Showing posts with label Student. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Student. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Travis Rudolph: FSU Star Eats Lunch With Lonely Autistic Student

We have good news.  

Your faith in humanity will be restored immediately upon reading this article.

Florida State University"s football team visited a local middle school on August 30th, and during lunch, wide receiver Travis Rudolph saw one student eating lunch on his own.

Rudolph sat down across from the boy, who has autism, and the two chatted while they enjoyed their lunch together.

The boy"s mother, Leah Paske didn"t know that this viral photo included her son until a friend sent it to her.

Paske shared the photo on Facebook, along with a tearjerker of a message.

"A friend of mine sent this beautiful picture to me today and when I saw it with the caption "Travis Rudolph is eating lunch with your son." I replied "who is that?" He said "FSU football player" then I had tears streaming down my face," she wrote.

"Travis Rudolph, a wide receiver at Florida State, and several other FSU players visited my sons school today.

"I"m not sure what exactly made this incredibly kind man share a lunch table with my son, but I"m happy to say that it will not soon be forgotten." 

Paske said she worries about her son on a daily basis and whether or not he"s eating lunch alone, but yesterday was different.

"This is one day I didn"t have to worry if my sweet boy ate lunch alone, because he sat across from someone who is a hero in many eyes.

"Travis Rudolph thank you so much, you made this momma exceedingly happy, and have made us fans for life!"

Reporters asked Rudolph what prompted him to go sit with the boy, and the West Palm Beach native"s answer was nothing short of endearing.

Rudolph said he saw him sitting there, so he grabbed some pizza and asked if he could sit down.

"He said, "sure, why not,"" Rudolph told reporters.

"I just felt like we had a great conversation.

"I was just a kid not too long ago and I remember what the impact was of guys that played in college and in the NFL coming back to us," he continued.

"So I feel like maybe I can change someone"s life or I can make someone a better person or make someone want to be great or be like me, or even better."

It sounds trite, but it"s pretty incredible what a simple act of kindness can do.  

Travis rudolph college football star eats lunch with austistic m

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

College Student Tries to Woo Woman, Gets Stuck in a Wall

We’ve all been there, haven’t we?

You’ve had a lot to drink. You see a member of the opposite sex. You’d like to get the attention of this man or woman to maybe see if he or she would like to go home with you.

Really, we’ve all been there, right?

Probably. But very few of us have been HERE


On Monday night, an unnamed University of Pittsburgh student wanted to impress a woman he saw on Forbes Avenue.

So he climbed to the roof of a building and tried to leap over to the roof of a nearby building…

… only to fail miserably and actually get himself wedged between a Qdoba and a Bruegger’s Bagels. This is where he remained for four hours.

“He didn’t quite achieve his goal. He missed and fell in between the buildings,” said Police Spokesperson Sonya Toler.


The student was stuck in a 16-inch wide gap, three stories high, from approximately 2 a.m. through approximately 6 a.m.

Police and rescue paramedics arrived at the scene not long after witnesses say the man plummet to his near-death. And total embarrassment.

He was eventually broken free and taken to UPMC Presbyterian, where Toler said he was treated and will be just fine.

Physically, that is.

Mentally, we’d have to assume this is the sort of incident that remains with one for a very long time.


To pry him loose from the gap, the Public safety department had to drill holes in three walls of the buildings, two of which were in Qdoba and one in the neighboring building.

Chad Brooks, the franchise owner of all Qdobas in Pittsburgh, said the interior wall of his restaurant had to be taken down and rebuilt, but he wasn’t certain how much it would cost.

The restaurant will be closed for at least a few weeks, yet Brooks said he was not looking to press charges against the man.

So even though this idiot didn’t get lucky on Monday evening, he did end up getting lucky in the end.

He could have died. He could be facing a lawsuit.

And instead he just went home to the hospital alone.

College Student Tries to Woo Woman, Gets Stuck in a Wall

We’ve all been there, haven’t we?

You’ve had a lot to drink. You see a member of the opposite sex. You’d like to get the attention of this man or woman to maybe see if he or she would like to go home with you.

Really, we’ve all been there, right?

Probably. But very few of us have been HERE


On Monday night, an unnamed University of Pittsburgh student wanted to impress a woman he saw on Forbes Avenue.

So he climbed to the roof of a building and tried to leap over to the roof of a nearby building…

… only to fail miserably and actually get himself wedged between a Qdoba and a Bruegger’s Bagels. This is where he remained for four hours.

“He didn’t quite achieve his goal. He missed and fell in between the buildings,” said Police Spokesperson Sonya Toler.


