Showing posts with label Hiddleston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hiddleston. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Taylor Swift Started Dating Joe Alwyn Just WEEKS After Dumping Tom Hiddleston!

If you have any interest in the game of “which pale Brit is playing the role of Taylor Swift’s arm candy today?” then you’ve probably already heard that Taylor is dating Joe Alwyn.

Like Tom Hiddleston, Calvin Harris, and Harry Styles before him, Joe is a pasty young lad from the UK.

Unlike those other blokes, he’s not really famous in his own right, so there’s no risk that Joe will outshine Taylor or team with one of her celebrity rivals.

It’s a match made in Superficial Heaven!

The official story from Camp Swifty is that Taylor has “learned from her past relationships” and thus decided to move to slowly and keep things on the down-low with Joe.

That lie served it’s intended purpose for about a week, but now there’s a whole slew of pesky facts getting in the way of the “mature, world-weary Taylor” narrative.

For instance, we learned yesterday that Alwyn and Swift are moving in together.

Now, to us, that doesn’t sound like taking things slow, especially when moving in together requires one person to relocate to another continent.

(It’s Joe who will be leaving his home to move in with Taylor, obvi.)

Unless, of course, they’ve actually been together much longer than they’re letting on.

A clearly Taylor-approved source spoke to People magazine this week, and she may have revealed more than she intended to about Taylor’s relationship timeline:

“Taylor has been insanely private about her relationship with Joe,” the insider says.

“She wanted to get to know him without any chaos. She has learned from the past.”

The insider adds:

“Joe’s a very normal, down-to-earth guy. He’s private and low-key.”

And now that the relationship is public, the Taylor surrogate claims, “they’re on the same page on how to handle the attention.”

The tipster stopped just short of saying they rode unicorns over a rainbow on their first date, a la Ron Burgundy and Veronica Corningstone.

Unfortunately, like Kellyanne Conway on a Sunday morning talk show, the Taylor talk piece got cocky and screwed up when it came time to confirm some details:

Asked if Taylor and Joe were already dating when they were spotted at a Kings of Leon concert (RIP, Kings of Leon Being Cool: 2003 – 2017) back in October, the source replied in the affirmative.

That would mean they were officially dating just weeks after Taylor broke up with Tom Hiddleston.

And of course, there’s no saying how soon Taylor and Joe started hooking up before they made it official.

Guess she’s shaking off relationships faster than ever these days.


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Tom Hiddleston: I Don"t Want to Talk About Taylor Swift Anymore!

Tom Hiddleston … well, he’s not doing so hot these days.

And there’s approximately a 100% chance that that’s because of Taylor Swift.

Tom was doing fine before he began dating Taylor last June. He had those Thor movies, he was a respected actor with a solid fan base. It was good.

But when he got with Taylor, something happened. He changed.

And not for the better.

About three seconds after they decided to get together (which coincidentally happened about three seconds after she broke up with Calvin Harris), they were photographed kissing on a beach.

After that, they were photographed going on dates around the world, meeting each other’s parents and having the most romantic time.

Oh, and who could forget Taylor’s annual Fourth of July party when Tom rocked a tank top that read “I Heart T.S.”?

It was embarrassing, overwhelming, and it only lasted for a few months — they announced their split in September.

Since then, Tom has spent his time talking about Taylor Swift, giving weird, self-congratulatory speeches, and then talking about Taylor Swift some more.

But now he’s had enough.

In a new interview with The Telegraph, Tom was asked if he regretted “the publicity and gossip” that came with his relationship with Taylor.

And his response, which he’s said to have given “testily,” was “What should I regret in your mind? I would rather not talk about this, if that’s all right.”

For one, it’s kind of dumb that Tom’s asking what he’s supposed to regret when the poor reporter was pretty clear. And for two … come on, Tom.

Then, “after a long pause, with his hand on his chin” — he sure sounds insufferable, huh? — he said “I’m just thinking about this. Everyone is entitled to a private life.”

