Showing posts with label Inspires. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspires. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Kylie Jenner"s Milk Discovery Inspires Dairy Farmer to Name Baby Cow After Her

Kylie Jenner’s discovery — that putting milk on cereal is pretty fantastic — was so moooooving to a California dairy farmer, he decided to pay tribute … by naming his baby cow after her. David Jones — whose family owns Jones Farms in Stevinson,…


Friday, June 15, 2018

Cardi B Inspires Shaquille O"Neal"s MUCH Needed Pedicure

Shaquille O’Neal’s flossy toes are now Cardi B approved … but they’re still soooo messed up. The NBA Hall of Famer’s legendarily bad feet got some MUCH needed TLC Thursday at a mani-pedi spa — and, while the nail techs went to work, Cardi’s music…


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Taylor Swift Inspires Fan to Commit Bank Robbery

Taylor Swift’s beauty allegedly pushed a man with a crush on her to a life of crime all in the hopes of — ready for it? — impressing her … seriously.  Bruce Rowley was arrested last week in Ansonia, CT after cops say he confessed to robbing…


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Rihanna Inspires Howard University Students Protesting Financial Aid Scandal

Rihanna’s “Bitch Better Have My Money” is now the battle cry for Howard University students protesting the school’s massive financial aid scandal … and Thursday it was blaring on campus. A crowd of students stormed the school’s administration…


Thursday, January 11, 2018

Kim Kardashian Inspires NFL Star Branden Albert to Donate $1 Mil to Charity

Ex-NFL lineman Branden Albert is living proof “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” is actually good for humanity … because the show inspired him to give a million bucks to a great cause! The 2-time Pro Bowler, who played for the Chiefs and Dolphins,…


Sunday, December 10, 2017

UFC"s Max Holloway Says Kobe Bryant Inspires Him to Be a Killer

UFC champ Max Holloway says Kobe Bryant has shown him the killer instinct it takes to be great … crediting Mamba Mentality for his ass-kicking inside the Octagon. “When Kobe is in Mamba mode he’s an animal,” Max told TMZ Sports. “He doesn’t care…


Monday, September 18, 2017

Sean Spicer Crashes Emmys, Inspires Harsh Backlash

Stephen Colbert opened the 2017 Emmy Awards with a musical number, prior to welcoming the audience to the annual celebration of television and then calling out…

… Sean Spicer?!?

Yes, former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

The ex-Donald Trump lackey has grown into somewhat of a minor celebrity party due to the many lies he told from the administration podium and partly due to Melissa McCarthy"s popular impression of him on Saturday Night Live.

He appeared in this case after Colbert lamented how difficult it is to gauge these days just how many people watch a show.

“Sean,” he called out, “do you know?”

Enter Spicer and his podium.

“This will be the largest audience to witness an Emmys, period, both in person and around the world!” Spicer announced, over hoots and hollers of the Emmy attendees.

This, of course, was a reference to Spicer’s own statement about PresidentTrump’s inaugural crowd size during his first White House press briefing in January.

Photos depicted a sparse gathering, but the Commander-in-Chief insisted otherwise.

“This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe," said Spicer at the time.

Was this cameo unexpected? Yes.

Was it funny? To some.

Was it controversial? Heck yes.

Spicer was simply doing a job as Press Secretary, taking orders from his boss like so many others around the world.

But he also flat out lied to the American people and misled residents on issues of national importance… over and over and over again.

So now he just gets to enjoy the life of celebrity and even mock the type of manipulative, deceptive, shady, secretive administration that he played a major role in creating?

Many on the Internet were NOT having that…

Do you agree with these critiques?

Does Spicer deserve a second chance? Was he never especially guilty of anything in the first place, so there"s no need for any kind of second chance?

Are critics overreacting? Or was this an example of egregious impropriety on the part of Emmy producers?

Watch the segment and then decide for yourself:

Sean spicer crashes the emmys inspires endless backlash

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Brad Pitt Inspires Frank Ocean Performance at FYF Fest

Brad Pitt is so big of a Frank Ocean fan … he co-starred Saturday night in the singer’s set at FYF Fest. This video’s pretty cool … as Frank launched into his version of “Never Can Say Goodbye” by the Jackson 5, Brad appeared in the giant video…


Monday, May 8, 2017

Emma Watson Wins Gender-Neutral Award, Inspires a Nation

Emma Watson took home the first-ever gender-neutral award for Best Actor in Film and TV for her performance in Beauty and the Beast at the MTV Movie & TV Awards on Sunday evening.

