Showing posts with label HARSH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HARSH. Show all posts

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Justice League Reviews Are In. And They"re Hilariously Harsh.

Justice League is a failure on pretty much every level.

That basically sums the take of movie critics around the country.

In short, the film is terrible.

This probably doesn"t come as a major shock to anyone who has seen the Justice League trailer or followed the behind-the-scenes problems that have plagued production.

But you should still scroll down to see just how negative the reviews actually are…

1. The Ringer:

The ringer

Justice League is another attempt to course-correct what some believe were [Zach] Snyder’s botched early entries in the DC universe… The movie wants to be grand, it wants to be fun, but in the end, it’s just another loud, lifeless, high-tech bore

2. Us Weekly:

Us weekly

If a D.C. universe movie is truly going to triumph, it needs to add something fresh to the genre. The sight of well-muscled, costumed superheroes standing in a line ready to take charge doesn’t have the same oomph as it did five years ago. Bring on the excitement and the death-defying thrills and kooky humor for the sequel. After all, nothing is more frustrating than a big-budget extravaganza that just flies by night.

3. New York Times:

New york times

The movie shows a series that’s still finding its footing as well as characters who, though perhaps not yet as ostensibly multidimensional as Marvel’s, may be more enduring (and golden). It has justice, and it has banter. And while it could have used more hanging out, more breeziness, it is a start.

4. Vanity Fair:

Vanity fair

I could be projecting, but boy does poor Gal Gadot look so sad in Justice League, watching this lumbering and witless movie lay waste to the nice thing she just got finished making. It really is a shame. What a dumb irony, to end this movie, of all movies, on a note of bitter injustice like that.

5. The Verge:

The verge

On a moment-to-moment basis, though, Justice League often feels fractured. Whedon’s reshoots are sometimes painfully obvious, as when Flash and Cyborg share a brief personal moment in a graveyard that looks as cheap as a first-season Buffy the Vampire Slayer set. While those scenes can seem roughly interpolated and out-of-place, though, they often offer the film’s most meaningful character moments and flashes of humor and humanity. A quick gag involving Aquaman reveals more about him than the entire rest of the film’s two-hour runtime.

6. Chicago Tribune:

Chicago tribune

The dialogue is painful. [Ezra] Miller’s neurotic routine is initially quite charming, until his one-liners become incredibly cheesy and tired. Aquaman peppers his speech with many dude-brah phrases, while Cyborg, regrettably, utters “boo-yah” at one point.

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Monday, September 18, 2017

Sean Spicer Crashes Emmys, Inspires Harsh Backlash

Stephen Colbert opened the 2017 Emmy Awards with a musical number, prior to welcoming the audience to the annual celebration of television and then calling out…

… Sean Spicer?!?

Yes, former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

The ex-Donald Trump lackey has grown into somewhat of a minor celebrity party due to the many lies he told from the administration podium and partly due to Melissa McCarthy"s popular impression of him on Saturday Night Live.

He appeared in this case after Colbert lamented how difficult it is to gauge these days just how many people watch a show.

“Sean,” he called out, “do you know?”

Enter Spicer and his podium.

“This will be the largest audience to witness an Emmys, period, both in person and around the world!” Spicer announced, over hoots and hollers of the Emmy attendees.

This, of course, was a reference to Spicer’s own statement about PresidentTrump’s inaugural crowd size during his first White House press briefing in January.

Photos depicted a sparse gathering, but the Commander-in-Chief insisted otherwise.

“This was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration — period — both in person and around the globe," said Spicer at the time.

Was this cameo unexpected? Yes.

Was it funny? To some.

Was it controversial? Heck yes.

Spicer was simply doing a job as Press Secretary, taking orders from his boss like so many others around the world.

But he also flat out lied to the American people and misled residents on issues of national importance… over and over and over again.

So now he just gets to enjoy the life of celebrity and even mock the type of manipulative, deceptive, shady, secretive administration that he played a major role in creating?

Many on the Internet were NOT having that…

Do you agree with these critiques?

Does Spicer deserve a second chance? Was he never especially guilty of anything in the first place, so there"s no need for any kind of second chance?

Are critics overreacting? Or was this an example of egregious impropriety on the part of Emmy producers?

Watch the segment and then decide for yourself:

Sean spicer crashes the emmys inspires endless backlash

Friday, May 13, 2016

Kendra Wilkinson on Holly Madison Rant: Sorry For Being Harsh ... But I"m Not Wrong!

Kendra Wilkinson railed against Holly Madison in a series of crazy NSFW tweets this week, and while she’s sorry for having done that …

That’s not the same as taking back what she said. FYI.

This week saw the renewal of one of Hollywood’s most heated and long-running beefs between two of Hugh Hefner’s former girlfriends.

Short version: Holly Madison has come out with a book, and a massive press blitz, in which she portrays Hugh and Playboy unfavorably.

K-Dubs, meanwhile, remains firmly on #TeamHef.

After hearing that Madison lived in fear at the Playboy Mansion (according to Madison), Wilkinson took to Twitter and just went OFF.

Holly, who was with Hefner from 2001-08 and spent much of that time as his “#1” girl, is just bitter and yearning to cash in, says Kendra.

Wilkinson has long maintained this in defense of Hef, whom she also dated. But she went a whole hell of a lot further this time around.

In Kendra’s view, Holly is Hef’s hoe and just bitter about being the “clean up girl” who was responsible for having to “get Hef hard again.”

Seriously, she said this. Word for word and many more too.

“Holly’s job was to get Hef hard again and clean him up with her mouth,” Wilkinson tweeted. “That bitch is in fear now.”

“Knowing so many of us saw her doing some nasty s–t.”

“She’s embarrassed and in shame. She was the clean up girl.” 

“Now Holly is on cover of People mag sayin she lived in fear at the mansion,” Kendra’s social media diatribe continued.

“She wasn’t in fear with that d–k in her ass for a paycheck.” 

Wow. Kendra, who previously said Madison took it in the wrong hole, deleted these tweets and apologized, but didn’t take it back either.

Rather, she continued to defend her ex with zero regrets.

“I felt the need to respond because I feel like she thinks … she can just get away with it [being just] her side,” Kendra tells Us.

I have a right to respond to what I believe. I saw her everyday with Hef and what is being told is not what I saw. He’s done nothing wrong.”

“No one is going to stick up for Hef. … I have to be the one. I don’t really care what she says about me, but it’s how she paints the mansion.

“It’s making me mad. So many women, thousands of women, are so appreciative of Hef and so happy that Hef gave them their chance.”

“It just makes me mad that she wants to move on but she keeps writing stuff about the mansion. … I’m going to fight for Hef. That’s my job.

“She lived at the Playboy Mansion, people, not a church.”

Madison’s response? Saying she doesn’t wish to be in a fight where “one woman lives to demoralize and degrade another woman.”

“For those with unresolved issues, therapy works.”

Friday, April 29, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Photo of Son Kaiser Draws HARSH Criticism

Jenelle Evans may not be winning any Mother of the Year Awards in the near future (Hell, she may not even be winning any custody battles!), but when it comes to trolling celebs on social media, it’s important to adhere to strict Mafia rules and leave kids and civilians out of it.

Unfortunately, some of Jenelle’s followers violated the unwritten code of comments section conduct when she posted this photo of her 1-year-old son Kaiser on Instagram yesterday:

Things started out with the usual concern trolling:

“I just can’t with this ‘life vest’! Also being from Canada these aren’t regulated or approved. Maybe we care about our kids here more in Canada.”

Yes, Jenelle even brings out the rudeness in Canadians. That’s how hated this girl is!

Several commenters pointed out that lil Kai is actually sporting US Coast Guard-approved flotation devices, but the floodgates of hate had already been opened – and that’s when things got really ugly:

“Why is he so huge?!” wrote one follower.

“Because Jenelle stuffs him with food/bottles when she doesn’t want to deal with him….which is often… And he should’ve lost that weight by now if he was an active baby,” another responded.

Yep. Things really got that ugly that fast.

Look, we love making fun of Jenelle. We do it just about every day.

But her daily insanity gives us so more than enough to work with, so we really don’t understand the need to attack her kids.

So please, stick to Jenelle’s many arrests, her awful taste in men, her hilariously dysfunctional relationship with her mother, heck – even her own crappy parenting!

Just don’t drag her kids into it.

Jenelle Evans: Photo of Son Kaiser Draws HARSH Criticism

Jenelle Evans may not be winning any Mother of the Year Awards in the near future (Hell, she may not even be winning any custody battles!), but when it comes to trolling celebs on social media, it’s important to adhere to strict Mafia rules and leave kids and civilians out of it.

Unfortunately, some of Jenelle’s followers violated the unwritten code of comments section conduct when she posted this photo of her 1-year-old son Kaiser on Instagram yesterday:

Things started out with the usual concern trolling:

“I just can’t with this ‘life vest’! Also being from Canada these aren’t regulated or approved. Maybe we care about our kids here more in Canada.”

Yes, Jenelle even brings out the rudeness in Canadians. That’s how hated this girl is!

Several commenters pointed out that lil Kai is actually sporting US Coast Guard-approved flotation devices, but the floodgates of hate had already been opened – and that’s when things got really ugly:

“Why is he so huge?!” wrote one follower.

“Because Jenelle stuffs him with food/bottles when she doesn’t want to deal with him….which is often… And he should’ve lost that weight by now if he was an active baby,” another responded.

Yep. Things really got that ugly that fast.

Look, we love making fun of Jenelle. We do it just about every day.

But her daily insanity gives us so more than enough to work with, so we really don’t understand the need to attack her kids.

So please, stick to Jenelle’s many arrests, her awful taste in men, her hilariously dysfunctional relationship with her mother, heck – even her own crappy parenting!

Just don’t drag her kids into it.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Famous Instagram Teen Exposes Harsh Realities of Modeling

We live in a world where filters and apps can alter our appearance to perfection with just the swipe of a finger, convoluting our concept of beauty and reality.

But one Instagram celebrity teen is using the social media site to expose the truth.

Australian model Essena O’Neill took once used Instagram to post bikini pictures of herself.  But now she is using the very site to reveal the staged nature of many Instagram photos.

“I found myself drowning in the illusion,” O’Neill wrote on her new site, Let’s Be Game Changers. 

“Social media isn’t real. It’s purely contrived images and edited clips ranked against each other. It’s a system based on social approval, likes and dislikes, validation in views, success in followers … it’s perfectly orchestrated judgement. And it consumed me.”

“A 15 year old girl that calorie restricts and excessively exercises is not goals. Anyone addicted to social media fame like I once was, is not in a conscious state.”

Since opening up about the realities of modeling and social media, she has deleted thousand of posts.  She has even changed the captions on the remaining photos to explain the truth behind the pics.

One caption says,  “NOT REAL LIFE – took over 100 in similar poses trying to make my stomach look good. Would have hardly eaten that day. Would have yelled at my little sister to keep taking them until I was somewhat proud of this. Yep so totally #goals”

In another she wrote, ”NOT REAL LIFE – I didn’t pay for the dress, took countless photos trying to look hot for Instagram, the formal made me feel incredibly alone.”

O’Neill also shared the secret about brand deals:  “Was paid $ 400 to post a dress. That’s when I had maybe 150k followers, with half a million followers, I know of many online brands (with big budgets) that pay up to $ 2000 per post. 

She added, “Nothing is wrong with accepting brand deals. I just think it should be known. This photo had no substance, it was not of ethical manufacturing (I was uneducated at the time). SOCIAL MEDIA IS NOT REAL is my point. Be aware what people promote, ask yourself, what’s their intention behind the photo?”

Her expose’ on social media and modeling then took an emotional turn: “The only thing that made me feel good that day was this photo. How deeply depressing. Having a toned body is not all we as human beings are capable of.”

“This is what I like to call a perfectly contrived candid shot. Nothing is candid about this. While yes going for a morning jog and ocean swim before school was fun,” she wrote.

“I felt the strong desire to pose with my thighs just apart #thighgap boobs pushed up #vsdoublepaddingtop and face away because obviously my body is my most likeable asset. Like this photo for my efforts to convince you that I’m really really hot #celebrityconstruct”

Then, she reminded us of another truly disturbing fact. That thousands of Instagram users were ogling her body—her underage, 16-year-old body.  

She wrote, ”and yet another photo taken purely to promote my 16 year old body. This was my whole identity. That was so limiting. Made me incredibly insecure. You have no idea.”

O’Neill has quit modeling and social-media sponsorships.  She is hoping to use her new site to spread healthier values of environment preservation, veganism, and “being present.”