The student was stuck in a 16-inch wide gap, three stories high, from approximately 2 a.m. through approximately 6 a.m.

Police and rescue paramedics arrived at the scene not long after witnesses say the man plummet to his near-death. And total embarrassment.

He was eventually broken free and taken to UPMC Presbyterian, where Toler said he was treated and will be just fine.

Physically, that is.

Mentally, we’d have to assume this is the sort of incident that remains with one for a very long time.


To pry him loose from the gap, the Public safety department had to drill holes in three walls of the buildings, two of which were in Qdoba and one in the neighboring building.

Chad Brooks, the franchise owner of all Qdobas in Pittsburgh, said the interior wall of his restaurant had to be taken down and rebuilt, but he wasn’t certain how much it would cost.

The restaurant will be closed for at least a few weeks, yet Brooks said he was not looking to press charges against the man.

So even though this idiot didn’t get lucky on Monday evening, he did end up getting lucky in the end.

He could have died. He could be facing a lawsuit.

And instead he just went home to the hospital alone.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Student Who Knocked Up Teacher Awarded $6 Million Settlement

A former student who impregnated a high school teacher was awarded $ 6 million in a settlement, officials in Redlands, Calif., confirmed.

Vince Finaldi, an attorney for the former student, said the egregious conduct of the Redlands Unified School District warranted the payment.

“The size of this settlement represents the gravity of the damage done to this young victim and his family,” he said in a statement.

“It also highlights the extreme malfeasance and neglect by school officials who turned a blind eye to the criminal conduct of a teacher.”

Administrators, he reiterated, “failed to protect a student.” 

Laura Whitehurst, 29, was arrested in July 2013 and charged with 41 felony counts of unlawful sex acts. Yes. Forty-one felony charges.

That could have meant up to 29 years in prison.

Ultimately, she pleaded guilty to four counts of unlawful sexual intercourse and two counts of oral copulation with a person under 18.

Her sexual dalliances involved three boys at Citrus Valley and Redlands high schools during her tenure as a teacher in both locations.

As part of a plea bargain in which she admitted having the student’s baby, she was sentenced to a year in jail and released after six months.

On probation, she is a registered sex offender.

Laura Whitehurst shares custody of the love child with the former high school student, who is now 21, according to the victim’s attorneys.

In the lawsuit, attorneys for the student alleged that school officials knew of his romance with Whitehurst and failed to warn his family. 

The lawsuit also claimed that a colleague of Whitehurst’s was aware of the relationship and that school officials questioned her about it.

Despite the huge payment, district officials said they were admitting no wrongdoing by settling the lawsuit, blaming Whitehurst alone.

Spokesman Tom DeLapp said the district is “not pleased with this” but settled “this tragic case once and for all so we can move forward.”

“We felt there could be serious damage to the reputation of a very fine school district” if the legal case were to be drawn out, he added.

Throwing a bit of shade, he said they ended this before “the plaintiff’s lawyers were allowed to drag the [school] through the mud all over again.”

“In the long run, $ 6 million is high, but it could have been much higher if this had been left to an empathetic jury in another city.”

DeLapp feared a jury “looking past the facts” to find a “financial scapegoat for the unprofessional, criminal actions of one individual.”

He cited the explosion of media attention, noting “there was a picture of her in the birthing suite circulated to people at the school with the boy.”

The former student who fathered Laura Whitehurst’s baby said the relationship started in 2012 when he was 16 and lasted for a year.

He told authorities Whitehurst began driving him home from school functions and spending long hours with him away from the school.

On a trip to Disneyland, she grabbed his hand and told him she wanted to kiss him, and shortly after the trip, things escalated. Hard.

She and the boy began having repeated sexual intercourse at her apartment, he said, and Whitehurst gave birth to their child in June 2013.

The boy was in attendance for the birth.

He said later that Whitehurst gave him alcohol and told him it was a “miracle pregnancy” as she did not believe she could get pregnant.

As if that weren’t a bizarre enough series of events, she even gave him a Bible on his 17th birthday and took him to church, he said.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Middle School Teacher Gets Pregnant by Student, Arrested

A middle school teacher in Houston has surrendered to authorities due to accusations that she carried on a sexual relationship with a 13-year old student.

According to The New York Post, Alexandria Vera also got impregnated by the student.

Oops! Her bad!

Vera, 24, was booked on charges of continuous sexual abuse of a child and released on $ 100,000 bail, one day after local police officers issued a warrant for the English teacher’s arrest.

A local ABC affiliate reports that Vera was working at Stovall Middle School last summer when she met the unnamed young teenager.

Vera told investigators that the boy asked for her numbers over Instagram one day and, from there, the two fell in love.