Indeed, the former Harry Potter star was selected as the winner in a field that included both men and woman, walking up on stage to accept a bucket of golden popcorn before delving into a moving and inspiring speech.

"The first acting award in history that doesn"t separate nominees based on their sex says something about how we perceive the human experience," Watson told an adoring crowd.

She continued:

"MTV"s move to create a genderless award for acting will mean something different to everyone.

"But to me it indicates that acting is about the ability to put yourself in someone else"s shoes and that doesn"t need to be separated into two different categories."

It was a big night overall for Beauty and the Best, which took home the prize for Best Movie.

During her lauded speech, the 27-year old British also gave Billions actor Asia Kate Dillon a shout-out while, thanking her for educating her in an “inclusive and loving" way.

Watson went on to say it’s Belle who is the true winner in all of this.

"I think I"m being given this award because of who Belle is and what she represents," Watson concluded.

"The villagers in our fairytale wanted to make Belle believe the world was smaller than the way that she saw it, with fewer opportunities for her … I love playing someone who didn"t listen to any of that."

Does it get any better than Emma Watson?!?


Watch her full speech and prepare for ALL the feels now:

Emma watson delivers wins first ever gender neutral award gives

Friday, May 5, 2017

Prince Harry Visits Terminally Ill Children, Inspires Your Daily Cry

Prince Harry has been making a lot of news lately for his adorable relationship with Meghan Markle, and while that’s wonderful and all, we mustn’t forget that in addition to his love life, he’s also a truly great person.

Really, just the best.

He’s always taken his royal duties seriously, and he also always been great with children and animals and veterans and … well, everyone and everything.

But earlier this week, Harry took some time to visit with a couple of terminally ill children, two siblings that are suffering from Batten disease.

And it’s just the sweetest, most heartbreaking thing we’ve seen in a very long time.

Batten disease is a rare genetic disorder that affects the nervous system. People who suffer from the disease deal with seizures, problems with vision and motor function, as well as personality changes.

Eventually the disease causes patients to lose the ability to walk and talk, and eventually to breathe. It most commonly affects children, and most of those affected don’t live past the age of 12.

It sounds like a horrible, horrible disease, and six-year-old Ollie suffers from it, along with his little sister, Amelia.

But thankfully, Harry was able to bond with the two children, and it sounds like his visit meant a lot to them.

On Ollie’s Facebook page, his parents explained that last October, the little boy won The Most Inspirational Child award at the Wellchild Awards, and while he was there, he met Harry.

“What happened that day was truly magical,” they wrote, “Ollie used all of his strength to stand on two feet to give Prince Harry a huge hug.”

“We truly believe in that moment a bond was made between Ollie and Prince Harry.”

Shortly after the awards ceremony, Ollie and Amelia were approved to try a new experimental treatment for the disease, and they wrote a letter to Harry about it.

They also thanked him “for giving our son the strength to stand when we thought this was no longer possible.”

On Tuesday, the children were at a hospital getting that treatment when Harry stopped by for a visit.

Their parents wrote that “For an hour Prince Harry sat with us talking and playing with our children, laughing and making memories, The very thing our children want the most in life, to be happy and having fun.”

“We feel so much pride knowing that Ollie and Amelia are touching the lives of the people they meet, with their love and strength.”

“The love, the support and the laughter within that treatment room on Tuesday will stay with us forever.”

“From the bottom of our hearts,” they continued, “we thank Prince Harry for his support, his time and his kindness towards our family and our journey with Batten Disease.”

“It was truly incredible to watch him with our children and to have the opportunity to talk with him about our journey with Battens.”

Since the family shared their story and their precious photos, so many people have been moved by it all.

Many of them have compared Harry to his mother, the late Princess Diana, and it’s easy to see why.

That Meghan Markle sure did land herself a catch, didn’t she?


Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Kate Upton Performs as Britney Spears, Inspires Nostalgic Erections

Kate Upton appears on Spike TV"s Lip Sync Battle this week, and from what we"ve seen, there are few words that can describe her performance:

Boob-tacular. Booberiffic. Boob-tastic.

You get the idea.

Kate Upton has giant boobs, and she"s not afraid to put them to good use.

So when we first learned that Kate would be appearing on Lip Sync Battle, we imagined it would be a jiggly affair.

But we had no idea what was in store …

Kate decided to take the opportunity to pay tribute to pop goddess Britney Spears, who these days appears to have achieved full-blown icon status at the age of 35.

Obviously, Kate had many Britney personas to choose from:

She could"ve come out draped in a snake, dressed in a form-fitting flight attendant"s uniform, or dragging a bloated Kevin Federline on her coattails.