“I love what I do and I dedicate myself with absolute commitment to making great art and great entertainment, and in my mind I don’t conflict the two.”

“My work is in the public sphere and I have a private life,” he concluded. “And those two things are separate.”

It’s just kind of rich that he’s going on about having a “private life,” because of course he does, but when it suits his purposes, he’s totally fine with sharing intimate details.

Just last month, he said that “Taylor is an amazing woman. She’s generous and kind and lovely, and we had the best time.”

And it’s worth saying again: he posed for a photo for Instagram in a tank top with the words “I Heart T.S.” on it.

But yeah, go ahead and sass reporters and pretend like you’re above all this media attention, Tom. Great plan.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Tom Hiddleston on Taylor Swift Romance: It Was Real... and Spectacular!

Tom Hiddleston is featured on the cover of the latest GQ, opening up to the magazine about his past romance with Taylor Swift.

For some reason.

Despite splitting from the singer back in early September, the actor goes on in detail about the relationship once the topic is broached in this month’s feature story.

Within the first month of dating, Hiddleston and Swift (Hiddleswift, of course) met each other’s parents and traveled around the world together.

They were spotted in public holding hands and kissing and being so overt with their apparent love that many critics couldn’t help but wonder:

WTH? Is this even a real relationship?!?

Yes, Hiddleston insists.

“Of course it was real,” he tells GQ, just a few months after saying he would not talk about Swift.

The reason why Hiddleston and Swift finally ended their whirlwind courtship was never made explicit.

There was a lot of chatter last fall over just who dumped whom, for example.

But Hiddleston only has nice things to say about the singer in this Q&A. Extremely nice things, really.

“Taylor is an amazing woman,” the 35-year-old actor gushes. “She’s generous and kind and lovely, and we had the best time.”

Yes, the Avengers star admits, things may have seemed unusually intense right off the bat to anyone outside of the relationship.

But he explains to GQ that both stars were seeking a “genuine connection” with someone when they met. So the timing was perfect.

Alas, the circumstances were not.

“A relationship in the limelight…A relationship always takes work. And it’s not just the limelight. It’s everything else,” he says here, mysteriously.

And he even touches upon what was may have been the most controversial aspect of the romance, the red flag that was raised in the eyes of those who doubted the legitimacy of the feelings involved.

We speak, of course, about the time Hiddleston wore a “I ♥ T.S.” tank top while hanging out with Taylor and her pals on Juky Fourth.

Care to explain how THAT came about, Tom?

“The truth is it was the Fourth of July and a public holiday and we were playing a game and I slipped and hurt my back,” Hiddleston says.

“And I wanted to protect the graze from the sun and said, ‘Does anyone have a T-shirt?’ And one of her friends said, ‘I’ve got this."”

Ummm…. okay.

That seems ridiculous enough that it may actually be the truth.

“It was a joke,” Hiddleston says now, reiterating that word for emphasis in the interview.

The famous (and questionable couple called it quits shortly before the 2016 Emmy Awards.

Swift, who concluded her 1989 World Tour last year, has not yet commented on their relationship.

Hiddleston, meanwhile, is just trying to live and learn from it.

“I have to be so psychologically strong about not letting other people’s interpretations about my life affect my life. A relationship exists between two people. We will always know what it was,” he says, concluding as follows:

“I’m still trying to work out a way of having a personal life and protecting it, but also without hiding. So the hardest thing is that that was a joke among friends on the Fourth of July…

“I was just surprised that it got so much attention. The tank top became an emblem of this thing.”

But whatever, he says. You may very well see him in another tank top down the line.

“I’m not going to live my life in hiding,” the actor says.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tom Hiddleston: Sorry for That Ridiculous Golden Globes Speech!

Tom Hiddleston is getting back together with Taylor Swift.

Just kidding. Probably. We have no inside information to back up this assertion.

But the actor may need that sort of public relations maneuver in order to ensure people forget about what happened on stage at the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night.

Upon winning a trophy for his role in AMC’s The Night Manager, Hiddleston rambled on for minutes about a trip he had recently taken to South Sudan.

