Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Tom Hiddleston: Sorry for That Ridiculous Golden Globes Speech!

Tom Hiddleston is getting back together with Taylor Swift.

Just kidding. Probably. We have no inside information to back up this assertion.

But the actor may need that sort of public relations maneuver in order to ensure people forget about what happened on stage at the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night.

Upon winning a trophy for his role in AMC’s The Night Manager, Hiddleston rambled on for minutes about a trip he had recently taken to South Sudan.

He talked at length about the help he tried to provide that war-torn, impoverished region, adding that a group from Doctors Without Borders had approached him and claimed they had watched his miniseries during a period of shelling the month before.

Hiddleston explained that he was moved by “the idea that we could provide some relief and entertainment for people … who are fixing the world in the places where it is broken.”

He wrapped up by dedicating his win “to those out there who are doing their best.”

Was his heart in the right place? Maybe.

But watch the way he patted himself on the back and also watch to take note of the hilarious audience reaction to Hiddleston’s story (Christian Slater’s face is easily our favorite).

A day after making what many have considered to be a self-righteous, self-serving, self-aggrandizing speech, Hiddleston reflected on his words via Facebook.

And he admitted that everything came out wrong.

Blaming nerves, the actor has apologized for sharing his rambling tale with the Golden Globes audience.

“I just wanted to say… I completely agree that my speech at the Golden Globes last night was inelegantly expressed,” Hiddleston wrote.

“In truth, I was very nervous, and my words just came out wrong.”

We can believe that.

We can also believe that Hiddleston was trying to qualify for the HumbleBrag Hall of Fame.

But let’s give him the benefit of the doubt, shall we?

“Sincerely, my only intention was to salute the incredible bravery and courage of the men and women who work so tirelessly for UNICEF UK, Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), and World Food Programme, and the children of South Sudan, who continue to find hope and joy in the most difficult conditions,” he added.

“I apologise that my nerves got the better of me.”

tom h

In response to Hiddleston’s speech, even a few celebrities couldn’t help but jump on social media to give him some flak.

Tweeted Scandal actor Joshua Malina, for example:

“Thank you to Tom Hiddleston and all actors who dare to perform in projects that are shown in some of the most dangerous parts of the world.”


Fortunately for Hiddleston, Meryl Streep also talked at length at the Golden Globes.

Using her platform to shame Donald Trump, Streep has received the bulk of attention from the event, with the President-Elect lashing out on Twitter and referring to Streep as overrated in response.

You can click through the following video gallery for a look back at the best and worst speeches from Sunday’s ceremony and then you can react:

Do you accept Hiddleston’s apology?

Do you think it was necessary?

Do you even believe that aid workers in Sudan chose to binge-watch The Night Manager of all possible shows?!?
