Now it seems that rather than suffer the bad publicity that would come with public speculation as to why one of the most high-profile invitees chose to bow out, Pippa has simply broken down and allowed Harry to bring his boo.

Of course, now the floodgates are open and the reality stars can demand similar treatment.

By the end of this thing, Snooki will be licking ron-ron juice off The Situation’s abs, which is a very 2011 reference, but in fairness, that’s the last time anyone really gave a sh-t about Pippa Middleton.

Apparently, Pippa’s concerns are somewhat ameliorated by reports that a Harry-Meghan engagement is forthcoming. 

“They will be engaged by the end of summer,” a source recently told Us Weekly.

“They have spoken candidly about their future. They see a life together.”

Somewhere a glowering Pippa threw her issue into a roaring fireplace and was all like, “They better see a life together!”


Friday, December 9, 2016

Ne-Yo -- I"ll Do Trump"s Inauguration ... But I"m Bringing My Bird (VIDEO)

Ne-Yo is the first black artist to say he’s willing to perform at Donald Trump’s inauguration, because as he puts it … business is business and a party is a party. We got the singer Thursday at LAX, and he told us without hesitation he’d be there…


Wednesday, October 26, 2016

"Live With Kelly" -- Guess Who We"re Bringing Back!!!

The dude who won the social media contest to co-host with Kelly Ripa is coming back, and he’s in the running to become her permanent host … TMZ has learned. Sources connected with the production tell us, Richard Curtis “blew everyone away” with…


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Stop Bringing Up My Sex Tape!

That’s going to a challenge, seeing as it launched her career.

Kim Kardashian is all sorts of pumped up about her turn as a bad-ass Twitter feuder (not a word), to the point where she defended her actions (and that nude selfie) in an open letter posted on Us Weekly.

“Hey, guys. I wanted to write a post elaborating on my tweets last night,” Kardashian wrote.  “In all seriousness, I never understand why people get so bothered by what other people choose to do with their lives.

“I don’t do drugs, I hardly drink, I’ve never committed a crime—and yet I’m a bad role model for being proud of my body? It always seems to come back around to my sex tape.

“Yes, a sex tape that was made 13 years ago. 13 YEARS AGO. Literally that lonnng ago.

And people still want to talk about it?!?!”

To be fair, that sex tape kind of launched your career and you make a living off of your (very awesome-looking) body, so…

“I lived through the embarrassment and fear, and decided to say who cares, do better, move on. I shouldn’t have to constantly be on the defense, listing off my accomplishments just to prove that I am more than something that happened 13 years ago.

Let’s move on, already. I have.” 

See, the thing is…when Kardashian posts naked photos, we’re reminded of said sex tape.

Anyhoo, moving on.

“I am empowered by my body. I am empowered by my sexuality,” she continued.

“I am empowered by feeling comfortable in my skin. I am empowered by showing the world my flaws and not being afraid of what anyone is going to say about me. And I hope that through this platform I have been given, I can encourage the same empowerment for girls and women all over the world.

I am empowered by my husband, who is so accepting and supportive and who has given me a newfound confidence in myself. He allows me to be me and loves me unconditionally.

I feel so lucky to have grown up surrounded by strong, driven, independent women. The life lessons I’ve learned from my sisters, my mother and my grandmother, I will pass along to my daughter. I want her to be proud of who she is. I want her to be comfortable in her body. I don’t want her to grow up in a world where she is made to feel less-than for embracing everything it means to be a woman.

It’s 2016. The body-shaming and slut-shaming—it’s like, enough is enough.

I will not live my life dictated by the issues you have with my sexuality. You be you and let me be me. I am a mother. I am a wife, a sister, a daughter, an entrepreneur and I am allowed to be sexy.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Gil Bates: Bringing Up Bates Dad Accused of Covering Up Sex Crimes

Last week, we reported Institute for Basic Life Principles founder Bill Gothard is being sued by five former employees who claim they were sexually harassed by Gothard during their time with the IBLP.

Gothard is best known to the public as a friend and mentor of the Duggar family. Now, another close Duggar associate is being implicated in the scandal:

Gil Bates

According to Radar Online, Bringing Up Bates star Gil Bates is also being sued for allegedly helping to cover up the abuse.

Bates is reportedly one of six defendants to be named in the suit for assisting Gothard with his systematic abuse of dozens of female employees over the course of several decades.

Like Gothard, Bates is best known as a longtime friend of Jim Bob Duggar and a famous follower of the controversial Quiverfull movement that’s espoused by the Duggar clan.

Like Jim Bob, Gil Bates is both the patriarch of a family of 19 and the star of a basic cable reality show. The Bates family’s Bringing Up Bates currently airs on UP TV.

In recent months, it’s been rumored that Gil’s son Lawson Bates is “courting” Jinger Duggar – Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar’s 21-year-old daughter.

The Duggar family has yet to respond to the accusations against Bates.

Though they are not directly involved in Bates’ alleged wrongdoing, it’s certainly an unwelcome situation for a family that’s been repeatedly rocked by scandal this year.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Bristol Palin SLAMS President Obama For Supporting The 14-Year-Old Muslim Student Arrested For Bringing A Clock To School — Wait, What?!

Say it ain’t so!

On Thursday, Bristol Palin criticized President Barack Obama (shocker, we know) for “egging” on racial divides by inviting a 14-year-old Texas student to the White House who was wrongfully arrested after bringing a self-made clock to school.

ICYMI: The internet came to the defense of Ahmed Mohamed earlier this week after he was accused by his teachers for making a hoax bomb. Oh no!

In fact, the ninth-grader’s since received shout-outs and invitations from various industry powerhouses, such as Google and Facebook, after the news broke that the talented youth was singled out for being Muslim.

Related: Muslim Teen Who Was Handcuffed For Bringing A Clock To School Says ‘I Was Profiled As A Terrorist’

However, the coolest praise might’ve come from POTUS himself.

The Commander-In-Chief took to Twitter and shared:


Although, it seems this nice gesture was a bit too much for Sarah Palin‘s daughter.

The Dancing With The Stars alum took to her blog and wrote:

“This is the kind of stuff Obama needs to STAY out of. This encourages more racial strife that is already going on with the ‘Black Lives Matter’ crowd and encourages victimhood. The police made a mistake, clearly. But why put more people against them? Why egg it on? Childish games like this from our president have divided our country… even more today than when he was elected.”

HUH?! We don’t think the President is trying to “egg” anything on — rather he’s trying to make a bright student, who was targeted for his background, feel validated and special after having something so awful happen to him.

We think Bristol’s reaching a bit on this complaint to say the least.

What do U think?! Do U agree with POTUS or Miz Palin??

SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!

[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]