The day after this simple request was made, Vera says she drove to the boy’s house when his parents weren’t home and the two had sexual intercourse for the first time.

Their inappropriate flirting continued throughout the school year, as students took note of the two engaging in romantic behavior in between classes.

“He, like, grabbed her butt and everyone saw it,” one student told ABC. “And then they were talking about it.”

We’ll go ahead and say what you are all thinking: EWWWWW!

Vera became pregnant with the boy’s baby in January, legal documents allege.

The student’s family was actually supportive of the couple and even included the teacher at family gatherings … until Child Protective Services questioned the pair.

Vera then aborted pregnancy, the Houston Chronicle reports.

Vera has a four-year old daughter from a previous relationship.

The Aldine Independent School District placed the teacher on administrative leave in April once details of her affair started making the rounds.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Arizona Student Flashes Penis in Yearbook, Gets Arrested

Move over, Florida Man.

And make room for… Arizona Teen!

blurry penis

According to Reuters, a student at Red Mountain High School in Phoenix got arrested this week after he pulled out his penis for a yearbook photo.

Editors apparently did not notice the unit just hanging out of the football player’s pants… ran the revealing photo… and were then inundated with complaints after it was printed in all of the school’s yearbooks.


The yearbooks were printed for approximately 3,400 students, but only about 250 books had gone out at the time the school was made aware of the exposed penis.

The school really hopes to get back all of these yearbooks, while each one still in the school’s possession will be edited to cover the inappropriate content.

The student, meanwhile, is named Hunter Osborn.

He is 19 years old and he told authorities that he was acting on a dare from a fellow football player.

There are actual court documents of the case that state Hunter “exposed his penis through the top of his waistband of his football uniform pants.”

We’ve shared a censored version of the offending image above.

Osborn was released from custody on Sunday after being his arrest.

He faces 69 counts of misdemeanor indecent exposure and one count of felony furnishing harmful items to minors because 59 students – ranging in age from 15 to 19 years old – and 10 faculty members were present at the time he pulled out his junk.

The senior is yet to address this incident in public.

However, told police in an interview that he knowingly exposed himself… yet was “disgusted by what he had done.”

We somehow doubt that. We’re guessing he was highly entertained by what he had done.

But we understand why that statement may not have gone over well with the cops.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Terminally-Ill High Student Inspires a School, Nation

Prepare to shed all the tears, Hollywood Gossip readers.

All thanks to an 18-year-old named Jake Bailey.

A week before the senior high school student was scheduled to give a speech at his graduation in New Zealand, he was diagnosed with Burkitt"s non-Hodgkin"s lymphoma, a fast-growing form of cancer.

Despite this grim prognosis, however, the Senior Monitor (equivalent to Class President in America) left his hospital bed, climbed into his wheelchair and delivered words of moving wisdom to teacher and classmates at Christchurch Boy"s High School assembly.

"I wrote a speech, and a week before I was due to deliver this speech tonight they said, "You"ve got cancer," " he said from a wheelchair, continuing:

"They said, "If you don"t get any treatment within the next three weeks, you"re going to die." Then they told me I wouldn"t be here tonight to deliver this speech."

Principal Nic Hill was prepared to give Bailey’s speech on the teenager’s behalf, but it turned out this wasn’t necessary.

"Here"s the thing, none of us get out of life alive, so be gallant, be great, be gracious and be grateful for the opportunities you have," Bailey said.

"We don"t know where we might end up, or when we might end up. 

"The future is truly in our hands. Forget about long term dreams, lets be passionately dedicated to the pursuit of short term goals."

These would be inspiring words coming from anyone, let alone coming from a brave young man basically on his deathbed.

The senior finished his speech with the school"s motto, "Altiora Peto," which translates to "I seek higher things."

Watch now. Prepare to cry. And be amazed at how those in attendance pay tribute to Bailey upon completition of his speech.

God bless you, Jake Bailey.

Terminally ill high school student delivers moving speech

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Officer Violently Arrests Student in Classroom, Stars React

Celebrities have joined many on Twitter who are outraged over the viral video of a police officer placing a student under violent arrest.

The incident took place at in Columbia, South Carolina. The disturbing footage (featured below) depicts a white officer (identified as Ben Fields) grabbing an African-American young women who is sitting at  her desk.

Fields grabs her from the desk, causing it to topple over, and then drags her across the room.

According to various report, he had been called to the classroom due to the student’s unruly behavior, though she’s sitting calmly at her desk when the arrest takes place.

It has also been reported that a second student was taken into custody for attempting to intervene.