Hell, she could"ve shaved her head and come out swinging an umbrella!

The possibilities are endless.

Fortunately for us, Kate decided to go old-school. Literally.

She squeezed into a school uniform that"s almost certainly fraught with dress code violations in order to bounce around to the tune of Brit"s first hit, "… Baby One More Time."

The effect is so stunning you may not even notice that Ricky Martin is in the background not wearing any pants.

Seriously, though, what the hell happened to Ricky"s pants?

At this rate, the next season of Lip Sync Battle will be on Cinemax at 3 am.

Check out a preview of Kate"s performance in the clip below:

Kate upton performs as britney spears inspires nostalgic erectio

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Nicki Minaj Inspires Fans After Passing Aretha!!! (VIDEO)

Nicki Minaj stopped in her tracks Monday night to inspire her fans … in the wake of eclipsing Aretha Franklin as the woman with the most Billboard Hot 100 Songs of all time. The rapper was surrounded by hordes of fans outside her…


Monday, March 6, 2017

Justin Timberlake Inspires a Nation with iHeartRadio Speech

Justin Timberlake won the very first trophy on Sunday night at the iHeartRadio Music Awards.

He then went on to deliver a first-rate acceptance speech.

Upon taking the stage to pick up his prize for Song of the Year, Timberlake said the following about Can"t Stop the Feeling:

“I wrote this song because I wanted it to be about inclusion, about being together."

Meaning what, exactly? And to whom, precisely, was he directing this important message?

Continued Timberlake by way of moving explanation:

“If you are black or you are brown or you are gay or you are lesbian or you are trans – or maybe you’re just a sissy singing boy from Tennessee.

"Anyone that is treating you unkindly, it is only because they are afraid or they have been taught to be afraid of how important you are because being different means you make the difference.

So f-ck ’em."

Seriously, people. If others don"t like you for simply being you… we agree. F-ck em.

Timberlake has been having a rather great couple of weeks.

He opened the 2017 Academy Awards with this same catchy song and he spent Friday celebrating Jessica Biel‘s 35th birthday on with a sweet Instagram post and rollerskating party.

“You make me laugh. You make me smile. You make me LOVE. You make me want to be BETTER. Speaking of, it doesn’t get any BETTER than you,” Timberlake captioned a selfie of the couple, adding:

“Now, I know for sure that it’s BETTER to be lucky than good. Ask me who the luckiest guy in the world is and I will tell you that you are looking at him. Happy Birthday, my heart.”

Sheesh, man. Come on.

It"s not enough for you to be very talented and handsome? You also must be romantic and inspiring?!?

Check out JT"s outstanding iHeartRadio Music Awards speech below:

Justin timberlake inspires us all with iheartradio music awards

Monday, February 27, 2017

Epic Oscars Flub Inspires Internet: See the Best Memes!

It was the Gaffe Heard and Seen and Laughed at "Round the World.

To wrap up the 2017 Academy Awards, Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway were handed the wrong envelope.

As a result, they announced La La Land as Best Picture… only for the cast and crew to take to the stage and be told that an epic mistake had occurred. 

The winner was actually Moonlight.

In response, director Barry Jenkins was handed the trophy and gave a speech – and the Internet sprung into action!

Here"s a look at the most hilarious memes this stunning mistake inspired shortly after it was made:

1. A True Stunner

A true stunner

We did NOT see this coming.

2. Like Half the Internet Did This

Like half the internet did this

But it had to be one.

3. This Also Had to Be Done

This also had to be done

Why is Beyonce always getting robbed?!?

4. Beyonce?!?


What about Amy Adams?!?

5. A-HA!

A ha

Now it all makes sense.

6. Better Late Than Never

Better late than never

We never stopped believing in you, Elle Woods.

View Slideshow

Monday, June 27, 2016

Jesse Williams Inspires Us All with BET Awards Speech

Jesse Williams may not have been a household name prior to the 2016 BET Awards.

He"s grown in popularity as a key cast member on Grey"s Anatomy, but he"s still flown under the Hollywood radar for the most part.

That"s because Williams is more likely to help out with an important cause then have lunch at The Grove…

… but that"s also why he was honored at the aforementioned ceremony.

In accepting the Humanitarian Award, Williams earned a standing ovation, thanking both his parents and his wife before dedicating his award to “the real organizers all over the country,” those he said are realizing that “a system built to divide and impoverish and destroy us cannot stand if we do.”

