Thursday, September 8, 2016

Beyonce: Delaying Baby #2 Due to Jay Z"s Infidelity?

For about as long as the A-list couple has been together, rumors that Jay Z is cheating on Beyonce have been circulating on social media.

Bey seemed to verify that at least some of these reports were accurate when she basically called Jay out for cheating in damn near every song on her new album.

We may never know the extent of the iconic rapper’s infidelity, but according to a shocking new report from Radar Online, Jay’s sleeping around may have led Beyonce to delay her plans to have a second child.

The site claims that it’s not the fact that Beyonce doesn’t want to make a sibling for Blue Ivy with an unfaithful husband.

Rather, the stress from Jay’s cheating has reportedly left her unable to conceive.

Sounds like a stretch, but Radar claims to have inside info about the couple’s difficulties getting pregnant.

“The couple is consulting with an expert who specializes in kinesiology [the scientific study of movement] to identify what imbalances might exist that could be preventing successful reproduction,” says a source close to the Carters.

“Beyonce and Jay have daily sessions in person or by Skype with the specialist who evaluates their diets and finds out the points of stress in their relationship and in their bodies…then works to detoxify these elements with magnets, massages and weak electrical current.”

Is it just us, or does kinesiology sound like a recommendation from Bey’s self-proclaimed bestie Gwyneth Paltrow.

The insider adds:

“Beyonce has always worried about Jay Z straying – that could be blocking the possibility of conception.

“She’s taking as many relaxing breaks as possible. Beyonce feels like she cannot have a baby until she has totally forgiven Jay Z! She still must have deep down concerns that their marriage might fail.”

We’re not at all surprised by the news that Beyonce is putting off baby #2, but we are surprised by the alleged reason behind the decision.

Which isn’t to say it’s not feasible.

Anyone who’s listened to Lemonade in its entirety can attest that Jay’s cheating was clearly devastating for his wife.

Combine that with the stress of raising a child and being a one-woman empire, and it’s not hard to see how Bey’s marriage could be taking a serious physical toll.

Fortunately, the source says that while she has no plans to leave Jay, she’s also not letting him off easy.

In fact, it seems part of their therapy involves her letting Hov have it:

“She shouts things like, ‘Pig! Cheater! Loser,’ while the sounds of the ocean play in the background,” the source claims.

“It makes her feel better.”

Somehow, that makes us feel better, too.