Monday, March 6, 2017

Justin Timberlake Inspires a Nation with iHeartRadio Speech

Justin Timberlake won the very first trophy on Sunday night at the iHeartRadio Music Awards.

He then went on to deliver a first-rate acceptance speech.

Upon taking the stage to pick up his prize for Song of the Year, Timberlake said the following about Can"t Stop the Feeling:

“I wrote this song because I wanted it to be about inclusion, about being together."

Meaning what, exactly? And to whom, precisely, was he directing this important message?

Continued Timberlake by way of moving explanation:

“If you are black or you are brown or you are gay or you are lesbian or you are trans – or maybe you’re just a sissy singing boy from Tennessee.

"Anyone that is treating you unkindly, it is only because they are afraid or they have been taught to be afraid of how important you are because being different means you make the difference.

So f-ck ’em."

Seriously, people. If others don"t like you for simply being you… we agree. F-ck em.

Timberlake has been having a rather great couple of weeks.

He opened the 2017 Academy Awards with this same catchy song and he spent Friday celebrating Jessica Biel‘s 35th birthday on with a sweet Instagram post and rollerskating party.

“You make me laugh. You make me smile. You make me LOVE. You make me want to be BETTER. Speaking of, it doesn’t get any BETTER than you,” Timberlake captioned a selfie of the couple, adding:

“Now, I know for sure that it’s BETTER to be lucky than good. Ask me who the luckiest guy in the world is and I will tell you that you are looking at him. Happy Birthday, my heart.”

Sheesh, man. Come on.

It"s not enough for you to be very talented and handsome? You also must be romantic and inspiring?!?

Check out JT"s outstanding iHeartRadio Music Awards speech below:

Justin timberlake inspires us all with iheartradio music awards