The Richland County Sheriff’s Department says Fields, a deputy and the school’s resource officer, has been placed on administrative leave as the situation is investigated.

In response, the hashtag “#AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh” trended across the United States on Monday evening, with multiple stars responding to the shocking arrest on Twitter.

“I can’t unsee what I just saw,” wrote Olivia Spencer, while Olivia Wilde added three words: “Disgusting and shameful.”

Cher also chimed in with “Teen girl in classrm thrown around like rag doll. Every1 on TV saying ‘we can’t see what she did b4 video’ Who gives a flying Fk!! She’s a CHILD” and Charlie Sheen certainly did not think Fields was winning.

"I won’t even offer you the dignity or recognition to print your name. You are a blight on the honor of your badge," wrote the actor.

Watch the VERY troubling footage below and sound off with your reaction now.

Officer violently arrests student in classroom celebrities react

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Humble College Student Apologizes for Mac & Cheese Incident

Luke Gatti is very sorry.

Gatti – who went viral last week after going ballistic on dining hall employees at the University of Connecticut because he wanted then to serve him jalapeno bacon macaroni and cheese – is once again making news on the Internet.

But for a more positive reason this time around.

"I want to start by apologizing to all the staff involved in my incident, especially the manager, he was just doing his job," Gatti says in a YouTube video, uploaded Sunday.

"He gave me so many chances to walk away and I just didn"t listen to him, I was a complete asshole to him."

Gatti confessed that he was "very intoxicated" during the confrontation, adding that he “has some problems I am addressing, and this was a serious wake up call."

There had been talk soon afterward that Gatti was expelled as a result of his blow-up, but sources now say he remains enrolled at the University.

There will be a disciplinary process, however, that could result in some sort of sanction against the student.

Embarrassed college student apologizes for mac and cheese incide

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Drunk College Student Wants Mac & Cheese, Gets Arrested Instead

We"ve all been there. It"s late; perhaps you"ve enjoyed a few adult beverages, and some greasy, salty concoction that would probably nauseate you at any other time is suddenly your Holy Grail.

Fortunately, unlike 19-year-old Luke Gatti, most of us aren"t willing to literally fight for our colon-clogging booze-sponge treat of choice.

The problem, it seems, is that Luke walked into his school"s cafeteria area with an open container and was denied service. As you can see in the footage above, he didn"t take it well.

The man really wanted some "f–king bacon jalapeño mac and cheese" – so much so that he was willing to go to jail for it.

Due to his unthinkably douchey behavior, Gatti was arrested and charged with breach of peace and criminal trespass.

His first court date is October 15, and he may be facing expulsion from school.

Sadly, Luke never got his mac and cheese. On the bright side, the video of his heroic showdown is up there with drunk late night snack wife and pretty much any footage of Jessica Simpson as one of our favorite booze-soaked viral clips of all time.

And for that, we thank you.


Drunk college student wants mac and cheese gets arrested instead

Friday, September 18, 2015

Bristol Palin SLAMS President Obama For Supporting The 14-Year-Old Muslim Student Arrested For Bringing A Clock To School — Wait, What?!

Say it ain’t so!

On Thursday, Bristol Palin criticized President Barack Obama (shocker, we know) for “egging” on racial divides by inviting a 14-year-old Texas student to the White House who was wrongfully arrested after bringing a self-made clock to school.

ICYMI: The internet came to the defense of Ahmed Mohamed earlier this week after he was accused by his teachers for making a hoax bomb. Oh no!

In fact, the ninth-grader’s since received shout-outs and invitations from various industry powerhouses, such as Google and Facebook, after the news broke that the talented youth was singled out for being Muslim.

Related: Muslim Teen Who Was Handcuffed For Bringing A Clock To School Says ‘I Was Profiled As A Terrorist’

However, the coolest praise might’ve come from POTUS himself.

The Commander-In-Chief took to Twitter and shared:


Although, it seems this nice gesture was a bit too much for Sarah Palin‘s daughter.

The Dancing With The Stars alum took to her blog and wrote:

“This is the kind of stuff Obama needs to STAY out of. This encourages more racial strife that is already going on with the ‘Black Lives Matter’ crowd and encourages victimhood. The police made a mistake, clearly. But why put more people against them? Why egg it on? Childish games like this from our president have divided our country… even more today than when he was elected.”

HUH?! We don’t think the President is trying to “egg” anything on — rather he’s trying to make a bright student, who was targeted for his background, feel validated and special after having something so awful happen to him.

We think Bristol’s reaching a bit on this complaint to say the least.

What do U think?! Do U agree with POTUS or Miz Palin??

SOUND OFF in the comments (below)!

[Image via FayesVision/WENN.]