Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Watch Chrisley Knows Best Online: Check Out Season 4 Episode 16

Does it sometimes feel like producers come up with titles for Chrisley Knows Best episodes before they even have a topic?

This week, for instance, Chrisley Knows Best Season 4 Episode 16 was called “Colon All Cards.”

It centered on Todd scheduling Julie’s colonoscopy; and then on her forcing him to get one, too.

She shouldn’t have had to do that, of course, because all men Todd’s age should get colonoscopies regularly. It’s the same and smart thing to do.

In other events from Tuesday night, Faye’s gambling spiraled a bit out control, with Lindsie taking drastic measures to get her to quit.

Use the video featured here to watch Chrisley Knows Best online and find out more now.