Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Farrah Abraham: I"m Coming Back to MTV and I"m Bringing My Kid!

Farrah Abraham has a new venture on the horizon, and we don"t mean playing a police officer in a movie for some reason, or charging fans $ 10 to touch her.

She"s apparently going to be finding love — or the closest thing to it that someone like Farrah can experience — on television. On MTV, of all places.

In the video below, Farrah talks about what the man of her deranged dreams is like … and confirms that Sophia is part of her new projects.

Farrah abraham gives an interview

Speaking with Us Weekly, Farrah Abraham teases her next television project … which may also be her next romantic venture.

"I’m finding love next with MTV," Farrah revealed. "So I hope you guys really love that and enjoy that."

MTV is owned by Viacom — the same company that commited those dastardly hate crimes against Farrah, remember? 

Farrah says that "I can’t" discuss the show in detail. "I’m just very interested, obviously, in finding someone, maybe a male version of me."

"So that’s all I can say for now," Farrah says before she continues talking.

Farrah abraham and sophia at the vmas

In Farrah"s world, every day is Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

"I love taking my daughter with me as much as I can," Farrah says.

As you may recall, Farrah drags 9-year-old Sophia all over the world with her instead of having her in school where she could make friends and develop socially.

"And," Farrah, who is not a parenting expert, adds: "I think it’s really good for her."

"Sophia’s with all my shows that I do," Farrah says. "So we have another one coming up in September and that will be on NBC."

Farrah and sophia in fiji

Farrah did open up a little more about her new quest for love or a love-like emotion.

When asked what sort of man she"s looking for, she says that she"s really thirsting after violent men with brain damage lately.

"I think I would probably prefer a boxer," Farrah says.

Farrah says that a man who punches other men for a living would be ideal "because of where I’m at and their focus and how they’re positive, their mindset."

“So it’s a very beautiful thing," Farrah says of participants in a notoriously violent, dangerous sport that leaves some men dead and leaves the survivors with lifelong injuries.

Farrah abraham kim kardashian photo

Farrah has more qualifications for the man of her dreams than someone who punches for a living.

And we don"t just mean her recurring statements of her desire to bone her own clone.

"I hope to God I find somebody who I can and actually have that meaning of what marriage is," Farrah says. "Rather than just the action."

That was almost cogent.

"One day, hopefully," Farrah says wistfully.

Farrah abraham in underwear for some reason

The truth of the matter is that Farrah probably won"t have too much trouble finding some dude to date for a while.

All in all, Farrah"s the total package: great bikini body, rich, barely coherent grasp of the English language, criminal record, racist rants, megalomania, famously unpleasant.

A lot of those sound like dealbreakers, but remember that some men will do anything — even Farrah — in a bid to become famous.

If Farrah finds a guy who"s really willing to date her for the media attention, she may just find her soul mate. Or at the very least, the guy version of herself she"s been craving.

Farrah abraham im coming back to mtv and im bringing my kid