The actor continued:

"The more we learn about who we are and how we got here, the more we will mobilize,” prior to acknowleding black women, “who have spent their lives dedicated to nurturing everyone before themselves. We can and will do better for you."

Williams worked as a history teacher before he started acting.

He"s a member of the board of directors at both The Advancement Project (a national civil rights organization) and Sankofa, a social justice organization founded by Harry Belafonte.

The latter works to unite artists and grassroot partners to elevate the voices of the disenfranchised.

Freedom is always coming in the hereafter. But, you know what, the hereafter is a hustle. We want it now," Williams said, concluding as follows:

We’ve been floating this country on credit for centuries and we’re done watching and waiting while this invention called whiteness uses and abuses us, burying black people – out of sight and out of mind – while extracting our culture, our dollars, our entertainment like oil, black gold, ghettoizing and demeaning our creations then stealing them, gentrifying our genius and then trying us on like costumes before discarding our bodies like rinds of strained fruit.

The thing is though… the thing is that just because we’re magic doesn’t mean we’re not real.

Beautiful stuff. Inspiring stuff.

Watch the full speech below.

Jesse williams bet awards speech

Friday, June 24, 2016

Beyonce Inspires Most Epic Prom Entrance of All-Time

Azja Frazier has officially raised the prom bar.

In a video that has gone viral for totally awesome and understandable reasons, this high school student eschewed the concept of simple photos with her prom date prior to the pair leaving for their big dance.

Instead, she adorned her porch with black and yellow column balloons… she rolled out a red carpet… she called a huge audience to her yard… and she enlisted two of her friends to imitate the choreography from Beyonce"s "Formation" music video.

The footage was shared on dancer’s Floyd D. Wimberly Facebook page and has racked up over three million views in just a couple days.

Wimberly is at the center of the footage, emerging through fringe in white pants and a black top.

After several seconds, he launches into Bey"s "Formation" choreography, nailing every move perfectly, prior to walking down the steps to make room for a second dancer.

Eventually, Frazier herself makes a smoke-filled entrance.

And it"s awesome!

The teenage, who lives in Illinois, told BuzzFeed News she hired Wimberly after seeing some of his dances online.

According to his Facebook page, he"s done the "Formation" prom entrance at least twice before, and has also performed Bey"s "Diva" for a sendoff.

"I wanted something to entertain my guests while they were waiting on me to come out," Frazier told BuzzFeed.

"Also, I loved the song and I felt like it was a moment when I slayed … I felt like it was my day to shine."

It totally was, Azja. And shine you did!

Check out the impressive footage below:

Student makes like beyonce for epic prom entrance

Friday, June 10, 2016

Disabled Woman Shares Bikini Photo, Inspires a Nation

It’s been a good week for inspiring bikini photos.

A few days ago, we shared the story of a plus-size blogger who is very proud of her figure… as she ought to be.

And now we’re equally excited to bring you the story of Aimee Copeland.

You’re going to want to stand up and applaud for this one…

Based on her Facebook biography, Copeland was injured in a tragic zip lining accident when she was a graduate student going after her Master’s degree.

What made this accident so unusual and unfortunate was that Aimee’s open leg wound became infected with a flesh-eating bacteria.

As a result, Copeland lost her left leg, her right foot and both of her hands.

She had to undergo months of surgeries and rehabilitation, not to mention the mental toll such a physical problem brings along with it.

Fast forward to today and Copeland is getting her second Master’s degree in Social Work … she’s working as a disabilities activist … and she’s putting her money where her mouth is.

Or, to be more accurate, she’s putting her unique body on display for all to see.

Copeland shared the above photo on Facebook and wrote as a caption along with it:

It has taken me a long time to become comfortable with and accept my new body. We are ALL made with imperfections and there is so much beauty in our flaws.

The scars and skin grafting build character! It’s not about what you have — what you do with what you have is what really counts.

What can we even add to this?

Except to say: please, Internet, gives us more bikini photos such as this and fewer of Kim Kardashian telling us how she got her body back.

We’ll also accept bikini bodies such as this…

… or such as this:

Monday, February 15, 2016

Blac Chyna Inspires Rob Kardashian to Launch Clothing Line

On Valentine’s Day, Rob Kardashian showered Blac Chyna with presents, but sources say she’s given him something far more valuable: a renewed sense of purpose.

You might remember that before he became the reclusive Kardashian, Rob was designing a line of high-end socks for men.

Hey, everyone needs a storyline for their reality show career goals, right?

Rob kinda got away from the sock game around the time he decided to devote his life to drinking, smoking pot and playing video games, but apparently, Blac has inspired him to get back in the game in a big way.