He talked at length about the help he tried to provide that war-torn, impoverished region, adding that a group from Doctors Without Borders had approached him and claimed they had watched his miniseries during a period of shelling the month before.

Hiddleston explained that he was moved by “the idea that we could provide some relief and entertainment for people … who are fixing the world in the places where it is broken.”

He wrapped up by dedicating his win “to those out there who are doing their best.”

Was his heart in the right place? Maybe.

But watch the way he patted himself on the back and also watch to take note of the hilarious audience reaction to Hiddleston’s story (Christian Slater’s face is easily our favorite).

A day after making what many have considered to be a self-righteous, self-serving, self-aggrandizing speech, Hiddleston reflected on his words via Facebook.

And he admitted that everything came out wrong.

Blaming nerves, the actor has apologized for sharing his rambling tale with the Golden Globes audience.

“I just wanted to say… I completely agree that my speech at the Golden Globes last night was inelegantly expressed,” Hiddleston wrote.

“In truth, I was very nervous, and my words just came out wrong.”

We can believe that.

We can also believe that Hiddleston was trying to qualify for the HumbleBrag Hall of Fame.

But let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, shall we?

“Sincerely, my only intention was to salute the incredible bravery and courage of the men and women who work so tirelessly for UNICEF UK, Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), and World Food Programme, and the children of South Sudan, who continue to find hope and joy in the most difficult conditions,” he added.

“I apologise that my nerves got the better of me.”

tom h

In response to Hiddleston’s speech, even a few celebrities couldn’t help but jump on social media to give him some flak.

Tweeted Scandal actor Joshua Malina, for example:

“Thank you to Tom Hiddleston and all actors who dare to perform in projects that are shown in some of the most dangerous parts of the world.”


Fortunately for Hiddleston, Meryl Streep also talked at length at the Golden Globes.

Using her platform to shame Donald Trump, Streep has received the bulk of attention from the event, with the President-Elect lashing out on Twitter and referring to Streep as overrated in response.

You can click through the following video gallery for a look back at the best and worst speeches from Sunday’s ceremony and then you can react:

Do you accept Hiddleston’s apology?

Do you think it was necessary?

Do you even believe that aid workers in Sudan chose to binge-watch The Night Manager of all possible shows?!?


Monday, January 9, 2017

This is the Tom Hiddleston Speech Everyone is Slamming

Tom Hiddleston won his first Golden Globe Award on Sunday night.

And he lost the respect of pretty much everyone who watched him accept said Golden Globe Award.

Having earned the trophy for his leading role in the AMC minseries The Night Manager, Hiddleston used his platform to tell a story.

It was a story about a recent trip he took South Sudan, where he worked with the United Nations Children’s Fund.

While there, Hiddleston says he was approached by a group of physicians and nurses with Doctors Without Borders who said they’d binge-watched The Night Manager during the previous month’s attack.

Hiddleston went on to say he moved by “the idea that we could provide some relief and entertainment for people … who are fixing the world in the places where it is broken" and he then dedicated his victory “to those out there who are doing their best."

Without being overly cynical, we"d like to think Hiddleston"s heart was in the right place.

Entertainment can absolutely provide a welcome distract and some kind of relief to those in need.

But social media has lit the actor up for the self-aggrandizing nature of his acceptance speech.

“That was a long story Tom Hiddleston told to pay himself a compliment,” TV writer Gary Janetti wrote on Twitter, while Scandl star Joshua Malina chimed in as follows:

"Thank you to Tom Hiddleston and all actors who dare to perform in projects that are shown in some of the most dangerous parts of the world."

Watch the speech for yourself and decide whether Hiddleston deserved all this ridicule:

Tom hiddleston mocked slammed for self serving golden globes spe

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston: Back Together?!

Remember last week, when several media outlets reported on the rumor that Taylor Swift was dating Drake?

Well, it seems that either Aubrey has once again had his heartbroken by an A-list songstress, or the the whole thing was bogus.

Frankly, neither possibility would surprise us.

Anyway, it’s not the ongoing romantic woes of young Drizzy that we’re concerning ourselves with today.

Rather, we’re looking into the question of who will be joining Taylor for a picturesque Thanksgiving straight of an L.L. Bean catalog in a few weeks time.

Sure, Halloween just passed last night, but the leaves are rapidly turning and the weather is getting colder than a long elevator ride with Taylor and Katy Perry.

You can be damn sure that Taylor is not gonna be making vegan spins on crock pot classics or watching Hallmark movies about people getting laid on Christmas on her own!

That means she needs a dude in her life ASAP, and it seems that rather than trying on something new, she’s decided to just go back to the closet for an old favorite.

Yes, the Tom Hiddleston-Taylor Swift breakup may have been one of the ugliest in recent memory, but there’s reason to believe that Swiddles might be back from the dead.

How do we know?

Well, get ready to step through the looking glass and enter the world of restraining order-worthy celebrity obsession:

According to Lainey Gossip, some fans are in the habit of tracking Taylor’s private jet.

Yes, flight records are public information, so you can keep track of your favorite celeb’s PJ, but, ya know … don’t.

Anyway, in this rare case, the Swifties uncovered something that might sort of qualify as semi-interesting information.

It seems Tom recently wrapped filming on Thor 3, but decided to skip the wrap party in Australia.

Instead, he flew to London, presumably with the intention of spending some time in his hometown.

Thanks to Taylor’s online stalkers, we know that she also flew to London the same weekend.

Interestingly, her plane landed at Stansted airport.

Typically, when Taylor flies to London, she lands at Luton airport.

In fact the only other time she flew into Stansted was she went to the UK to meet Hiddleston’s mom over the summer.

So Taylor and Tom flew to London the same day, she’s been keeping a low profile, and she landed at the airport with the quickest connections to Tom’s hometown.

Hopefully, one of those lunatic fans has access to her credit card statements so we can find out if and when she orders matching skiing teddy bear sweaters.


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Britney Spears and Tom Hiddleston Coupling Up?!

Britney Spears is reportedly crushing hard on Taylor Swift’s ex, Tom Hiddleston

Sources tell Heat World that the two are definitely interested in each other, but are they interested enough to join their names together? 

So many options: Hiddlespears, Spearsleston, Hitneystoney … but our vote is for the simple moniker of “Brom.” 

Catchy, right? 

Britney’s manager reportedly reached out to Tom’s peeps to set up a one-on-one, and sources say that he’s interested. 

“He’s definitely open to it,” they revealed. 

“She was his childhood crush, so never say never.” 

“Britney thinks she’s got a chance, and after being with Taylor, maybe Tom wants someone a little older.” 

“Britney is more than ready to date again,” the source continued. 

“She has a huge weakness for British guys.” 

“To her, they are the ultimate gentlemen,” revealed the insider. 

“She loves the accent and their good manners.” 

It sounds like she’s almost treading in desperation territory. 

“All Britney wants is to have a chance to go on a date with Tom, and she’s very hopeful that once they get some alone time together, she’ll be able to totally charm him,” the source continued. 

Previously, Tom was linked to Taylor Swift – as if somehow, you were buried in a hole in rural Guam for the last few months – but things apparently didn’t end well. 

Though rumors swirled that Taylor just “got sick” of Hiddleston, you know that’s her fall-back story in any breakup. 

Sources revealed that Tom “grew tired” of Taylor, and “not the other way around.” 

“Tom drifted from her and it had nothing to do with her being put off by the publicity.” 

“It’s more to do with the fact that he’s a commitment-phobe who gets bored easily,” the insider continued. 

It was reported that Taylor got way too clingy in the early stages of the game – surprise, surprise! – and that put off Hiddleston majorly. 

Apparently, Hiddleston realized that “he may have made a mistake after [Taylor] insisted upon them meeting each other’s parents the space of 24 hours.” 

Truth be told, Tom can probably get any woman in Hollywood – or anywhere else for that matter.

While Britney is Hollywood royalty … you know, sort of … we don’t think that Britney would be his first choice, honestly. 

Nothing against Brit, but maybe she should stay in her own lane in this case. 


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Tom Hiddleston: I Dumped Taylor Swift, Not The Other Way Around!

Just when Tom Hiddleston thought he escaped the unfathomable hell of dating Taylor Swift, he’s pulled right back in.

The cycle of a break-up always includes the inevitable question, “Who broke up with whom?

It’s all very he said/she said, but Hiddleston, for one, is not going to sit back and let people assume it was Swift who ended things. 

“The reports are wide of the mark and come as news to all Tom’s friends,” a source, who worked with Hiddleston on the 2014 stage production of Coriolanus, told UK’s Heat Magazine.

He grew tired of Taylor, it wasn’t the other way round.

“Tom drifted from her and it had nothing to do with her being put off by the publicity.”

Hiddleston, it appears, rather prefers being a singleton.  

Also, he might have ADD.

“It’s more to do with the fact he’s a commitment-phobe who gets bored very easily.”

People announced Hiddleston and Swift’s break-up on September 6th, though no reason for the split was given.

Many were convinced that the set-up was a publicity stunt, put on to keep the two relevant.

In July, a source close to Hiddleston told The Hollywood Gossip that it was, indeed, all for show.

“Tom and Taylor’s relationship was initially set up by Taylor’s PR team after they bumped into each other at Anna Wintour’s house-party,” the source explained.

The reason?  Swift wasn’t making music, but wanted to remain in the spotlight until she released her next album.

“Tom was prepared to go along with it because he believed that he and Taylor would be able to find something in common with each other.  At least have some fun together. 

“It worked, and whilst he does care about Taylor, he is now beginning to realize that he may have made a mistake after she insisted upon them meeting each other’s parents within the space of twenty four hours.” 

Yeah…that’s a bit much.

“Taylor is practically glued to his side,” the source added.

“After only one month of dating, she is talking about moving in with him, getting married, and having children with him.”

And just like Heat’s source, this one brought up Hiddleston’s commitment issues.

“Tom has always had huge commitment issues, so Taylor talking to him about those things, and after such a short amount of time, is really beginning to freak him out.”

Another source told Radar Online last month that Hiddleston was sick of being a “glorified escort” for Swift.

“Tom can’t deal with being a laughing stock and has told Taylor he’s done unless there’s a 360-degree change on her part.

“It bothers him so much that they’ve become known as this fauxmance laughing stock.”

Hiddleston will be at this year’s Primetime Emmy Awards on September 18th, since he’s nominated for his role in the miniseries, The Night Manager.

Meanwhile, Swift will be writing some new songs…

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston: Who Dumped Whom? (And Who "Won" the Breakup?)

As you’ve probably heard by now, Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston have broken up after just three months of dating.

We’ve already broken down the big theories regarding where it all went wrong for Swift and Hiddleston, but despite the mountains of speculation on the Internet, two important questions remain:

1. Who was the one that finally decided to pull the plug on this brief, possibly fake relationship? And:

2. Who’s “winning” the breakup in the eyes of fans?

Sadly, it’ll probably be a while before we get any concrete answers with regard to the first question.

Of course, the truth will come out eventually as Taylor’s exes generally do talk to the press at some point (as evidenced by the Calvin Harris interview published by British GQ today).

And of course, Taylor always vents her frustrations in song form.

But this time she may have met her match in terms of coming out on top after a highly publicized breakup.

Yes, it seems that the answer to the second question – that of who’s being perceived as the more likable of the two in the wake of the Swiddles split – seems to be pretty clear.

Maybe it’s the fact that Taylor is disliked by so many social media users these days that the “Taylor Swift is over party” became a worldwide trending topic during her recent PR troubles…

…or perhaps it’s the fact that Hiddleston has such a solid reputation as a nice guy that he’s beloved by a legion of devote fans, even though he’s most famous for playing a supervillain.

Whatever the case, the court of public opinion has spoken, and the verdict is nigh-unanimous:

According to social media, Hiddleston is the good guy here.

“Insiders” from both camps have blamed the other party for being overly concerned with fame and appearances, and unwilling to put in the time and effort necessary to make a relationship work.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the split comes on the heels of the worst week of Taylor’s career (during which she feuded with Kim Kardashian, got dissed by Harris, and took multiple hits to her reputation), but the public is only buying Hiddleston’s story.

Interestingly, Taylor’s “hell week” may have contributed to the conditions under which the breakup took place.

Several sources have indicated that Hiddleston badly wanted Swift to attend the upcoming Emmy Awards ceremony with him.

Apparently, she had previously agreed to do so, but then decided against it, as she’s lying low until her current mini-scandals blow over.

Taylor skipped the VMAs last week to nurse her ailing ego/reputation, and she apparently informed Hiddleston that she’s had a change of heart about working the red carpet at the Emmys as well.

According to some sources, this sparked an argument which the young relationship simply couldn’t survive.

Like we said, it may be quite some time in tell you find out exactly what happened.

But we wouldn’t be surprised if Taylor is in a studio somewhere trying to think of words that rhyme with “Emmy.”

Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift: Was It Ever Real?

Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift are over.

However, to paraphrase Ross Geller on Friends, were Tom Hiddleston and Taylor Swift ever really… under?

From nearly the moment Swift’s lips touched those of Hiddleston, few people in the celebrity gossip world actually believed this relationship was real.

For what reason? Let’s examine the so-called evidence:

Swift and Hiddleston went public with their romance in the middle of June, in a most UN-Taylor Swift-like fashion:

A seemingly perfect photo opportunity was captured by a paparazzi member, as The Sun published a front page image of Hiddleston laying the saliva smack down on Swift.

How did a photographer manage to snap this cozy interaction, which took place near Swift’s estate in Rhode Island?

Easy, conspiracy theorists allege, because Swift tipped him off and set up the scene perfectly for him. It was contrived, they claim.

Why would she do this?

D’uh, these same theorists argue, because Swift has released a new album in the fall of every year since 2006.

(A reminder: Taylor Swift (2006), Fearless (2008), Speak Now (2010), Red (2012) and 1989 (2014).)

Having just recently split from Calvin Harris, the theory goes, Swift needed material for a new album, which, based on the aforementioned schedule, will drop some time over the next few months.

She couldn’t simply be single when it came out. She couldn’t be in a steady relationship, either.

No, this is Taylor Swift. She needed to have just had her heart broken in order to make the sort of music for which she’s become famous.

So she arranged a fake dalliance with Hiddleston and then she made sure it was over just in time to write some fresh songs and prepare her record.

And why would Hiddleston go along with this PR stunt?

Because the boost in his image would help him land the coveted role of James Bond, some have actually said.

How would dating Taylor Swift push James Bond producers to cast Hiddleston in this iconic part? It’s unclear.

Swift and Hiddleston made the international rounds, showing up in Italy and Australia over the past few months, arm-in-arm, hand-in-hand… arranged photo op by arranged photo op?

That’s what critics believe.

But then there’s this nugget, courtesy of an Us Weekly insider:

Tom wanted the relationship to be more public than she was comfortable with. Taylor knew the backlash that comes with public displays of affection but Tom didn’t listen to her concerns when she brought them up.”

That statement, if true, would fly against the hypothesis that Swift was the one pushing to make this romance as public as possible.

Moreover… does it really make any sense?

Taylor Swift is already the best-selling artist in the world.

She wins nearly every music award. She breaks nearly every record with every new album.

If there’s one criticism of Swift, it that’s she dates around too much … and that she only dates celebrities … and that she thinks every relationship will end in marriage … and that she flaunts each boyfriend in nauseating fashion.

So it would somehow occur to her that a positive PR move would be to date again so soon after Harris… and to date another celebrity… and to leak that she’d say yes if Hiddleston proposed… and to flaunt her new love in nauseating fashion?


But that’s just our opinion. It’s time to cast your opinion:

And the Winner is?

Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are no longer dating. Was the relationship ever real, though? VOTE NOW! View Poll »

Was the TayTom romance real? Sort of real? Never real?

Click above and cast your vote!

Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston: Where Did It Go Wrong?!?

It is, perhaps not shockingly, all over for Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston.

The singer and actor, whose coupling dominated celebrity gossip headlines all summer, have reportedly ended their relationship.

What went wrong?

How did a couple that seemed either so in love or so contrived (depending on who you asked) fizzle out after months of PDA and even talk of marriage?

“It was an amicable split,” an insider tells People Magazine of the Swiddleston dissolution.

It also should maybe not be a surprising one, considering Taylor and Tom had not been spotted out together since they had dinner in Santa Monica on July 27.

Heck, just a few days prior to this confirmation, THG reported that Hiddleston had had enough of Swift.

The romance between the singing sensation and The Avengers actor – who is nine years her senior – went viral on June 15 when photos of the celebrities frolicking on the beach in Rhode Island covered The Sun.

By frolicking, of course, we mean that the stars got to at least first base for all of the world to see and gawk over.

This kiss-filled interaction took place just weeks after Swift broke up with Calvin Harris, her previous long-term boyfriend.

There was talk soon afterward that Swift actually cheated on Harris with Hiddleston, but that scandal has never been proven.

Within weeks of swapping spit and maybe other bodily fluids, the pair met each other’s families.

They also celebrated July Fourth together and were spotted around the world; from Italy to Australia.

As is so often the case with Swift, sources claimed she thought she had found The One in Hiddleston.

So … what happened?

“Taylor felt he wanted to take the relationship to be too public,” a source told E! News. “And she was not happy about it and thought it was too much publicity.”

Wait, what?!? Taylor Swift did NOT want to make a big, public deal out of her relationship?

What will you tell us next, that Chris Brown is kind and sensitive when it comes to women?

This revelation is particularly stunning because most have assumed Swift was the one who both pushed hard to hook up with Hiddleston…

… and then who pushed even harder to make sure the entire world knew about it.

An endless array of critics accused the stars of faking their relationship for PR purposes, although it was never clear why Swift would do this.

For starters, she’s the latest celebrity who needs to fake anything for PR purposes. She’s already the biggest-selling artist on the planet.

Second, IF Taylor Swift were thinking about her image, wouldn’t she abstain from a relationship with a fellow celebrity?

The one consistent knock on Swift is that she dates around and that she only dates a certain type of famous person.

So no one has yet been able to explain what possible advantage there would be for her to shove this romance in the world’s face.

Swift, meanwhile, hasn’t released any new music since she and Calvin Harris got together in early 2015.

We doubt she’ll comment at all on her break up any time soon, at least not in straightforward fashion.

But if she sings at all about a “low-key”* relationship on her next album, we think we know exactly who it will be about.

(*Get it? Because Hiddleston portrays Loki on the big screen?)

What do you think of Taylor and Tom calling it quits? Did you see this coming? Do you believe that he was the one who wanted to make things more public?


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston Break Up: The World Reacts

Their three-month relationship was the source of tabloid fodder all summer long, so now that Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston are done (according to sources close to People Magazine), the world can let out a collective sigh.

Who besides us thought this was just another publicity stunt?  Everyone?  OK, good.

Below is a journey through the reactions of Hiddleswift fans the world over.

1. Tom and Taylor Split Up!

Kristin wiig no way gif


2. Their Relationship Only Lasted Three Months!

Queen elizabeth unimpressed gif


3. Do You Wonder Why They Split Up?

Boo is bored monsters inc gif

Or are you more psyched about your nap?

4. Pardon The Interruption, But Hiddleswift Is No More

Amy poehler george clooney cuddle gif

I’ll pass along your condolences…

5. So, It Was An Actual Relationship?

Ryan gosling gif

They didn’t really like each other, did they?

6. In July, Tom Told The Hollywood Reporter He and Taylor Were Very Happy

Tim curry bored gif


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