Showing posts with label Wrong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wrong. Show all posts

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Kenny Smith Scottie Pippen"s Wrong Zion Shouldn"t Sit Out!


require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Kenny Smith Scottie Pippen"s Wrong Zion Shouldn"t Sit Out!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston: Where Did It Go Wrong?!?

It is, perhaps not shockingly, all over for Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston.

The singer and actor, whose coupling dominated celebrity gossip headlines all summer, have reportedly ended their relationship.

What went wrong?

How did a couple that seemed either so in love or so contrived (depending on who you asked) fizzle out after months of PDA and even talk of marriage?

“It was an amicable split,” an insider tells People Magazine of the Swiddleston dissolution.

It also should maybe not be a surprising one, considering Taylor and Tom had not been spotted out together since they had dinner in Santa Monica on July 27.

Heck, just a few days prior to this confirmation, THG reported that Hiddleston had had enough of Swift.

The romance between the singing sensation and The Avengers actor – who is nine years her senior – went viral on June 15 when photos of the celebrities frolicking on the beach in Rhode Island covered The Sun.

By frolicking, of course, we mean that the stars got to at least first base for all of the world to see and gawk over.

This kiss-filled interaction took place just weeks after Swift broke up with Calvin Harris, her previous long-term boyfriend.

There was talk soon afterward that Swift actually cheated on Harris with Hiddleston, but that scandal has never been proven.

Within weeks of swapping spit and maybe other bodily fluids, the pair met each other’s families.

They also celebrated July Fourth together and were spotted around the world; from Italy to Australia.

As is so often the case with Swift, sources claimed she thought she had found The One in Hiddleston.

So … what happened?

“Taylor felt he wanted to take the relationship to be too public,” a source told E! News. “And she was not happy about it and thought it was too much publicity.”

Wait, what?!? Taylor Swift did NOT want to make a big, public deal out of her relationship?

What will you tell us next, that Chris Brown is kind and sensitive when it comes to women?

This revelation is particularly stunning because most have assumed Swift was the one who both pushed hard to hook up with Hiddleston…

… and then who pushed even harder to make sure the entire world knew about it.

An endless array of critics accused the stars of faking their relationship for PR purposes, although it was never clear why Swift would do this.

For starters, she’s the latest celebrity who needs to fake anything for PR purposes. She’s already the biggest-selling artist on the planet.

Second, IF Taylor Swift were thinking about her image, wouldn’t she abstain from a relationship with a fellow celebrity?

The one consistent knock on Swift is that she dates around and that she only dates a certain type of famous person.

So no one has yet been able to explain what possible advantage there would be for her to shove this romance in the world’s face.

Swift, meanwhile, hasn’t released any new music since she and Calvin Harris got together in early 2015.

We doubt she’ll comment at all on her break up any time soon, at least not in straightforward fashion.

But if she sings at all about a “low-key”* relationship on her next album, we think we know exactly who it will be about.

(*Get it? Because Hiddleston portrays Loki on the big screen?)

What do you think of Taylor and Tom calling it quits? Did you see this coming? Do you believe that he was the one who wanted to make things more public?


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Florida Woman Seeks Revenge on Ex, Sets Wrong Car on Fire

Lesson number-one in seeking revenge against an ex-boyfriend or an ex-girlfriend you believed once wronged you:

Make sure you know what car they drive.

To be clear, we"re not advocating that you commit an act of violence against this car.

It would probably be best for you to just accept whatever happened in the past, move on and learn from it.

But IF you were unable to do that, and IF you had it in your head that setting your ex-lover"s vehicle ablaze was a justifiable response to whatever he or she did…

… well, then please refer to lesson number-one.

Make sure you know what car this individual drives.

Otherwise, you are both committing a crime and failing to make it worthwhile. You"re also hurting an innocent bystander in the process.

Just ask Carmen Chamblee. This 19-year old resident of Clearwater, Florida was actually caught on surveillance camera setting fire to a car.

She thought it was her ex-boyfriend"s car.

But she was mistaken.

Chamblee allegedly used a rag and flammable liquid to start the fire and then tossed in random items to stoke the flame.