Not only is Blac advertising for Rob’s socks the best way she knows how (with her ass), she’s also inspired him to expand hs Arthur George collection into a fashion line.

According to TMZ, Rob has filed legal documents to expand production and start designing belts, coats, dresses, headwear, jackets, tuxedos and underwear.

Yes, like Blac Chyna, you’ll soon be able to have Rob Kardashian all over your entire body.

Rob filed the papers just a few days after the world learned he was hooking up with Blac, so it seems she’s at least partially responsible for his return to the fashion world.

Obviously, it remains to be seen if the venture will be successful, but Rob’s family is reportedly thrilled that he’s getting back into the game.

This relationship isn’t such a bad thing after all.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Terminally-Ill High Student Inspires a School, Nation

Prepare to shed all the tears, Hollywood Gossip readers.

All thanks to an 18-year-old named Jake Bailey.

A week before the senior high school student was scheduled to give a speech at his graduation in New Zealand, he was diagnosed with Burkitt"s non-Hodgkin"s lymphoma, a fast-growing form of cancer.

Despite this grim prognosis, however, the Senior Monitor (equivalent to Class President in America) left his hospital bed, climbed into his wheelchair and delivered words of moving wisdom to teacher and classmates at Christchurch Boy"s High School assembly.

"I wrote a speech, and a week before I was due to deliver this speech tonight they said, "You"ve got cancer," " he said from a wheelchair, continuing:

"They said, "If you don"t get any treatment within the next three weeks, you"re going to die." Then they told me I wouldn"t be here tonight to deliver this speech."

Principal Nic Hill was prepared to give Bailey’s speech on the teenager’s behalf, but it turned out this wasn’t necessary.

"Here"s the thing, none of us get out of life alive, so be gallant, be great, be gracious and be grateful for the opportunities you have," Bailey said.

"We don"t know where we might end up, or when we might end up. 

"The future is truly in our hands. Forget about long term dreams, lets be passionately dedicated to the pursuit of short term goals."

These would be inspiring words coming from anyone, let alone coming from a brave young man basically on his deathbed.

The senior finished his speech with the school"s motto, "Altiora Peto," which translates to "I seek higher things."

Watch now. Prepare to cry. And be amazed at how those in attendance pay tribute to Bailey upon completition of his speech.

God bless you, Jake Bailey.

Terminally ill high school student delivers moving speech

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"Kardashian Curse" Inspires Memes, Jokes About Kanye West

As you’ve probably heard by now, Lamar Odom nearly died from a drug overdose last week and is currently undergoing extensive physical therapy 

Less than 24 hours after that shocking news broke, we learned that Scott Disick checked into rehab for the sixth time.

The two incidents are probably unrelated, but they’ve led to jokes, speculation, blog posts and memes about the ways in which the Kardashians seem to ruin men’s lives

It’s ridiculous to think that the women themselves have such a negative impact on the lives of downtrodden dudes like Scott, Lamar and Rob Kardashian, but the guys’ issues may have a common bond.

Perhaps these guys just had trouble coping with the fame and scrutiny that accompanied their involvement with “America’s first family.”

Whatever the case, folks on social media are having a field day with memes like this:

That one was stolen posted to Instagram by famed hack/joke thief The Fat Jew. It’s just one example of the newest form of Kardashian-bashing.

Ragging on the Kardasdhians is one of the Internet’s favorite pastimes, and we would never try to put a stop to it, but if this “Kardashian Curse” trend is to continue, it’s important to keep a few things clear:

  1. Caitlyn’s life was not ruined. She seems to be doing just fine. Don’t be D-bags, y’all.

  2. Scott and Lamar almost certainly suffered from substance abuse issues before they got romantically involved with members of the Kard clan. In fact, Kourtney and Khloe deserve credit for expressing their concern and offering help even after their relationships were through.

  3. Kanye will be just fine. You can see the dude’s ego from space. We can’t be certain about Tyga.

  4. Rob Kardashian probably suffers from depression. Yes, the constant glare of the reality show spotlight almost certainly isn’t helping his condition, but it’s not like his sisters are planning a two-hour special where they repeatedly bash his testicles with a sledgehammer.

Although come to think of it, that would probably pull in bigger ratings and be less painful to watch than Kim and Kris Humphries’ wedding.

Anyway, fame ruining people’s lives is nothing new, and the Kardashian gals aren’t to blame for their men’s recent misfortunes, but that doesn’t mean you can’t joke about the idea. Hell, we sure did: