Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Taylor Swift & Tom Hiddleston: Who Dumped Whom? (And Who "Won" the Breakup?)

As you’ve probably heard by now, Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston have broken up after just three months of dating.

We’ve already broken down the big theories regarding where it all went wrong for Swift and Hiddleston, but despite the mountains of speculation on the Internet, two important questions remain:

1. Who was the one that finally decided to pull the plug on this brief, possibly fake relationship? And:

2. Who’s “winning” the breakup in the eyes of fans?

Sadly, it’ll probably be a while before we get any concrete answers with regard to the first question.

Of course, the truth will come out eventually as Taylor’s exes generally do talk to the press at some point (as evidenced by the Calvin Harris interview published by British GQ today).

And of course, Taylor always vents her frustrations in song form.

But this time she may have met her match in terms of coming out on top after a highly publicized breakup.

Yes, it seems that the answer to the second question – that of who’s being perceived as the more likable of the two in the wake of the Swiddles split – seems to be pretty clear.

Maybe it’s the fact that Taylor is disliked by so many social media users these days that the “Taylor Swift is over party” became a worldwide trending topic during her recent PR troubles…

…or perhaps it’s the fact that Hiddleston has such a solid reputation as a nice guy that he’s beloved by a legion of devote fans, even though he’s most famous for playing a supervillain.

Whatever the case, the court of public opinion has spoken, and the verdict is nigh-unanimous:

According to social media, Hiddleston is the good guy here.

“Insiders” from both camps have blamed the other party for being overly concerned with fame and appearances, and unwilling to put in the time and effort necessary to make a relationship work.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the split comes on the heels of the worst week of Taylor’s career (during which she feuded with Kim Kardashian, got dissed by Harris, and took multiple hits to her reputation), but the public is only buying Hiddleston’s story.

Interestingly, Taylor’s “hell week” may have contributed to the conditions under which the breakup took place.

Several sources have indicated that Hiddleston badly wanted Swift to attend the upcoming Emmy Awards ceremony with him.

Apparently, she had previously agreed to do so, but then decided against it, as she’s lying low until her current mini-scandals blow over.

Taylor skipped the VMAs last week to nurse her ailing ego/reputation, and she apparently informed Hiddleston that she’s had a change of heart about working the red carpet at the Emmys as well.

According to some sources, this sparked an argument which the young relationship simply couldn’t survive.

Like we said, it may be quite some time in tell you find out exactly what happened.

But we wouldn’t be surprised if Taylor is in a studio somewhere trying to think of words that rhyme with “Emmy.”