The Clearwater Police Department arrested the misguided teenager for second-degree arson and booked her to the Pinellas County Jail.

It then shared the following video on its Facebook page, along with the following caption:

"Remember this arsonist caught on tape last weekend torching a car? She"s in custody now.

"Thanks to all who called and wrote in with various tips. Her name is Carmen Chamblee and she has been charged with second-degree arson and will be booked in to the Pinellas County Jail.

"A Pinellas County Sheriff"s Office deputy spotted her this morning just south of Clearwater."

You can actually see Chamblee commit her act of insanity/revenge/arson below:

Florida woman seeks revenge on ex boyfriend sets wrong car on fi

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Adrian Grenier on Courtney Robertson Penis Claim: She Ain"t Wrong!

Adrian Grenier of Entourage fame says former flame Courtney Robertson isn’t wrong when she said his package is … well, a package.

The actor, 40, dated Robertson, 33, before the model went on to appear on – and win – ABC’s The Bachelor during Ben Flajnik’s season.

Robertson turned Season 16 (airing in 2012) into her own personal juicy melodrama, seducing Flajnik and alienating everyone else.

She and Ben stayed engaged for a decent length of time, but ultimately called things off – with no love lost between them, as it turned out.

Courtney then went on to wrote I Didn’t Come Here to Make Friends: Confessions of a Reality Show villain, and put the all in tell-all.

In addition to talking about reverse cowgirling Flajnik (seriously) in the Fantasy Suite, she dished on her past lovers, including Grenier.

The “‘sweet but non-committal” actor, she wrote, “had the biggest dick she’s ever seen,” and well, Adrian says at least she spoke facts.

In interview on Bravo’s Watch What Happens Live, when host Andy Cohen reminded him of that memorable quote, he addressed it.

“I was just glad she got the size right,” Adrian quipped.

“And she’s seen a couple of them, huh.”

Oooh, burn. She asked for it, though.

While other celebrities may have been embarrassed by that kind of exposure, the fan favorite hunk says he tries to take it all in stride.

His rationale for that is pretty simple:

“You’re always on the edge of your seat waiting for something bad to be revealed about you and then every once in a while, it’s not so bad.”

It’s true. Could have been a lot worse.

Robertson also dated actor Jesse Metcalfe, who she called an “alcoholic” and nothing special in bed. Yup, just plain mediocre, she says:

“I wish I could say that we were the greatest lovers since Christian Grey and Ana Steele. But I can’t lie. The sex was pretty average.”

“Jesse needed a lot of reassurance.” 

A makeout sesh between Joshua Jackson and Michelle Williams on Dawson’s Creek was her sexual awakening, in case you were wondering.

“I put my hand down south and went to town,” she says. “Emboldened by erotic discovery, I masturbated every night for the next – well forever.”

Hilariously, Courtney reveals in cringe-worthy fashion, “I was paddling the pink canoe so much my hand was getting cramped.”

She had slept with about 15 men at the time of her memoir’s publication. Who knows how many (un)lucky souls have paddled that canoe since.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

William and Kate: 16 Times The Tabloids Got It Wrong

The weekly rags pride themselves on a really captivating cover, especially when it comes to covering the royals.  

If you use a gold sticker stating that either the Duchess of Cambridge or the palace confirms something, then it has to be real, right?

Don"t forget Photoshopping crowns on to William and Catherine to prepare the world for their ascension to the throne.  And imagine what the $ 100 million coronation will be like!


1. In Touch – May 2011

Kates baby heartbreak

William and Catherine hadn’t been married for 4 minutes before In Touch claimed she was battling fertility issues. Classy.

2. Life & Style – July 2012

Kate middleton humilitated

Around this time, Buckingham Palace gave a refresher course on protocol and rank within the royal family. Tabloids took this to mean that the Queen was getting revenge on Catherine for being popular. Her punishment required her to curtsy to Prince William’s cousins, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie of York. HOWEVER, she only has to curtsy to the York girls if Prince William is not with her, because William outranks his cousins.

3. Star – September 2012

Kate middleton pregnant claim

Oooh, Star was so close to finally hitting its target. Prince George was presumably conceived in November of 2012, just two months after Star’s claims.

4. Life & Style – December 2012

Kate middleton twins

Yes, William and Catherine announced that she was pregnant around this time, but Catherine was only carrying Prince George. Just one prince. Single rider.

5. Star – December 2013

Kate middleton tabloid report

News is slow, everyone loves a holiday pregnancy announcement. And yet…no baby.

6. Globe – March 2014

Globe cover march 24 2014

Her Majesty was not “dying” at the time. In fact, she went on to break Queen Victoria’s record for longest reigning British monarch in history in September 2015.

View Slideshow

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Ashley Graham to Amy Schumer: What"s Wrong with Being Plus-Size!?

Ashley Graham has a bone to pick with Amy Schumer.

And it comes down to this:

The model would like to know why the comedian is not more accepting of her big-boned frame.

In April, Schumer took issue with Glamour after the magazine included her in its special edition on plus-size figures.

The cover itself even promoted the Trainwreck star, screaming for all to see:

Women Who Inspire Us: Melissa McCarthy, Adele, Amy Schumer & Ashley Graham.

However, Schumer never agreed to be among those featured in the special issue, responding negatively on Instagram and calling out Glamour for its labeling of her body.

“I think there’s nothing wrong with being plus size,” she wrote. “Beautiful healthy women. Plus size is considered size 16 in America. I go between a size 6 and an 8.”

Added Schumer at the time:

“@glamourmag put me in their plus size only issue without asking or letting me know and it doesn’t feel right to me.

“Young girls seeing my body type thinking that is plus size? What are your thoughts? Mine are not cool glamour not glamourous.”

In the August issue of Cosmopolitan, meanwhile, Graham fired back.

Considered the most famous plus-size model out there, the brunette says Schumer missed out on a chance to serve as a role model.

“I can see both sides, but Amy talks about being a big girl in the industry,” Graham explained, adding:

“You thrive on being a big girl, but when you’re grouped in with us, you’re not happy about it? That, to me, felt like a double standard.”

That is sort of true.

Schumer jokes all the time about having a less than ideal body. She doesn’t seem like the kind of person who would object to Glamour’s classification.

Graham, however, rejects the notion that she’s a “plus-size” model.

She just wants to be known as a model.

So… is she really one to talk?!?

“Just because I’m not calling myself plus size doesn’t mean I’m not representing a woman who is,” she explains.

“I’m giving curvy women a seat at a table that we’ve never been invited to before – a table with high-end fashion people who have never considered us beautiful.”

What do you think? Do you take a side in this debate?

Or are the women really just arguing over harmless semantics in the end?

Friday, June 24, 2016

Demi Lovato Wonders: What is Wrong with the World?!?

Demi Lovato is not just back on social media.

Demi Lovato is back on social media… and better than ever!

Earlier this week, the opinionated singer quit Twitter and Instagram.

She was a bit vague at the time regarding the basis for her departure, but it seemed to come down to idiot trolls saying stupid things and ignoring all the good work Demi has been doing, such as the foundation she started for mental health care.

It’s not difficult to see Twitter users laying into Lovato for being fat or something instead of caring about such an important cause.

A mere 24 hours later, however, Lovato said f-ck this, she’s returning to the online platforms… “more honest than ever.”

Demi tweets

And she wasn’t kidding.

Late on Thursday, Lovato made Kanye West proud by going on a rant against pretty much all of society.

She made it clear that she thinks most people have their priorities out of order, caring more about celebrity gossip than politics or world peace.

“The world is weird,” Lovato Tweeted.

“I bet our country knows more about celebrities than they know about what’s happening over seas or global warming.

“We complain about how unfair paparazzi and tabloid rumors are but still buy the magazines to find out who’s f–king who and who wore it best.”

From there, Lovato shared an actual poll on her Twitter page.

“How many people can name someone on the FBI’s top 10 most wanted list?” it asked, listing the following three options:

Demi poll

“Is it our fault though?” Demi wondered.

“Has society fed into it or is this just easy business with everyone from blogs to magazines trying to cash in? Who’s fault is it that teens can name more celebrity feuds than wars?”

There are many points of view one could take on Lovato’s diatribe here.

On one hand, she’s right of course.

It’s hypocritical for anyone to think badly about Kim Kardashian for posing naked a lot… while then buying magazines about her or following her on Instagram.

There’s clearly demand for celebrity gossip, which is why so many stars supply it.

On the other hand, Lovato is biting the hand that feeds her a bit here.

She has 41 million Instagram followers. But her logic, they should be watching CNN instead of caring about her collection of photos, right?

It seems like Demi would be singing a different tune if this actually happened to her.

Still, all that said…itis refreshing to see a celebrity at least acknowledge that there are more important issues out there than celebrities, isn’t it?

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris: What Went Wrong?!?

It seemed like Taylor Swift had finally found her perfect man, didn’t it?

After all those songs… after all that heartbreak… Swift got together with Calvin Harris in early 2015 and we’d ever seen the star so happy.

So, why did Swift and Harris just break up?

What sort of shocking event caused this singer and this DJ to end their 15-month relationship?

It wasn’t like that, multiple insiders confirm.

“There was no drama. Things just don’t work out sometimes,” a source tells People. “No one cheated.”

But then what happened?

How did Swift go from reaching out in such a loving manner for Harris at Coachella in April to no longer being his girlfriend just a few weeks late?

“[Calvin] really liked Taylor,” another source tells E! News, explaining in more detail:

“She was not the type of girl he ever dates and he liked that. He liked how innocent Taylor was and that she had a good caring heart.

“Taylor’s heart was more in it then he was. He started to lose interest over the past few months, but really tried to not just break up.”

This source also emphasizes that Harris did not cheat on Swift.

“They were just not very compatible in different areas in their relationship,” E! writes.”The touring and traveling didn’t help. It seemed like they were more friends than lovers.”

It certainly is true that busy schedules and long distances play major roles in why so many famous couples don’t work out.

Swift has been in Nashville with her family since the split went down last week.

“Taylor and Adam had no big blowout fight, but the romance just was not there anymore for them,” another insider tells E!, using Harris’ real first name.

“Adam is the one that ended it. It was all done in a very mature fashion. Taylor is pretty upset but they are still in communication.”

We won’t make any jokes about how this will provide Swift with material for her next album.

We’ll just send her our very best and hope everything works out in the end for both parties.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: What Went Wrong?!?

Just three days after Johnny Depp’s mom died, Amber Heard filed for divorce from the actor this week.

Ouch, right? Pretty harsh, no?

What could have led to Heard making such an important decision at such a difficult time?

Soon after the divorce filing was made public, a source described Heard and Depp to E! News as both being “passionate, intense and opinionated.”

Yes, these traits helped bring them together.

But they were also a constant “source of friction,” according to the insider.

Heard cited “irreconcilable differences” on her official papers, a catch-all term that reveals very little.

This, meanwhile, was Depp’s second marriage, his first coming to an end in 1985 after two years.

From there, he moved on to high-profile relationships with Winona Ryder, Kate Moss and Vanessa Paradis.

He and Paradis were a couple for nearly 14 years and have two children together, a son named Jack and and a daughter named Lily-Rose.

Depp and Heard met on the set of 2011’s The Rum Diary and got married in a civil ceremony in February of 2015.

“Because of their strong personalities they do not always see eye to eye,” the E! source added. “They are both stubborn and overly dramatic, which doesn’t help when they disagree.”

The last time we heard from Depp and Heard prior to this announcement, they were apologizing for smuggling their dogs into Australia illegally.

For its part, TMZ writes that Depp’s family did not get along well with Heard at all.

Multiple people close to the ex-couple claim that Johnny’s two kids, his two sisters and his mom “hated” Amber… and didn’t keep this opinion to themselves.

They allegedly talked about how Heard would go off on Depp and “treat him like crap.”

There was clear tension, this report states, after Depp’s mother moved into Heard and her son’s Los Angeles compound.

Betty Sue Palmer, who passed away on Sunday, told friends that her daughter-in-law was using Depp for his fame and money. She even referred to Heard as a “terrible person.”

Finally, People Magazine also has a take on the split.

That publication quotes an insider who says Heard has hesitations about marrying Depp from the very beginning.

This anonymous individual says Amber was “just a regular super cool hipster chick” prior to meeting Depp.

She nearly didn’t go through with the vow exchange.

“At their engagement party she kind of got cold feet,” the insider alleges, adding:

“She was just like ‘What is this scene and what am I doing here? She kind of couldn’t believe it was her life now.”

Well, it’s not her life anymore. And perhaps both sides will be happier in the end as a result.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Blac Chyna to Weight Haters: WTH is Wrong with You?!?

Blac Chyna has something in common with Kim Kardashian.

No, not a sex tape.

Actually, there may be a Blac Chyna sex tape. But we digress.

Chyna also has something else in common with her future sister-in-law:

Both have been the targets of cyber bullying, simply because they are growing a human being inside their womb.

Within hours of Rob Kardashian sharing a picture of Chyna and her baby bump on Instagram, the model has been forced to jump online in defense of herself.

(Yes, in this day and age, celebrities must actually defend their bodies against idiotic Internet users who give them grief for putting on pregnancy weight.)

“To all you people out there with negative comments and insecure words (obviously because you have nothing else to do but criticize the next), I AM HAVING A BABY!” Chyna wrote on social media this afternoon.

“Exactly what do you expect to see?!

“If I walked out in makeup and heels everyday to be beautiful to your means I WOULD BE MISERABLE AND UNHAPPY which are two vibes I refuse to transfer to my little one.”

Whatever you think of Blac Chyna and the Kardashians and this really weird family tree that is growing between them, we really hope our readers are on the side of the star in this case.

Who actually thinks to call a pregnant woman fat?!?

Added Chyna, in her understandable rant against weight critics:

“If I comment on ya’ll pics and go in on them tired ass weaves or unblended contours i’ll be wrong, right? It’ll be tragic!

“So stop playing and Put Some Respeck on My Name.”

A few weeks after shocking the celebrity gossip universe with their engagement news, Chyna and Rob one-upped themselves last month by confirming they are expecting a child.

He or she will likely be born this winter.

“I feel amazing, and I feel blessed,” Chyna told E! News soon after the baby news broke.

“Fortunately I haven’t been craving anything, which is like really peculiar. So crazy, right?”

Not as crazy as strangers commenting on the weight of another stranger, but yes.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Kendra Wilkinson on Holly Madison Rant: Sorry For Being Harsh ... But I"m Not Wrong!

Kendra Wilkinson railed against Holly Madison in a series of crazy NSFW tweets this week, and while she’s sorry for having done that …

That’s not the same as taking back what she said. FYI.

This week saw the renewal of one of Hollywood’s most heated and long-running beefs between two of Hugh Hefner’s former girlfriends.

Short version: Holly Madison has come out with a book, and a massive press blitz, in which she portrays Hugh and Playboy unfavorably.

K-Dubs, meanwhile, remains firmly on #TeamHef.

After hearing that Madison lived in fear at the Playboy Mansion (according to Madison), Wilkinson took to Twitter and just went OFF.

Holly, who was with Hefner from 2001-08 and spent much of that time as his “#1” girl, is just bitter and yearning to cash in, says Kendra.

Wilkinson has long maintained this in defense of Hef, whom she also dated. But she went a whole hell of a lot further this time around.

In Kendra’s view, Holly is Hef’s hoe and just bitter about being the “clean up girl” who was responsible for having to “get Hef hard again.”

Seriously, she said this. Word for word and many more too.

“Holly’s job was to get Hef hard again and clean him up with her mouth,” Wilkinson tweeted. “That bitch is in fear now.”

“Knowing so many of us saw her doing some nasty s–t.”

“She’s embarrassed and in shame. She was the clean up girl.” 

“Now Holly is on cover of People mag sayin she lived in fear at the mansion,” Kendra’s social media diatribe continued.

“She wasn’t in fear with that d–k in her ass for a paycheck.” 

Wow. Kendra, who previously said Madison took it in the wrong hole, deleted these tweets and apologized, but didn’t take it back either.

Rather, she continued to defend her ex with zero regrets.

“I felt the need to respond because I feel like she thinks … she can just get away with it [being just] her side,” Kendra tells Us.

I have a right to respond to what I believe. I saw her everyday with Hef and what is being told is not what I saw. He’s done nothing wrong.”

“No one is going to stick up for Hef. … I have to be the one. I don’t really care what she says about me, but it’s how she paints the mansion.

“It’s making me mad. So many women, thousands of women, are so appreciative of Hef and so happy that Hef gave them their chance.”

“It just makes me mad that she wants to move on but she keeps writing stuff about the mansion. … I’m going to fight for Hef. That’s my job.

“She lived at the Playboy Mansion, people, not a church.”

Madison’s response? Saying she doesn’t wish to be in a fight where “one woman lives to demoralize and degrade another woman.”

“For those with unresolved issues, therapy works.”

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

21 Best Ever Text Responses to a Wrong Number

We"ve all been there, right?

You hit SEND on a text message, only to realize that you actually texted the wrong number.

Fortunately, people such as the ones featured below exist in the world.

They"ve received these misguided text messages and replied in ways that guarantee them a place in Internet history…

1. I’m Ashley?

Im ashley

No… wait… I’m Ron Burgundy?

2. A Royal Mistake

A royal mistake

Don’t go, though! Let’s role play!

3. How YOU Doin?!?

How you doin

Oh, no. Yuck! Not you!

4. You Can’t Protect the Galaxy While Drinking!

You cant protect the galaxy while drinking

Not well, at least.

5. Down with Bieber!

Down with bieber

But up with awesome Jay-Z references!

6. Sorry, Kassidy

Sorry kassidy

But life isn’t fair sometimes.

View Slideshow

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Fake Doctor Malachi Love-Robinson: I"ve Done Nothing Wrong!

Some kid in West Palm Beach, FL managed to open up a clinic and treat patients before being arrested.

Yet, he claims he"s done nothing wrong.

Malachi Love-Robinson, who goes by "Dr. Love," declares himself a well-rounded professional whose offered treatments include food and air therapy, naturopathy, and phototherapy.

The 18-year-old supposedly holds a pHd, but he"s not gonna tell you in what.

“I do currently hold a pHd," Love-Robinson told ABC"s Matt Gutman.

"In what I don’t feel comfortable disclosing, because that is not the issue here.”

Love-Robinson is being accused of grand theft, fraud, allegedly practicing medicine without a license.  The sign on the door of his "practice" had a very important, very significant "M.D" at the end of his name, something that Gutman called out.

“That sign on the door was actually due to be changed," Love-Robinson explained.

"There are many types of degrees out there that hold the title as doctor, whether they are a physicist, or an engineer. Just because someone has the title ‘doctor’ in front of their name does not necessarily imply M.D.

"Have you had training?" Gutman asked.

"I have. I have shadowed many doctors," Love-Robinson answered.

Gutman pointed out that shadowing real doctors does not a physician make.  Med school, for example, is a requirement.

"I am not portraying as an M.D.," Love-Robinson tried to clarify.  "I never said that I’ve gone to school to be a M.D.  I have been studying this particular field for awhile," referring to photherapy, naturophathy and the like.

"It may not have been eight years, nine years, ten years. But it has long enough to, I would say, justify, um, what I do.”

An 86-year-old woman filed a criminal complaint against the Florida teen, who treated her for "severe stomach pain."

The charge for services rendered: $ 3494

"What services did you provide in exchange for that money?" Gutman asked.

"I can tell you this: Accusations are merely accusations," Love-Robinson stated.

"And, services, you’d have to define that. Whether she paid for me to just show up, that’s up to her."

Gutman was as fed up as his audience, and asked Love-Robinson, "Are you a fraud? Because it seems like everything you are saying to me is either evasive or an outright lie."

Rude, according to Love-Robinson.

"I don’t appreciate your tone. I don’t appreciate the way you’re portraying this interview to actually be," he responded.

Love-Robinson abruptly ended the interview and walked off set.

Great news, though.  Once this whole debacle clears up, "Dr. Love" plans to open another clinic!

Malachi love robinson not a real doctor despite his white coat

Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Walking Dead Preview: Rick Was Wrong

In a word? GULP!

AMC has released a new trailer for The Walking Dead Season 6 and it features Rick Grimes admitting something we never thought he would admit:

That he"s not always right.

"I thought living behind these walls was possible. I was wrong," our heroes says in the following teaser.

We last saw Rick and friends covered in walker guts, of course, attempting to do their best to salvage the remains of Alexadria.

But we also saw some of our survivors encountered by a rather mean motorcycle gang comprised of bad guys under the orders of Negan, the iconic comic book villain we"ll meet when the series returns on February 14.

He"ll be played, of course, by Jeffrey Dean Morgan, although Negan is nowhere to be seen in this preview.

Instead, we"re told that the "new world" will come with a "price," which we"d have to imagine will be the lives of various main characters.

Who will survive the season? What catastrophe awaits Rick and company? What does Negan have in store?

Those questions will start to be answered in just a few weeks.

Check out the latest trailer below and remember to visit TV Fanatic if you need to catch up and watch The Walking Dead online.

The walking dead preview rick was wrong

Monday, December 21, 2015

Steve Harvey Announces WRONG Miss Universe Winner: Watch This!

Steve Harvey announced the wrong winner of the Miss Universe 2015 pageant … then awkwardly corrected himself MINUTES later.

Seriously, you gotta see this video to truly appreciate it.

Ultimately, he crowned Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach Miss Universe, as the representative of the Philippines rightfully won the title.

But not before the Miss Universe host dramatically informed Miss Colombia, Ariadna Gutierrez, that she"d come out on top. 

And watched her celebrate and cry all the tears of joy.

The field had been narrowed to just these final two, one of whom would be named Miss Universe and the other first runner-up.

Perhaps the term "first runner-up" threw Steve off? Who the heck knows, but in any case, he named Miss Colombia THE WINNER!!!!

Gutierrez received a standing ovation from the crowd and claimed her crown and sash and bouquet of flowers, basking in the moment.

She did it! She was Miss Universe 2015 … for two minutes and change until the music stopped and the MC awkwardly pulled a 180.

The look on Miss Colombia"s face – and Miss Philippines" face – when Harvey announced his EPIC mistake? Pretty astounding.

Harvey, to his credit, we supposed, owned the error.

Taking responsibility for flubbing the results, he made it clear that the correct version was on the card and that the epic fail was his alone.

He later took to Twitter to continue his mea culpa.

"I"d like to apologize wholeheartedly to Miss Colombia & Miss Philippines for my huge mistake. I feel terrible," Steve wrote.

"Secondly, I"d like to apologize to the viewers at that I disappointed as well. Again it was an honest mistake."

"I don"t want to take away from this amazing night and pageant. As well as the wonderful contestants. They were all amazing."

If nothing else, this at least took some of the attention away from the fact that Donald Trump owns the Miss Universe pageant.

Silver linings, right? Well, unless you"re Gutierrez.

Steve harvey announces wrong miss universe winner

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Jessa Duggar Home Birth: What Went Wrong?

We’re still awaiting updates on Jessa Duggar’s baby, though this much we know for certain:

The child is a boy. He came into this world on Thursday, November 5. He’s not small, weighing in at 9 pounds, 11 ounces and measuring 21.25 pounds.

We don’t yet know the little one’s name, but we do now know that not everything went totally smoothly for the first-time mother.

According to TMZ, an ambulance was called to the Duggar residence in Arkansas on Thursday afternoon.

It’s unclear whether paramedics were needed to help Jessa actually deliver or if there were complications after the baby arrived or what.

But sources have confirmed that mother Michelle Duggar is the person who dialed 911.

Jessa was hospitalized for at least some period of time, but photos posted by father Ben Seewald depict him and his child in front of their home closet.

The famous family has not addressed any issues that may have arisen during childbirth, while Seewald informed fans on Friday that Jessa and the couple’s baby are doing very well.

“Our sweet baby boy was born last night,” Ben wrote on their website. “He weighed 9 lbs and 11 ounces and is 21 1/4 inches long!

“He’s precious and both he and Jessa are doing great.”

We’re very glad to hear it.

This is the first child for Jessa and Ben, but the longest in a very long line of Duggar kids.

We’ll learn plenty more about the birth, the aftermath and the experience of Ben and Jessa being new parents when they appear on a three-part TLC special, “Counting On,” in December.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Khloe Kardashian to Rob Kardashian: What is WRONG With You?!

As we reported earlier, Khloe Kardashian covers the new issue of People, and inside the magazine, the 31-year-old reality star gives one of her most revealing interviews to date.

Khloe already cleared the air and responded to critics who say that she’s exploiting Lamar’s situation, by explaining that the People cover shoot was completed before Lamar’s overdose.

That may explain why so much of the interview is focused not on Lamar, but on the other troubled man in her life:

“Rob is such a great guy,” she says of her younger brother. “He’s charming, charismatic, everything. That’s what’s so infuriating. I’m like, ‘Where is your will to live life? Let’s be around people!"” 

Khloe goes on to explain her theory on why Rob seems to have such a harder time in life than his siblings:

“My dad died when Rob was 16. Rob doesn’t have a father figure in his life. When Bruce was around, he was great, but he was going through his own things that none of us understood at the time. Lamar was [Rob’s father figure]. Once Lamar left – and it’s not Lamar’s fault at all – I think Rob didn’t know where to go. He was like, ‘I don’t have guidance anymore."” 

Yes, it certainly sounds like he’s had a rough go of it in recent years, but that doesn’t mean that Khloe plans to sit idly by while Rob drinks, smokes weed and plays video games all day while living in her house rent-free:

“I’ve been working on my patience. I’ve been really trying. But I have my moments and I do snap. I’ve offered to get a chef, I’m like, ‘What’s your excuse?"”

“But it’s not just that. I can’t win life for Rob. I have to wait until [he’s] ready to do it for himself … It’s sad, because he’s only wasting his life more and more. But he has to figure it out for himself. And he has so many people who want to help him.”

We can imagine her frustration. Rob has had a lot of advantages that very few people enjoy, but at the end of the day depression is depression and addiction is addiction, and Rob’s got a tough road ahead of him.

Even with the help of an awesome sister (and a personal chef) it won’t be easy for the man to get his life back. 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Westboro Baptist Church Messes with the Wrong High School

Oak Park High School 1, Westboro Baptist Church 0.

In the video featured here, we see the bigots from Westboro Baptist Church protesting the recent election of a transgender girl as homecoming queen.

But not long after these misguided Christians arrived at the school, carrying such signs as God Still Hates Fags, they were met by a counter-protest from students in support of Landon Patterson.

The hate group, which is based in Kansas, has previously picketed a Taylor Swift concert (labeling the singer a "whore") and even staged a rally at Robin Williams" funeral.

But watch this awesome footage to see Church members driven away by students chanting "long live the queen!" in honor of their chosen homecoming representative.

"This isn"t just about supporting Landon, this is about supporting all our students," Christina Palermo, an organizer for the rally, told a local news outlet. "Landon is just their scapegoat. They"re attacking everyone in the LGBT community."

Westboro baptist church just messed with the wrong high school

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Chet Hanks -- I Was Wrong to Fight for "N-Word" ... That Was the Cocaine Talking (VIDEO)


Tom Hanks‘ son is waving the white flag in his crusade to use the n-word … admitting he was off the rails due to drug addiction and the pressure of being Tom’s kid.

A few months ago Chet Hanks — who raps under the name Chet Hazeranted about his right to say the n-word whenever and wherever he wanted … but now says, “It’s not my place to speak on it and I’m genuinely sorry for the people that I offended.”

The reason for his about face … rehab. Chet says he’s been getting treatment for cocaine addiction that got so bad his nose was clogged. He adds that being Tom Hanks’ son isn’t all silver spoons. In fact, he thinks that’s part of the reason he got so screwed up.